HERE are two dear old ladies out in their little garden. They have been working hard all day, and now in the cool of evening, they are enjoying the garden flowers they have raised, and their little pet dog. They are very much interested in the dog. Why do you suppose they like him so well? Many of us have dogs, and we know what loyal, faithful creatures they are.
At the first sound of his master’s voice or footstep, a dog runs to meet him. When his master calls, he goes at once. He promptly obeys his master’s commands, and is very happy when his master plays with him, or shows him any attention.
A dog will risk his life to save his master, or his master’s child. Many a dog has been killed in his attempt to save some person’s life. Their love and devotion is very wonderful; it is no wonder that we love them so much.
This is why the women in the picture are so happy. After the work of the day it is a real treat to them to get out with their little pet, and teach him some new trick, or watch him do those he already knows.
I hope all the readers of this little paper will learn a lesson from the faithful dog, who tries so hard to please his master.
The Lord Jesus, speaking of God, His Father, said,
Too often we are thinking about pleasing ourselves. But you will find that pleasing the Lord gives the truest happiness.
ML 08/07/1927