The Bottle of Acid

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 5min
Iyengar was an Indian living in the Kerala District of India. He was also a communist. He had given everything he had to the communistic cause and was convinced that it held the answer to the world’s problems. How many there are in the world today who will believe in anything but God’s “way, [His] truth, and [His] life.” John 14:66Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6). As a young, energetic communist Iyengar could face anything. But now that he was in his 50's, he was no longer sure. He had doubts as to what communism could do for the world. The more the doubts grew, the more unhappy he became. Under terrible stress Iyengar slowly began to realize that what he had given his best years to had not given him peace. He knew that there was something beyond death, which he was not ready to face. He also knew now, bitterly, that communism did not have the answer. He knew that it could not save him; he knew that he could not save himself. Iyengar grew more and more depressed. (Oh, that men in this condition would listen to the loving call of the Lord Jesus: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28).)
But Iyengar had never heard of Jesus, and so he decided to take things into his own hands. In great anguish of mind, Iyengar decided to end his life by suicide.
He decided that since he could not swim, the best way would be to jump off a high bridge and drown. He chose to jump from the Mattaherry Channel bridge, about 75 feet above the water. On the fateful day he clambered up onto the railings and stood looking at the rushing water below. Then, closing his eyes, he jumped off!
Iyengar expected to drown, but he didn’t even get wet. In fact, he really didn’t go anywhere. His shirt, which always hung out over his trousers, caught on the railing as he went past and suspended him—helplessly—75 feet above the water.
Now what?
The fire brigade was called, and after getting him off the railing they gave him a stern warning and let him go.
But the future looked just as black now as it ever had been, so Iyengar decided to complete his suicide attempt by jumping off the jetty at the opposite end of the bridge. As he made his way along the jetty, a bottle flying through the air, thrown by some unknown hand, hit him in the forehead. It broke and spilled its contents down his face. Oh, the burning pain he felt as he fell down clutching his face. “My eyes! Where am I? I can’t see—I’m blinded! Oh, the pain!”
Iyengar was taken to a hospital where he was treated for terrible acid burns. But his sight was gone! What a hopeless situation. He had no spiritual sight, and now he had no physical sight.
But God had His eye on Iyengar and sent one of His servants to that hospital. For the first time Iyengar heard the good news of salvation. He heard the story of God’s love in sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross of Calvary to take away sin, making man fit for God’s presence. Iyengar believed, and at last he had what he had been searching for. He had lost his physical sight, but he had found spiritual sight. And now as a happy believer, Iyengar loves to tell others of God’s love for lost sinners. He loves to tell how God stopped him from committing suicide, by having a bottle of acid hit him on the head.
We may not have anything quite so dramatic happen as Iyengar did, but eternal issues are just as serious. There are many people whose hearts are “failing them for fear.” There is only one answer for all the problems of the world. There is only one answer for the sin-sick soul. That answer is the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone can save you now and forever. Won’t you trust Him today?
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:11Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (Romans 5:1).