Where shall the sinner stand
On that approaching day,
Or how escape God’s mighty hand,
When judgment has its way?
God’s wrath has gather’d long,
Increasing in its force:
But see. it bursts, and oh! how strong—
O’erwhelming is its course.
The wave of judgment rolls
Across a guilty world,
And as each “seal” and “woe” unfolds,
God’s thunderbolts are hurl’d.
The “strong delusion” there
Its power doth exercise;
Who would not love the truth to have,
Must now believe in lies.
Who would not have the grace,
Must now the wrath endure;
‘Neath rocks and mountains seek a place
Where they may hide secure.
But that all-seeing Eye,
Still follows where they go;
No place is found for them to fly
From their unceasing woe.
“In flaming fire” now see,
The Lord His “vengeance” take;
His enemies shall broken be—
Their final doom, “the lake.”
To those who know Him not—
Who did not grace obey—
Is seal’d their doom—is fix’d their lot,
Where hope ne’er sheds its ray.
But oh! grace lingers still,
The door wide open see,
And love still calls—“whoever will”
May to the fountain flee.
There prove the power and grace,
Of Him whose blood was shed—
Who died; who rose; who lills the place
Of Quick’ner of the dead.
Before this “hour” shall close,
And come the judgment “day,”
Accept the grace which freely flows,
For soon ‘twill pass away.
September, 1882. G. W. F.