The Blood Jesus Removes Your Sins and Makes You Clean Forever

John 12:25
Children—Jonathan Grinton
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OK, well you know, I probably asked this question every time I get an opportunity.
To do Sunday school, but.
Who likes Sunday school?
Who likes to sing?
Oh, good. Good. That takes a lot of pressure off of me. That's good. OK. Well, you know, we have these hymn sheets, and if you notice, on the very back of them, if you can read on the back of them, our children's songs for Sunday school.
So let's try to use the back of the sheet. Or if you have an action song you would like to sing, we can do that too. OK, so who has a hymn they would like to sing this morning?
Anybody have a hymn they would like All the way down here and I can't remember everybody's name. I'm sorry.
What is it?
Oh hi Easton, what? What song do you want to sing?
Oh, I like that one. Is that on here? That's number 40 on the back of the sheet #40 on the back of the sheet. Jesus loves me, this I know.
High in you ever watch me wherever I lie?
Yeah, it's Jesus, Mother's Day.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, James, I just want to see. Lullaby will tell me so.
Jesus loves me. He will stay close beside me all the way.
If I trust him, should I die, he will take me on my mind. Yes, he's nice to love me.
Wow, you guys are great singers. I heard a few of a few of you particularly really singing it out there with yes, Jesus loves me. Isn't that wonderful to know that Jesus loves me? Who can tell me?
How you know?
That Jesus loves you or Jesus loves me, Yes.
From the Bible tells you so, right? Do you want a pencil? You pick the one you want.
OK, now you had your hand up.
#16 oh boy, I hope I know that one. That's not on the Backpage, is it? OK? Oh, I do. Good, that's a relief.
Whosoever hear it?
Stand the propagation over there with you.
Answer all you may, Jesus is the truth the only living way.
It's the other way from.
Lucifer and Bruce Williams.
Send the proclamation over and kill. Is a loving father also wondering?
So we know that Jesus loves me and he loves everybody. So who is whosoever? Who's whosoever?
Yes, all of us. Anybody you want a pencil or bookmark, Go ahead, help yourself. Whosoever will. So has everybody here considered themselves to be a whosoever? Has everyone asked the Lord Jesus to wash their sins away? Do you believe that He died for you in the cross?
Well, that's something to think about, isn't it? And we don't have a lot of time. I remember last night, just a short time ago, Mr. Rusink stood up there and he said, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. We don't have time to waste. Who has another song to sing right here fast?
47, OK, that's a good one, number 47.
When he cometh.
To make.
It right?
If you take right down the sword.
OK, that makes me think of another question we had.
The first question about Jesus loves me and then whosoever. Well, a similar question I guess. Who are the bright gems? Who are the bright gems? I am looking for somebody who haven't I asked yet, OK.
Who are the bright gems right here?
The gent. Well, that's a good answer. Looking for a little bit different one though, Ethan. But you know what? You can have a pencil. Anyway, go ahead. Did you have an answer? What is it?
Us, everybody well.
I'm looking for a little. You can go ahead and have a pencil. Yes, the saved ones go ahead. Very good. Now I have another question. I have another question. It says let me see here.
Bright gems for his crown. Does everybody know what a gem is? A jewel? Something precious. You know you are precious to the Lord Jesus. Everyone that is a saved one is precious. So I want to know this.
Will the Lord accept any gems that?
Aren't bright.
Says no. What do you think? No, go ahead. You have a pencil. Well, I think I believe you gave the right answer because, you know, when we're lost in our sins, we're somewhat filthy.
Or somewhat dirty and you know it says the blood of Jesus Christ his Son.
Cleanse with me from all sin.
And so he makes us bright and white and shining like him.
So we're going to do a little bit of fun today about that. But first I was wondering if we could sing one more song. Well, I'm going to pick this one. OK, Maybe if we have time at the end we'll pick some more, but who knows That song. My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in.
Do you know that one? Do you have anything black? I don't either. And who has a black something black on? Oh, right here. Perfect. Come on up here. That's great. OK, let's. Yeah, right there. That's good. OK. My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in his precious blood. I need some red. Do you want to come up? You got a nice red shirt. Come on up here. All right. Right here. This is. I think we got to go on the other side over here. My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in his.
What I know is wash me white, white as oh, you want to come up, I'm going to stand there white as snow and in God's word who has their Bible and wants to hold their Bible up nice and high when we sing this and in God's word I'm told.
Yeah, you're going to come up OK, And in God's word, I'm told I'll walk the streets of gold. Who has something gold now? Somebody gave me a really precious gold coin and I should have brought it and I didn't. Who has something gold?
I have a knife in my pocket. It's not gold, it's silver.
Gold and silver have I none.
OK, thank you, Daniel. Oh, there. That's that's great. Who wants to hold this? OK, come on up.
All right, you got to point to this fine bit of gold right here. OK. All right. OK. You ready? OK, You got to be ready to show yourself. OK? My heart was black.
I tell my savior came in his precious life. I know has watched me. Why the snow?
Good. Excellent work. OK. Now if you want to have a pencil or bookmark, go ahead and take it and then we'll take our seats again. OK. Thanks, Daniel.
OK, does anybody have a verse they want to do today?
I got to tell you, I'm pretty used to the hands all flying up like everybody. OK, go ahead.
Oh no, no, no. A verse in the Bible. Sorry. Do you have a verse you want to say?
You had one.
Does anybody learn their verse?
I won't put any pressure on.
I had to learn mine this morning.
You want to say a verse? Go ahead.
Speaking to that, I was supposed to bring the mic. Go ahead. He's our loving life, Charlotte. He's our head and life show and the swords.
I'm not much help to you.
Do you know where it's found?
Do you want me to come back to you?
It was very good. You go ahead and get a pencil or bookmark. That's brave to stand up there and do that. Anybody else have one? Go ahead. He that loves his life shall lose it, and he that aids his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. John, 1225.
25 Very good. If you get it and you want to get a bookmark or a pencil, go ahead. He that loves his life shall lose it, but he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. John, 1225.
Very good. Did you want to do that? OK. Oh.
I'm falling apart. Go ahead.
See that hated his life in the no he that hinted his life shoulders and he no he got love with his life shall lose anything that hated his life in this world. She'll keep it onto life eternal.
John, 1225.
Mr. John Buchanan gave me a copy of this already and I wasn't remembering that I had it. So he that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hated his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. John 1225. Anybody that said it and wants to get a pencil or bookmark? Go ahead if you want to try again.
Well, I think you could get a pencil or bookmark. You did a good job. Anybody else? OK.
He that loveth his life shall visit, and he that hideth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. John, 1225.
He that he that love with his wife shall lose it, and he that hated his life in this world shall keep it until life eternal around 12:25.
Whoever loves his life shall lose it in this world, and whoever loves his life shall keep it until life eternal. John.
John 1225 Very close. So he that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
That love is this life show losing he that he is his life in this world shall keep it on to life eternal. John 1225. Excellent. Okay, okay.
He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hath his life, and Miss Ward shall keep it until life eternal.
June 1225. Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, excellent. OK, all right.
Yet love of his life shall lose anything that hated his life in this world, to keep unto life eternal. John 1225.
He that he that loveth his life shall lose it.
And he that hated his life in this world shall keep it until life eternal. John.
See that love is his life, she'll lose it, and he that hated his life in this world, she'll keep it unto life eternal. John, 1225.
He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hideth his life in this world shall keep it until life eternal. John 1225. Excellent work. OK, I got to keep my eye on the time. See that love of his life shall lose her. And he that hated his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. John 1225. Excellent word. OK, yeah.
He's a he's a loving life shall lose it. He's a hidden life in the world shall keep it until, until.
Turn onto.
Until life eternal.
John Chow, 25. Excellent. Excellent work. Well done. OK, you all right? OK, Well, you all did a great job with that verse. Very good. Who really wants to lose anything?
No. Well, that's a hard verse to explain, isn't it?
You know, I think that if we trust in the Lord, He's going to give us eternal life. Isn't that wonderful? So what I want to talk to you about today, I was going to do the books of the Bible too, but we've only got a couple of minutes, so we better save that for another day. What I want to talk to you about was a follow up, continuing with what Mr. Rusink was talking about last night. And you know.
He mentioned and we said the verse The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanseth us from all sins.
All sin and we talked about jewels being bright and shiny.
And we talked about some that are maybe dirty and not so bright. Maybe they got some kind of defiling thing rubbed all over them.
And you know, if you would take them to a jeweler, they might be able to Polish them up and make them nice again.
But you know, there's a little hymn that we sing. What can wash away my sin? Who knows the answer to that? What is it?
That's a good answer. The Son of Jesus, what can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus and so you know for you and I that want to go and be with the Lord Jesus. We need to have our sins washed away and I was thinking of how you know it was mentioned that verse and I Psalm 51 That were born into sin. Do you know what that means It means that we're already.
Means we're already dirty. Bernie mentioned a verse in Isaiah chapter one and it gave a whole bunch of different.
Characteristics or things that represent our bodies.
In their state when we're born and the way they are when we're born. And some of them do not sound very good at all. You know, it said bruises and putrefying sores. And does that sound nice? That doesn't sound like anything nice, does it? So, you know, I brought these jars here with me and I was thinking that the big one.
Could be the Lord Jesus because he's so much bigger than we are and he's overall.
In this world. And I thought that maybe the little one could be you and I, and this is what we look like when we're born. What do you think of that?
Wow, what do you think? Which one looks nicest?
The big one. How come?
Yeah. Does it remind you a little bit about that hymn? My heart was black with sin. What do you think? Until the Savior came in. His precious blood I know has washed me white as snow, you know, he said last night.
That there is no sin in the Lord Jesus, didn't he?
There was number sin.
Well, we're full of it and this is what we look like.
And it's horrible really, isn't it?
I would rather look like this, wouldn't you?
Yeah, me too. Well, you know, there's another verse in Isaiah 1.
And it's verse 18 and it says come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord.
Though your sins be as scarlet.
That's a really dark, dark red, isn't it? Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
How is that going to be as white as snow? You know, where I live in Canada and Nova Scotia, we get a fair bit of snow.
And we were talking about this with Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan the other day.
And I know you don't know which ones that is, but.
In Nova Scotia, you know, the ground would be all muddy and dirty, kind of like it is here after all the rain. And as it gets colder, it starts to snow and, and the snow comes down and it starts to cover all that muddy brown dirt. And before long the snow keeps building up and building up.
Until you can't see any of that muddy yucky brown dirt anymore and it all just looks absolutely beautiful and white.
And it's amazing to see it. And you know, in the Bible it says.
That it covers a multitude of sin.
My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in. As precious blood I know has washed me white as snow. So this verse says that though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. And I think of how much my wife likes little sheep and lambs, and you know how precious they are, and how beautiful white their wool is and.
Would you like to look like that, or would you rather look like this?
What would you rather look like like that? So how can you get to be like this? Somebody answer that question for me way down there. Yes, nice and loud. How can you get to be this way instead of this way?
Believing in the Lord Jesus. You cannot get a better answer than that. That is fantastic. And so when you believe in the Lord Jesus.
You put your trust in him because he died for you on the cross.
His precious blood washes all your sins away, and He makes you white as snow, and He does it in a way that you can only know just through believing. Just through believing, knowing that He did it all for you on the cross.
So he.
Comes in and he says I'm not going to have any more sin in you anymore. I'm going to make you.
Clean and white washed in the blood of the lamb.
And he does it way quicker than I'm doing it.
Let's see.
Wow, what do you think of that?
What do you think of that?
All your sins are gone, gone forever, he says. I'll remember your sins no more.
And you don't ever have to worry, because whosoever will means you and I.
And you're so precious to him as a jewel that he washed all the guilty stains, all the dirt, everything away, just like the snow covering the ground. He made you white as snow. Isn't that wonderful?
And he makes you to be just like himself. Look at that.
Isn't that great? Don't you want that?
Don't you want that?
Me too. And I'm so thankful that when I was a little boy, somebody showed me that same thing and I believed in the Lord Jesus and I put my trust in him and he washed my sins away. And I'm going to be spending my whole eternal life, just like that verse says, in heaven with him in the place he prepared for me. And he prepared the same place for you. And he said, I'm going to come again. And when's he going to come?
Who can tell me?
Do you know when is he coming to take us to be with him?
Who knows, Who knows, it could be right this very minute. And if you haven't asked them yet to save you and to make you white as snow, you're going to miss out and it'll be too late.
Well, dear ones.
I trust each one of you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Maybe we could sing one more hymn. Did you give one out already? OK, what #32?
OK, let's see what it is here.
Hymn #32 oh wow, I should have thought of that one myself. That's great. OK #32 what can wash away?
Wonderful hymn I can remember seeing that in the Gospel tent when I was your age and the kids, we would just bellow it out and it was so good to know that the Lord Jesus had washed us in his precious blood and that we were on our way to heaven. Well trust each one of you are let's.