The Apostle and High Priest of Our Profession

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Our GOD, who spake in sundry ways,
As ages past did run,
Hath in these last and closing days,
Address'd us in the Son.
The One who spake the worlds to be-
The earth, the stars, the sun,-
Who set a limit to the sea,
Who spake, and it was done.
The brightness of the glory He,
Who stoop'd in grace to die,
Then by God's just and right decree,
He took His seat on high.
'Tis His, the highest place in light,
As the eternal Son;
'Tis His, the highest place by right
As Son of man, He won.
His kingdom shall forever stand,
His scepter wide extend
O'er every people, nation, land,
Each knee to Him shall bend.
Our great Apostle, come from God,
Who came "to do his will"-
His "grace, and truth," to shed abroad,
His purpose to fulfill.
Our "great High Priest" to bear us in,
He pass'd within the veil;
With His own blood, which purged our sin,
For us He doth prevail.
His voice, which said, " Let there be light,"
Now speaks from heaven above,
It sounds amid this world's dark night,
In rich abounding love.
His God and Father, He declares-
The song of praise He leads,
Of those who with Him are co-heirs,
Whose cause He ever pleads.
Eternal counsels all unfold,
In Him the living Word;
Divine perfections we behold,
And own Him Christ the Lord!
Dec. 1881. G. W. F.