ANOTHER little lamb has been safely borne to the loving Saviour’s bosom. From the same infirmary ward—yea, even upon the same bed—one after another, dear Alice Warren, Emma Margaret Hall, and Sarah Bush, have sweetly fallen asleep in Jesus. The Good Shepherd had brought them to the knowledge of Himself—had won their young hearts—had enabled them to bear testimony to others of His great love to their souls—had employed them to lead other little children to trust in the blood of Christ as a full atonement for sin—and then He sent His angels for them, and now, in the paradise of God, they are waiting for the coming of their Lord, when, in glorified bodies, they shall rise to meet Jesus Christ in the air (1 Thess. 4), and be forever with Him. If it was joy to these dear children while here below to join with us in singing the praises of Jesus, and to hear again and again with delight the old, old story of Jesus and His love, and to look with the eye of faith upon the finished work of Christ at Calvary, where He laid down His life for our sins, knowing that by His stripes they were healed, and that God, who had laid their sins on Jesus, would remember them no more, what joy now fills their ransomed spirits! What joy to be “absent from the body and present with the Lord,” “who loved them, and gave Himself for them”!
How sweet were these words of dear Alice Warren, aged sixteen: “I have loved the Lord more than three years, and you led me to Him. I am quite ready and willing to die when the Lord shall send for me.”
When dear Emma Margaret Hall, aged twelve, was dying, the children in the ward sang around her bed. She joined with them in several hymns, and then said, “Let me sing this hymn alone— ‘Safe in the arms of Jesus.’” At the close of the first verse she turned her face to the pillow, and fell asleep in Jesus.
Dear Sarah Bush, aged fourteen, said she was quite happy resting upon Jesus for salvation. Jesus thus tenderly “gathers the lambs with His arms, and carries them in His bosom.”
S. V. E.