The Church of God as Found in the Scriptures: The Church's Destiny, Part 2

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Does scripture unfold anything further as to the church’s destiny, after it is caught up to meet and be with the Lord as described in 1 Thessalonians 4? Where will the church be in that hour of temptation, coming on the earth? And in that time of tribulation such as never was, and never shall be after? and when Christendom or Babylon is destroyed? and during the millennial kingdom of Israel on earth? Through all this, what is the church’s destiny? Is it made known?
It is. After the close of its history on earth, and the outward testimony of the professing church is set aside, spued out of his mouth, the veil is thrown aside. Heaven is opened to our view. The redeemed are represented, by four and-twenty elders. God rests – sits on the throne. The saints rest – they sit on thrones around the throne of God. When seraphim and cherubim, the four living ones, give glory to Him that sits on the throne, the redeemed reply with worship to God, as the Creator of all things (Rev. 4).
The Man in the glory has waited until His redeemed ones, gathered up at His coming, are there with Him, then He will be known to be worthy to take the book of counsels and judgments out of the right hand of God – emblem of divine power. What a sight is that! look at it. The Man, the Lamb as it had been slain, worthy to go up to God – Himself God – and take from His right hand the book. The glorified Man thus becomes the executor of divine power and judgments. Up to this point, He sat on the Father’s throne; now He is seen in the center of the throne – the first preparatory act, for subduing of all things to Himself. This calls out the new song of the redeemed; and the loud saying of the angelic myriads. The redeemed become deeply interested in the future circles of redemption – as the corrected translation of Revelation 5:9-109And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. (Revelation 5:9‑10) – not ‘us,’ but ‘them.’ Wondrous chapter, revealing the association of the saints with Christ, during the period of woes, on this earth afterward described. There they remain during the opening of the seals, the blast of the trumpets, the pouring out of the vials of God’s wrath on the earth, the sudden resurrection of the Roman Empire, the utter apostasy of Babylon the Great, the full ripened wickedness of Christendom, and its fearful overthrow and destruction. Then the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready (Rev. 19). This glorious event having taken place, the Lord Jesus will come in judgment on the living nations. All that have been beheaded for the word of God during this time of dreadful infidel wickedness will now be raised from among the dead, and form part of the first resurrection, its full complement.
Then the millennium, the one thousand years of blessedness, begins. After which the judgment of the dead, and then the eternal state.
The church is found in intelligent worship, during all these events, from the beginning of the judgments or before, until the marriage of the Lamb. What a destiny! all clearly revealed in the Word of God. But all heavenly, and of God. Nothing earthly or of man. This is very marked, even during the millennial reign. I invite close attention to this important fact very fully explained in Revelation 21:99And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. (Revelation 21:9) to 22:6.
“Come hither,” says one of the seven angels, “I will show thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.” And what did he show John? “That great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.” What a contrast this will be to what is now seen on earth! “Holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven” – what purity! “from God.” Do you, my reader, belong to this heavenly bride that will be from God, and “having the glory of God?” This language could not be applied to angel or archangel, principalities or powers: “Having the glory of God!” Oh, wondrous grace! And her light like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. What a change from this sinful state, to unclouded purity, in all its unsullied clearness! The wall, great and high, speaks of the perfect security of the bride during this time of reign, and putting all things under His feet.
(To be continued.)