You know, dear children, God has many feathered creatures in His creation. Among them is the duck family. How beautifully covered they are with their warm coat of white feathers.
Have you ever seen ducks in water? How they paddle and swim. They get much of their food out of the water, so they are the happiest when near it.
Now, my dear little readers, if God so cares for His feathered creatures, proving everything needful for them, do you not think His love goes out in a much deeper way to boys and girls who have souls to save?
Ah, yes: He loves you so much that He gave the Best Gift of heaven for you, His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is no respecter of persons. He does not look at the outward appearance, but He looks at the heart, and sees your young hearts black with sin, but He has graciously provided a Saviour for you, whose precious blood will wash away all your sins, then you, in God’s sight, will be whiter than snow.