The Athanasian Creed

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
He who denies the supreme deity of Jesus, or His perfect humanity, is guilty of the deepest affront to God, who gave His Son in infinite love and has sent the Spirit to uphold and testify His glory.
There is nothing in the Athanasian creed objectionable on this score. I believe it to be a singularly sound production, though not meaning by this that I should think it right to subscribe to it. I have long done with endorsing the dogmas of men, however excellent in themselves.
At the same time, while not willing to bind myself to human definitions of faith, I am of opinion that, put forward merely as an exposition of truth on the human and divine natures in the Person of Christ, it is admirable though perhaps too scholastic in form.
As for the outcry about damnatory clauses, it is all a mistake. Our Lord Himself says, "He that believeth not shall be damned." Does the Athanasian creed go farther than this? [31