The Call of This Solemn Hour.

IN the great disaster sweeping Europe, some people find it very easy to place responsibility. How often we hear it said that “one or two well-placed funerals” would have saved the world this hour of anguish. But is that true? While one or two may be the embodiment of wrong, and the focal point of man’s rebellion against God, isn’t there a collective responsibility? I do not now refer to the responsibility of nationalists in supporting a leader, but I am thinking of the tragic failure of the great mass of professed Christians in this and other lands.
Is it not a milk-and-water Christianity which makes possible the present defeat? Men have robbed the Bible of influence in the lives of the people. When they lose the Bible they Inge prayer and faith
They Have Lost God!
Remember these are not the heathen nations of the world. They are called Christian, and some of them are among the earliest of Christian nations. But in all of them there has been a generation of tragic unbelief. A generation has thrown the Bible to the winds and bowed in worship before the shrine of the human intellect. And now we see the fruit of it.
But it is not too late to pray! Pray that even today’s sad event will fall out to the furtherance of the Gospel. This solemn hour should call the sincere out of the mists and fogs of modernistic unbelief to stand with Christ. This solemn hour should call believers to a life of surrender and sacrifice. However you have felt at other times, this is the hour for straight thinking and consecrated living. And this is the hour of prayer.— Moody Monthly.