The Editor's Column

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Will people who reject God’s present message of grace, and are left behind when the Lord comes, have another chance to be saved? Will they be eligible to hear and receive a gospel announcing the coming of the King? Many prominent Christians in orthodox and fundamental circles say, “Yes.” But what does the Word of God say? Surely nothing else has any authority.
In Matthew 25 we have the parable of the ten virgins. These ten represent the whole profession of Christianity; that is, they picture the true Christians as the “wise” virgins and the mere professors as the “foolish.” When the bridegroom came the wise went in to the marriage and the foolish were left on the outside. The door was then shut, and the foolish did not have another chance. They picture to us thousands around us who claim to be Christians, but who are without Christ. Such worthless profession will be shut out—lost.
In 2 Thessalonians 2 we have a class—those who “receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” They are those who will have heard the “gospel of the grace of God” but did not receive it. Is there any chance for them after the door is shut? Read the whole chapter; notice how God is going to send such triflers-with-His-mercy a lie to believe. Since they would not have the truth when it was preached to them, they will hear such a convincing lie they will believe it, and be damned. It is most solemn for any to reject or neglect God’s proffered mercy, and it is very serious to teach error that tends to blind the minds of those that believe not, or to give them a false hope.
At present the Spirit of God is here striving with men: then He will be gone with the church, and, instead of His strivings, the terrible powers of darkness will be let loose to deceive men. If men despise God’s mercy under such favorable conditions, how can they expect to believe then? The deception is going to be so strong that if it were possible it would deceive the very elect Jews. (Matt. 24:2424For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24).) God will keep them, or they too would be deceived, for the deception will come with great signs and lying wonders.