The Edge of Death

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Gospel—D. Macnab
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October 24th, 1988 is probably nothing too many in this room.
Statistically, there's probably a number of people in here that probably have that as a birthday.
It was a rather eventful day in our life last year.
There's a road in our town that's just like any other Rd. I took a little walk a little bit ago and walk through some of the streets around the university. They're just average streets.
We have an average St. in our town called Eber Rd.
That day of October 24th.
There was a truck going down that road.
And there was a train coming across a railroad crossing, and the two came.
Approaching each other.
And they.
Now I don't remember the name of the engineer, although I saw it. I don't remember the name of the brakeman.
And they were the two that were on the train.
I don't remember his name, although I saw it the name of the driver of the truck.
As Daniel McNabb, my son.
They came crashing together.
As I came to the reality of that situation, one of the things.
What I'd like to open with is a series of verses. Take some examples from that day and perhaps God.
Perhaps the Holy Spirit tonight will work in your soul to let you see the realities.
Of what it is to be on the edge of death.
Like to read Proverbs 27 verse one the.
Proverbs 27 One boasts not thyself of tomorrow.
For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Luke 12.
Luke 12 and verse 39 and this know that if the good men of the house had known, what hour the thief would come.
He would have watched and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye therefore ready also.
For the son of man cometh at an hour, when ye think not.
Acts 17.
Verse 31.
He hath appointed a day in the witch, He will judge the world in righteousness.
By that man whom he hath ordained in two Corinthians, 6.
2nd Corinthians 6 and verse 2.
Now is the accepted time.
Behold, now is the day of salvation.
The truck that was being used that day had a cellular telephone in it.
And as you all know, when there's an accident, there is a police report.
The day following this accident.
I was told by the police officer who came to the hospital that I could stop by the Highway Patrol and pick up a copy of the accident report. And so I did. The next day I went there. I was kind of interested in what the observations were of some of the people that were there.
And one of the things I was interested in was the time.
And the time of the call was 3:55 PM.
And the time on the scene was 4:00 PM.
Through the cellar you're found. About a month later we get a detailed billing.
And I had observed those Billings and the time which comes across on the cellular phones.
That the clocks were off somewhat, and I had a mental number in my mind how much they were off. They were ahead about 7 minutes.
I don't remember the exact time, but the last report of that cell to your phone before it was burned up was a certain time. I believe it was about 347 and it said cleared messages.
The last record I had of my son was that he cleared his messages.
Now the reason I bring this up and read these verses is I can look back and I can pinpoint within about 3 minutes.
When that accident occurred.
But dear boy or girl, dear a young person here tonight.
If you're outside of Christ, I can only tell you there is a minute, a second coming.
When that clock and many other clocks will hit a predetermined time.
When the Son of Man will come.
You will not have any time to clear your messages.
You will not have any moments to stop and think at that point in time.
You who have heard the gospel will know.
For your life that the hour has come, the point in time has come, and I trust and pray.
As you do many fathers and mothers in this room tonight.
For their dear sons and their dear daughters, and many of you here are here tonight. Some of you are here tonight by invitation of a friend.
Who are praying for you right now?
That when that moment comes, you would be called out of this scene.
You would be called out of this scene.
To meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air.
Not to await the Day of judgment.
At the beginning of this meeting, let me plead with you.
Now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
Dan and I had reservations for that night in a Hampton Inn in Pittsburgh near the Pittsburgh airport.
I had made plans to meet with some people the following morning at 8:00.
Both not thyself of tomorrow.
For thou knowest not, for a day may bring forth.
I had the truck I was driving scheduled for service. It never got in the next day for service.
The whole time, the whole event came to a standstill in our lives.
With your friend.
Where would you be?
Tonight if the Lord Jesus came 5 minutes ago.
If we could have pinpointed in time that at 3:47 this afternoon the Lord of Glory had come to take his own out.
Of this scene. Where would your soul be right now? I look out in the faces I came into this room about.
620 and there was 2 little girls. I don't know whether they're still over here or not, but there was some nice music on and they were singing some hymns.
And they had a smile on their face. I'm pretty sure I know where they would be right now, but I asked you, dear friend, dear boy or girl.
If the clock stopped in your life, where would you be?
Now is the accepted time. NOW God doesn't speak in big words. He doesn't speak in words that we can't understand. His message is very clear now. Right now. Not at the end of meeting. Not tonight. Not at the hymn. Sing not. Maybe not. I'm a little stirred up. I've been thinking about it. Now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. You know, that's a message.
For God's word here.
That's a message for you that now is the accepted time. There is a time, There is a moment for you. There was a moment years ago when the Son of Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, suffered and died for my sins.
Dear friend, will you accept him tonight?
As the one who has offered redemption, offered salvation.
For your sin.
I was not at the scene.
I was at a car dealer waiting.
Time went by.
And it went by and it went by. It was 4:10. It was 4:15. I also have a cellular phone in my truck and I dialed his phone three or four or five times and.
The first time I didn't think anything of it. The second time I didn't think anything of it. The third time I started to think the 4th time. The fifth time. Then I started to wonder. I called his home and spoke to his dear wife and she said no. He left 20 minutes ago or more.
I went into the dealership and I said I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave.
And I backtrack.
And off in the distance, about a mile from the dealership, I could start seeing some flashing lights.
And I could see smoke.
And I approached the scene, and I had a thought.
Well, Dan knows me well enough that if there was an accident, I would want him to stop and help.
But as I got closer, and as I parked my truck, I forgot to turn the engine off. I found out later.
Then I walked out, ran up. I didn't even recognize the circumstances.
But a few minutes later.
After I asked for the opportunity.
To ride in the helicopter. I was refused because of safety reasons, which is understandable.
And I was told what I the best thing I could do is proceed to the hospital.
So having made it a couple of arrangements with some friends that were there to take care of a few things like junk scattered all over the place.
I got in my truck and as I crossed the railroad track.
They were lifting Dan out of the ambulance and setting on the road right on the center strip.
And in a moment of time I had to go up the wrong side of the road and veer off to the side with my son that far away of that first check.
He was alone.
His shirt was off. He had a neck brace on.
But you know, I thought later of a hymn and I'd like to read it to you.
It's #80 in the little flock.
The second verse alone he bare the cross.
Alone, it's grief sustained his was the shame and loss.
And he, the victory game, the mighty work was all his own.
Though we shall share his glorious strength.
Psalm 69 says. I'd like to read it to you.
Verse 20.
Hath broken my heart.
And I am full of heaviness.
And I looked for some to take pity, but there was none.
And for comforters, but I found none.
Dan had medics.
He had a nurse. He had a doctor.
He had those who bore the stretcher board.
And I thought he was alone in a certain respect. But let me tell you, dear friend.
As I caught a glimpse of him there.
I thought of a.
The suffering of my savior.
There was never a man who suffered alone, as did the Lord Jesus Christ.
There was 3 hours of darkness where he suffered for sin.
We saw a suffering that we had never seen before in our lives. If you want to see suffering tonight, dear friend, let's go to the trauma center in Des Moines.
It's going to emergency room. You want to see suffering? Go to the intensive care units.
Or perhaps go to the nursing home.
My dear friend, that suffering that's going on there cannot in any way, shape or form be compared to the suffering of the Son of God.
When he was forsaken of God.
I had to leave my son because of a number of reasons.
But, dear friend, God had to forsake his son for you and for me.
You know, the outpouring of the wrath of God was such that there was #1.
It says there was none. To take pity. We're told elsewhere that the sun was darkened.
Oh dear friend, when the outpouring of the results of sin were poured out on God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that was for you.
I'm sure some of you have seen suffering. I'm sure some of you have gone through.
I'm sure you've seen someone linger.
But there has never been suffering like the Lord Jesus Christ went through.
And why did he do it?
He did it.
To gain.
You and me, Oh dear friend, can you get a picture of that? That someone thinks enough of you. You are such an important person.
You are so important that God would pour out suffering like this world has never and will never see.
On his own, dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ for you.
And it was suffering that was poured out because of love for souls. Oh, dear friend, that's the message that we have for you tonight. God loves you. And He poured out suffering. He caused his own son to be so alone.
That no one, no man, no person could see it could take pity on it.
Dan was lying there on that board.
They were preparing him.
For their life plate.
Now I can't tell you why when we found out later that the Life Flight helicopter wasn't in the hangar that night.
It was all ready to take off.
They told us later.
I can't tell you why the person who came there.
Which I'll speak about in a few moments, and the confidence of the Highway patrolman.
To not go through a transfer from a hospital to the trauma center, but I can't tell you why. But what I'd like to ask you is Dan was lying there.
On that stretcher.
Four's and other things we found out later. What would you advise me to do at that moment?
Perhaps there's a teenager here. I'd like you to be real serious for a moment and think what would you advise me to have done at that moment?
Turn back with me to Psalm 118.
Those that are good with counting backwards and forwards tell us that the eighth verse is the middle verse in all of Scripture. Psalm 118, eight. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in me.
Would you be one that would advise me to say don't worry?
He's going to be reincarnated.
But yet that's a message going out around this world and in this country today.
Trusting and reincarnation.
Is that what your mind is dabbling with dear young person tonight?
Is that what you're saying? That kind of is the philosophy that I want to think about?
What would you have said? Maybe I should stop and pull over to the side and go over and meditate for a while and have some meditation so that I would receive some spiritual blessing.
In that set of circumstances.
Let me tell you, dear friend.
When it's your son flying there.
Those kinds of thoughts?
Don't have a whole lot of validity.
Or perhaps you would say to me, as a third part of the so-called New Age movement, is everybody's their own God. Just think about it and gain strength for yourself. You can handle it. I'll tell you what, I couldn't handle it and maybe I'm a wimp, but I couldn't handle it.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence.
And man.
Perhaps you would say, well, maybe you needed a little something to help relieve the tension.
What good would that have done?
We sat in the intensive care unit waiting room.
For hours and days.
And I never saw anything stronger than a Coca-Cola. I'll tell you that. There wasn't a soul in there that was trusting in the bottle.
For help as their loved ones were going through similar set of circumstances like ours.
There's no hope IN that. That's a crutch that will drive a soul into hell.
There was #1.
Saying why don't you try these things? It's just a little bit, just try it. It'll make you feel good.
Not a bit of it. Oh dear young person.
Face the reality of being on the edge of death tonight. Answer me.
What would you advise me to do? As I looked out the side window of my pickup truck and all I could see was my son lying on a stretcher, What would you come to me with? How would you come to me?
Oh dear friend.
Hundreds of people came to us in the next few days.
And they didn't come to us with any of the philosophies that we've talked about at the last minute or two.
They came to us with assurances of prayer and concern.
Now I'd like to turn the question around and ask you if you were lying on that stretcher.
If that had been you, that had smacked into that train that day.
What would your mother or father have had confidence in?
Perhaps you're sitting here tonight?
Trying not to listen.
We ran into a doctor at the hospital that night and we were with him for about 37 days.
Two or three and four times a day.
Three weeks ago we had to go to an emergency room at a different hospital.
And the same doctor was there.
Attending physician for the day.
And we commented to each other.
And he said, I'll never forget the events of those days, but I ask you again.
If you were the one lying on that stretcher.
Would your parents have known from your lips?
That you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
Oh dear boy or girl, if you have not, don't wait any longer.
There may not be another moment, both not yourself of tomorrow. You don't know what's going to come tomorrow.
I certainly did not expect the events to take the turn of events they did for the next three months in our life.
Then you may be faced tonight with a set of circumstances like that. Or, as we said, a few moments. You may be faced with a total separation from God and your loved ones forever.
You don't know the day or the hour in which the Son of Man coming. You don't know the day or the hour in which you may be.
Lying there, Oh dear boy or girl, let me ask you tonight, have you accepted?
Every boy and girl, I would ask you to give me one moment of attention right now. Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? Dear young person? Have you accepted the gift of God, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord?
So that if you were the one on the stretcher.
Your family would have the confidence in the Lord.
I drove up the road, not 100 yards.
Not 100 yards.
And I knew I had to make a couple of phone calls.
I had to call Dan's wife.
And I had to call my wife.
And I'll tell you, I swallowed hard for those 100 yards.
But before I got to the end of the 100 yards.
A verse came to me which I'm sure my dear mother, who's in this room tonight, gave me.
And the little boy turned with me to Deuteronomy 33.
Deuteronomy 33 and verse 27 The Eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting.
I saw those structure bears the doctor, the nurse.
The Rescue Squad, the medics, I could look back and I saw them bending down to lift up the stretcher.
And that thought came to me and it wasn't. And he thought of my own. It was only from what I had received as a result of trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ that they weren't the only ones lifting up that stretcher that day, because underneath were the everlasting arms.
Dear boy or girl, dear young person, dear friend tonight who's been brought here by one of your neighbors or relatives.
If you were lying on that stretcher.
With the everlasting arms be lifting you.
We had that confidence.
And we have that confidence tonight, But dear boy or girl, dear friend, dear young person.
Have you confessed the Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 10 and 9 if thou shalt confess with thy mouth?
Jesus as the Lord.
And believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. That's not my word. That's not your mom and dad's word. That's not anybody in this room's word. That's God's word. Thou shalt be saved. Do you want relief from the frustration or the uncomfortableness of what tomorrow's going to bring if you don't wake up tomorrow?
Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Turn with me now to Isaiah 43.
Verse two Isaiah 43.
Verse 2.
When thou passes through the waters.
I will be with thee.
And through the rivers.
They shall not.
Overflow, thee will now walk us through the fire.
Thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle.
Thee turn over to mark Chapter 9.
Verse 43.
End of the verse.
To go into hell.
Into the fire that never shall be quenched.
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
And Daniel chapter 3.
Verse 23 And these three men Shadrach.
Meshach and Abednego fell down, bound into the midst.
Of the burning fiery furnace.
That Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counselors, did not recast three men bound into the midst of the fire.
They answered and said unto the King, True, OK.
He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire.
And they have no hurt in the form of the 4th is like the Son of God.
In Revelation.
Verse 8.
But the fearful and unbelieving.
And the abominable and murderers, ************ sorcerers, and idolaters.
And all liars shall have their part in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone.
Which is the 2nd.
In the 15th verse of the previous chapter, verse chapter 21. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Earlier this week.
We were.
Eating lunch together?
Dan and Ern and I.
And we, as we often do, started talking about the events of the last seven months and three days.
And we started talking about what Dan remembers.
He doesn't remember driving down the road.
He doesn't remember picking up his clothes before he left home. He doesn't remember that we parted and he was. We were working that day together.
He does remember slamming on the brakes.
He does remember hitting the train.
You guys remember hitting the train with his forehead, which I thought for a while. I told him he was a little, you know, it had a pretty rough time until I went back and re examined the whole set of circumstances and saw how he actually hit the catwalk of the train with his head with his arm.
He remembers spinning in the truck. He remembers the railroad sign that was stuck up through the right front tire and broke off a piece about 6 feet long and jammed up through the engine compartment.
And then he remembers.
He remembers the engine compartment being on fire.
He remembers breaking the glass with his head backwards. He remembers a propane torch coming out of the back of the truck and lying on the seat beside him.
And he remembers seeing the fire and seeing the torch and saying, I got to get out of here.
And he remembers trying to get the door open.
And that's all he remembered.
2018 days later, he remembers some scattering pieces as he woke up.
But he remembers the fire and saying to himself, I got to get out of here.
Oh dear boy or girl.
You know, we're supposed to preach the love of Christ, but in that prayer meeting tonight, there's a couple of brothers pray that we preach the realities of life and death and eternity.
And God's Word is faithful and tells us about the fire of eternity.
And let me warn you tonight so you will have a vision of the judgment ahead, so you will seek to try to get out.
Now while you can.
I tell you what every ounce of energy that was left in that battered body was trying to get out because of the fire.
My dear friend, you have a sense of the reality of hell and the lake of fire and judgment.
Where your conscience the worm will not die.
A kid with my dad, he says he's losing. He can't remember things. I said, Well, that's nothing new. I can't eat it.
But you know, I'm convinced from the word of God that you'll remember this night if you're in hell.
You'll remember on your mother's knee when she read stories to you. You'll remember the Sunday school you were in. You'll remember opportunity after opportunity of the presentation of the love of Christ.
And you will not have an opportunity to escape.
Now is the time to escape their friend. Now is the time to get out. See that vision of as a result of the sin that you and I have that we need to get out.
And reach for everything you can based that is solid the word of God to get relief eternal relief from the fire and the judgment to come. Oh dear friend you know if we could stop in our tracks you know it says Satan had blinded the eyes of them that seen on take your blinders off tonight take them off and see the reality of judgment to come. It's real.
This may be the last time you ever hear the gospel.
You may tonight accept or reject and live with that decision forever.
Where will you be?
What picture do you see? Do you see the Son of Man in his glory or do you see the fire coming?
Oh dear friend.
Do you want to get out?
Or don't you care?
Procrastination might walk you right into the gates of hell.
Of fire and it burns down. Oh dear friends, see the devastation.
Coming and flee from the wrath to come, God presents to you tonight the offer of salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ, you know, at that scene of that accident.
Flying on the grass, a doctor came with the helicopter.
And Dan has a scar in his side where they opened up his side and did a surgery to insert tubes. That was the worst flailed chest the doctor said they'd ever seen in the emergency room. And he carries A scar, which he'll carry forever in his side.
But you know my savior carries this car in His side for you.
And for me will you accept that scar? Will you accept that blood that was shed from his side? Man's wicked hands, My hands, my heart was there at Calvary when he hung there, and I was perhaps the Polish polisher of the sword, or I was the one that made the boots of the soldier that went there.
Well, I was one in the crowd of the throne that said crucify him.
That's your heart, my friend, if you only realize it.
But when they saw him, that he was dead already, they thrust his spear up into his side, and that scar will be seen for all eternity by those who will say, what are these wounds in thy hand.
Oh, dear friend, do you want to see for all eternity the work of Calvary and know that the blood that was shed was for you? Or will you be in the blackness of darkness forever? Christ Jesus shed his blood. His blood was shed so that you and I could be brought back. Were Rex. We're Rex. We still got that truck. And I'm going to have to pay somebody someday to haul it away. It's got absolutely no value. That's what we're like. We're just crunched up wrecks.
Except Jesus Christ sees something salvageable in US.
And he wants to save you tonight. He wants to salvage. That's where saved comes from. From the word salvage, you pick up some piece of hunk of cruddy, rusty metal and see if you can make anything out of it. Well, Christ Jesus likes to pick up cruddy, messed up souls and make something valuable out of him. And he's the one that can do it for eternity.
All their friends.
Earmark in his side was at the hands of man, but it was for you were you accept the blood of Christ tonight is that which saves from sin.
Turn with me now to Matthew.
Verse 47.
And while he yet spake hello, Judas, one of the 12 came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves from the chief priests and elders of the people. Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he holding fast.
And forthwith he came to Jesus and said, Hail master and kiss him.
And Jesus said unto him.
And Jesus said unto him.
Turn it over to John 15.
Verse 13 John 1513 Greater Love.
No man in this, and a man lay down his life for his friends.
Over in Romans.
Chapter 5.
Verse 6.
For when we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die. Yet peradventure for a Goodman some would even dare to die.
But God commendeth his love toward us, and that while we were yet sinners Christ.
Die for us.
There's a lady.
About 32 years old.
Her name is Becky Glacier.
Becky is a nurse in a hospital in Toledo. She's also a mother. She has two children by the name of Chad and Kristen.
She was riding along the road that is perpendicular to Eber Rd. that afternoon.
It's called Mon Clover Rd.
And Chad like there, any 11 year old boys here today?
Chad said Mom beat the train.
So mom was going faster than the train anyhow. Came to the corner, turned left, went down across the railroad tracks, Second driveway, pulled in the driveway, stopped to get out and get the mail.
And then she heard a terrible crash.
She ordered Chad, who was 11, to go and call.
For emergency help.
And she came to the scene, ran back.
And saw Dan hanging out of the truck.
Other people start.
Many of them who we've come to know.
And a crowd gathered.
And the truck's on fire.
And Becky goes over and someone says to her lady, get away from there. That truck's going to blow up.
And she said we'll worry about that later.
Chad, at 11 years old, went in and got the message.
To set the wheels in motion.
Of those who could help.
Becky went over and with the help of some others somehow.
And I'm sure there were many angels extricated damned from this mess.
She had the wisdom when the Highway Patrol came to say.
You better call for lifeline.
We've gotten to know Becky. We've gotten to know Chad. We've gotten to know Kristen. And they are dear.
Very, very dear friends, I'll tell you what mothers or fathers you have. Somebody pull one of your children.
Out of a wreck, or out of a swimming pool, or out of a tree, or out of a ditch, or out of anywhere, and they become real friends. It doesn't matter what they wear, what they look like, what color they are, whether they're washed or not. You don't really care.
What you care about is someone that is a friend.
Up in Iowa Falls yesterday, we were told the story. I may get this a little change, but your governor of this fine state was up at the college within the last couple of weeks, invited up to give the, I believe, the commencement address.
And a young lady, about 20 years old, has chosen to give a speech.
And after the governor gave his time.
The young lady stood up.
And she said, I want to introduce you to a good friend of mine, and she proceeded to give the gospel.
Dear friend.
You know, my friend, the Lord Jesus, could I introduce you to him?
The friend who could go to Judas. Now can you get a picture? The whole world. I don't have to.
Describe to anybody here who Judas was. You could go out in the streets of Des Moines and talk about Judas and people would know who he is.
No doubt, although some in our little assembly are they as they are reaching out to.
Some of the students from foreign countries are finding that.
Have to start with some of the basics.
Like what was a Lamb all about?
But the Lord Jesus?
If he could reach out to Judas and say friend.
Let me assure you tonight that he wants to reach out to you, those who know the Bible far better than I ever will, that know the translations and know the meanings of words, say that that word there in Matthew is one of the most endearing words that there is in all of the language of the day, friend.
Could you reach out to someone like that who you knew was about to betray you?
The Lord Jesus came.
Then let me introduce you to that friend. Dear friend. He wants to reach out to you tonight. He wants to wrap his endearing words of love around you for eternity.
So that you are his, he died to save you. Becky Glazer told us that she came into the hospital day after day, she said. I think I got another member of my family.
We really appreciated that thought occurred.
But, you know, wouldn't you like to be a member of the family of God tonight, as God reaches out to you through his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he wants to wrap his arm? If you're frustrated, if you're scared, if you don't know what life is all about, perhaps you're even thinking of suicide.
Heard a story of a 16. I think it was a 16 year old girl in a broken family who was living with one parent and the one parent called, the other divorced parents said come get this child, we don't want them.
And the child only wanted to commit suicide.
16 years old.
Do you feel left out? Do you feel that no one loves you? Let me tell you, the Lord Jesus is saying to you tonight, friend, friend.
Oh dear friend, won't you accept him the work of Christ the Lord Jesus, the one who gave all?
He suffered at the hands of God. We saw suffering that I had never seen before in my life. And at one point in time I said to someone, I said, let's multiply suffering in the city of Toledo tonight. We could take Saint Vincent's Hospital, Toledo Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Saint Luke's Hospital, Saint Charles Hospital in the nursing homes and the people at our home. And this is only at this hour in time. And now let's take it to Des Moines and let's do the same. And then let's go back 100 years in Des Moines and you take all the suffering that's gone on in this world.
It doesn't come anywhere near to the suffering for sin. That's the suffering as the result of sin, but when Jesus Christ suffered poor sin.
He could say friend, friend, Can I introduce you tonight to my friend?
The Lord Jesus Christ.
All we ask you tonight.
Get a picture of the edge of death.
And get a picture of real life.
Through our friend, the Lord Jesus Christ, could we sing the first hymn on the shoe?