The Ears of the Lord

Psalm 40:5
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Address—C.H. Brown
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There are three verses in Scripture that I would refer to in our remarks this afternoon. They have something in common, these 3 verses. They all speak about the ear or the ears of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Now the first one that we will read.
Speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As the Incarnate Son of God, the second one.
Speaks of him as the dependent son of God.
Here on this earth, the third one speaks of him as the serving.
Son of God on earth, in heaven, and in eternity to come. Christ Incarnate. Christ as the dependent one, Christ as the serving one. So let us read the first one and you will detect.
As you hear the verse read.
And it has something to do with the ears.
The ear.
The party is song and the sixth verse. This is one of the 13 Messianic songs. By a Messianic Psalm we mean a Psalm that speaks especially of the person of the Christ. This is one of them.
The Psalm is Christ, the burnt offering.
Our verse is the 6th.
Sacrifice and offering God. It's not desire.
Mine ears passed out open. My Bible has a margin. Perhaps yours has two.
Let us read the margin there. Mine ears. Hostile dig.
Burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required?
Another translation I believe reads.
Thou hast digged ears for me.
If we only had this verse here.
We might be a bit puzzled to know what the Spirit of God had before him in such a remark. But God has not left us in the dark. He has been pleased, in this case, as in many others, to interpret the Scripture farce. So we'll turn to the 10th of Hebrews.
The Spirit of God.
Takes up this verse.
In the 40th Psalm and applies it to Christ.
Let us read it fourth verse of Hebrews 10. It is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats.
Should take away sins, wherefore when he.
Cometh into the world. That's Christ.
He saith sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not.
But a body hast thou prepared me? Now notice that's our sixth verse.
Of Psalm 40.
Definitely quoted in the tent of Hebrews.
But see the meaning that is given to those expressions in the Psalm.
Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not.
But a body has not prepared me.
That is dear young folks.
When the Word speaks about digging ears for Christ.
It means that in order for him to be.
The Christ of God, The sentiment of God.
He must needs take a body.
Thou hast dig ears for me. In other words, is the truth of incarnation.
God becoming man.
The one who is here in lowly guides.
Was the God man? Now that's the truth.
That is being questioned today. We were warned from this platform yesterday.
Of the danger of giving in to the determination.
To get rid of God's Christ.
The apostasy is just about upon us.
As every sign about us that we're nearing the end and Satan is arranging and arraying all his forces and his powers to dethrone the Christ of God.
His main weapons are aimed at the person of God's Christ.
But here in our verse we learn that God in his time.
Gave that 1A body. He digged ears for him.
He made him capable down here as a dependent man.
Hearing the voice of his God and his Father.
Why did he do it?
Because it was not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats.
Should take away sins if you are a young Christian here this afternoon.
The thing that's made you a Christian, that's made it possible for you to be a Christian.
Is the truth of this verse the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin?
But you have been to God through Christ about the question of your sins.
And you have found that through the sacrifice of Christ.
The same question was settled. Oh, how important that verse is to you. And remember, if you give up the Christ of God, now I say the Christ of God.
The enemy is substituting Christ today.
He's retaining the old terminology.
He'll have them use the language of Scripture, but without the content of Scripture.
Oh yes, he is clever.
Don't be misled by terminology.
Be sure that the Christ that you have, the one you have received as your Savior.
Is the Christ of God the one for whom God?
Dig ears in the eighth of Romans, Romans 8 and the third verse Romans 8/3.
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh.
God, sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flakes and for sins, condemned sin in the sin in the flesh.
That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled enough who walk not after the flesh.
But after the Spirit, now the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin.
That's the reason God dig dears for Christ.
Because the other was a failure in taking away sin.
But in this scripture we've just read, it isn't a matter of the blood of bulls and goats taking away sin.
It's a matter of trying to take away sin by the fulfilling of the law.
But what the law could not do.
In that it was weak through the flesh. What good is it?
To tell people to keep the law.
If they have a heart that is determined to break it.
You and I are made that way naturally. If you tell a child not to do a certain thing, that's the thing he wants to do.
Well, growing up, people are just children that have matured.
That same disposition is in them.
And if you were to tell a child not to look under a certain dish that you'd left on the table.
And left him in that room an hour, You know that that is the chief thing that would fill his mind.
Was to get to look under that dish because you told him not to.
That's what we are. We are born rebels. What can a law do for us?
Condemneth all young folks. Don't imagine for a minute you're ever going to get to heaven.
By keeping the law? By doing what's right? No.
That's the reason that God dig dears for Christ, but the law could not do.
In that it was weak through the flesh.
God sending his own son.
In the likeness of sinful flesh.
Now I want to put in a little word of warning here.
Many of you are young.
And we're living in a day of.
Dangerous wicked doctrines.
And it's very easy for the devil.
To let something get into your mind.
That's going to corrupt your faith.
Notice what this verse says.
God sent his Son in the likeness in the likeness.
Of sinful flesh. Now supposing I left out that one word.
Supposing I read this, God sent his own son.
In sinful flesh, supposing I were to read it that way and stand up here and say that's what God did, You know what had happened.
Some brother or brothers right here in this audience.
Would rise to his feet.
Or their feet. Say just a minute, Brother Brown.
I want to protest God did not send his Son in sinful flight.
Not a bit of no sin in him. No, not one sinful thought ever crossed his mind. He never uttered a sinful word.
He never did a simple thing. Oh, think of it. God manifest in flesh, in flesh, but holy flesh, that that shall be born of thee is holy, holy.
Then what does this mean in the likeness of sinful flesh? Well, I take it, dear young folks, that it means that when our Lord Jesus came into the world.
He didn't have a Halo around his head.
He was a man. He worked in a Carpenter shop up at Nazareth. I presume that his hands were callous, the same as yours would be if you worked at that trade. He was just a man here in this world.
But there was an infinite difference between him and any other man that ever lived. He was the man without sin. All others were from beneath, He was from above.
Young folks, Christianity's Christ, but it's the Christ of God.
It is not the Christ that is being palmed off today in many quarters.
Oh yes, there is a great deal of talk about Christ today.
But oh, is it the Christ of God, or is it the Christ of man's imagination?
You remember when Moses was up on the mountain top?
Getting the law and the people were down on the plane.
But they told Aaron it would be a good thing since Moses was gone if they had a God.
And he made them 1A golden calf. But when he proclaimed the feast.
He didn't say anything about the golden calf. He said tomorrow is a feast to Jehovah.
Oh yes, he had the old terminology, but.
The Jehovah they were worshipping the next day was that golden calf, or how subtle is the enemy of our soul?
Now look at Hebrews, the 2nd chapter and the 16th verse. Hebrews 216.
Or verily, he took not on him the nature of angels.
What he took on him Seed of Abraham, yes.
As the promised one of God coming into this world.
He came of the seed of Abraham, the promised seed.
He had the right lineage. He came with all the credentials. He was the one that had been promised of God long, long before.
Back in the days of Abraham.
He came of the seed of Abraham.
He fulfilled all the promises of God. Now one more scripture in the fourth of Galatians.
On this point, Galatians 4 and the fourth verse.
When the fullness of the time has come.
God sent forth his Son.
Made of a woman? Yes, he was born of a woman, a virgin.
Made under the law.
To redeem them that were under the law that me we might receive the adoption of sons.
When the fullness of the time has come, how long did it take it to arrive?
4000 years.
Yes, the first promise.
Of the coming Redeemer was made 4000 years before he came.
Perhaps down through the ages, many a person said, well, we used to believe that God was going to send the Messiah.
In the old days they used to believe that.
But you know, we've given it up long ago.
Well, we don't teach that anymore.
We believe that that was a mistaken idea.
Why? I'm sure.
That such was the case because the human race in place of waiting for the promise of God.
Indulged in all manner of extravagances.
In connection with they worshipping of a God of their own choosing, they were unwilling to wait.
For the promised Messiah of God, 4000 years they waited.
But you know, God is God.
He has his own plans, if I may say it reverently.
His own blueprints and you and I are not the hasten his hand.
When the time comes, When the fullness of the time has come.
God sent forth His son, young folks.
Don't let anybody put you to sleep.
About the Lord's coming.
Don't let them say, well, you know, they've been talking about that. I've heard that all my life.
My grandfather used to talk about it. I doubt if there's much to it.
Do you know that we're having some in high circles today?
Those that profess to be.
So-called fundamentalist.
You know that some of them are making such rash remarks as, or it may be 500 or 1000 years before he gets back again.
It's becoming a matter more or less of indifference.
But all remember.
When the fullness of the time has come, God sent him. And dear young folks.
When a moment comes in the counsels of God.
To give the consent, the nod of consent to that beloved 1 sitting in his right hand. There won't be one second of delay. He'll step forth into the clouds of heaven and give the show. And though I would of God, it took place while I'm here on this platform.
Or wouldn't it be wonderful to be caught up, to meet the Lord in the air, to be forever with the Lord, as dear old Brother Blanc used to say, the moment for which all other moments were made, when Christ could have His church?
But in order for that to take place.
He must needs have had ears dig for him.
He must needs become a man, but in virtue of his having become a man.
He can be your savior and mine don't go away.
From these conference meetings.
Without having everything clear between your soul and God.
That Christ, God's Son, is your own Savior. Make sure of it. God sent him.
He came and he's coming back.
And if he comes while I'm speaking, will you be left sitting right there in that chair?
If you should be, I want to tell you faithfully there is no salvation for you.
Your day has passed. Now we have spoken about that verse in the party of Sung, but we said that we had some other verses that we wanted to talk about that have to do with Christ having ears. So let us look at a verse in the 50th chapter of Isaiah, Isaiah 50.
Isaiah 54 The Lord God hath given me the tongue.
Of the learned or the instructed.
That I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary.
He waken us morning by morning.
He waken us mind ears. Notice that word ear?
Wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned, or let's read it this way to hear as the instructed 1.
Morning by morning he openeth mine ears to hear as the instructed 1.
What does that mean?
It means that that dependent man about whom we were speaking a moment ago.
The man for whom God dig dears. The man that came down here in humiliation.
In the likeness of sinful flesh.
That that man placed himself.
In a position of dependence, he learned obedience.
He learned what it was to be here in this world with the will of his God and Father before him.
Every day of his life.
He learned.
What it was the Getty's instructions from heaven above.
And it says morning by morning he wakeneth mind ear to hear as the instructed 1.
Now you know in Peter.
We read that our Lord Jesus Christ has left us an example.
That we should follow in his steps.
He who did no sin, He's left us an example that we should follow any steps.
Now here is the Lord Jesus down here on this earth.
What did he do every morning of his life?
He waited upon God to get the mind of God for that day, morning by morning.
The openness mind ear to hear as the instructed 1.
Young folks.
Do you do that? Do you read your Bible in the morning and ask God's will for your?
For your day, are you in the position of taking instructions from God?
Are you dependent or do you just get out of bed in the morning?
Load yourself, eat your breakfast, and off till the day's work. Never bow the knee or read one word of Scripture. Are you stronger than the blessed Son of God? When He was here in this world, and the likeness of men, He waited upon God morning by morning. Do you do that?
You young married folks.
And you have the reading of God's Word in your home.
You gather the family together.
Are your children being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? Are they?
Are your children being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? Will they be able when they leave the precincts of your home?
Will they be able down through the years of their lives if left here, to look back?
Upon that sacred and solemn time.
In their life's history.
When they knelt with father and mother.
Knelt together.
While Father commanded them to the grace and guidance of God day by day.
Will that be one of the memories in the lives and the hearts of your children?
All that's a sacred heritage and you can pass it on to others.
The blessed Son of God when he was here in this world.
Waited upon God.
Morning by morning.
In the 14th of Matthew.
And the 23rd verse and when he had sent the multitudes away.
It's a good thing to get away from the crowd once in a while or I like to see get togethers like this.
I love to see young people get together for their meetings. I love to see them together, but it's a good thing.
Get alone once in a while, alone with God, and when he sent the multitudes away.
He went up into a mountain apart.
Pray and when they even was calm he was there low.
In prayer to his God, the dependent man, he feels this need of getting off alone with God.
Are you neglecting that feature in your Christian life?
By an ejecting prayer.
You know, that's where we make contact.
With the infinite power of God.
When we kneel in prayer.
See how this room is lighted? All these lights above us? You know it wouldn't be so if the connection were broken.
Someone full of mischief.
Goes out and pulls the switch. These lights would be out.
They have to be connected with the powerhouse.
If you and I are going to derive any benefit from the light.
And if you want power and victory in your spiritual life?
You'll have to be sure that you get in touch with the infinite God.
There must be that personal contact.
If the contact is broken.
You won't have any power in your life.
You know what breaks the contact, don't you?
It's sin. Oh yes, it's sin that breaks the contact.
Only the Lord keep us. The blessed Son of God went into the mountain to pray and Matthew tells us.
But he was there all night long in prayer.
But now in John's gospel, you'll find him as a dependent man all through John. So turn to the 4th chapter of John and the 34th verse. Jesus says unto them.
My meat is to do the will of him that sent me.
And to finish his work, my meat, my will.
My food, my sustenance, is to do the will of him that sent me.
And to finish his work now the next chapter and the 30th verse.
I can of mine own self do nothing as I here I judge, and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will.
But the will of the Father, which has sent me, well, let's apply that test. I'm seeking by the grace of God.
To keep this address the directions of the young people, those are ones I have in my heart.
Notice what he says I seek, not mine own will.
You know one of the characteristics of youth.
I was young once too, you know.
But one of the outstanding characteristics of youth is.
That they want their own way. Yes, that's one of the outstanding characteristics.
I want to do what I want to do.
When I want to do it.
Now that is essentially the language of the heart.
Of the young person.
Unless that will has been subdued by the truth of God.
Well, think of the Son of God from heaven, the one that built the sky, the.
Down here in this world, placing himself voluntarily in a position.
Where he says, I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father, which is sent me.
Is that what you're seeking? Are you seeking His will for your life? Sometimes young people come to those of us who are older and they ask a little help along this line. Well, there's only it's only in a measure that we can help them. And how can we help them? By casting them back.
Upon the word of God, it's by the Word. Man shall not live by bread only, but by.
Every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God does man live.
And if you want a path of happiness, If you want the mind of God for your life.
Search the word. Set aside your will.
I came not to do my will.
But the will of the Father which has sent me, and you will get the answer.
God doesn't have a kind of.
A determinant mold.
In which he is going to force everyone of us, so we all have to do exactly the same thing.
No, that isn't his manner of working. He never made two snowflakes alike.
Or to blade the grass alike, or two leaves alike. We are all individuals, and we have an individual responsibility and an individual destiny.
So you can't say well so and so does that. I'm going to do it. No, you see, but God has for you. I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father that sent me. Now the 6th chapter of John.
And the 38th verse.
For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me in that beautiful he came down from heaven.
Not to do his own wish, but the will of him that sins.
And then again in the 8th chapter and the 29th verse.
And he that sent me is with me.
The Father hath not left me alone.
I do always those things that please him.
Always, always.
Young folks.
You like to have a vacation from your Christian life?
You like to lay aside what you profess in the meeting.
And live like a worldly.
You seek some sort of a special dispensation that you can go out and have a fling in the world from time to time.
Well, if you do, you certainly aren't following the example of this Blessed One about whom we've just just read. I do always those things that please Him.
Do you say, well, I know this doesn't please the Lord.
I know I shouldn't do this, but then you've got to have a little relaxation once in a while.
Is that the language of the new life that you have is born of God?
Is that the language of the indwelling Spirit of God?
Or is that the language of that old unregenerate?
Rebellious man within you, that never changes. He never better one little quick never.
He remains always that enmity with God.
All, thank God, when they get through down here, we're going to leave him behind forever.
But as long as we're here.
We'll be plagued.
With that wretched thing that's inside of us all, beloved, the Lord Jesus said.
I do always those things that please him. Let's not seek.
To step aside from that path.
We've been talking about him as the dependent 1.
The one whose ears were opened morning by morning to hear as the instructed 1.
Now let's talk about something else in his life.
Let's talk about his dedication.
To then present service.
His dedication to service now.
And his dedication to service in the coming eternity.
Let's talk about that.
And to do it, let's go to the 21St chapter of Exodus.
Second Verse Exodus 21 Two. If thou by and Hebrew servant six years, he shall serve.
And in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.
If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself.
If it were married, then his wife shall go out with him.
If his master have given him a wife, and she had borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her masters, and he should go out by himself. And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children.
I will not go out free.
Then his master shall bring him under the judges. He shall also bring him to the door or unto the doorpost.
And his master shall bore his ear. Notice that word ear.
His master shall bore his ear through.
With and all.
And he shall serve him forever now when our Lord Jesus Christ is here in this world. He lived a perfect life of service. He could have gone back to heaven. Any Mormon he told.
Without any apologies, he can adjust the.
Said farewell to this scene and the gates of heaven would have given him.
Glad of flame, if he desired to come back at any time, he had the right to go.
In his own personal dignity, God's Son, but he told us in the 12Th of John.
That accept the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die. It abideth alone.
But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
So he didn't choose to go back home alone.
He didn't choose to be freed.
From all the persecution and abuse and misunderstanding and tragedies of this life.
He didn't choose to go back alone.
Oh no.
He said I'm going to have mine ear borne through with an awl.
I'm going to dedicate myself.
To consecrate myself.
To service to God and to His children forever.
Nothing is going to stop me. I will not go out free.
I am going to take my children with me. I am going to have my bride and the glory above.
And in order that it might be sold.
He had his ear borne through with an awe. Now I'm speaking typically, of course.
But I haven't the slightest doubt that that is the teaching of the Spirit of God.
In that 21St chapter of Exodus.
We are taught by types and shadows.
That all scriptures God breathed.
And were great losers if we do not find Christ in all the scriptures.
That's what he told his own in the 24th of Luke.
Beginning at Moses and in all the scriptures.
He told them that things concerning himself.
And, dear young folks, this is one of the things concerning himself. He's had his ear borne through and fastened to the doorpost.
He said. I'm going to stay by you forever.
Well, if we look now at the 22nd of Luke, the 27th verse.
Luke, 2227.
For whether it is greater he that sitteth at me, or he that serveth.
Is not he that setteth at me?
But I am among you as.
He that service? Oh, that's simple, isn't it? Weather is greater he that sitteth with me, or he that serveth.
Is not he that sitteth at me, but I am among you as he that serveth?
All through his life here.
He didn't come to be waited on, He came to serve.
And wherever he went, they thronged him.
That they might receive his help and encouragement and healing. Oh, how wonderful was his life.
Some we used to sing a hymn.
I should like to have been with him then.
Well, so we would, but then we've got something better ahead of us.
We're going to be with him then, but how wonderful it was.
Serving, serving, serving. If they were hungry, he fed them. If they were sick, he healed them. If they had those that were dead, he raised them to life.
If they had those that were possessed of demons, they cast out the demons and set them free.
Oh, how wonderful was his life and testimony here in this season.
The Serving 1. The servant of servants.
Was he?
I am among you as he, that servant. Now look at Hebrews 4.
And the 15th verse we have not, and high priests, which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but with an all points, tempted as we are. That word tempted means tried.
As we are apart from sin, let us therefore come boldly under the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find the help in time of need.
All through his life, our Lord serves but beloved.
He didn't lay aside his servant garments when he went to heaven.
Oh no.
His lines are still girded.
Let us therefore come boldly under the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy.
And find grace to help in time of need, remember.
He doesn't keep office hours, Remember, it only takes.
Just one cry to get his attention or when you need him.
And you're going to need him more as the years roll by. You're going to be tried. You're going to find many difficulties in the way. You're going to be misunderstood, perhaps abused. You might even be martyred. But remember, there's one up there on your side. And he's ever attended, and he never gets weary.
Oh, let's come boldly. You ever go boldly under the throne of grace, that you might obtain help?
In time of need, He is there to help me. He is on your side, young folks.
He's there to help you.
In time of need, oh, how wonderful to have a helper in the glory that's on our side.
Now let's look at first John two chapter one verse. My children, these things ride I unto you.
That you sin not, and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
And He is the propitiation for our sins, not for ours only, but also for the whole world.
The standard of the Christian life is not the sin. It isn't a 98% standard or 98 and 74 hundredth standard. It S that you sin numb. God never lowers his standard. But if any man sin what we have an advocate for the Father.
Now it doesn't say if we sin and repent, we have an advocate.
It says if we sin, we have an advocate.
Young folks, if you belong to Christ.
Is keeping a close touch.
On your life and your records.
And he knows when you sin, he does and.
He's not going to ignore it.
If any man's sin, we have a Christ that's against us. No, no, we have a Christ that's for us. We have an advocate, a representative one that's on our side up there in the glory.
What's he going to do about it?
He's going to bring us to repentance.
And self judgment.
And if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
And the cleanses from all unrighteousness.
Oh, it's a sorry thing when we sinned against such love, isn't it? He's there for us.
What, are we going to take advantage of that love or he's not?
He's not moth whatsoever, man. So that will they also bring.
He is there on our side, but the way that he shows is on our side.
It's the lattice that times reap.
The fruits in our own lives of our naughtiness and rebellion. But remember, dear young folks, he's always for you.
Is on your side.
And the thing that shows that he's on your side may be that he takes the rod.
And lays it on you with a firm hand because you need it.
Now I'm saying you, but I'm talking to this man too.
I know by experience if any man's sin, we have an advocate with a Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
Now one more scripture in the 12Th of Luke and then we're done. Luke 1237.
Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching.
Verily I say unto you.
That he shall bird himself, and make them sit down to meet.
And come forth and serve them.
I think that is one of the sweetest scriptures that I know of.
Things up, the blessed Son of God.
When He gets you and me home and the glory is going to seat us at His own table.
And he is going to gird himself and come forth and serve us.
All he had his ear borne through with an awl. He's a servant.
And all through the years of eternity, if you can talk about years.
All the eternal ladies.
Is going to be their servants.
Oh, what a Lord may have.
His ears dig. They might become a man.
His ears opened morning by morning, that he might be the defendant. Obedient 1.
And then what? Now what last?
All his ear poured through that he might be a servant.
Lord of glory, we adore thee. Christ of God, ascended by heart and soul, we bow before you, glorious now beyond the stuff.
We we worship. We we pray.
Excellent in all life wings.
Anointed king with glory, crowded, rightful air, and lordable.
Once rejected scorn disowning seen by those of kings to call.
The honor, the adore, glorious now and evermore Lord of life to death once subject bless her, yet a curse once made.
Of the Father's heart the object. Yet in depths of anguish they.
Thee we gaze on, Thee recall, bearing here our sorrows, all.