JOHN ROCK, a miner, as he was dying, said to his wife, “Mary, you are not to mourn for me; I am quite happy, and shall soon be happier. I shall be with Jesus in glory. The Lord will provide for you and the children. Trust in Him.”
One of his acquaintances called to inquire if he would allow a priest to be brought to him, to which he replied, “Tell him I’ve got a priest already, that’s Jesus Christ; I need no other.”
Reader, can you say, in prospect of death, “I have Christ; I need no other”? Saved or unsaved, you must soon enter eternity. A deathbed you may never see, and a deathbed repentance, therefore, never be yours. Come to Christ now. Hear His loving call, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Then, having found rest in Him, happiness will be yours, even in the prospect of death.
E. E. A.