The Flood

Duration: 1hr
Gospel—Keith Gorgas
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You'll have to tell me if and you can do it by going right like this. I have awful clogged ears and I'm not sure just how loud I'm speaking. If I get too soft I guess you can just go like this and if I get too loud, go like this.
OK. Can you hear all right in the back over there? All right. Can we start the meeting with singing #2 we'll sing the 1St and the 3rd verses of #2 on our hem sheet.
Somebody else starts that please.
Come to the Jesus, stand by.
Him with air and fly about the house with a dead Air Force and he had to get a lot of power and there were all this all the way. I don't know, I don't know. I don't like, I don't know what happened to my wife and all those. I'm just going to go to get some stuff to do with that.
You know what I don't know. You don't have to do anything together. You know, all that kind of thing. Oh, well, I don't know what's going on.
Here I don't know what to do.
You forget it's a bit of a.
I had an interesting thing happened to me the other day on the 4th of July. We said it had been raining about between 4:00 and 6:00 inches right around where I live and as we were eating our supper.
A lot of boats came into the harbor, the little Bay of the lake, to watch the fireworks. And there were so many waves that my neighbor's boat and my boat, which had been filled with quite a bit of water and I hadn't been thinking about it, why these, all these waves came and went over them and our boat sunk. And it was quite a task to get them up out of the water and get them clean, get the engines running real quick before damage set in. I had to dive down into the water to get my photos in about 10 feet of water and tie some ropes to it.
And I was thinking to myself.
This is on a very calm lake. This is quite a task just to hold my breath for a few moments.
And it's a calm lake just to accomplish that in 10 feet of water, what it would be like to have so much water coming violently out at you from both from above and below.
Can you think of what we're going to speak about this evening? Let's turn to the Book of Genesis.
And the.
6th chapter we're going to speak about the flood.
In many places, but little. I've had the chance of traveling in different parts of the world, both in the Alps and the Rockies, in the deserts.
You go on tours and they tell you the same thing in each place. And probably if you took a tour right around here, they tell you the same thing. They'll say at one time this whole area around here was covered by a vast inland sea. Have you ever heard that in school and different places? Yes, it was. We'll read about it now.
Chapter 6 of Genesis. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters, daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair, and they took them wives of all in which they chose. And the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man for that He is, for that He also is flesh, yet his face shall be in 120 years. And there were giants in the earth in those days.
And also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, and the same became mighty men, which were bold men of renown, and God saw that the wickedness of man was great.
In the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord, that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air, for it repented me that I had made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and no one walked with God.
And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
And God said unto Noah, at the end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence.
Through them, and behold, I will destroy them. With the earth Make thee an arc of Gopher wood brooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shall pitch it within and without. With pitch. Somebody want to tell me what pitch is?
How many young scholars here that could help with that? What's pitch?
Yes, SAP, right. Sometimes it's thought that it was tar, but I think tar is a product of the flood.
Pitch sapped from trees to make it waterproof.
And make the and I shall pitch it with in and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of. The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, and the breadth of it 50 cubits, the height of it 30 cubits. A window shelter I'll make to the ark, and in a cubit shall tell, and in a cubit shall tell. Finish it above, And the door of the ark shall thus set in the side thereof with lower.
Second and third stories shalt thou make it three stories inside this giant.
And behold, I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh.
Wherein is the breath of life from under heaven, and everything that is in the earth shall die.
But with thee will I establish my covenant. Thou shalt come into the Ark, thou.
And thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons wives with thee, and every living thing.
Of all flesh, two of every sort shall thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee. They shall be male and female, the fowls after their kind, and if cattle after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, and thou shalt keep them to keep them alive. And now and take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten.
And now she had gathered unto thee, and it shall be food for thee and for them. Thus did Noah, according to all that God commanded him. So did he, and will stop there for a few minutes.
There was an earth on which it had never rained, a land that probably was quite a bit different from the.
Figure that we see of the land today may have been all one continent, one land mass.
Probably the mountains we're nowhere near as high as there are mountains today. We're reading 104th Psalm that during the flood the mountains rose, the valley sank into the place that thou was founded for them. Now a set of bounds that they turn, turn not again to pass, they passed not again to cover the earth. That was something that God had.
A great change that God ordered during the course of the flood.
Right. So here was this land. This earth probably had a very high covering of ice, clouds, water. The firmament was separated into the upper waters and the lower waters. And then we read that it never rained. It had never rained once. The Lord God watered it every day by mist.
So it was a probably somewhat they speak now of a greenhouse effect. It probably was. The earth was probably more or less a big greenhouse when trees have been growing for a great period of time now.
High, excellent. Perhaps civilization developed the details of which we know very little, except that they were filled with violence and corruption.
If you were to go back to your hotel or go to a house and turn on the TV set, you would not have to watch on any channel very long before you saw those two elements, violence and corruption. Could you go very long at all without seeing that? Could you go through to a newspaper stand and pick up some magazines and not see very quickly violence and corruption? So there was this civilization that came before God.
And the Lord looked down from heaven, and he considered it. He saw the condition of it.
Any purpose set about to destroy the whole thing?
Now, I don't mean to suggest by that, that it was a contingency or a reaction on God's part known to him or his works right from the beginning. Every every act in it, every work was known and just as sure as if they had been already accomplished.
God looking down, seeing this scene, what does he think when he looks right now down here on this town, on this country, on this world, What does he see anything different from what he saw then? He sees violence and corruption, doesn't he? And it is just now just as abhorrent to his nature now as it was then. And so he's in the world stands much more guilty, will come to that later on. The world stands far more guilty for having crucified the Son of God.
But that's the scene that God looked down on and he said that I'm going to destroy it long.
But a man is introduced to Noah. He found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Right in this chapter that we read in the 6th chapter.
Verse 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and so he had.
Three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.
They had wives.
And Noah had a wife and God took up in his wondrous counsels to bless this family, the family of Noah. And isn't that God's way that he loves to do to blessing households? He doesn't just say, Noah, I want you to be safe. He says, no, I want you and your whole household.
What a comfort to us parents, isn't it? We look around and we see children, some not nowhere near having any conception of what's being said.
Right now.
Some in various states, some older, some younger. To know that God delights to bless in households and that a wonderful thing to have confidence in.
Well, we can be thankful and we can listen to God's Word in this when he says, come, it's come now and thy house.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and so the Lord looked down. So it was all corrupt and provided for Noah here a way of escape.
System making arc, gotta go for wood. Pitch it.
Make it waterproof, make rooms. I went recently some time ago in my job I went out to uh.
Outside of Lancaster, PA, where the Mennonites have a sight and sound. And I brought a busload of people to it to see a display of the ark, a pageant, so to speak. And it was very, very lifelike, very scriptural. Live animals came in and it gave you a real sense. You came into this room and it was a giant room. Think about how big? How big was it now? 300 cubits, a cubit being about a foot and a half, to be about 450 feet long. That's what 1 1/2 football fields is that.
Do I have that right? About 1 1/2? That's a big vessel, isn't it? And how hard was it?
Uh, the breadth width was 50 cubits, so that would be what, 75 feet, So 450 feet long, 75 feet wide. And how tall was it and the height of it? 30 cubits, so it'd be about 45 feet high.
No person that perished in that flood could have ever said I couldn't come in because there wasn't room for me, could they?
There was plenty of room in that vessel. You know, before this story took place, there was a man that walked on this earth. His name was Enoch, and he walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.
In our kind of sun, you know when he named his son, who knows? Somebody here would know.
Who knows? Does anybody in this room know what a sun snake is?
This is open to the older folks too.
What was that? We heard masseuse away. You know what his name means.
And it's a declaration of the long standing patience of God. When He is gone, it will come. That's what His name means. You know who was the man in the history of this earth that lived the longest? God is not willing that any should perish. He gave that man. I think it was 969 years. God held off bringing judgment, but just as surely as when the day that he was born and his father named him, it was sure that that flood would come.
Just that surely it was at the end of his life.
You know what happened? My Souza died and the flood came right away. But that man's long life, the longest life, is a testimony. Where is the promise of his coming? Is it because God is lazier that he's forgotten about?
His promise to step in and judgment on this earth? No, it's the love of God. Why has God not taken your life away? Why does He continue to allow you to take breath those of you that are outside of Christ?
Why? Because he's not willing that you should perish. He's pleading gently with your soul. And so this man knoweth set about.
To build this giant container with three stories in it and assemble all the grain. It's an awesome amount of things, the provisions that needed to be taken in and get it all together. And it was about, I think 120 years. He was busy with this project preaching. There's a flood coming. It's going to rain. It has never rained. But the God of heaven who has made this planet has said that he is going to destroy it with a flood.
He preached that for all that time.
There probably was some that some days thought about it and said, you know, maybe that guy's right. He's very convincing. He's stuck at this project for such a long time. And the accumulation to cut down those Timbers that would have been needed to transport them to one place, they would have needed a very large place, a place much bigger than a football field just to build it.
So it was quite a project to erect those Timbers masses to get that amount of SAP. How many trees had to come down for that or to be blood, perhaps? You know, to make Maple syrup, you've got to get many gallons of SAP out of the Maple trees and boil it down and boil it down so you can just get it to the consistency of Maple syrup. Now, I don't know what kind of tree this came from.
But, uh, the so much had to be collected to go over this entire entire, uh, I won't say a vessel because it wasn't really designed to travel to different places. This big barge had to be covered inside and out with the SAP. How much had to be gathered a long time He went. Don't you think that every time as Noah came in. Mr. Noah, what are you doing with that big project you got going on? Oh, it's not a big project. It's the way that the God of heaven has said that you can be saved.
Why don't you come? There's plenty of room. We have enough provisions. I've gathered enough.
Please come.
How do we know that he was preaching? Because it tells us in first Peter, that the Spirit of Christ was in him, preaching to those spirits which are now in prison, pleading with them for that length of time.
No, we can't judge things by the results. We leave the results up to God and let him account for the whole matter. In the end, He knows just how to just how. A dear Christian, if you've given the word of God out and nobody's being saved, don't think you have to change your tactics.
The Fort wasn't with Noah. It wasn't that Noah wasn't preaching the word right, he was faithfully telling him. The problem was that their hearts were hardened against it.
They had no that they would not come, that they might be saved. So desperately wicked is the heart of man. But let's go on a little bit with the story here.
And uh.
We'll go to the 8th, the 7th chapter.
The Lord said unto Noah, Come thou in all thy house into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
So the Lord told him, come on in now, it's time.
You know Noah's daughter in laws probably had family outside of the ark.
Can you imagine, as they would call perhaps for the last time, to Sister, Brother.
Father. Mother.
The different ones, please won't you come and be safe? And our message tonight is nothing different than that God has appointed a day wherein He will judge the world, and it is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgement.
There is judgment coming. You can reckon on it, it's sure.
When this world hung the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary and knelt in there and lifted him up so meanly and cruelly, treated him and spit on him and punched him, and so on, God would have been very just and very righteous if He had right at that time, immediately sent the whole world to hell.
But he's been long-suffering, hasn't he?
But don't count it to be laziness on God's part.
Because the sentence isn't speedily executed, the heart of the children of men is fully set to do evil.
Don't be foolish in that.
So the time came when the Lord said, come on in. And then with them came, and what an amazing thing to see too. Of every kind of animal come, the Lord brought them there. What a testimony to those people as they were assembled.
Here's this one, here's that one. Hell, Noah just held them together, kept them together. That's mere conjecture to try to picture. But there were rooms in that arc. There was a spot for each of those things. God had made ample provision. And then they came. And if any creature that there was, there was a spot for now there's many. And it's, it's alarming in a sense to read the statistics on how many different kinds of animals have become extinct. But that hasn't taken God by surprise. But he saw to it that there was for each animal that was living at that time.
Room to bring them in and provision made to keep them alive. I'm sure some of them when they came out into a climate that was so vastly different in the landscape that was so vastly different. We read that the we'll see at the end of the flood that the Lord sent a great wind probably dropped the temperature considerably and so on. And probably the earth wasn't as suited for some of those creatures and God sought to it that they passed on into extinction. But here they came into the ark and.
For yet seven days.
Let me verse three of the fowls of the air by 7 male and female to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth here God had the seed for everything else that would pay. It's a wonderful type. God has made provision with a whole new earth. We'll we'll talk about that a little bit later. If we get the time for yet seven days, I will cause it to rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights.
In every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
How old are the oldest trees that are alive on this earth right now?
I think there are several places in the world that there's trees about the same age.
North America, I think the oldest trees the the bristlecone Pines, if I'm not mistaken, about 4500 years old. No trees anywhere on the earth that are older than that. You know why? That's about how long ago the flood was, about 4500 years ago. There a testimony there's nothing living on the earth that goes back past that. For all the conjecture of men of thinking things went on for millions of years, there's nothing that's been able to adapt.
To live more than 4500 years God's testimony to this world.
For yet, uh, I will destroy.
Every living thing that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. And know it did according to all that the Lord commanded him. God now commands all men everywhere to repentance. That's God's command. You know, if you're not saved, if you're outside of Christ tonight, God only has one thing to say to you, not to clean up your act, not to be a better husband, a better wife, a better child, a better citizen. God doesn't say any of those things to you.
There's only one thing to say to you, and that's repent.
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. The prayer of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. The plowing of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. God has no delight in any of those things. He has only one thing to say to you if tonight you're outside of Christ, and that's to repent. Turn around. Do the things just as Noah did, according to all the Lord commanded him. That's what the Lord says to you. Repent.
Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth and all went in and his sons, verse seven, and his wife and his sons wives with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood. But it still hadn't rained. It still had never rained.
Mr. Noah, you're crazy. We used to have a record when we were a kid that kids that told the story of the flood. And as Noah preached, they were the wise men of that time, walking around behind them saying there will be no flood. And there's a lot of people walking around speaking in all kinds of.
Through various elements today that are going to tell you there will be no flood, there will be no divine intervention of judgment.
Things will go on. It's up to us to save the planet for ourselves. You ever hear that?
We are the future of the world desires. It's up to us to do whatever is going to be done about it.
No, there will be a flood, but it'll be a flood of fire rather than a flood of water. That's what this the earth that now is, this world is reserved for judgment by fire. And it's absolutely just as sure, in spite of anything that those gainsayers would say against Noah, everything they would say against them, God's word stood. It would be a flood.
And, uh, no one went in and we'll skip on them to, uh, tenth verse. And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Up to that time it had never rained. But here at the appointed time, Justice God said sure enough.
Can you imagine the horror within the hearts of this world when the first waters, the first drops of water, came down out of that sky that had never yielded one drop before?
It's true what Noah had said is true, but it was too late. Now let's read down. Came to uh in six hundredth year of Noah's life. Verse 11 in the second month, in the 17th day of the month, the same day we're all the fountains of the great deep broken up in the windows of heaven were open.
The rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights, and the self same day entered Noah and Shem, and Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them into the ark. They.
And every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
After his kind, and every fowl, after his kind, every bird of every sort. And they went in unto Noah.
Into the Ark, two by two, all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.
And they that went in went in male and female of all flesh. What a gracious God to see to it that there would be provision to carry on life God's plans us and count councils. His plans were just beginning as far as this earth. Although he was wiping the slate clean. He still had and there was a wonderful mystery hidden God. Well, we've enjoyed this afternoon some of the blessed truths of it. You know, as said in the book of Job can set up buying the sweet influences of the Pleiades.
The seven stars. The Seven Sisters.
Can you bind that all through God's counsels from the beginning, whether he might have a bride for his son?
The mystery of the seven stars that there would be a church period and God would take out of what the Gentiles of people for his name have a bride for his son for all eternity to share and to be with him and it's not good for man to be alone. He said when he first made man and that was a type the longings when in the heart of the Lord Jesus and so that plan within God's counsel affected everything else that happened leading up to it, whether it's the story of Rebecca the story of Abraham of Abraham and his.
Or the story of Jacob and his two wives. Any story you read in the Bible there?
The love stories of Ruth and Boaz. The story of Adam and Eve.
And all that was the sweet influences of the seven stars that planned that God had to bring out A to have a bride for His Son. And all those things happened before, were they for their sake? No, altogether for our sakes, upon whom the end of the age has come, all those things happened and are recorded.
And as we as we look back, we see God's gracious provision here.
And male and female they went in, and the verse 16 and the Lord shut him in.
Up to this point, for seven days I think it was.
Here, there still was chance the flood hadn't begun.
Noah had preached for all these years and still gone as it were, lingered said, won't you please be safe? Won't you come? The word still was come, come into the ark. The Lord Jesus Christ said I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved.
That's the way into God's salvation. So here was here we were at this point, verse 17.
And the flood was 40 days upon the earth, and the waters increased and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.
There's a hymn that says.
Jehovah lifted up his rod. O Christ, it fell on me. Thou wast forsaken of thy God. No distance now for me.
Not only did the fountains of the Great Deep open up on this ark, but the windows of Heaven opened up on it.
So I opened. Bosom was my ward. It bore the storm for me.
As this awful unleashing of this water that had been stored up for this long period of time and great amounts of water, virgin water from within the crust of the earth broke. What a catechism. I can't say the word cataclysmic thing. This was something that had never happened before. With awful fury rains came down the top soil being lifted off, everything swirling around a tremendous eruptions of water coming out from inside the earth the the fountains of the great deep and with them probably all kinds of.
Minerals and salts and whatever was inside the earth, everything now exploded on this world in the ark was lifted up.
Was knowing any danger in that arc?
No, it probably may have been such a large thing. Even it's shaking and moving. Moving would have been pretty slow. I don't think they got thrown around inside there. They were safe inside that arm. But what an awful storm came on this earth, you know, by my grandfather's old cabin, which is now near my house. That's ground.
We can get out there in a few minutes by boat. There's a rock on which I used to climb and it is by where we used to have our gas tanks that were the propane tanks. Uh, the, uh, propane tanks for the lights in the refrigerator is a rock that a couple of years ago I discovered something about this rock and I've taken, I took Jonathan Sacks out there and had him try this and I think he came to the same conclusion as me.
Rock is about this big, and in it is the perfect print of a hand.
That you can put your hands in and it's just like this and it drags a little bit like that. It's very clear and very distinct. I believe that was the hand of one being swept away and reached for that molten bit of material that had been just ejected from the crust of the earth. And that imprint has remained for 4500 years. What a chilling thing it was when one of my children said to me, Dad, that's the Prince of a hand, and I put my hand in.
And it was a man with the same size hand as mine.
What an awful thing to be swept away in that flood.
But to those within the Ark, they were safe.
An arc was Christ in picture.
Safe in Christ they were because the waters feed on the ark, all the fountains underneath is all the hatred within the heart of man. The Lord Jesus went before Pontius Pilate and confessed the good confession and was let beaten there and punched men covered his head and punched him and said prophecy, Who was it that hit you? And they smote him with a Reed, and they took together a crown of thorns, and.
A bunch of thorns of thorns. Big thorns. Not little prickers. Big thorns.
Of woven together and in horrible hatred of man against Creator, smashed him down on his blessed head.
How is the Fountains of the Great Deep being opened up?
As they let him, he went bearing his cross, condemned an innocent man, condemned to die. The world said, we will not have this man to reign over us. Away with them.
Get rid of them.
No indignity was too bad to heap on him. They spit on him. His face, it tells us in the book of Isaiah. His face was marred more than any man, and his visage more than the sons of men. We sometimes see people that are pretty beat up in black and blue and punched, but the Lord Jesus is faceless, marred more than any man.
As the fountains of the Great Deep.
As they brought them out and up Calvary's hill and took big spikes.
Not little nails, the big, awful, probably jagged, no concern for cleanliness or to ease his pain with whatever implement they had drove them into those hands that had only done good, and into those feet and in a cruel way hoisted them up.
That was the Fountains of the Great Deep opened up.
And all day that passed by reviled and made fun of him. He was the song of the drunkard. Lover and friend were put far away from him. His own familiar friend betrayed him. The fountains of the great deep energized by Satan and the heart of man. My heart and him says. I see the crowd in Pilots hall, the taunting cries. I hear the crowd shouts have crucified of all their curses fill my Mir yet of that.
Raging multitude, I sensed that I am one, and in that voice thin a voice is rude. I recognize my own, the fountains of the great deep, But it also says the windows of heaven were opened up.
Awake, go sword against my shepherd.
As the Lord Jesus, after hanging there for three hours, darkness covered the face of the whole earth.
During that three hours he was made sin, the Holy One who knew no sin.
He did no sin.
He knew no sin.
And in him sin was not the Prince of this world came and had nothing in him.
The Lord Jesus, the Holy Lamb of God, was made sin for us, the just, for the unjust, and there alone and forsaken of God. For three hours all the punishment that was needed to put away sin to fully satisfy God's heart concerning the whole matter of sin was taken care of. We can only stand as worshippers stand back in amazement and stand and behold on it. We can't enter into it.
During that was the windows of heaven were opened up.
The cries that are recorded through the Psalms and the various poetic books of the Lord Jesus, they refer to water deep calleth unto deep at the voice of thy water Spouse, all thy waves and billows have gone over me. He went down to the lowest part of the earth and typified in Jonah. When Jonah speaks of going down and the waters came, encompassed his soul there, and the weeds wrapped around his head. All these horrible things that the Lord Jesus endured.
Was as the waters beating Let's read about it the.
The arc was lifted up above the earth as the serpent Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, and here the ark is lifted up.
The earth says we will not have them, and God in His Holiness has to hide his face from him. So here he has suspended. The ark was lifted up.
And the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth, and the water went up, and the ark went up upon the face of the waters, and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth, and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered. Does that mean that the flood was higher than at Mount Everest is now? No, it doesn't necessarily mean that it the waters were higher than Mount Everest is now. It says that it covered the mountains, but it tells us in 104 Psalm that the mountains rose in the valley, sank into the place that they had found it for them.
Whatever land that there was, whatever was the highest mountain, was covered completely. This whole earth was covered.
A few years ago there was bad flooding out on the Mississippi River. Maybe some here even experienced it. And I was on a bus tour and we were supposed to go over to Iowa and we couldn't for about 200 miles. You couldn't get across the Mississippi. And we had to redo our trip and go down to Saint Louis. And we went up in the arch there just as the on the day when the floods were cresting and the waters came up just to the foot of the arches there. And it was quite a sight to see such awful amounts of water. And one of the politicians of our country went and toured it and made the statement. He said this is a flood of biblical proportions.
This foolishness is a drop in the bucket compared to a flood of biblical proportions. It's a little stream is all that that was the flood of biblical proportions covered the entire earth. And that's why in every place they'll tell you at one time this land was covered by a vast inland sea. And why there's fossil records on the top of all the highest mountains that there were is because they were all under this water.
And all the high hills, 19 that were under the whole heaven were covered 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail And the waters were covered. So even the tallest men on the tallest stilts couldn't have escaped nor the savage force. I don't think we really have a sense of the awful force that this water as it was rising, it would it's swirling power where whole land masses were or whole huge amounts whole forests, that's they find areas where there's now fossil fuels that were just tremendous amount of vegetation rolled over and covered in a moment.
And sunk down into the crust of the earth and back up very quickly, and God thereby providing fossil fuels for people to go on for a period of time. The mountains were covered and all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both a foul that's the birds and of cattle and of beast and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man. They find caves, which there are many, many bodies found in these caves.
And the thought is you hear all kinds of theories, 7810 thousand years ago there was groups came here to bury their dead. And so I don't believe so. I believe they tried to take refuge. There's those waters came up not realizing that they'd be covered and were sealed there. I believe every bit of fossil record that there is on this earth points to that awful time when God overthrew the world that then was and that you can't walk more than a few steps on the face of the earth without seeing testimony to that.
It's a solemn, solemn thing. God did step in and intervene with the whole direction things were going, and he will again.
And every living substance was destroyed, which was upon the face of the earth, both man and cattle, and creeping things in the fowl of the heaven. And they were destroyed from the earth. And Noah only remained alive, and they that were with them in the ark. And the waters prevailed upon the earth, and 150 days.
But then there came a time in the 8th chapter, and God remembered Noah in every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged, and the fountains also of the deep, and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained. There came a point when God had been satisfied with all his righteous claims, were satisfied as the Lord Jesus hung there on the cross.
You know, he said, no man takes my life from me. I lay it down on myself. It was like that burning Bush that although it burned, the fire burned. The Bush was not consumed. The Lord Jesus in full strength, at one moment cried with a loud voice.
At that moment is it where the flood stopped.
They come in the 22nd Psalm. The Lord cries, Save me from the, uh, let's read it, Psalm 22.
Verse 21 Save me from the lion's mouth.
There came a time.
God no longer had to forsake the Lord Jesus when it was all finished.
And immediately the character that song changes. He says, for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns, from the water bottles and God immediately he reached from above he drew me, he took me out of many waters. It says in the songs thought as it were came to us. There was God didn't allow him to hang there and to suffer one minute more. And when a calm voice, the Lord Jesus said Father into your hands I commit my spirit and he willingly gave up his spirit.
Although man stands absolutely guilty of the murder of the Lord Jesus, him being delivered by the determinant, council and foreknowledge of God, you've taken him with wicked hands of slain.
So there came a time when the flood would stop. God sent a wind then.
And we know that when, uh.
Wind blowing over the face of waters, evaporation causes cooling. It may very well have been that there was very, for brief time, large ice caps and so on. We're reading job that he stored up those waters. It may very well have been, but it wasn't a series of thousands of years of glacial advances that did all this. No, it was an awful, cataclysmic flood that turned everything upside down.
So the Lord sent the wind, and.
A very big win. And you can imagine things got kind of restless there in New York after this amount of time. I can picture that. But I start to get on each other's, under each other's skin. Maybe a little bit might. I can just imagine one of the boys going and saying if I could just find a quiet corner where I didn't hear an animal longing to be out.
And we'll, uh, for time's sake, we'll skip on.
321 Well, let's just look the fourth verse. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the 17th day of the month upon the mountain Savara rat, and the waters decreased continually until the 10th month. So here they are, and they're stuck, stranded on this place, and the waters are still going down, but they're still stuck inside of it.
Still waiting inside there by now. The food may.
Not taste as fresh as it did the first day. Maybe a real desire to get out there and see what what's going on came to pass at the end of 40 days. Umm, most good on the first day of the month with the tops of the mountain scene. And it came to pass at the end of 40 days that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made, and he sent forth a Raven which went forth to and fro until the waters were dried up from off the earth. What are the Ravens? Their young pride of God for food. But what is it?
Carrying it dead things. So there was plenty for them to eat, and there was plenty for this Raven to eat. It could sustain itself. There's plenty of dead things floating around here.
But he sent forth a dove from him to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground. But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot. While for time's sake there's a lot we could get out of this next mountain, there's a lot to see both of the death of Christ and the work of God within a soul in this next portion. But we'll skip kind of quickly through it. Uh, he sent out the dub again.
And uh.
The dog brought back the olive leaf, and so no one knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. It was already things taking seed, things beginning to come up, things blooming, and no 13th verse. And it came to pass in the 601St year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, that the waters were dried up from off the face of the earth. And no one removed the covering of the ark and looked, and behold, the face of the ground was dry.
There's no more flood now for no one to go through. There's a lovely thing. Let's look at it for a minute. And 104th Psalm.
Or it speaks to the flood.
And the.
46 10-4 Psalm. I've covered it with the deepest, with a garment. The water stood above the mountains. At thy rebuke they flooded, the voice of thy Thunder they hasted away. And it's really, if I believe I'm quoting from a more correct translation, the eighth verse is, The mountains rose, the valley sank into the place which thou hast founded for them Thou has set a bound that they may not Passover, that they turn not again to cover the earth.
Now what happens to those waters?
Those waters that were so where are they now? Where are the waters of the flood now? Why aren't they covering the earth here?
Matter can be neither created nor destroyed, but leaves God out. But where are they now? What happens to those waters? Well, He sends the springs into the valleys, they run among the hills, they give drink to every beast of the field. The wild ***** quench their thirst. But the Lord Jesus endured on the cross of Calvary, now can produce for us for man is this a wild *** is cold?
Stubborn. Senseless.
Are there any wild donkeys here?
Wild dances.
Any people who haven't yet had their thirst met in Quench Your Thirstiness? Do you have a thirst in your soul?
Do you know what it's like to have a thirst in your soul?
I heard the voice of Jesus saying, Behold, I freely give the living waters, thirsty one, stoop down and drink and live. I came to Jesus and I drank. If that life giving stream. My thirst was quenched, my soul revived.
And now I live in him.
Whatsoever will let him come and drink of the water of life freely. Are you thirsty in your soul? Have you tried all kinds of things that you have hoped would quench that thirst inside of you, that longing for something that would really, really work for you had different things. You thought this might work. This will satisfy me if I do that, if I try this, if I go here.
Sometimes people get the idea if I could just go somewhere where it's peace and quiet and beautiful, then I'd be at rest and my soul would be the the thirst would be quenched. I live in an area where it's kind of like that and a lot of people come from all over the country, actually, from around the world. There's Olympic skiers and things like that that decided this was a great place to settle down and live at the end of their career. They're looking for refreshment and it doesn't. It's a miserable people that night by night.
Brother Jeff and I went on New Year's Eve, and we walked through the town as the clock struck 12, giving out little calendars with gospel verses. People throw them on the ground, and yet they dove headlong into the bars, hoping to quench the thirst in their souls. But here's where you'll be. You're thirsty. They give drink to all the beasts of the field. The wild ***** quench their thirst. These streams, the storm of the waters of judgment, are now streams of refreshment. All you have to do is come and quench your thirst and go back and just finish up with the story here of the flood.
So finally he can come out.
Verse 15 God spake to Noah, saying, Go forth of the ark, thou and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons wives with with thee. Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both fell of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and that that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons wives with him, every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth.
After their coins went forth out of the ark. What a different world. Now, instead of a flat, rather perhaps humid situation, he's up on a mountain top for the first time in his life. He's seen blue, sees blue sky, clear blue sky. No longer the vapor, the covering of water above. There wasn't no record of idolatry before the flood, no record of astrology, because they hadn't seen God, hadn't intervened in the course of man, so Satan had nothing to copy.
There were no stars to start worshipping. No, it's not that they weren't there, but that they wouldn't have been visible through. We don't see the stars on a cloudy night. Maybe it's just some of the brightest ones. All of a sudden here, he's out and it's a whole new world.
If any man be in Christ is a new creation.
Baptism is typified in the story of the ark. We go in, we come back out, and it's a whole new terrain.
Everything is different. Behold, I make all things new. All of a sudden there's high peaks, valleys, and all of a sudden there's a rainbow. So that when instead, well, let's just read about that and Noah building an altar unto the Lord. Oh, Mr. Noah came out, he said, God, isn't this the earth has been cleared away, but they're still sin inside me and I have sons and they're sinners.
He still had to present because the Lord Jesus had not come to once for all offer a sacrifice yet. And so this again looked forward to the death of the Lord Jesus. The blood of another animal has to be shed. Keep on going until that blood is shed once for all. Because after the Lord Jesus Christ finished and said, Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. And he willingly left his body, His spirit. He gave up the ghost, a soldier in one last act of hatred.
Came to him, you know, the Lord had said to David, the sword will not depart from your descendants from generation to generation in the government of God. But it was also in the grace of God because when that soldier came in fulfillment of that and took the spear in, thrust it into the side of the Lord Jesus, what came out? Blood and water. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin. And there that blood was shed for David's sins, for Noah's sins, for my sins.
What about for you? Will you put your trust in that?
And so we built an alt, an altar, and the Lord smelled a sweet saver, an odor of rest. God was completely satisfied when the Lord Jesus had offered up his life. Never another sacrifice will ever be needed when we come together on the Lord's Day. It's not to offer the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's a blasphemous, wicked doctrine that came into Christendom along with all kinds of Pagan things that appeared in time. The notion of that a priest can magically make God.
In the Lord Jesus and once again time and time again they crucify a fresh the Son of God. It's an awful thing. That isn't what we do when we come together. It's to look back and to remember the Lord Jesus Christ in his death to show forth his death until he comes either testifies these things say surely I come quickly. Amen, Amen. So come Lord Jesus. Well, let's sing the 2nd and the 4th verses.
Of that hymn that we started out with. Hymn #2.
Come on.
What you can do, I don't have any condition and that's the last holidays. You can't remember today and I don't know if you're getting anything, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Now it's the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. God doesn't offer you any more time than right now. And I want to plead with you.
Any that are in this room, young person, old person alike.
In Christ there be a reconciled to God come. God does not guarantee you one more breath, but his message today is cometh. The Spirit of God is tugging, knocking at your heart's door.
All you have to do right now is bow your head, say Lord Jesus, I want to come into the ark. I want to come in and be safe. Save me, him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out. Very simple thing just to ask and you shall receive. Just bow your head, ask him to come to save you, confess him as Lord of Savior and you're saved. You're safe, you're in the ark for all eternity. Let's pray.