The Eyes of the Lord

Children—Jonathan Grinton
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Come on up to the front, kids.
Lots of room.
All right, who likes to sing?
Simon likes to sing. Do you want to give one out?
When he cometh, when he comes.
Umm, we're not allowed to go to the heart of the next three days.
To be very quiet in the Lord.
And, umm.
Very good. I like that one. There's a verse in Malachi that talks about that. Simon, are you gonna be one of his jewels?
Are you gonna be a jewel for Jesus? OK, who has another one?
Yes, Jesus loves me.
#40 very good.
Jesus loves me.
And far away you have a lot of Jesus hearts beginning.
Uh, so you need to find a lot to do, yeah.
While swimming, so I don't know.
Uh, humidity, but I have never mind. It's on my mind. Yeah, I see. It's a lot of blood pushes. Yeah. I'm not going to continue to come up tomorrow.
I saw for a minute.
You know, in Nova Scotia, we like to point to ourselves in saying instead of saying me, you do that. Yeah, you want to do that, OK.
So for the last verse in the chorus, instead of saying me, we'll just point to herself, OK? All right?
Loves he will stay lovely.
And translate.
Oh my God.
Yeah, I mean, it's hard for a while. You have that one time. Do you need any time right now? Yeah, I know. Geez, I thought.
Oh my God.
Well, I heard a few mees, but we usually do. So who does Jesus love me? He does. He loves me. OK, Who else would like to sing at him? Oh, you love to sing?
Way down there, I saw somebody's hand.
Is it you? Yes.
What is it #1 #1 Very good, almost persuaded.
Oh, really? Oh, a certain man of whom we read, who lived in days of old. Who was that certain man? Do you know his name? Zacchaeus.
Right, this is Zacchaeus.
A certain.
Vision hold on one second, or a friend of all the Angola and his daughter of all the other things.
Not expecting more than gold.
13 days, that's what I'm trying to go, but I have to be surprised to know what I'm saying when the competition on the fishing line.
Oh yes, so the asks where some things all over. The sun came over and they followed the human eye and the hum star or Oscar had given him some things more than gold.
He declined the freaking out blinds laughing out so badly. I can't hold thy life. That's why I'm getting hard to get in some things more than cold.
Oh yeah, so we have sex on the same bowl on that. So I'm just getting tolerated. Following $1,000,000 over the same time and how long? Won't give him some things longer than his total.
I'll stop there just for a minute again, I was thinking back to.
When I was a little boy, it's like maybe this fella here or this one, and you know, where I grew up, we had what was called the Gospel Tent.
And it was a great big tent, maybe.
I'm not sure if it was quite as big as this room, but it was pretty big. It was a tent.
And we went into it. We sang him just like this in the gospel time.
And Mr. Blenner has it would get us to say, oh, yes, oh, yes, there's something more, something more than gold. To know your sins are all forgiven and that you're on your way to heaven is something more than gold and that you're on your way to heaven. I think we can try to fit that in there for the last two verses, OK.
Thus Savior came on the way. I can start again.
We've got our own volumes and everything, and that's why we're on the scale of our way Sooner. We'll have a minute starting from modernization goals.
Oh see, your face is 17. I'm not high by the time you.
I think we've got prosthetics and what's that? But there's a fire and then fall.
Well, let's look at it. Yeah, there's something you can call us on every time I'm doing. Well, I guess it's all you're going to do now. There's any time for a long story and getting out together for all this year for any consumers have to be in front of anything more than having control. Well, that must have been pretty special time for Zacchaeus, don't you think?
To climb up in that tree.
Why did he climb up in the tree?
To see Jesus.
See the Lord Jesus, didn't he?
And the Lord Jesus came walking along, and he loved Zacchaeus, and he looked up in the tree and he saw him. What would you do? What would you do if the Lord Jesus came to vessel today?
Wow, that's a really good answer. I think I would like to do that too. Would you like to see him? Me too. I think I'd like to see him.
Or would you hide in your house and be afraid to go? No.
Has suffered little children to come on to me. He would love to see us. He wanted to see Zacchaeus too and he said Zacchaeus come down.
I'm gonna go visit you today.
OK, who else? Oh, way back here.
What a friend we have.
I've been angry at my relationship. I don't understand everything. Dear God and Christmas.
Uh-huh. Great things. We can try and drive everything.
Ignore it on the planet MJ.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not a problem. But why I can't eat and why I don't know.
And if you're supposed to call us and lower the maintenance?
I'm very good as long as you get away.
While those girls sound really good down there with everybody, maybe we should stand up.
The thing wide, wide is the ocean. How's that?
We need to move around a little bit, get freed up. It's warm in here too. OK. You ready?
Let's ask the Lord for some help for Sunday school. Our God and Father, we thank you for.
This time together, this morning, this Lord's Day, we thank thee that we can come here and sing these hymns. We know that it's love to hear us. Lord, We just pray for a little message from thee for the children and and everyone in the room.
Learned that it would be understood and clear. We pray that if there are any here that still have enough sea to wash their sins away, I see to come into their heart that they might do so right now, today.
So we just pray for this and thy name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Well, I'm really excited to be here.
I'd like to come into the conference. Do you like coming to the conference? Yes, it's fun. Do you like Sunday school? You do? Yeah. I asked that already. Well, do you like gifts? You do. Mr. Legend last night spoke a little bit about gifts and the gospel message, didn't he? I know he said that he wished. He wished that he could give a gift to everybody.
In the front rows, did everybody get a gift? Today, did everybody get a gift?
Well if you didn't get a gift, let me know after and and I'll have one for you.
Well, I didn't want to talk a lot about gifts.
But I wanted to know.
If somebody could tell me.
What a gift is.
Can somebody tell me what a gift is? This gentleman right here?
That somebody gives the same to you. Do you have to take it?
You don't have to take it. You don't have to. Well, is it nice to take it?
Yeah, it is nice to take it.
What kind of gifts?
Does God give? Yes.
Excellent. His beloved son, the Lord Jesus. Does anybody know a verse that speaks of that gift Isaac?
Well, yeah, that's a good verse, John 316, but I was thinking of one that might speak of the gift.
Yes, it is the gift of God that's very good.
I think Romans 6 and 23. Does anybody know that one Savannah?
What is it? The wages?
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, right? The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Well, I was thinking.
How he gave us that gift.
And you know, as a father, I like to give gifts to my children.
I like to give them things. I like them happy.
I like it when they're thankful that their mom and I give them things, but do you think that we give them the gift?
So that they might take it and do something bad with it.
Do you think that? No.
So I gave you all a pencil and a pad today.
And my intention would not be that you would take that pencil and pad and sit in your chair.
And write mean things.
Or make funny.
Not not nice pictures.
My idea was that maybe.
You write something nice, or maybe a verse. Something good might come out of the pencil in the pad.
Maybe you'd write something that you remembered from the meetings, maybe Sunday school, And it reminded me of a verse that I've known for a long time in Proverbs.
Chapter 17.
If you have your bibles, you can turn to it.
Does anybody have their Bible?
Open the Proverbs 17.
OK, do you wanna read verse 8 Caleb nice and loud?
Stand up, stand up.
Go ahead.
A gift is as the precious stone in the eyes within that it has it, that hath it whithersoever eterneth it prosperous very good.
And so I was thinking of that verse.
In the way that it ends, it says whithersoever it turneth it prosperous. And you know we give gifts to our children and to ones we love because we want something good to come of it.
And so the Lord Jesus came as the gift of God, and he died on the cross for you.
And he shed his blood to wash her sins away. Have you believed that? Have you accepted that gift? Yes, I have. I asked the Lord Jesus when I was a little boy to save me, to wash my sins away.
And you know God gives us that gift.
Because he wants us to do well with it. He wants us to do good.
He wants us to do good.
And it started making me think a little bit.
About how have you ever heard people say about fearing the Lord? Have you ever heard anybody say that?
About fearing God.
Anybody you've heard that? Yeah. Anybody else, Savannah, you've heard that? Well.
It made me think.
About a verse that my mom made me learn when I was a little boy. And it's in Proverbs as well.
In its Proverbs chapter 15.
And verse 3.
Proverbs chapter 15 and verse three. Who would like to read that? Savannah would. I'm getting lots of help.
Go ahead.
Right, it says the evil and the good, the eyes of the Lord are in every place. And you know I was afraid as a little boy.
To do something wrong because I knew the Lord Jesus could see me.
Do you ever think of that, boys and girls, That the Lord Jesus sees everything you do? Do you remember that hymn?
He sees what we do and He hears what we say. My Lord is watching all the time, time, time. Do you remember that one, Simon? Right.
Well, what is it then? What is it then?
That makes us or allows us to do things because we think mommy and daddy aren't watching.
What is it? Does that ever happened? It does. I wanna tell you a story about Ruthie.
I hope I got her name right, but Ruthie was a little girl. She was just about 3-3 years old. Anybody here 3?
Anybody three years old?
Yeah, well, Ruthie was three.
And Ruthie likes to play outside.
And in her yard there was a bank that went way down over the side to another bunch of houses below.
And, you know, there was some big kids down there and, and a dog and she likes to go over to the bank and look down and see the kids playing. And there was a post there. You know what a post is? A piece of wood sticking up.
And she would go over and she'd hold her arm around that post and she'd have her little doll in her other arm, and she'd lean out over the bank and look down at the kids playing and look at that dog that she liked to see playing. And she'd spin around the post just like she saw the big kids doing.
But the problem was, was that mommy and daddy told Ruthie she wasn't allowed to do that.
They said don't do that, you might fall down. That's dangerous.
So Ruthie would go outside.
And put up your hand. It's OK Put up your hand. If this rings a bell with you, Ruthie would go outside and she would look back and see if mommy and daddy were looking.
And if they weren't, she'd go over to the edge and she'd put her arm around the post again. And she'd watch and she'd go around the post and she'd go around the post.
It rings a bell with me. I did that. I did things like that. And then she'd hear the door open and oh, she'd stop and she'd.
Stand there like everything was good because mommy and daddy couldn't see her.
Because mommy and Daddy, why had she forgotten? Yes.
That's right, she forgot that the Lord Jesus and God could see everything that she was doing. And so, you know, mommy went back in and the door shut and Ruthie went back to the post going around and all of a sudden she heard a shout. Come quick.
Come quick, your little girl has fallen over the Cliff.
Ruthie was disobedient.
And she fell over the Cliff.
Ruthie forgot that the Lord Jesus could see everything she was doing and she was disobedient. And you know, her mommy and daddy ran out and they grabbed Ruthie and they her dad carried her back up into the house and believe it, she had not a mark. She had fallen all the way down over that bank and they couldn't find but a scratch. The Lord had kept her all that way to the bottom of the bank and she was safe.
Because he loved her.
But do you think?
Do you think that she did good with the gift that God gave her because she believed in the Lord Jesus?
Do you think she did good? No.
I had a whole bunch of different verses about the eyes of the Lord and you know, it says our ways are before his eyes, He sees us.
He sees us.
And I wonder what it is that makes us forget that. You know, my, my children might laugh, but I'm a big child. I'm 45 now.
And I have a problem that when I'm on these trips I like to get there.
I don't wanna be held up.
I wanna get there and the faster I can get there the better it is.
And so I sometimes drive too fast. And, you know, they put signs on the road, don't they? What do those signs say? Yeah, they say a speed limit.
And you know, sometimes I go over that speed limit.
Is that right? Is that a good thing? It's not a good thing. And you know what I do when I'm doing that? I wanna tell you. I wanna be honest with you. I look.
And I wonder if there's a black or a blue car or a white car further up the highway that might have lights on the roof, who would it be?
The police.
And I'm wondering if you'll see me. I'm wondering if I'll get caught.
What have I forgotten?
Anybody else? What have I forgotten? Simon Jesus is watching. I have forgotten that the Lord Jesus sees everything that I do.
Everything. So now that's a little girl, that's a big man.
And now I'll tell you a story about a little boy.
Anybody here 8?
Levi's 888 well.
Do you like stories? You like stories? OK, well this is out of a Bible story book. I should have said that in the beginning. So is Ruthie, and you can have the same book. These stories are good, but this story is about a little boy named Freddy.
And Freddie was eight years old, You know, back when I was a little boy, we had a melt truck. Does anybody where you live now have a melt truck that comes to your house? Does anybody have a milk truck live out in the country? They come to your door? Well, I lived in a little fishing village in Laurenville, New Brunswick, and there was a melt truck that drove right to our house every day, I believe.
Well, little Freddy.
And some of the boys in the neighborhood like to jump on the truck on the side of the truck because it would have a big door that opened and you could jump on and you could go for a ride. That sounds like fun.
Isaac says yes. Well.
Little Freddy would jump on the truck and he'd go for a ride down the road and when the truck would make his nuts next stop, Brady would jump off.
He would jump off and he'd go home while his mom caught him.
And she said, Freddy, I don't want you to do that anymore. That's a very dangerous thing. I don't want you to do it.
One day, the milk truck came into the yard and parked.
And Freddie was there, and he looked around and the milkman was talking to his mom.
And he said, oh, this is the perfect time, nobody.
See me?
He said this is the perfect time, nobody can see me. So Freddy went around the other side of the truck. He jumped on the truck and he held on. The milkman stopped talking to his mom and he got in the truck.
He pulled away. He heard a funny noise.
He heard a big thump.
And what sounded like a little boy screaming.
He screeched to a halt.
And he got out of the melt truck.
And he went back and what do you think he found? What did he find?
Sounds pretty. What was wrong with Freddy?
Do you know the story? You're right, he fell off the truck.
And he was unconscious. He was knocked out. He hit his head so hard.
That he was like asleep laying on the road.
Isn't that scary?
That's scary.
What did Freddie do wrong?
Yes, he disobeyed and he forgot what?
That Jesus was watching, that God could see everything that Freddie was doing, and he sees everything that everybody in this room does, every second, every minute, every hour of every day.
And he never stops watching over us. He never stops watching for us because he loves us.
And when we're disobedient?
He shows us that he's watching, and he showed Freddie and he showed Ruthie.
And he showed Mr. Grinton.
Because one day we were coming home from a trip and I had the kids in my truck.
And you know, I passed the car on a three lane highway. They have the passing lane up the middle of the road. And I was so frustrated with the lady that I went and I passed her on the wrong the wrong side. You're supposed to pass in the middle. And I went up on the right and I came over the highway over the top. And guess what was on the other side of the road? Yes.
A police officer and RCMP a Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
And he was sitting on the opposite side of the road minding his business and mine, and his lights came on instantly. And I said, oh boy, I've been caught.
But was I not already caught? Wasn't I already caught Because who saw me?
God saw me. The Father saw me.
I was bringing nothing good.
Out of the gift of belonging to him, I was bringing nothing good.
Well, I had to set an example before my children because they were all there. And so I apologized to the policeman and I told him I was sorry.
And you know, he was very good to me. I still got a ticket, but it wasn't a big ticket. And in Nova Scotia, you lose your license, you know, for seven days.
Seven days if you get a big ticket, and I drive for a living, so I didn't lose my license because he gave me a smaller fine.
But I wasn't bringing good for the gift that God had given me.
And I've been thinking of this verse a lot lately.
And in connection with fearing the Lord and doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing, because he sees the evil and the good. Remember, I've been thinking of a verse in First Corinthians chapter 10 a lot. If somebody has their Bible open, maybe you could read it for me in First Corinthians chapter 10.
Anybody like to read it?
Somebody different, maybe? Jack, you wanna read it? Yeah.
You wanna read the Bible?
First Corinthians, chapter 10.
Can you read this No say whether therefore.
Ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do.
Do all to the glory of God. Very good, thank you. Whatsoever you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.
I can honestly tell you today.
That my behavior driving my truck before that policeman was not for the glory of God.
I can tell you that Freddie and Ruthie, by being disobedient to their parents, they disobeyed God and they did nothing, nothing for the glory of God.
To your children and everyone here, consider the things that we do before his eyes. Consider the things that we say before him. Mr. Conrad yesterday spoke of our behavior.
He spoke of our behavior.
If you're afraid that mommy and daddy might see you.
Don't you think that we should be afraid?
Of our Father, God the Father of what he sees. Don't you think that we should be afraid of that?
When we disobeyed mommy and daddy, what happens besides you getting in trouble? What happens? What happens with mommy and daddy? They get what?
What happens when you're disobedient? What do mommy and daddy get?
Anybody have a word?
That's the word I'm looking for, Caleb. They get disappointed.
It gets disappointed. I don't wanna say they get mad. They get disappointed. And if you will, will you, Mr. Pross, tell me what it was that Mister Hayhoe said about disappointment. I can't remember how you said it just before we were talking.
Do you remember?
No, OK, I don't remember either.
It is about fearing the Lord, and that it yes.
The fear of the Lord for a believer is the fear of taking one step without His guidance and the fear of disappointing one who has done so much for us. Thank you, thank you.
That's that's it.
And there's no way I could have remembered all of that by myself so.
Remember that.
Remember that, children and everyone else.
When we're disobedient, we disappoint Him.
And, you know, we talked of behavior in the household of God.
We might disappoint one another as well. I know in my house where I live with my wife and my kids, if one child gets in trouble, it affects the whole house.
The day that I got in trouble for speeding, being disobedient to the speed law, it affected my whole house, It affected everybody. So consider these things that He sees what we do, He hears what we say. My Lord is watching all the time, time, time.
Does anybody have another hymn they'd like to sing?
This little lady here, I forget your name, Alana.
#8 on the sheet. OK, I didn't bring my sheet.
All right, shall we gather?
Challenge the air and you're from our life. If you told me to be gone, don't stop on everything. You're just going to go out and ask everybody.
Here's what I'm already down in the water, you know, so it's gone. Uh, when you can't get anything, go ahead. You're going to tell the way you can go out and get. Come on. Yeah, Yeah. That's a blindness. So I have to say anything to your heart.
No, no, we are the same as God of being.
On the 10-4 and it's a lot of things, yeah, yeah, I can't fly this way. It's going to go and we're going to, uh.
Well, I'm thankful for you all being here.
And I hope you had a little bit of fun at Sunday school. I was just thinking, I had made a few little notes of little verses that you might remember. In First Samuel 15 and 22, it says it's better to obey. It is. It's better to obey. And you know, it tells us in Isaiah chapter 118.
Well, I think it's actually verse 20, but it says to obey. He wants us to obey. So remember that. Remember that when you're obeying those gifts that He has given you the gift of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Then we can go and do good things and prosper for him, and he'll be happy. He'll be pleased, not disappointed. He'd be pleased with our behavior. Let's pray. Our God and Father, we thank Thee for the Sunday School time together and for the same. We thank you for these stories and for the verses from thy word, Lord, that Thy eyes does see everything that we do.
The good and the bad. And Lord, we pray that we might.
Really want to do only good things for the things that please thee, like the Lord Jesus Christ, how He did only the things that pleased the Father. And so Lord, we first pray that each one is accepted that gift of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts.
And then we pray that we might do good with that gift. And so we just ask you for the remainder of the day, and we think of our Savior and how we're about to come and remember him. If it be thy will, Lord, we just pray that we might bring glory and honor to thee in thy precious name, Thy name we pray, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.