THE little boy does not feel at all at home. It is certainly not the fault of the country cousins, for they have brought out toys, and books, and now he has a rosy cheeked apple offered to him.
The merry ways and strength of his cousins have made him ill at ease, so he seeks protection, and feels safe at his mother’s side.
They will soon gain his confidence, and when he becomes acquainted will be quite happy. As long as there is fear in his heart he will not be comfortable. The kindness and love shown him will dismiss all his fear, and soon they will all be happy at play.
Our sins would make us afraid and keep us forever from the presence of God. God hates sin, but loves the sinner. When once we, in a feeble measure, see the love of God for us, the giving up of His well-beloved Son to die on Calvary, our fear is gone and peace in believing takes its place.
Eternal life by Christ is given,
And ruined rebels raised to heaven;
Then sing of grace so rich and free
Rejoice, dear soul—tis all for thee!
ML 10/17/1909