The Geneology of Jesus

Duration: 51min
Matthew 1
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Address—P. Wilson
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Matthew 1 The book.
Of the generation.
Jesus Christ.
The son of David.
The son of Abraham.
Abraham begat Isaac.
And Isaac begat Jacob.
And Jacob begat Judas and his brethren.
And Judas begat berries, and Zara of Tamar.
Fairies, we got Ezraim.
And Ezra begat Aaron.
Aaron begat a Minute Ave.
A minute ABBA got Nessa.
Begat sound shaman, begat boys of Reykjavik.
Boy, as we got. Oh better, Ruth.
Obed, began Jesse.
Jesse begat David the King.
And David the king, begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah.
And Solomon begat robe long.
Robo get abaya.
Abaya begat ASA.
Mesa begat Joshua, and Joshua begat Joram, and Joram begat Isaias.
Mosiah begat Jotham, Jotham begat Akaz and Akaz begat is a chaos. There's a guys baguette Manassas and Manassas began Ammon Ammon the gap Josias.
When Josiah's begap Jaconius and his brethren about the time that they were carried away to Babylon.
And after they were brought to Babylon, Zechinius, Begatilathiel, and Celathial begat Zerubbabel. Zerubbabel began to Bayou, and the Bayou began to Lyacum, and the Lyacum begat Azor, Mazar begat Zadok, and Sadak begat Akum, and Akum begat Elijah.
The Lion began at Eliezer, and Eliezer begat Manton.
Mapped and begat Jacob. Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus was called Christ.
So all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations, and from David until the carrying away into Babylon or 14 generations.
And the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ of 14 generations.
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise.
When, as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together, she was found with Child of the Holy Ghost.
Then Joe, then Joseph, her husband, being a just man and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.
But while he thought on these things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying.
Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife.
For that which is conceived in hers of the Holy Ghost.
She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus.
For he shall save his people from their sins.
Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet saying.
The Holy Virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel.
Which is being interpreted.
God with us.
Then Joseph, being raised from his sleep, did as the Angel of the Lord had been him, and took unto him his wife.
Nor not till she had brought forth her first born son, and he called his name.
You know when man wants to emphasize something.
He brings forth the preponderance of words.
God brings. God sets forth His truth in few words.
In the simplicity of it.
Now the most important event.
In the history of this world, aside from the crucifixion.
Is found here in this chapter, and yet it's not.
Gone into in great detail.
But there is a wonderful amount in it for our profit.
How do we begin the New Testament?
First of all, let's ask God. It would begin the Old Testament.
The Old Testament begins with, in the beginning, God.
That is, when you open the word of God, the first thing you meet is God Himself.
They're introduced.
To a person.
When you open the New Testament, how does it begin?
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ.
You're introduced to a person, Son of God.
So many people think that.
Christianity is a system of ideals.
A Christian system of Christian ethics.
And even so-called fundamentalists today are veering toward that view.
I've just been.
Book of a book and some literature by a man.
By the name of Bass.
And he wants Christianity to just take over the world and improve it.
Instilling the ideals.
The ethics and the teachings of Jesus.
Now I insist that that is not not Christianity.
Christianity brings you to a person.
And a person that will meet our needs.
A person that will satisfy our hearts.
For time and eternity.
So we begin the New Testament with an introduction to.
Jesus Christ.
Now, if we go back to the Old Testament for a moment, how does the Old Testament conclude?
The Old Testament concludes.
By looking for a person to come.
Whom it calls the son of righteousness.
The sun to come in its full orb light.
Shine upon this Dark World.
And when the sun does shine in its strength?
It will burn up the chaff.
Unquenchable fire.
So Malachi concludes the Old Testament Canon.
Looking for the sunrise?
And shine in its strength.
How does the New Testament conclude?
Looking for the Morning Star to appear?
Looking for the Lord Jesus to come as the morning star.
Now, what's the What's the significance of the morning star in the sun?
We have no difficulty with it in nature. We know that the sun doesn't appear first, the morning star appears.
Therefore, we conclude.
That the old, the New Testament, the closing part of the New Testament is to be fulfilled before the closing part of Malachi.
For the sun appeared this morning, Star appears while it's shipped dark and only to those who are waiting, those who are looking for it.
However, I want to guard that statement by saying that every Christian, everyone that knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, is going to be taken when the Lord Jesus comes for his own. Even if he doesn't believe in the truth of the Lord's coming, he's going to be taken anyway.
And I venture to make this statement that he will not be disappointed even though he found his beliefs wrong.
The Old Testament closes looking for the sun, so therefore it will follow.
When the sun shines.
It'll wake up sleeping people. In fact, the sleeping man can feel the warmth.
Of the son.
I merely make these few statements to show that the fabric of the book is one.
And while God has used many different writers.
Many different times over a period of about 1500 years.
To write the several sections of this book.
It's evident that one person.
Designed it all because you never could get so many people to write the same things.
So that when you finish it, when you read, when you read the whole book, you realize that there's been one designer, one planner, and that the whole thing is one fabric that cannot be taken apart without mutilation.
Therefore, we come now to the New Testament, the book of the generation of Jesus Christ.
Oh, it's a wonderful thing to come to a person.
Doctrine won't satisfy your soul.
The creeds of Christianity won't satisfy your soul.
If you do not know Christ as your savior, we were just singing Jesus. How much thine name unfolds to every open deer. What a precious name Jesus is.
The name that God decreed.
Should be the name given to his beloved son on Earth.
Please, you know he only has two names.
Jesus and Emmanuel.
Jesus means Jehovah the Savior.
Manual means God with us.
The other type, the other words like Lord and Christ King and.
Various other things are just titles.
But his personal name was Jesus.
And thou shalt call his name a man.
Wonderful thing you think of a manual that God has actually been here on this earth.
I'm not going to be occupied with.
Other celestial bodies.
The word of God would occupy me with.
The one that came into this work.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
Now what does it say?
Abraham begat Isaac.
And Isaac begat Jacob.
This book presents the Lord Jesus Christ to us as the Messiah, the King of Israel.
Therefore, it was very fitting.
That we should that his genealogy here should begin with Abraham.
And David?
Abraham and David. Why? Because it was well known in the Old Testament Scriptures that the Messiah was to come.
And that he was to come through Abraham and through David.
So if you're going to present the Lord Jesus as the Messiah of Israel, and this was written for the Jew in that day, really, but it was written for our prophet, for our learning.
For our enjoyment too.
It was necessary to prove that he came according to the prophecies.
Now we would turn to the 10th chapter of John. We would read there that he came in by the door into the sheepfold.
By coming into the door, by the door into the sheepfold, the sheeple was Israel.
And by coming in at the door, he came according to all the Old Testament prophecies concerning him.
Therefore, Matthew's Gospel begins showing that he came as the Messiah, the Son of Abraham, and the son of David.
May I also make?
Another aside here.
Man would like to make the four gospels into one.
Many attempts have been made at they call it harmonizing the gospel.
I want to ask you how you can harmonize what was never in disharmony.
I want to know how you can harmonize something that would never lack harmony.
Well, if the Spirit of God indicted these four, these four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, there must be perfect harmony.
What did you say? Why did they give us four and why did he repeat some things and some gospels and not give them another?
I think the answer to that is quite simple.
Suppose you went outside to give A and you were told to write a description of this building.
You might write about the north side and the South side and the West side and east side. You might give us four different viewpoints of this building.
Well, you might mention several things in common.
You might mention that there's a chimney.
For recruiting above the roof that could be seen from all four sides and so you might mention it in all four, in all four descriptions of the building.
So there would be things in common.
And yet there are things that you wouldn't have in common if you were doing that.
There's another way to illustrate why there are 4 gospels.
Some years ago they had a king in England, King George the 6th.
Let's suppose the case about His Majesty King George 6.
The royal family sent for a portrait painter and called him to the.
Main headquarters.
Now we want you to come in on certain dates.
And make a portrait of His Majesty the King.
Well, he said. I'll be happy to do it.
But before we proceed any further, I would like to know what you wish.
Would you like to portray the King, His Majesty?
As the sovereign, the King with his crown.
Or would you like to portray him as a family man at home with his family?
Or would you like to portray him perhaps as the Admiral of the fleet?
Are the General of the Armies.
Suppose somebody in the royal family says, well, just make a composite.
Picture. Just blend it all together. We want just a composite picture. We want a harmony here.
I submit that you'd have the worst disharmony.
How in the world would you mix an Admiral and a general and a king and a family man all in one picture?
Just be foolishness.
Well, these four gospels give us just that. They give us 4 portraits.
Given by divine inspiration of the Lord Jesus Christ first as the Messiah, the King of Israel, according to the prophecies.
And rejected by them according to the prophecies, going away and coming back again.
Paul and Matt.
Therefore you get his genealogy in Matthew and it's traced up to Abraham and David.
Mark didn't know genealogy.
Mark could be described according to a verse in Isaiah.
Behold, my servant.
I one time saw a book written as an exposition of the Gospel of Mark, and it was entitled to hold my servant.
Well, that's a good title for a book written on Mark.
For in the Gospel of Mark, the Lord Jesus is presented as the God's servant.
The prophet who came to do God's will came to speak for him.
And you find one characteristic of the gospel of Mark is and forthwith.
And immediately.
The busy servant, always in his father's business.
And you find him going from one thing to another with rapidity that's not marked anywhere else.
Well, you don't need a genealogy for a servant. Therefore there's no genealogy given in Mark.
Luke gives us his genealogy not back to Abraham and David, but back to Adam.
Luke presents him as the seed of the woman.
Adam was told the seed of the woman should groove the serpent's head.
He presents him as the Son of Man.
And though all the teachings in Luke are in keeping with it.
You'll find a much broader aspect of things and Luke than you do in Matthew. In Matthew, he says to the 12 go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any of the villages of the Samaritans. Enter Enoch.
In Luke he sends out the 12 with no such restriction, Memory serves me right. And then he sends forth the other seventy with no such restriction.
He sends forth other 70.
And they go farther afield. Well, you find the broader character of things in Luke's gospel, and you'll find.
The Lord.
In a wider sphere, not only to Jew but to Gentile.
John's Gospel you get no genealogy.
Now, why should you have a genealogy in John's Gospel? Or why should you not have it? The answer is very simple. In John's Gospel, he's presented as the Son of God.
It would be all together out of place to try to give a genealogy of the Son of God.
Therefore you find none in John's Gospel.
In John's gospel, he is rejected from the very first chapter. The other three gospels give you a point in each gospel where he's finally rejected by Israel, but John's gospel gives it to you. In the first chapter. He came onto his own, and his own received him not. And so in the third chapter you'll find him leaving Israel and going to Samaria.
And then coming back to Israel after two days.
So even in the crucifixion.
Everything isn't in keeping with those four characters of the four Gospels and John's gospel. He's he's supreme. He's master of it all.
He sees one thing yet to be done, and he says I thirst.
He pronounces on the whole thing and says it is finished.
In Luke's gospel, you get another character and you'll find that.
The thief converted.
You might even mention here that the Luke's Gospel gives us the character, the peace offering where God gets his part.
The Lord gets his, the thief gets his, Or it's a communion office in Luke's Gospel.
Matthew is the sinoff.
We won't go into that phase of it, but I fully believe that the four chapters of Leviticus 123 and four are supplanted by.
The four Gospels.
For you see, in the 40th Psalm he says sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not.
Are we getting the 10th of Hebrews 2? I'll just read it.
Hearing a might miss quoted.
Well, when he said, they were sacrificed and offering, and burnt, offering and offering for sin, thou wouldest not which are offered by the law, neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the law. Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God.
And so he takes the place of that which was characterized in the first four chapters of Leviticus. And if you will analyze it in the 40th Psalm, you'll find that the the 4th offerings, the burnt offerings, the the meat offering, the peace offering, and the sin offering are all mentioned.
The oblation is given and new translation in the 40th Psalm, I think.
Definitely marking out the meet up.
That the burnt offering, the peace offering, the meal offering and the sin off.
But he comes to take this place then said, I'll, Oh, I come to do thy will, God.
Now let's go back to our first chapter of math. It is not my point to.
Bring out our great detail here in this chapter so much as to show the part that the chapter plays in the whole book of God.
Abraham would get Isaac. Isaac would get Jacob.
Jacob begat Judas and his brethren.
Judas begat fairies and Zara tamer.
Now there are four women mentioned in the genealogy.
Four and only four.
And if a Jew with his national pride.
Had been writing this gospel, the genealogy of the Messiah, He would have hidden everyone of them.
He would not have mentioned one of them.
So that while this gospel presents the Lord Jesus to Israel as their Messiah, along with it, he's showing out that the Messiah came to Israel on the ground of pure grace.
They didn't deserve, didn't deserve to have him come. Grace is preeminent in this chapter.
Judas becapped fairies and Zara of Tamer.
Now that was a most wicked act.
If you go back to Genesis, you'd find that it was a revolting thing.
Why did God mention it?
He shows that the grace of God was abounding over the sin of man, and Israel with their high privilege was no exception to sin.
Therefore, he brings in Tamer.
And Aaron began a minute AB and a minute AB got Naus, and Nausen begat Selma.
Some of the gab Boaz.
Of Rahab.
The reason it has the.
Sea in there, Reykjavik.
Is due to the fact that there's a difference in the languages, one having it and the other not having it.
So it's rehab?
Who was Rahab?
We hear of Rahab, we read of Rahab in the book of Joshua, we read of her in the list of those that had faith, and they 11Th of Hebrew.
But it is under faith that the Spirit of God would emphasize here now.
But it's her character and her nationality, for she was a woman of Canaan. She was a Canaanite. She was one of the accursed grace that was to be exterminated.
Cast out to make room for God's people.
But here is Rahab, not only of the accursed race.
But an immoral woman?
And now the Spirit of God brings her in and mentions her.
Salmon begat Boaz of Rahab.
I might make make mention of something.
We have to be careful what we read. I went to see a brother one time long ways from here, and he was a brother that didn't believe in Sunday school. I learned anathema to him. The chief object and the chief objection he had was that sisters might instruct the little children in the word of God.
When I was in his home, I picked up a book.
And it was a Bible story for children. He had some small children.
And it was written by a woman.
All consistency in our diversity.
He had this book by this woman, by this sister, giving the account of the doings of the Lord Jesus.
And the Old Testament accounts here, there and John.
So he said this woman said that when they brought rehab over to Israel after they took her out of out of.
The seeds taken.
That they brought her into Israel.
And gave her the best tent in Israel and she married one of the spies.
One of those that went to spy out the lab.
I asked this brother if he could give me chapter and verse for those assertions.
He said no, he couldn't.
We need to be careful that we do not introduce things that speculate.
And I do warn young preachers.
Do not speculate.
Do not go beyond what's written.
And the case not long ago one of them.
Who came and preached and said Samson met the lion and that the lion was a type of Christ and he spun a great big theory out of it. The lion was a type of Christ because he was of the lion. He was the lion of the tribe of Judah. Well, you can make anything fit if you want to twist it here and twist it there.
But it's just the reverse. Samson is the type of Christ.
And he goes down in the line, roars against him.
Did not Satan, as the roaring lion roar against him in the Garden of Gethsemane, he.
Surely did.
And they're not. Did not the Lord overcome Satan?
And did he not go down into his domain, as it were, and come forth with the victory? Yes.
And he brought forth meat out of the eater.
It brought forth sweetness to overcoming Satan as the roaring lion. I just mentioned this as a sample for young preachers. What I mean by speculating and getting beyond scripture. Now we go on Boaz. I don't know that he was one of the spies spied out the land and Obed begat Jesse. No boy has begat Obed a Ruth.
No, they wouldn't have. The Jew wouldn't have put Rahab in the list.
In their chronology.
He'd rather put in Sarah Rebecca.
Honorable figures of honorable women in their past.
But God brings in that that makes nothing of man and shows his grace. So he brings in Raya. Now the next woman is brought in is rude.
Now you say, what was wrong with Ruth?
Not a thing. Morally, she was a virtuous woman.
She was an upright woman. She was a God fearing woman.
But she was a foreigner. She was a stranger.
She had no right or title in the land of Israel. She was not to come into the congregation of the Lord, and I think it was till the 10th generation.
What? But he brings her in.
Now, you know, Israel boasts they've been having quite an argument over in Palestine about who's a Jew.
Prisoner upset the government of the country about who was a Jew.
Decided that.
A Jew is one who had as his mother was a Jewish, even if his father was.
They had to. They had to settle the argument some way.
But here a Jew rightly is one whose father and mother were both Jews.
They were not supposed to intermingle. God had put a wall around them, separated them.
Now here we find a woman brought in.
Amor Biden and when she came in to Israel and married Boaz, who was her mother-in-law.
Rahab, the Canaanite.
I want to ask you just how much Jewish, true Jewish, blood there was in the strain at that time.
Here we find.
Salmon begat Boaz of rehab.
One's Jew, one's Gentile, now the Son.
Mary is a Moabitess.
Ruth and has Obed.
Now, how much Jewish blood is there?
Oh, the picture here is very humiliating with the Jewish mind, but that's what it's intended to do.
And then furthermore thinking not only grace to bring bring all this into the line of the Messiah, but next and Obed.
Jesse and Jesse begat David the king, he began. He becomes the grandfather of the king.
All through him, through him through whom the promises came, through whom the Messiah must come.
Here is a woman brought in that shouldn't get into the congregation till the 10th generation and her son of the second generation sits on the throne.
Although make the grace of God.
And that's why we find in the 11Th chapter of Romans that when Israel comes into blessing again.
It's going to they're going to come into blessing on the ground of pure mercy that he might have mercy upon all.
And that's why Ruth is the type of the Jewish remnant. She's a Gentile, and she's a type of the Jewish remnant who embraces the God of Israel.
And the kinsman, the Redeemer, brings her in. She's a type of the Jewish remnant of the future.
Because the Jewish remnant will come in in the future on the ground of pure mercy, just like a Gentile.
While we go on.
And David begat Solomon of her. That had been the wife of Uriah. This wasn't necessary to add that was it?
Oh, what is one of the saddest blocks on Israel's history was David's sin in the matter of Uriah's wife.
David and David.
Jesse, we get David and David the king begat Solomon of her. That had been the wife of your eyes.
Marvelous grace of God that would bear with that people and through the royal line that had been so interspersed with Gentile blood.
So many foul blocks.
Very, very line comes the Messiah.
So therefore women mentioned and the Jew would have hit everyone, hidden everyone of them, if he could.
The grace of God by the Spirit of God brings it all out. Now we go on and Solomon begatrobaum and Robom begat Abaya and Abaya begat ASA. ASA begat Joshua that Joshua that begat Joram. Joram begat his *** Isaias begat Jotham and Joseph Megetic has and Ikaz begatta Ezekiel and Ezzy. Guys forget Manassas and Manassas forget Ammon and Ammon to get Josiah.
Well if you would go back and check this with the Old Testament you will find.
That there's a there are about four or five kings left out. Remember, I haven't checked it just recently as to how many were left out, but they're all the descendants.
Of that unholy alliance.
Between the King of Judah.
And the king and King Ahab and his wife Jezebel, they all come down from that unholy alliance through Athaliah coming into the royal family. And God just eliminates each other.
Oh, they're about four generations missing them.
But the Spirit of God has done it for a purpose, that he might show us his displeasure.
With the seed royal of the House of Judah mingling with the House of Israel in all their idolatry. And so here's a, here's a family that's left out might say when it says all the generations or 14 generations from here to here and here to here and so on. That's an arbitrary 14. But the Lord has done that. It's two sevens in each cases. But in order to do it, he left out those.
Persons that were.
Of that unholy alliance. Or you might bring somebody in and grace into the line. But that which is an unholy alliance with Ahab's house Jezebel.
From the record.
And Josiah's begat Jacinias and his brethren about the time they were carried to Babylon.
Now Jekyll is called by various names.
I want to have you turn with me to the 23rd chapter of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah. No, it's the 22nd of Jeremiah, verse 28.
Is this man Kanaya?
To the same man.
A despised, broken idol.
Is he a vessel wherein is no pleasure?
Wherefore are they cast out? He and his seed, and are cast into a land which they know not.
Oh, uh, uh.
Hear the word of the Lord.
Thus saith the Lord.
Right ye this man childless.
A man who shall not prosper in his days.
No man of his seed shall prosper sitting upon the throne of David and ruling anymore in Judah.
Now that's a strange verb.
Here is the one that is in the royal line. Here Jack and IAS.
And no one of his seed was ever to sit on the throne of Judah again.
That's strange, isn't it?
Here's a decree against this man, this profane man. I think he was the man of.
Remember correctly.
Who made an oath the king of Babylon in the name of Jehovah and broke?
No man of his seed was ever to sit on the throne of Jupiter.
Now why does that happen? Where does it fit in here? It fits in here simply this way.
That in the royal line through which Joseph came for Joseph was the direct lineage of David through Solomon, as we see here.
He was of that line, but no actual descendant of his was ever to sit on the throne.
Now how do we count for?
If you go back.
If you go to the Luke's Gospel and the Lord's genealogy and the Gospel of Luke.
You will find that Mary who is of the royal line for Mary's genealogy in loop.
Begins with going back to Adam and it comes on down and.
After David, it divides.
One Matthew goes down through Solomon. Luke's genealogy goes down through Nathan.
So that the genealogy divides David and goes down through.
One through Solomon through Jeconius for the legal right to the throne. But there was a decree against anyone of the actual blood relation sitting on the throne. Remember that the Lord was not a a direct descendant of Joseph, but by his mother's engagement espousal to Joseph, he had the legal right to the throne.
But in the Gospel of Luke, you get Mary's genealogy and he.
It was her seed, the seed of the woman, and there's no Jekyll Senate for it came down through Nathan. And so the the prescription against the descendant of Jack and I are sitting on the throne anymore is taken care of carefully in Mary's genealogy and Luke.
The accuracy of scripture is marvelous.
The accuracy of scripture, the intricate details that all fit together is better than anything the archaeologists Spade can uncover.
And the scripture is better than any argument you can give the unsaved man, either, because if he'll let it, it'll reach his conscience. It'll give him a probe sometimes. Say if I if I gave you a big argument about how sharp my knife was and gave you a big long dissertation about how sharp this knife was, it wouldn't be half as convincing as a jab, would it?
And so the Word of God gives that jab to the conscience. The man that spelled its keen edge doesn't need an argument.
So we go down.
Josiah Begetcheck and Iasen his brethren about the time they were carried away to Babylon. And after they were brought to Babylon, Jack and I used to get Selatheon Celestial get the rubble. The rubble begat a Bayou, and a Bayou begat a liar. Him and like him begat Hazel, and Hazel begets Adoc and Sadoc begat Akim, and Akim begat Eliyu. Eliyu begat Eliezer, and Eliezer begat Mathem, and Mathen begat Jacob, and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary.
Now that's where the Lord had his legal right to the throne.
Here was Joseph.
Reputed father of Jesus.
The royal heir to the throne of Israel working as a Carpenter.
It said, you know, that Herod called for those that the Lords, brothers and sisters and that at a later time and.
And he asked them about their claim to the throne.
And he looked at their hands and saw their rough hands from hard work. He dismissed them. He didn't think they were looking for any throne.
So all the generations here we get this 14 generations are summed up here. Now we go to the 18th verse. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away privately.
But while he thought on these things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David.
Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, or that which is conceived in hers of the Holy Ghost.
Ah, anew.
Element has entered the genealogy now.
It's not merely the son of David now.
But that which is bought was to be born is of the Holy Ghost.
And she shall bring forth his Son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus.
More exactly, Jehovah the Savior.
For he shall save his people from their sins. His people are Jehovah's people.
Jehovah his people to save them, not from their enemies, for which the Jew was looking, but from their sins. They were looking for a deliverer to save them from their enemies. But no, he shall save his people from their sins.
Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Now he quotes from Isaiah, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and they shall, and she shall bring forth his Son, and thou shall call his name Emmanuel, which is being interpreted, God with us.
Now there are three scriptures in the Old Testament.
That same irreconcilable.
And if you would take these three thoughts from the Old Testament and put them down one side by side, you'd say they couldn't be reconciled.
It was prophesied that the Messiah was to be the direct. He was to be the of the royal line of David.
It was prophesied that he was to be the Son of the Virgin.
Seed of the womb, and it was prophesied that he was to be the Son of God, or God with us, Emmanuel.
Meaning God with us. Now you would say, how is it possible that those three things can be put together?
The son of David, the son of the Virgin.
Son of God.
Matthew's Gospel takes the three of them and puts them together and brings them together into one.
And to me, it's marvelous. Legally, he was the heir to the throne of David through Joseph.
But he was actually the son of Mary, the son of the Virgin.
And really?
He was the Son of God.
All three things are brought together in a way that there is perfect harmony now between the three, seemingly.
Irreconcilable statements from the Old Testament.
Son of David, the Son of the Virgin, the Son of God. Oh, he's all that, brethren, He's all that.
It was the son of David, legally. That is, he was the son, the son of David through the royal line, down through Solomon, and as such he had a right, right entitled to the throne.
But he was the son of the Virgin through Mary.
And He fulfilled Scripture in that, but He was also the Son of God. He was God manifest in flesh. He was Emmanuel, God with us. And so we see all that was prophesied of him as to who he was put together into one chapter, one short chapter here in the first of Matthew.
To me it is. It is marvelous and it's beautiful.
She gave birth to the Son and they called his name Jesus.
Well, may we sing, Jesus, how much thy name unfold.
Every open day the pardon sinner's memory holds none other half so did.
Oh, I know that the name of Jesus is more often heard in blasphemy.
Than in reverence. I hope none of us ever become so callous that we can hear the name of the Lord Jesus taken in vain and not feel it.
Not be cut by.
I heard of one Christian who said to one who whom he heard taking the name of Jesus in vain, he says, You speak against a friend of mine.
I was in a Barber chair one day.
The man in the next chair was.
Very profane.
Very good thing. And he just kept his mouth going all the time.
I called out to him. I was tired of listening to it.
I called out to him and I said, Mr. would you please tell me one thing?
Why is that when you must?
Speak blasphemy when you must say something and add somebody's name, that you have to add the blessed name of Jesus.
Or you speak of God.
Or hell.
I said, why don't you? Why don't people use the name of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln or something like that?
He says Mr. you got something there? Never said another word while I was in the shop.
May we can't stop it, I recognize that. But may we never become so callous that it becomes common to us that we fail to feel it as a slight.
On one whom we love.
Well, I just hurriedly gone through the chapter and in its relation to the other four gossip, the other of the four Gospels.
But may it be for our.