A LADY went to Dr. Chalmers one day and said, "Doctor, I cannot bring my child to Christ; I have talked and talked, but it is no use."
The Doctor thought she lacked skill and said to the girl, "Now, they have been bothering you a good deal on this question of your soul's salvation. Suppose I just tell your mother that you do not want to be talked to any more on this subject for a whole year. Will that do? "
The Scotch lassie hesitated a little; then she said she did not think it would be safe to wait a whole year. Something might happen, or she might die before then. "That is so," said the Doctor, "and suppose we say now six months? "
She did not think even that would be safe. "Well, let me say three months," said the Doctor.
After some hesitation, the girlie said, "I do not really think it would be safe to put it off for three months. I don't feel safe in putting it off at all." So they knelt down together and told God, and all was settled.
J. M.