To be consistent, if Romanists believe the Virgin was sinless, then death could not have been her portion, for " the wages of sin is death." So they claim that she miraculously ascended to Heaven without dying, on the 15th August, A.D. 45. Recently in a Papal Consistory, the Pope has proclaimed the " Assumption " of the Virgin to be a dogma of the Church. Hitherto the Romanist could believe it or not at their discretion, but now it must be believed on pain of excommunication and eternal damnation. Such is Rome! There is not a single line of Scripture for the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, nor for her " Assumption " or translation to Heaven, without dying.
All the Pauline epistles were written well after A.D. 45, and in them is no mention of these notions. The Gospel of John was written long after the Pauline epistles, moreover it was to the Apostle John our Lord tenderly committed His mother according to the flesh, and yet he never said a word about the immaculate conception, or the miraculous ascension to Heaven without dying.
The whole thing is a pure invention with the object of leading Roman Catholics to the idolatrous worship of the mother of our Lord according to the flesh. We shall see to what lengths Rome can go in this direction.