The Father Sent the Son to Be the Savior of the World

Duration: 35min
Luke 18:16; Luke 16:19; 1 John 4:14
Children—Terry Kilcup
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I don't think there's anybody in here that can say that they've never heard the story before. Is this the first time anybody in this room to hear Sunday school or a gospel or about the Lord Jesus? Last night the gospel went forth in this very room, and I'm sure most of you were here.
There's a very important message, but this morning this message may be more important than last night's message.
Not because it's me, but because you've been given another day. The Lord Jesus didn't come yet, and he hasn't taken you home yet. We don't know when our days are up. So if there's someone in this room and the burden on my my heart is there might be one or more in this room that hasn't accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Does anyone else have a song I like to sing?
A number #4 Here you go next.
I was thinking about this morning and I've spent, I've spent a lot of time in the gymnasium.
The bleachers are normally pulled out, the baskets are normally lowered down, and the scoreboard is on. And I felt pretty comfortable there and I spent hours in the gymnasiums.
And before we go it on the basketball floor, my coach in high school was a Christian and he'd have a say the Lord's Prayer before we went out on the basketball floor. Not everybody on the team was a Christian, but they each had to recite the Lord's Prayer.
You know, this morning the bleachers are pushed back, the baskets are rolled up and the scoreboards not on.
At last, Nick was a 21St, wasn't it, Tim? I got a phone call. My cell phone rang and I pulled it out and I told my wife someone from Eastern Washington is calling. I didn't know the number, so I answered the phone and they said, is this Terry? I said yes. He said this is Tim Newton. I said OK, and I thought there was something wrong.
With my father-in-law sick, something happened and he said.
Well, I've been asked to call around to see if somebody wants to speak. And about that time my mind went blank and I didn't hear a whole lot of what he said after that. And I think I said I got to call you back. I got to pray about it. I'll call you tomorrow.
Tomorrow came, tomorrow went. I didn't call him.
Prayed a second night, call them back the next day.
I told them OK.
In what was said to me was it doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be complicated. So I took it it needed to be short and simple. That's what I'm going to try and do is keep it short and simple for the children.
So before we go any further, just like when I went to the gym playing basketball, there was a prayer said before the game. But last night?
I didn't get a whole lot of sleep, I woke up quite a bit and I prayed quite a bit. There was a lot of prayers going up for this meeting last night. I might be by my from myself and I believe there was others that told me they'd be praying for me. So before we go any further I'd like to bow my head and ask for help.
Our God and Father, we just thank Thee for this time. We have to open Thy word.
To the children, we just pray that the message would be simple. We just pray that it would come from the We pray that there be one in this room that is without thee, that they would turn to thee before it is forever too late. So we just asked this.
In thy name and ask for help and pray that they just pray that the prayers would continue to go up throughout this meeting. We ask this in our name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
We'll sing some more, but I just want to read.
A verse.
In Luke chapter 18 verse 16. I'm sure most of you kids already know this verse.
Supper, little children, to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of God.
Suffer their little children to come unto me.
We want each and everyone in this room child, or if there's a teenager or one older, if you're still in your sins.
Our prayer is that you would come to know the Lord Jesus before it is forever too late. Does someone else have a song they'd like to sing?
What number?
Number six.
To sun, everyone smells great.
And great tone and I smell.
Change sunscreen alone.
And all rain.
The Graves.
The face.
Tell example.
Is light and God.
Is some.
What number?
Number one, who was that?
Almost persuade.
Come, come.
Almost persuade.
And all.
OK, we'll sing that in just a minute. OK, um.
The last two songs.
Actually, we're part of what I was going to speak about this morning. So I'm going to maybe we'll sing #5 in a minute. I want to. I'm going to read a story in in Luke.
I was just thinking, in the past month there's been two people that have passed away. One I knew, one I didn't know, one man that passed away.
He's very, very wise man in this world, very smart and the world thought he was.
One of the smartest people there were.
But I read a little bit of what he finished up before he passed away. And at the end of the article I was reading, it said that those people that believe in God, it's just a fairy tale. It's just a fairy tale.
And if that man went into death believing that?
He'll be forever separated from the love of God, the other man that passed away.
I knew him. I met him when I was 12.
And he passed away not too long ago.
And when I heard that he passed away, I thought he is face to face with his savior.
The one he longed to be with.
The one he talked about, he shared the gospel with anybody and everybody.
He went from this poor Earl, this poor world, absent from the body, and he's present with the Lord.
If you were to die today, will you be absent from the body and present with the Lord?
I trust you will, but I don't know. I can look and see that most of you or all of you have been to Sunday school before.
You've been to the meetings here, but I don't know what's in your heart.
Only God does so. I want to read in Luke chapter 16 verse 19.
Luke, 1619.
There was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was at his gate full of sores.
And it came to pass that the Baker died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom, and the rich man died and was buried.
If you were to die, if you were to die today, would it be said of you? You, you died and you were buried? Or could it be said that you were carried by the angels, absent from the body, present with the Lord? Would you be like this man that was so smart, but he thought God was a fairy tale? Would you be buried? Would you be seeing him as your judge before you're cast into a lost eternity, forever separated from the love of God?
I'm going to turn over to.
Acts Chapter 7.
Are you ready? Are you ready to meet the Lord Jesus as your Savior?
Have you asked him into your heart?
Acts Chapter 7.
Verse 56 This is Stephen. He was preaching.
Behold, I see the heavens opened in the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. And they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears, and they ran upon him with one accord. They didn't want to hear what Stephen had to say. Many in this world don't want to hear what the Lord Jesus has to say.
They cast him out of the city and stoned him, and the witness laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God and saying, Lord Jesus receive my spirit. So is there stoning Stephen? He's praying, saying, Lord Jesus received my spirit. And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice. Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.
I don't know about you, but if someone was hitting me or throwing rocks at me, I wouldn't be. I should, but I wouldn't be praying that not to lay this in at their charge. I would want to fight back. That's my nature and that's all. That's all of our nature to fight back. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
So here was Stephen.
Being stoned and there was a man there named Saul.
And he was, we're going to turn over to Chapter 9, we're going to read more about Saul. And it said Saul yet breathing and threatenings and slander against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest. And he desired him letters to Damascus, to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound into Jews unto Jerusalem. And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus, and suddenly they're shown, they're shined round about him a light from heaven.
So here's Saul, who had had the coats thrown down at his feet when they were stoning Stephen. He's gone on.
He's gathering up Christians and putting them in prison.
But as he's, as he's going on, a light shone from from heaven.
And he fell to the earth, and he heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
And he, trembling and astonished, said Lord.
Have you had that light children shine from heaven on your heart? Have you had the Lord Jesus touch your heart? And have you turned and said Lord?
Have you owned him as Lord here? He says, Lord, how did how did Saul know who this was? He'd been gathering up Christians to beat him and kill him, but he knew who he was fighting against and he said, Lord.
And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest.
Is persecuting the children of God? And what did he say? And he trembling?
And astonished said, Lord, what will thou have me to do?
Have you asked the Lord Jesus, What would you have me to do? Have you owned him as Lord? What would you have me to do?
Acts 1631. Can anybody know what that verse says?
I'm sure you do. I'm sure you've learned it for your Sunday School verses, but it says believe.
I can see some lips moving on. The Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Lord. What would they have me to do? I remember listening to a meeting on a tape. It was Bob Tony.
And he was preaching and he was saying there's nothing to do. All it says is believe. Just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
There's nothing else for us to do.
It's that simple. Even the youngest up here in the front row.
That's is that simple, just to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that thou shalt be saved.
We're all sinners in this room, it says. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Then Levi doesn't leave anybody out, does it? For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
I have my notes here because I get up front here, I'm a little nervous and I lose track of what I'm saying so.
But we're all sinners. There's a verse that says.
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. I'm so thankful for that verse because everyone in this room, including myself, we're all sinners. We're not righteous.
He came to save sinners. Now there's two types of people in this room. There are sinners.
That are lost, and they're sinners that are saved. Which are you? Are you saved or are you still in your sins? Are your sins still upon you?
There were three people on the that were the Lord Jesus was crucified and there were two people with them. I appreciated this the other day in Tacoma.
One thief had.
Sinned in him, and sins on him, the other thief.
How that go had sins in him, the Lord Jesus on their head, no sin in him, but our sins were put on him. So we had one thief that had the sins in him and on him once thief that had the sins.
In him, but not on him. He was a Sinner, but the Lord Jesus had bore his sins for him. Thank you.
But I appreciated that, that we're all sinners. But if you are saved, your sins have been put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
You don't have to pay for those sins, it says. The wages of sin is death.
The wages of sin is death. I go to work for wages, and if I work like I'm supposed to, I get paid.
So we're traveling through this Earth.
Last night, Ted said we were all born sinners like Ted's. We don't have to be trained to sin. I've heard that many times that it comes natural to something that happens.
We're all sinners.
Is the Lord Jesus bore your sins?
As he bore my sins, he did. The work was done at Calvary's cross.
Not of works of righteousness that we have done. What is the Lord Jesus? What does God think about our good works?
There's filthy rags. Did anybody collect filthy rags? Anybody keep them?
They're thrown away, aren't they? Filthy rags are thrown away and that's what our good works. That's what our works are to God. There's nothing we can do for our salvation. It's already been done since the wages of sin are death that first doesn't then there, but it says the but the gift of God. It's a free gift. I haven't paid for a gift in my life that was given to me.
It was given to me as a gift. It was free and God sent his son. That's our Sunday school verse today, isn't it?
Says the Father sent the Son to be the savior of the world.
That was God's gift to each one of us, His own beloved Son, to die on the cross for our sins.
So now I want to there's another subject I want to talk about.
For those of us that are saved.
And then we go through this world and there's many things in the world that occupy our time and our thoughts. I just had a few things in this bag. Does anybody know what this is?
Steps up So baseball. Anybody know what this one is?
Anybody played croquet? It's a croquet ball.
More specifically, it's a it's a softball.
Girls play softball. Boys play baseball.
Anybody know what this is? Golf balls? Anybody play golf?
I've tried it.
I heard it's a good game. I heard it's a fun game. I couldn't. I couldn't prove it. I don't think golf's very fun. Anybody know what?
Wiffle ball. Very good. It's a wiffle ball. You probably use it for pickleball too.
Here What's this?
Ping pong ball. His family plays a lot of ping pong. I've watched him play ping pong at our meeting room at Tacoma and I wouldn't. I don't think I could even beat him. They're pretty good at ping pong.
Anybody know what this? What is this volleyball?
And then what is this football? Very good.
Got a couple more here.
Basketball OK now like I said at the beginning, I spent a lot of time in the gym. I played a little bit of basketball and.
Does anybody here that plays it a lot?
What's your name?
Jesse, if I asked you to come up here and see you could dribble from one end of the gym to the other faster, would you want to try that with me? I've got this basketball, don't you come up here and you can use this one and I'll use this one and we'll see who can win.
You want to try it? I think I have a good shot of winning.
Children, this is a silly example but what I was thinking about.
As we go through our Christian lives in this world.
It was a simple illustration. I want to go to Matthew chapter 5.
And verse 14 And it says, Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid, neither do men put, neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a Candlestick, and a giveth light unto all that are in the house. So let your shine your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and that and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
We're to be a we're to be an example of the Lord Jesus Christ were to shine forth for him. You know, I work with people that I don't think they've even had a Bible in their hands, let alone opened it up, talked with him on the phone.
And I haven't talked to them about the Lord Jesus. I've done business with them.
And not a while back, I was talking to a vendor and I said something and the vendor answered. They said something back to me that just struck me to the core.
I made a comment that I shouldn't have made and this vendor said that's not very Christian like.
And my mouth just dropped open. She couldn't. They couldn't see me. I was on the phone.
And it just hit me so hard.
And I apologized. I didn't know they knew I was a Christian. I had no idea they knew I was a Christian.
Like we said yesterday, there was a family at a store.
Some brother, I think it was Bob, said. I went up to him and asked him if they were Christians. There was something different about them.
And yes, they were Christians. So we can go through this world, children. We can be a light to the Lord Jesus Christ.
They may not read the Bible, but they can read Christians.
They know how we should act. They can correct us.
And that hit me to the core when I was corrected by someone who.
Who didn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior?
So how can we?
How can we?
Not be like this basketball. What's wrong with this basketball?
It's crushed. Why is it crushed? What's it missing?
It's missing the air inside, isn't it? The air is not in this basketball. I bet if I took my pump and pumped it back up then it would hold air again. It would be. It's still a basketball. Even though it's of no use right now. It's still a basketball.
There have been times in my life, sorry to say, that I've been like this basketball.
The Lord Jesus has not been able to use me because I.
I haven't been reading and I haven't been praying. I haven't been meditating on the Word of God. This is what we've become.
We could become useless to God. We're still Christians. Like Ted said last night, once you're saved, you're always saved. God may not be able to use this, I've heard my father-in-law say.
A saved soul, but a lost life.
We don't want to become that do we don't want, we don't want to just get saved and then go off and do whatever we want.
Some people that are saved and have lost their lost their way. They're the most miserable people in the world.
So how can we continue this? Can someone start the song for me? Read your Bible, pray every day. This is how we become more like the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray every day. Pray every day, Pray every day.
Read your Bible, pray every day and no problem.
And you grow, grow, grow and you'll grow, grow.
So I want to encourage each one of us, as well as myself, to continue to reading our Bible and praying every day. And you don't have to turn to a bit in Hebrews 12 Says, Wherefore seeing ye also are compassed about with so great a crowd of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and every sin that so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race.
That is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Unto Jesus, not unto a man on this earth.
But unto Jesus, I know there's some in this room that would like to run and I know they don't go out and put on their their boots or their hiking boots to go run their race. They put on, I'm going to guess I talked with her, she puts on ASIC gels very nice running shoe so she can go run. She gets rid of the heavy boots that she can run. So there's many things in this world that will weigh us down that will keep us from.
Running the race.
Matthew 619.
Lay not up your treasures upon earth were moth and rust doth corrupt.
And where thieves breakthrough and steal. But lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust, nor death.
Corrupt and where thieves do not breakthrough or steal for what your treasure is, there is your heart also. So children, if our treasure is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The things of this world will not get a hold of us and drag us down. We can lay those weights aside if we're putting our treasures in heaven instead of on this earth. I work for a man that owns the company I work for and he is just grabbing and trying to hold on to everything he can get. His treasures are on this earth. His father passed away and left him his company and he's just doing his best to hold on.
He doesn't have a hope.
He doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, so he's just grabbing what he can. But if our hope is in heaven, our treasures are in heaven, we can lay aside those weights. It'll draw us down, it'll pull us away. Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and in whose hope the Lord is. So I trust that each one in this room can say that verse.
Because there's coming a time, it says every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess. You're going to bow the knee now.
And ask the Lord Jesus to be your savior. Or are you going to bow your knee at a future date when he's going to be your judge? And it'll be ever, forever too late. We sing that song almost persuaded the king. Agrippa, He said, almost. Thou persuadest me to be a Christian. I'm not trying to persuade you to be a Christian, but I'm urging you to look to the Lord Jesus and he may touch your heart and save your soul.
I did say we'd sing one more song #5 who did someone start that, please?
It's my choice.
Sunday, my Sinner and my God.
I am my Lords and feelings, and I follow.
Glad to know, glad someone did your heart.
Happy, happy day.
When Jesus?
Was my sins away?
In time.
To watch and pray.
And every time.
See every day.
When Jesus?
Wants my sins away.
In time.
To watch and pray.
Pray and every joy is here every day.
Every day.
Happy day when Jesus.
Called my center way.
What a beautiful song to end on.
We didn't say our verses.
Maybe if you've learned your verse, we could all say it at the same time.
I'll start. I'll say it first. The Father sent the Son to be the savior of the world. First John, 4/14.
We all say it together now, the father.
Thank you very much. Now let's we'll just close in prayer.