The Former Things Are Passed Away

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Oh, she’s reached the sunny shore, Over there!
She will never suffer more,
All her pain and grief is o’er, Over there!
Oh, the streets are shining gold, Over there!
And the glory is untold,
‘Tis our Shepherd’s peaceful fold, Over there!
Oh, she feels no chilling blast, Over there!
For her winter time is past,
And the summers always last, Over there!
Oh, she’s done the weary fight, Over there!
Jesus saved her by His might,
And she walks with Him in white, Over there!
Oh, she needs no lamp at night, Over there!
For the day is always bright,
And the Savior is her light, Over there!
Oh, she never sheds a tear, Over there!
For the Lord Himself is near,
And to Him she’s ever dear, Over there!
“My beloved spake, and said unto ME, rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.”