Paul was taken prisoner and was called to defend himself before the Roman authorities. He spoke the truth to the Jews who were condemning him as well as the Roman rulers. He used these occasions to preach the gospel to all who heard him.
The Jews’ hatred for his message increased and a plot was laid by them against Paul to kill him. God continued His wonderful care of Paul, and in each instance the plans of his enemies were defeated.
Paul was finally sent under the protection of Roman soldiers to the governor of that area, Felix.
1. Paul used every possible occasion to preach the gospel to those around him, even though he was a prisoner in very uncomfortable circumstances. How often and when does he exhort Timothy to preach the Word of God?
2 Timothy 4:___
2. The circumstances of Paul’s preaching were far from ideal. Under what circumstances and environment are we to preach the Word of God?
Philippians 2:___
3. Paul’s faithful preaching and service to the Lord caused him great persecution and suffering. How does he describe his sufferings?
2 Corinthians 6:___
4. How much was Paul willing to suffer in order to not hinder the gospel of Christ? 1 Corinthians 9:___
5. What do we look for as “heirs of God” if we suffer with Christ now?
Romans 8:___