CALLED to the death-bed of a dear relative of mine some little time ago, I shall never forget his last words to me before he passed front time into eternity― “absent from the body, present with the Lord.”
We could not call it death, because he simply fell asleep in Jesus. After fifty-eight years of this life, during over thirty of which he had been a Christian, he gave this beautiful testimony before leaving us, “The blood has settled everything.”
Dear reader, think of the words of this dying man just passing into eternity. He did not leave this question of settlement to the last moment—he was a wise man, it was all settled between God and his soul years before-so, when the call came, he was ready, everything was settled. Now let me ask you this question: has the blood settled everything for you? if not, why not? Oh! precious blood! What a debt you owe! True, you may not owe your neighbor anything, but what about your God, your life, your sins, those slighted invitations, your precious but neglected immortal soul? How the debt piles up, does it not? Now you need a settlement, there is no doubt about that. If I owed you a thousand pounds and had not one penny to pay, but a kind friend paid it for me, that would settle it.
Peter, writing by the power of the Spirit of God, says, “Forasmuch as ye know ye were not redeemed with corruptible things such as silver and gold... but with the precious blood of Christ.” So the precious blood of Christ has settled it. Do you believe that? The one of whom we are writing knew it by simple faith in the Word of the Living God, so passed out of time into eternity, without a doubt or a fear, with this sweet testimony upon his lips, “The blood has settled everything.”
Dear reader, how will you meet death? You cannot get away from it any moment it may overtake you. Be wise, get a settlement now. Come to Jesus as a poor guilty sinner (before you put this little book out of your hands); He will receive you, and wash away your sins by His own precious blood. Then everything will be settled for time and eternity.
“Precious, precious blood of Jesus,
Let it make thee whole,
Let it flow in mighty cleansing
O’er thy soul.”
J. H. F.