Drear all and constant chafing,
Like some dark raging sea,
So void of hope and comfort
Wrought o'er my soul in me;
Till His blest words of mercy
Spake to my heart at last,
The day I. found my Saviour
And all my madness pass'd.
O precious, heavenly message!
O words of tenderest grace!
As if e'en while I heard them
I saw His blessed face.
Yea, and the more I harken'd,
The heavens seemed ope above,
And all the world around me
O’erflowing with peace and love!
I mind me of the soothing
At once that o'er me fell;
But the full peace and gladness!
All words must fail to tell;
For 'twas a new creation—
No mending of the old—
The day I found my Saviour,
And all His grace untold!
Oh! as I learn 'd the wonder
Of all His love to me,
Threefold seem'd grown the splendor
That stream'd o'er land and sea:
And vet no dazzling radiance,
But clearer eyes that saw,
The light my soul still filling
With mingled Soy and awe.
I've read of joy in heaven,
Mid all the sons of light,
Just as some soul is rescued
And won from sin's dark night;
And, sooth, are blessed angels
E'er circling near since then—
The day I found my Saviour,
Who died and rose for men.
While touch'd by all earth's sorrows
The' less to earth akin,
I feel me each day nearer,
E'en nigh the gates within;
I seem to hear the voices
Still singing as they sang,
The day I found my Saviour,'
And my new life began!
O change from gloom and sadness
To light and joy and peace!
O depth! O height! O boundless
Grace that never can decrease!
In Christ all fullness dwelling,
Lo, those that are His own,
E'en as His life partaking,
To share His glorious throne.
To Him who hath redeem'd me,
And wash'd me in His blood,
Who found me lost and wandering,
And brought me home to God;
To Him be deepest homage!
To Him be highest praise!
All blessing, might, and glory,
Thro' everlasting days.