The lame man had expected to receive some money from Peter and John. Instead, having told him they had none, in the name of the Lord Jesus he is healed of his lameness and is able to walk. It is most interesting to see that the Lord Jesus here is referred to as Jesus of Nazareth. No doubt this is because this was the lowly and despised character in which the Jews knew Him. The Spirit is showing through this miracle that the proud and haughty nation of Israel must accept the lowly and humble Jesus of Nazareth if they are to find any blessing.
The man is not only able to stand, but he walks and leaps, and as he enters into the temple his lips give forth praises to God for this wonderful deliverance. Again we see a picture of Israel in a coming day when, having accepted the once-rejected Jesus, the nation will finally enter into wonderful joy and happiness and will finally produce praises and worship acceptable to Jehovah.
1. Peter and John were able to tell the lame man to look at them. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples in the gospels that they were to let their light (testimony) shine in such a way that men would glorify God. What kind of a world is it in which we are to shine? Philippians 2:___
2. The blessing which the man was about to receive was not because of anything that Peter and John were in themselves. They were channels through which the healing flowed from the rejected Jesus of Nazareth. How did the Lord Jesus want His disciples to dispense the blessing which they themselves had already received? Matthew 10:___
3. The man expected to receive money, but he got something far better -something that fully satisfied his great need. How does the Apostle Paul refer to the riches of this world? 1 Timothy 6:___
4. How does Paul refer to the riches found in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Ephesians 3:___
5. Not only did the man leap and walk after he was healed, which fully displayed the power of God through the name of Jesus of Nazareth, but he went to the temple to worship and to praise the Lord. What question did the Lord Jesus ask about nine of the ten lepers that He healed? Luke 17:___