The Christian's Home Longing.

John 14.
TEACH that word of thine, O Jesus,
“I myself will come again;”
For its hope within now frees us,
Takes us off from care and pain:
Jesus teach us,
Thou who livest and wast slain.
Love and grief thy heart divided,
As thou saidst, “I go away;”
Telling what thou hadst provided
For the glad reunion day:
“Be not troubled!”
Still we seem to hear thee say.
For to you who have believed
I the Comforter will send;
You can never be bereaved,
Never know the want of friend:
He will guide you,
Dwelling in you to the end.
Precious, too, the word then given;
I for you a place prepare;
In my Father’s home in heaven
Many, many mansions are;
I have told you,
And will soon receive you there.
Blessed home! that home abiding―
Home where Jesus said He’d go;
Home where all His saints residing,
Will Himself unhindered know;
Home, how glorious!
Thither all our thoughts should flow.
Can we, such a home forgetting,
Live as though no promise were;
Earthly joys and griefs regretting,
Pressed with every constant care:
Home, the heavenly!
Let our love be always there.
Of the Comforter said Jesus,
That of me He loves to tell,
Tells us how the Father sees us,
Bids us on His love to dwell;
Blest reminder
Of the truth He knows so well.
Oh, what Spirit He has given
What a needed, perfect Guide!
While we wait the Lord from heaven,
We for whom the Lord hath died,
He is with us
While we in the waste abide.
Soon will fail you circling heaven,
Soon this time of absence flown,
Soon all freed from earth’s last leaven
Soon the Lord Himself will come―,
Come as promised,
Taking all His exiles home.