The Bible

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
My Book! my Book! my grand old Book! by inspiration
There every page from age to age, reveals the path to
My Lamp of Light! in nature's night, thy unbeclouded ray
Has turned the gloom of death's cold tomb to everlasting
My Chart! my Chart! my changeless Chart! by thee I guide
my bark,
A simple child on ocean wild, o'er mountain billows dark;
By thee I steer my safe career, with canvas all unfurled,
And onward sail before the gale, to yonder blissful world.
My Staff! my Staff! my trusty Staff! I'll grasp thee in my
As faint and weak on Pisgah's peak, I view the promised
Not sadly told, as one of old, to see—but to explore,
My hold I'll keep through Jordan's deep till safe on
Canaan's shore.
My Sword! my Sword! my two-edged Sword! by thy
unerring might,
I deal my foe the deadly blow, in faith's unequal fight;
Thy tempered blade, that lent me aid in every conflict
Shall make me more than conqueror, through Him who
loved, at last.
My Book! my Chart! my Staff! my Sword! heaven speed
thee on thy way
From pole to pole, as ages roll, the harbinger of day,
Till Christ "the Light," shall banish night from this
terrestrial ball,
And earth shall see her Jubilee, and God be all in all.
(Author unknown)