Faith is to the Christian as Nehemiah was to Artaxerxes. It is the believer’s cupbearer. The Christian receives the cup of “wine” out of faith’s hand, realizing that it is in Christ alone we find our joy. Christ’s blood is the wine that gladdens the heart of God by way of satisfaction to His justice, and, therefore, only that can bring true gladness into the heart of man. No grape of our own vine may be pressed into this sweet cup.
Now the Christian’s joy is flowing in from Christ, not from anything that the poor creature does or has. Hence it comes to pass that faith brings in the Christian’s joy and comfort, because this is the grace that realizes Christ and what is Christ’s for the soul’s advantage. Faith is the good spy that makes the discovery of excellencies in Christ and then makes report to the soul of all it sees in Him and knows of Him. It is faith that reveals the promises, turns the faucet on and sets them running into the soul. Till faith comes and brings news of the soul’s welcome, oh how uncomfortably do poor creatures sit at the table of His promises! Like Hannah, they weep and do not eat. No, alas! they dare not be so bold, but when faith comes, then the soul gets to eating, and makes a satisfying meal indeed. No dish on the table but that faith will taste of it. Faith knows that God does not provide them in order that they remain untouched. Faith is humble, yet bold, because it knows God and knows it is welcome. “I live by the faith of the Son of God.”
Things New and Old, Vol. 4