The Diary of a Soul

By the Editor
December, 1919. Peace Upon the Waters
THE great deep of human life has been swept by tempest. Even now the waves of discontent are roaring― “deep is calling unto deep,” and men’s hearts are failing them for fear. But as I take my Bible I read these glowing words, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me.” No one who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ need be troubled. We do not trouble about a disease after it is cured. We need not be troubled about a debt after it is paid. To faith the debt of sin is paid. Christ has paid the debt for sinners who believe, and so made them debtors to matchless grace forever. Everything that I failed in, Christ excelled in; where I was found wanting, He was perfect. I lose myself in Christ, and yet I am everything and have everything in Christ.
From heavenly shores God’s ships pass across the seas of time freighted with the promises of heaven. These celestial argosies bear to every land the story of “peace on earth, goodwill towards men.” Like the ship in our picture is telling out the message, on the megaphone, as it passes, “Peace has been signed,” so round the world the message runs this Christmas time, and every other time, “Peace on earth.”