PERHAPS when you were little you had a certain kind of book which your mother or father read you. By this you may have learned the alphabet even before you could read by yourself.
“A is for apple, so rosy and red.”
Then “B” was for book, perhaps, and so on through to “Z.”
There is an A-B-C of the gospel, too. I hope you learn it.
“A” tells us:
What a terrible thing to think of being short of God’s glory. Yet we are His creatures and we must have to do with Him. God has said that everyone of us must give account to Him. But if I stand before Him in my sins I know I will be short of God’s glory and I must go to hell.
But thanks be to God for His wonderful love. He does not want anyone to go to hell. Our letter “B” tells us:
Who is the Lamb of God? It is Jesus, God’s Son. He came to earth to be a sacrifice for sins on Calvary’s cross. So the Bible tells us to behold—to look upon — the Lamb of God. As God’s Lamb He takes away the sin of the world and “whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:1616For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16).
Now “C” says:
Come to Him now, right where you are. Lift your heart to Him and quietly say, “Lord Jesus, I come. I am a sinner, but Thou hast died for me.”
“Behold the Lamb of God.”
“Come unto Me.”
“Seek ye the Lord, while He may be found. Call ye upon Him while He is near.” Is. 55:6.