“If thou knewest,” little child,
The gift that God has given,
How fully would thy thirst for joy
Be satisfied from heaven!
“If thou knewest,” little child,
That, sinful as thou art,
Compassion fills His soul to thee,
And tenderness His heart;
“If thou knewest,” little child,
The pleasures of His love,
Thy little heart would love to think
Of Him who is above.
Would think of Him who’s seated there,
And hear His Gospel tell
How once, to show the way of life,
He sat beside the well.
And now His kindness is the same,
Who still is meek and mild:
He draws the living waters still,
And gives them to the child.
Drink, little children, freely drink,
These waters are for you:
The springs of life are ever fresh,
The wells of mercy new.
ML 08/18/1946