The Church As Seen in the Revelation

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 10
The Revelation is preeminently a book of judgment—a governmental, judicial book, at least from chapter 1 to 20. Hence even the Church is presented as under judgment. We do not see the Church in chapter 2 and 3 as the body or the bride of Christ; but as a responsible witness on the earth, whose condition is being carefully examined and rigidly judged by Him who walks among the candlesticks.
It would not, therefore, comport with the character or object of this book to introduce, directly, the rapture of the Church. It shows us the Church on the earth, in the place of responsibility. This it gives us, in chapters 2 and 3, under the head of “the things that are.” But from that to chapter 19 there is not a single syllable about the Church on earth. The plain fact is, the Church will not be on earth during that solemn period. She will be with her Head and Lord, in the divine retirement of the Father’s house. The redeemed are seen in heaven, under the title of the 24 elders, in chapters 4 and 5. There, blessed be God, they will be, while the seals are being opened, the trumpets sounded, and the vials poured out.
To think of the Church as being on the earth, from Rev. chapters 6-18—to place her amid the apocalyptic judgments—to pass her (or any of her members) through “the great tribulation”—to subject her to “the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth”— would be to falsify her position, to rob her of her chartered privileges, and to contradict the clear and positive promise of her Lord.
No, no, beloved Christian reader; let no man deceive you, by any means. The Church is seen on earth in Rev. 2 and 3. She is seen in heaven, together with the Old Testament saints, in chapters 4 and 5. We are not told, in the Revelation, how she gets there; the coming of Christ for His people is not mentioned in the book of Revelation, but we see her there, in high communion and holy worship; and then, in chapter 19 the rider on the white horse comes forth, with His saints, to execute judgment upon the beast and the false prophet—to put down every enemy and every evil, and to reign over the whole earth for the blissful period of a thousand years.