Address—C. Buchanan
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Son of God.
Joy, we praise Thee on the Father's throne. Above all, Thy wondrous work displays Thee. Full of grace and full of love. Lord, accept our adoration for our sins. Thou once was slain. Through Thy blood we have salvation.
Soon shall share thine endless reign that's #32 please somebody started.
Son of God, with joy we pray.
We'll pray. Expected. Well, who said?
By name, the United States is not in the Bible.
It says here it is in the 18th chapter of Isaiah and as I read it I'll try to explain his thoughts about it.
Wool. Or you could read that hoe. It's a call of attention to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the best exposure we've had is a man named Kush who settled in those early days both east and West of Palestine.
So what's the Spirit of God talking about? Host of the land shattering with wings?
Which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia and another character about that land that sendeth ambassadors by the sea.
That's a maritime nation, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the water, saying go ye swift messengers to a nation scattered and peeled a description of Israel.
To a people terrible from their beginning. Hitherto I was living in the days of that.
Six days war over there, and most of you were too. And those Jews, they put those armies of the Arabs to fly in six days. They are warriors going back to the days of David and so on.
A nation scattered and peeled, and people terrible from their beginning. Hitherto they are warriors. But what happened to them? A nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled, You know when.
The Israelites were brought into that land out of Egypt. It was a land that God said, flowing with milk and honey.
Very, very productive. Plenty of rain, plenty of water. But what is it now?
All that machinery and civilization's ability can produce through irrigation, they have to go after the water and get it in there to produce the natural food. Well, they have been very skillful, although I can't talk from first experience. I haven't been over there. But we believe these reports and the land is getting filled up. Well, here to go on with this.
Verses here the rivers.
We'll go and read about that.
All the inhabitants of the world dwellers on the earth, and we've got lots of those today, the news going out and people want to hear it.
Earth dwellers that like to stay here.
Nicole is see ye are you people on the earth? You look and see what's going on today.
When he lifted up an Ensign on the mountains. When he blows the trumpet, hear ye.
One writer said this is the echo to the feast of trumpets for the Jews that's going to call them back to the land.
And if that being the echo.
In the last 50 years.
Many, many Jews have gone back to the land ahead of time, ahead of the Feast of Trumpets.
But we will go on read.
For the so the Lord said unto me, that's Isaiah the prophet getting this word. I, the Lord said this to him, I will take my rest, God saying that, and I will consider in my dwelling place.
Like a clear heat upon herbs and like a cloud of dew in the time in the heat of harvest. Then he said, before the harvest.
When the bud is perfect.
And the sour grape is ripening in the flour. Now that's all that God sees in the returned remnant of the Jews over the place that's called Israel. And they're surrounded without and within by enemies, and they're squabbling over the Temple Mount, and neither one of them can fully have it. This is interesting. We're living in the days of the beginning of the fulfillment of some of this.
Before the harvest, when the bud is perfect, it's just a bud. They're called Israel. It's a sour grape. It's not the sweet village of the harvest that God wants. It's all that man can produce educationally with all his machinery. No fruit for God.
Like a sour grape is ripening in the flower, not the fruit. What's God going to do? He shall both cut off the springs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches.
Israel as it is today is not going to last according to this, and I believe this, but more than that, I believe that we won't be here to see the most of this. Nevertheless, the Lord's coming is near and when we see these signs.
And I would say a little bit more about saying that this is the United States that's talked of here. The rivers of Kush were east and West of Jerusalem. There they were the Euphrates and the Nile.
I've sometimes said an old brother Jackson used to be up here in Saint Louis. He agreed with that, he said.
This tells me that the world is round and the people could have known it before the days of Columbus if they'd read this book. Because.
If you go east and West from Jerusalem, you come around to this side of the world, and I believe that too.
The English speaking world and the Christianized world are the ones who have become a shelter.
A shadowing with wings for the Jews who were dispersed and driven out of their land.
Because they rejected their Messiah.
And God has in his Providence taken care of that race.
In that race, oh, there might be 17 or 20 million of them, small compared to some of the other races, but they're there. More in the US than in Israel even. But there's a lot of moration and so on. They're not going to get their land under their own efforts, is what this tells us.
And when you see that, you know that the coming of the Lord for us is near. So you come around the world, and you come to the US, where there's the Christianized world and the truth has been developed, and you can't get any higher truth.
And we've been getting here in Saint Louis, and I look upon Saint Louis where we are as the center of this continent. It's not officially that, but I remember going out of the Union Station there and the railroads that went to the West Coast and the East Coast and North and South separately located yet.
And I'd like to say on that point that the truth came to Saint Louis back in the past century. I don't know the date.
But I know that my grandma was here 110 years ago, and I know that my mother was here 100 years ago, identified with this assembly. My father came into fellowship. So I really love my history through God's work of this place. Well, here we are, here we are, all this truth, the knowledge of the Lord's return and the knowledge that he's going to reign.
But he won't take this world in the condition that man has put it into.
Now, as to when.
We've said that there were 4000 years before the cross.
When the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a woman.
Made under the law to redeem them that were under the law Galatians 4.
Jesus came on time the first time. When people asked me when is the Lord going to come again? I just have to say on time. But he hadn't told me the time. If he was on time the first time, he'll be on time the second time.
But I'm impressed to come down here within 40 days of another Millennium.
40 days of another century, 40 days of another year. It ought to make us think. Now, brethren, see ye and hear ye. When these things begin to come to pass, look up where your redemption draweth nigh.
Now let's go on back to Genesis to get a little more about the first creation. As we have said, this book is the story of two men, the 1St and the last, the 1St and the 2nd, Adam and Jesus. That was his name given.
We've reviewed without looking at it, the 1St chapter. I want to go to the fifth chapter and read. I think it's the second verse. We'll see if we can check that out and read it.
Yes, it's the second verse, but we read one and two.
Of chapter 5, Genesis Five, one and two.
This is the book of the generation of Adam.
In the day that God created him man, and they that God created man in the likeness of God made he him. We'll go back and check that out.
Male and female created he them.
And blessed them and called their name Adam Singular.
They both had the same name. I say plural but singular name. He called their name Adam.
A whole this part of the Bible and turn over with me too. 1St Corinthians 12 Could they get a similar statement and connection with Christ and the church.
1St Corinthians 12.
And the 12Th verse.
Notice whereas the body is one and has many members.
And all the members of that one body, being many, are one body. So also Christ leave out the word. He is doesn't belong there. It's easier to understand this way. He called their name Adam. He calls Christ in the church. Christ he called.
Their name Adam, so also Christ. Don't be afraid to take that name upon you. You officially or outwardly take it in baptism. And we should be seen before the world as Christians.
Someone has said as to our witness.
Many around you won't listen to you.
When you preach the gospel or talk to them about wonderful things of God.
But they keep looking at you.
And what do they see? Do they see Christ?
Some of them, if they see Christ, that's the only place they're going to see Christ. It makes you think seriously, doesn't it?
Well, back in Genesis again. Pick up one or more, one or two more thoughts.
We'll go to the third chapter of Genesis, and we noticed the Bible is.
Has in many places short statements.
With a whole lot of meaning.
And we're going to stop with a short statement in the third chapter.
After sin had come in.
And the conscience was given.
In the 22nd verse.
God, the Lord God talks about it. Let's read what he says in Genesis 322 and the Lord God said, behold, often in Scripture that's a call to attention to see what's being said or heard or looked at. Behold the man. Now we're going to look at that same words in.
The New Testament at the other man, but not just right now we say a little bit more about this.
Behold the man.
That's God in the plural, for he had said in the first chapter in the 26th verse, Let us make man in our image, God in the Trinity as.
The seraphim in Isaiah 6 say Holy, holy, holy, the Trinity.
Let us make man in our image after our likeness. That's creation. That's where the 1St man came from and he was innocent. He was not a Sinner. See, God wanted to have a creature with whom he could come in.
And he could talk to somebody in innocence, just as we can take up our little babes and call them innocent and and enjoy them, although they might start hollering and protesting. But God looked at this creature.
Now sin had come in, he says, Behold the man.
That's Adam and Eve the one.
In the beginning, we want to say that our talk will start with this God and man.
That's our God starts, and it will end with God.
And men, we'll get to that in the last chapter of the Bible. It's so charming.
These little things. But he says, behold, the man is become. Something had changed in that man is become. He had listened. Eve had listened.
Adam as well as Eve Partick of that fruit. And what did it do?
Behold, the man has become as one of us to know good and evil God knows good and evil, the holy God.
The one who cannot sin.
We've been through that very beautifully in connection with Christ the Holy One.
Knows good and evil and perfectly does the good and perfectly abstained from the evil.
The man fallen could not do that. God in his mercy went on and tested that man.
For those 4000 years. And then he sent his son in to the world. And then we come to the second man.
This is a sad thing. Here. Behold the man.
Is become as one of us to know good and evil, so God said, And now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever, therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden.
Never eaten to till the ground from which he was taken.
So he gave out the man and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword to keep the way of the Tree of life. In our meetings we looked at that, the tree of life, we're going to find it. We did find it in the last chapter, but this is what God says about the 1St man.
Now let's look and see what the 1St man says about the 2nd man and John 19 verse. We'll find it. It's a very different thing. John 19.
Here is the.
Trial of the Lord Jesus.
Here is the representative of the Roman power, for when his people failed in there, taking control in government of the earth and the tribes and turned to idolatry, the Jews, he had them carried away captive. They're still stored up in captivity in a few of them back.
But there was a little company of them back to have the Messiah presented to them. We've had that knowledge of the woman in the fourth of John about the Messiah. She knows he's coming. She knows he's coming. He says I'm here. What a wonderful thing.
What did the 1St man do to the second man?
Let's read this a little bit.
John 19 Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged him.
And the soldiers planted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple road, and said, Hail, King of the Jews. The Lord had confessed that he was the king of the Jews, and he was convicted on that statement, which was true, And they smote him with their hands.
Pilate therefore went again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, you look at him.
That he may know that I find no fault in him at all. In all, the trial pilot hadn't found any fault in Jesus. Never was there a man like that of which that could have been true. But it was true, and it was caused to be stated that it was true nevertheless.
Then came Jesus.
Fourth verse.
Wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe mockery.
And Pilate saith unto them, Here's the statement, Behold the man.
This is the second race of man talking about the 2nd man.
Behold the man. That was an absolutely true statement. But there they were, mocking him, getting ready to crucify him and cast him out of the earth. That's the guilt of the 2nd man. And let's go on and read about it. See where that guilt lies. Maybe we can understand a little why the world is in such confusion and chaos and suffering.
Because of the result of this.
Verse six. When the chief priests, therefore, and the officer saw him, they cried out.
Saying, Crucify him, crucify him, Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him, for I find no fault in him.
That Jews answered him, we have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of Man.
The lady made himself the Son of God.
Back in Genesis.
Through the fall, it says about Adam his wife. Behold, the man has become as one of us, as gods. Now that was partially true through the fall.
The first man.
Gained the knowledge of good and evil, as gods have the knowledge of good and evil, but as they have been through it without the power to do the good and to refuse the evil.
So that what happened to the first man? He aspired to go up and be as gods, and he couldn't hold that position.
Now here, the second race, the second, I mean the first race of men under the Roman Empire, and the Jews that brought him there have the 2nd man before them.
And these statements are made, and behold the man.
And they said.
Because he made himself the Son of God, He was the Son of God, and he made himself the Son of Man. That blessed first man came down from Godhead deity and became a man to take our guilt and wash it away.
What a sight this is, in scorn, in mockery. Jesus set up there, but the trial goes on.
Verse eight One pilot therefore heard that saying he was the more afraid because Pilate had some knowledge that he had the authority of the 4th Gentile Kingdom, the Roman Empire, and he had a prisoner up here that he couldn't find any fault in.
And it wasn't right to condemn a guiltless person. It certainly wasn't right under the Jewish law either.
But what happens as you go on?
Pilate was getting to be scared, and he when did the judgment seat, and saith unto the saith to Jesus, Whence art thou?
Look at this.
Pilot says to Jesus, where did you come from?
What's the answer? But Jesus gave him no answer.
He is 33 years of ministry and.
Miracles and love and kindness and raising the dead was already known.
They should have known and believed that he came from God.
The trial goes on.
He was a more afraid and he didn't get any answer from Jesus. No defense. Then said pilot unto him, Speakest thou not unto me?
Jesus, aren't you going to talk to me? I'm the Roman power.
What happens?
Speakest thou not unto me? Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release the?
Jesus answered. Now listen to this, Thou couldst have no power at all against me, except that we're given the.
From above.
He that delivered me to thee hath the greater sin.
That is interesting.
The guilt is spread out over the whole world.
Later on in this book.
It was fulfilled. What's written in the first Psalm? Second Psalm? Let's turn to the second Psalm. Read that.
It starts right in the first verse of the second song.
Why did the heathen rage? That's the gentile. Why do the people imagine a vain thing?
Why do the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers, Gentiles and Jews, the rulers of them take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed? Say, let us break their bands in sunder, and castaway their courts from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, God's purposes and counsel being fulfilled.
And the whole thing of the cross.
The Lord shall have them in the region. There's a judgment for this. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sure displeasure. Let's go back to this 19th of John again.
Goes on and says.
Thou couldst have had no power.
Me, except that we're given.
To thee.
From above, that's the 11Th verse, Jesus telling Pilate you couldn't have any power against me if God hadn't given it to you. Pilot was set up there under the Roman Empire, the 4th of the Gentile powers, and that was by God.
There he was.
The Judge at the trial of the Lord Jesus.
And the stone stage is set. The perfect man, the 2nd man, is there to be the Savior in God's purposes and counsels too.
Him being delivered by the determinant council and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands of slain. God was in this cross too, the God of love, who wanted men, who wanted us in glory, with Him in full communion.
But here at the trial.
The Gentiles and the Jews, and the leaders of them, the governors.
Were united against the Lord and his Christ.
Trying to ******.
Trying to steal the running of the world and the government of it. And that's a part of the reason why there is so much chaos and confusion and sorrow and iniquity in the world. Nevertheless, God is still above and providentially He keeps us very well in a land that's full of believers.
I believe that with all my heart.
God over rules, even though.
The representative, the Roman Empire, if we look at the revived stage which is coming, you're still in the government here. But when the Christians are in power, it is a mercy, and let's keep praying for them, that God may overrule in his Providence. I say Providence because it's not a direct rule of God.
That we might live quite unpeaceable lives in all godliness and honesty, and that others might hear the gospel and be brought out and be saved, be connected with Christ in the heavenly Kingdom.
We must go on.
We will say a little bit about 3 days.
Let's go to 1St Corinthians 4.
Because the world is given over by God and dispensed by God, and he is over ruling. And in First Corinthians 4, Paul, speaking in kind of an oblique way, presents before us the day that we're living in now.
1St Corinthians 4 and verse 3.
It's a remarkable way of looking at things. Paul was being judged a little bit.
By his own brethren, their Corinth, I believe.
And he makes a few statements.
Let's start from the first verse. Let a man show count of us as of the ministers of Christ and stewards, stewards of the mysteries of God.
And stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards. We've got much to take care of the truth, the precious truth of God.
Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. That is, you and I are going to give an account of how we have handled the truth of God that's been given to us.
Now the next verse, but with me, Paul said it's a very small thing that I be judged of you or of man's judgment. We will read the word there. That's in the margin of man's day. I think it expresses the fact.
That since man was put in here on the earth and given the earth, God looks at him as having his day.
With God over ruling, which became very, very necessary. And it's still that way.
We've been 2000 years since the cross and if we take the four.
Days 4004, thousand years before it. All of that 6000 years.
Corresponds to six days of creation in the first chapter of Genesis, when God was working to prepare a place for his creature and put him upon it.
On the 7th day he rested.
Now let's go to second Peter the.
3rd chapter perhaps?
We're going to find two more days which I believe fill up the plan of God.
In the.
7000 years.
History this world is going to have.
Now I'm not setting dates by our calendar, but I fully believe that man's day has run nearly 6000 years, which is 6 days in God sites. Now in second Peter 3.
Verse 8 But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing. Now here's God's scale that one day is with the Lord as 1000 years, 1000 years as one day. We've already been through that. God sets His scale about time there.
And then he says the Lord is not slack concerning his promise.
As some men count slackness, but as long-suffering to us word not willing that any should perish, but that all men that all should come to repentance. That's the heart of God and the gospel.
What a long-suffering God he has been. 2000 years as we think of it.
Without judging.
In cleaning the place up.
The world over ruling, that's true.
Trying to get people out of this world.
As they were leading as the Lord Jesus is going to the cross.
He says there in John we refer to it. I don't remember where it was the Prince.
Now he says, now is the judgment of this world. The world was judged at the cross. That is the sentence that's pronounced. This world is going to be cleaned up by fire, by fire. Now as the judgment of this world, the sentence has gone out, but the execution has not taken place. He says, Now shall the Prince of this world be cast out? But then he says, And I, if I be lifted up, we'll draw all unto me.
By the grace of God, we have been drawn to the Lord Jesus to confess Him as Savior, but we know Him as the coming King. Behold, the King shall reign in righteousness. We've just got turned. No, we better go on with the second Peter here.
To get a little bit more.
That all men should come to repentance. Verse 10 but the day of the Lord.
There is the second reference, the day of the Lord. We believe that there have been 6000 years that are counted as man's day, without opening full judgment upon man for his sin, nor even yet for the rejection of the King. But it's coming, and it will come, the day of the Lord.
Will come as a thief in the night.
This is written to professors, and the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation?
And godliness, now that's spoken to believers who are walking around on the earth today. What kind of people ought we to be in holy conversation? And godliness looking for? Again, God would point us here as he's talking about the day of the Lord that's coming, looking for and hasting unto another day.
God has told us much.
We believe that that thousand year Kingdom will be the day of the Lord. The first part of it will be the.
Tribulation period.
We don't know the timing of it, at least seven years more.
So without reading this.
12 verse further, we'll go back and read.
Isaiah 32.
Isaiah 32.
Behold, a king.
He was crucified on that pronouncement.
Art thou king then? And the Lord says, Thou sayest as much as say.
You're saying what I am.
Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness.
But there are those that are associated with him.
And Princess shall rule in judgment.
If we had time to go to it, you could take your own time read.
Revelation, 1911.
There's that one that comes out on the White Horse, and then there are armies that came out with him on white horses. That's the heavenly company that's going to come down or be up over the earth and the Millennium, with Christ doing all the judgment, riding on a White Horse and all the heavenly company associated with Him, just to enjoy it, won't have one bit of judgment.
He suggested the whole world by the word that comes out of his mouth. Jesus had that has that power, and we'll have it then display it. But this time is when a king reigns in righteousness, and Princess shall rule in judgment. Then it says a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and it covered from The Tempest as rivers of water in a dry place, as a shadow of a great rock in a weary land. That's a large description here.
That perhaps goes on with God thinking of his people all through this age, but we'll go back and close up.
In second Peter 3.
Verse 12 Looking for.
And hasting unto the coming of the day.
Of God.
The day of God.
The day of God follows the day of the Lord.
When he shall have put down in his reign all iniquity.
Maybe we should read those words in First Corinthians 15.
We find that there as well as in Revelation. Let's go back to First Corinthians 15, see if they can find those words.
Apply to the day of God.
And God will have his eternal rest. We'll try and get to that.
In Revelation 21.
1St Corinthians 15.
And there's then come a seat end.
Which verse 2424? Thank you.
Then come at the end.
When he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God.
Even the Father, now the Lord Jesus, does this in the Millennium. He puts everything out from the eye of God, cleans the whole thing up.
When he shall have put down all rule and all authority and all power. Now that's the 7th day. That's the day of rest for God. When Christ demands at work. You see, God has never defeated. It looked like he was completely whipped in the first man. But in John, again we read these words. All judgment is committed to the Son.
Because He is the Son of man, the 2nd man will take up the judgment of this world. He'll put down everything from the eye of God perfectly fix this place up. That's what it's saying here. Now we'll close up by going to Revelation 21.
Let's just read a few verses here because it's so beautiful. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. This is brand new.
The Millennium is going to be a renewed earth. This is a brand new and for the 1St heaven.
And the first earth were passed away, and there was number more sea. And I John saw the holy city described later on the chapter, which is the heavenly company. New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepares the bride adorn for husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven sing, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men.
And he will dwell with them. God gets what he set out to get.
He wanted the world and where he had communion with a company around him who were suited to that place, He's going to get it. And we'll say that righteousness dwells here as to man's day, the day in which we live, we'll say that righteousness suffers. As to the day of the Lord, righteousness will reign. But here we're reading righteous dwells. Let's go and read just a little bit.
Verse four And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
There shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.
For the former things are passed away. And he said unto me, And he had sat upon the throne, said.
Now notice what it says. Behold, I make all things new. I'd like to take an extra minute or two and go back to.
2nd Corinthians 5 and get the beginning of those old things.
Which I believe comes out in the Gospel Second Corinthians.
Five verse 17.
It's interesting how it reads.
You can read the rest of this, but I want to read the 17th verse. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, in Christ, he is a new creature or a new creation.
Old things are passed away.
Build all things are become new and all things are of God. That's the beginning.
And that's the reason we tried to stress that when the Lord comes, we're not going to get a new life. We get that in the gospel. You're going to get the new life. It starts right here as the soul and the Spirit gets taken care of here in the gospel. But Revelation 21 includes.
And then First Corinthians 15, the redemption of the body.
So back in Revelation 21 again.
Behold, verse five, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Right? For these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done.
It's the final act of judgment that God has to do to get this world fixed up, and the first one was pronounced at the cross when the Lord Jesus hanging there as a Savior.
Said it is finished.
That's the first judgment. That's where all of our judgment was taken care of at the cross.
When the 7th seal is opened you can go back and look it up. It's in the later chapter in Revelation.
Those judgments of the Tribulation are period or over. It says it is done. Here it says it again, and here it is completely done. God is, as it were, relieved that judgment is over, or God does not delight in judgment. Let's sing.
In the back of the book.
Thou Holy one and true.
Our hearts in the confined and in the circle of thy love, as brethren, as brethren we abide #22 in the back, please.
The Holy.
And all of my life.