The Flesh in the Believer.

To the Editor of the B.M.M.
DEAR SIR, —.... At the present time I am somewhat perplexed about the flesh. As the apostle says, when I would do good evil is present with me. Also my mind is subject to wandering thoughts, etc. I read last month’s Believer’s Monthly Magazine on that subject [May last, page 101], but am not altogether sure of its meaning. Also I cannot understand fully {vi 28071;28076}Romans 6:2, 7, and some of the verses on being dead to sin.... Truly I am learning what the flesh is, and I do trust that the Lord may teach me more of the truth regarding it ...
I am,
Your weak brother in Christ, R.B.
MY DEAR YOUNG FRIEND,1— I am glad you have written on the subject of the very practical difficulty you have, though I am sorry at the same time to hear of the distress of mind in which you find yourself. I trust the Lord will give you a speedy deliverance by His word.
It was a comfort to me to gather from your letter that you still realize that you are, through grace, the Lord’s. This is a great foundation truth which you must ever hold fast in the soul, resting as it does upon nothing short of the word of the Lord Himself, “I give unto them [His sheep] eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28).
But while you thus know yourself to be a child of God, you are evidently conscious that you do not always think and speak and act like one. Evil arises in your heart, in spite of all your efforts to subdue it. This inability to conquer the workings of sin within you, you do not understand; because, perhaps, you did not expect that after your conversion you would sin at all.
But, my dear brother, God would have you learn that the flesh within you is still unchanged as to its nature, and that it is still the source of evil as much as ever it was. The truth, which scripture makes plain, is that you have within you that “which is born of the flesh,” and also that “which is born of the Spirit;” the one is flesh, the other is spirit (John 3:6). Now it is definitely stated that what is born of God cannot commit sin (1 John 3:9). Still you find you do sin. Indeed, as the same apostle says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” ({vi 30549;30643}1 John 1:8; 5:18). It is clear therefore that there is another source of action in the believer, and from that source (the flesh) evil springs. Hence another apostle writes, showing the character of the flesh, “The mind of the flesh is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Rom. 8:7).
The Spirit of God operates upon the new nature which is begotten by Himself (See Rom. 8:16); but the flesh He opposes (Gal. 5:17), and the fruits of the Spirit and the flesh are in every case contrary the one to the other, as you may also see from the respective lists enumerated ({vi 29182-29186}Gal. 5:19-23)
Without saying more now upon this point, I hope it is clear to you that in every person born anew there are two springs of action which are totally opposed—flesh and spirit. Sin characterizes the flesh and its workings, and love and righteousness those of the spirit.
The next point is that you find yourself unable to check the workings of the flesh. You own this when you say that in spite of your wishes to the contrary, “evil is present” with you. Such an experience as this shows you that you have no power to control your sinful self. And this is just the plain truth you must seize upon, — not only that in your flesh dwells no good thing, but also that in yourself dwells no power to overcome the evil propensities of your flesh. You are, so to speak, bound in fetters, from which you seek in vain to liberate yourself (Rom. 7:23).
At the same time I am sure you do not think that it is God’s will you should continue in such a wretched condition. And certainly it is not His will. Still you ask, How am I to be delivered? The reply is a simple one, and is found in Romans 7:25—Jesus Christ our Lord. You own you are yourself strengthless. Look no longer therefore to yourself. Trust no longer to your own force of will. Look rather to Jesus Christ the Lord; for He is as much the deliverer from the power of sin, as He is from the guilt of sin.
You may perhaps be helped to understand this distinction by a reference to the healing of the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda (John 5). The special character of this man’s trouble was the utter helplessness from which he suffered. So much was this so, that his extreme weakness prevented him from taking advantage of a means of healing before his eyes, by being the first to reach the waters when the pool was troubled. Now the Lord in healing this poor man by His word not only dismisses his disease, but endows him with strength so that he rises, he takes up his bed, and he walks. The contrast is very marked, inasmuch as while the bed formerly carried him, he himself now carries his bed. And it is so spiritually with every believer. The apostle says emphatically, “Sin shall not have dominion over you” (Rom. 6:14).
But now, my dear brother, you, in effect, say in your letter that sin has dominion over you; for when you wish to do good evil is present with you. How is it you have thus brought yourself into opposition with the scripture? Because you have been looking within yourself for the strength instead of looking to Christ. Very much such a condition as yours is described in Romans 7. And the close of that chapter shows that there is no way out of such a difficulty except through Christ Jesus the Lord.
Now Romans 6 gives a doctrinal explanation of how you obtain this victory. And this I may ask you to look at in a subsequent letter (D.V.). There you are taught how the death of Christ has affected your relationship to sin as well as to your sins.
But, meanwhile, should evil thoughts arise (say) during your private meditation and prayer, own to the Lord at once your own inability to suppress them. Ask Him to intervene, and at the same time be sure to believe that He answers prayer.
I am, Yours faithfully, “Yod.”
1. Though this letter is addressed to an individual, we hope it will be profitable to many of our young readers. — Ed. B.M.M.