THE day’s work is over, and the father and son have gathered up the wood they are able to carry home for another day’s fire. The father feels his responsibility to care for the family, and he is doing that to the best of his ability. No doubt you are not surprised that a father should act like that for that is the father’s duty: but have you thought how God so constantly takes care of us, and constantly watches over us, and is the One who supplies all our needs? Do you trust Him for all that you need and thank Him for all that you receive? May you never forget to do SO.
I wonder how many of my young readers can tell me what is the greatest gift that God has given to us? I am sure most of you can readily say, “His beloved Son.” He is the One in whom God delighted throughout eternity, and God loved Him while He was here upon earth, for He pleased His Father in all things. Yet God gave Him to die in our stead that we, not only might not perish, but, have eternal life. How great is God’s gift to us!
We may well trust Him for all that we need, and thank Him above all for the gift of His Son.
Answers to “The Riddle,” in “Messages of Love,” Aug. 29th, 1920.