The Gift

Duration: 40min
Children—D. Macy
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On which side are you?
One door and only one and.
Harmonious side? On which side are you?
Good, yeah, what would you 40? Good. That's always a favorite, isn't it? Jesus loves me #40.
Jesus loves me, the signal with all unto him belongs. They are waiting for He is wrong.
Young in God's faith.
Yeah, she lost me.
Help me so.
Lord, may he hold on.
Why he will walk away my sins.
Like a little joyful children.
Yeah, she does love me.
Yeah, because was great. The Bible tells me so.
She does love me all I want to make me.
Was way to hold me in the thorn peacefully, safe from every harm.
Your Jesus love me, yeah.
Jesus taught me.
I tell me so.
Lost me, lost me.
When I'm burying.
Me, where I lie.
Young people love me.
Yeah, Jesus love me.
Yeah, she goes love me.
The Bible tells me so.
He will say.
Hold behind me all the way.
If I trust him, should I?
He will Take Me Home on high.
Yes, please go for it.
Yeah, she's also lost me.
Yes, she's gone closely.
The Bible tells me so.
Good, we need somebody from over this side. Who's got a favorite You going? What would you like? 41 The next song down #41.
Around the throne of God in heaven will many children.
Are all for him. We'll have the spring singing glory.
On morning.
In joining.
Everlasting life and joy.
That never.
Faith singing glory.
What brings them to the world of peace and joy and lost? How come those children?
They're singing glory.
Glory, glory.
Most precious put me all them wise, and please sing.
Glory, glory.
We'll take one or two more. What would you like?
42 good #42.
A little child, or seven, or even 3 or 4.
May enter into.
Heaven through Christ they talk and or.
When the heart fails, leave us.
On price of North.
A salvation.
From this one.
44 Another favorite, isn't it gypsy boy #44?
And so what's and where are gifts? The boy lay dying alone at the close of the day.
Here's all salvation we carry that he nobody.
Ever has sold it to me.
So it's all good.
Solid organ.
Salvation story raising.
All the children of men.
Nobody ever has told me before.
This is all of me, all for less, old boy.
Stand on to me all good, fighting for joy.
I don't care if my hand will behold.
Ever lost story, households?
Power Morgan.
Salvation. Salvation story.
Children of men.
Of her household, maybe for.
That thing we thought all last words of his breath.
God does. He answers all the Ali altars.
Then I am sure that he sent him for me.
Before a Lord.
Till I can say all the children of men.
Ever has told me before.
I think we better stop boys and girls, and let's pray before we go any further. Let's talk to the Lord Jesus.
Our God and our Father, we thank Thee for this beautiful Lord's Day morning.
Now, I think a lot of you have been working hard all week to learn a memory verse, a verse from the Bible. Have you? I'm wondering if anybody wants the chance to say it this morning.
Eric, go ahead.
Let's start with I.
I give.
Unto them.
Eternal, Eternal.
I'll never.
Neither shall.
Any man?
28 Good. Now maybe if you didn't learn that verse, you learn another one so you can say whatever verse you learn. Who else would like a chance? Go ahead.
Did you learn the same one that he did? I give unto them.
Neither shall any man.
What then?
Good, John 1028, right? Who else? Curtis, Go ahead.
Good, thank you. Different verse. Proverbs 1625.
Go ahead.
Good. Thank you.
Yes, go ahead.
Thank you. Good. How about any more girls? Go ahead, Jessica.
And they shall.
Who else would like to try Lydia?
Good, Stephanie, did you want you to?
Very good.
Anybody else want a chance?
You want to give it a try? Go ahead.
Very good. Thank you.
You know, we don't have time to go all the way around the room and maybe some of you are kind of like, I was probably at your agent, just a little shy too, so that's OK. We got a good sampling of people saying the verse and I want to talk about the 1St 2 words of the verse that most of you said. What were the 1St 2 words? What were they? I give, I give. How many of you kids have gotten presents, have gotten gifts? You ever gotten a present?
Who did you get a present from? Who gave you a present?
Who did you get a present from?
Your relatives. Who are your relatives?
Uncle and Aunt. OK, Who else? Who did? Who did you get a present from? Grandpa. How about you, Grandma?
Couple important people haven't even been mentioned yet, have they? Who did you get presents from?
Dad and mom, right? They like to give. Dads like to give and moms like to give. And grandpas and grandmas like to give. Aunts and uncles, friends give. And in our verse it says somebody else likes to give. Who's that?
Yes, God, who are you going to say, Joanna?
Jesus gives.
So I want to tell you a story and talk about a story from the word of God. I wonder how many of you kids were?
Listening last night when we heard about a man who walked.
For 30 miles in one day.
Did you hear about him?
Who was it that walked for 30 miles in one day?
Jesus, he walked 30 miles in one day. The story I'm going to tell you about He walked. It was a different day.
But when I looked at the map, it looked like it was maybe 30 or more miles that he walked this other day, this story I'm going to tell you about.
And 30 miles, I don't know if we know what that is.
You know how many of you are staying in the motel?
You came from the motel this morning? I did too, and I wanted to make sure. So I checked on my little meter in my car and said, how far is it from the hotel to here? Do you think it's 30 miles?
No. You know how many it is? How many is this?
6 miles. So 30 miles is like going to a hotel from here 5 times.
How many of us walked here this morning? Anybody walked six miles this morning? No, we hop in our cars and we just quick speed down the highway and here we are.
Well, what do you think it felt like for the Lord Jesus to walk? Not 6 miles or 7:00 or 8:00, but 30 or 40? I don't know how many it was.
How do you think he felt when he got to this place he stopped at? It really wasn't where he was going. He was going even farther N but but he stopped at a certain spot. How do you think he felt? What do you think he felt like after walking all those miles?
Tired. I do too. I think he was tired. Well, you know, I don't think they had, you know, a nice wooden floor like this one, or pavement like we have outside.
Or even nice walking shoes, or, you know, they have nice shoes these days that make it comfortable to hike and walk. You think that's what he had? Oh, I think you wore sandals. And I don't think the roads were paved, so they were dusty, dirty. How do you think Jesus felt when he got done, when he stopped at this one spot? He's tired.
I don't know, it doesn't say, but I picture it being really hot. And when you get hot, you do what?
You sweat. And if you're walking on a dirt road and you're sweating, oh, and you wipe it off and it's all dirty and you feel greasy and oh.
Ah, he sits down.
Who knows what story I'm talking about? Where does Jesus sit down to rest?
Near the well? What's the well?
What is it?
Place where you get water is that what you were going to say is that we go to a well for yeah we go to our kitchen sink don't we? And just turn on the the tap or the faucet or whatever we call it and outcomes water. But in their day they had these things called wells that was a hole that was dug or drilled in the ground and and way way, way down there is what.
Water. Can you just swap down and scoop some up like that and get water real quick?
How come?
Got to have a bucket.
You think our our traveler, our man that's traveling does have a bucket with him, so he's sitting by the.
He's sitting by the well and way, way, way down. There is water, but I don't think this one.
Had a bucket tell you why in a minute.
Way down there is water, but this poor man's tired.
And he's maybe dusty. He's also something else we didn't say.
What do you think?
What might you want water for after 30 miles of walking? What would you like it for?
To drink. You're thirsty, right? Yeah, I'd be thirsty after six miles and he's gone 30 or 40. But here he sits and way down there is the water. But.
How can you get it? Here comes somebody.
Here comes somebody walking. He sees somebody walking towards him. It's a woman. And look, she's got a They call it a water pot. We'll call it a bucket.
She's got what we need, right?
So here she comes, she walks up, she's got what she needs to get the water out of the well.
Is she going to give him a drink?
You know what? She stands off a little ways and she, I don't know if she had her bucket on her head or if she was holding it in her arms, but she keeps holding it.
And she looks at that man, and she says to him.
I'm not supposed to talk to you and you're not supposed to talk to me. You're a Jew and I'm a what?
Not quite. What was the word?
No, not quite a Gentile. She was a Samaritan.
But she says, you know, Jews and Samaritans, we don't have anything to do with each other. And so she stands there. She holds her bucket. He's.
Tired and thirsty and he's not getting a drink. You know what? He's a stranger to her.
He's a stranger.
She doesn't know him. Is there anybody here that doesn't know Jesus? Is he still a stranger to you?
We just sang that song that said there was a boy who had never heard about the Lord Jesus.
I wonder if you like this woman?
Here's Jesus the Lord.
But he's a stranger to her and she stands off with her bucket and she's not going to let it down and give him any drink.
Oh, how sad. Is there anybody like that here this morning? I hope not. Boys and girls, that's what we're here for.
We don't want you to be a stranger to Jesus like this woman was. You know what? As they talk.
Jesus talks to this woman and they have some questions and some answers back and forth between them, and we find out something else about this woman.
She's a Sinner.
She's a Sinner.
Is there anybody else here with that problem?
You know, I'll tell you I had that problem.
I'm a Sinner. Is there anybody else here like that?
Susanna, yeah.
Who can tell me the verse from the Bible that would tell us that everyone of our hands has to be up?
When I say, is there anybody that has the thin problem? What's the verse? There is no difference.
For what? Who can finish that verse? What would you?
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God all.
Does that leave anybody out, Kyle?
No, all have sinned. You know, there's another verse. You've got to help me finish this one.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and then it says the wages of.
Sin is what?
Death, good wages of sin, is death. Now here's another one.
It's appointed. It's appointed to everyone. Every man, every boy, every girl, every woman.
Wants to die, to die once.
No second chance. You don't get to try it over, God says once.
To die and then after that what?
Judgment. Oh, this is getting worse, isn't it?
All have sinned. That woman standing there, she eventually as she talks to the Lord Jesus, she has to admit she's a Sinner.
But everyone of us, we're in the same situation. We're in the same way, aren't we? All have sinned, and God says sin leads to death. Oh, do boys and girls die? That's just for older people, isn't it? Is it? No, boys and girls die, don't they?
You know, I have a little niece who's with the Lord Jesus. She was four years old when she died. Now I think probably most or all of you are at least four or more, aren't you? So do children have to be ready to die? Yes, we do, don't we? Big people do too.
All have sinned, and the result of sin is death.
You know this woman standing there holding her bucket, not going to give any water. She's a Sinner and she's going.
Her life is leading towards death and after death, judgment. And where's judgment?
Where do sinners go for judgment?
Hell, we don't like to talk about that. Where do we boys and girls? But we've got to think about it.
God says that's the result of sin.
But now I want you to think of another memory verse that has that word. All we said, all have sinned.
All have sinned. Now I want you to finish another verse for me that has all in it and starts out the blood.
The Blood of.
Jesus, can you finish the verse for me? The blood of Jesus.
What's next, Jessica?
The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, God's Son, cleanseth us from how many sins?
Oh, isn't that wonderful? Here's a Sinner standing before the Lord Jesus and he's got a gift for her, member of her said. I give, the Lord Jesus wants to give.
What's his gift? All he says the Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. How about this verse?
God so loved the world that what?
He gave, There it is again, right? He gave His only begotten Son.
That what else, Bethany?
There's that word perish again too from our verse, isn't it? God gave the Lord. Jesus was here to give a gift to this woman, a gift she could never pay for, never earn.
But something she really needed very badly. She needed the forgiveness of her sins.
And there was the man who could give it to her. And that man is the one we talked about today that can give you.
The forgiveness of your sins, wash them clean so that when God looks at you, he says.
You're ready to come to heaven. You don't go to hell. Your sins are cleansed, they're washed. They're gone.
Isn't that wonderful gift from the Lord Jesus? He says, I give, I give that gift. And that woman, as she talked to the Lord Jesus, something was going on in her heart. First she has to acknowledge, she has to say to the Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner. But.
When she does that, why there's a wonderful thing happens in her heart.
And the Lord Jesus says, I'm here to give you the gift of eternal life.
She goes back to the town where she came from and she says come, come, come see this man.
That's what we want to say to you this morning. We don't. The Lord Jesus isn't a man standing here this morning, but I want you to think about him, not me.
But him look to the Lord Jesus, he's the one with open arms that's saying come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. This woman went back and said come see this man, isn't he the Christ? Later on the people say some other people say yes, he's the Christ, he's the Savior of the world.
Is he your savior?
Have you received His gift? The gift of God is eternal life.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord God doesn't have any other way for us to get those sins cleansed.
But you come to Jesus.
And he'll wash the mall. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sins.
And he says, here's my gift for you.
How much does a gift cost you?
Sorry, I don't have any gifts here this morning to give you, but if I had a package all nicely wrapped up and I said here this is for you, how much money am I looking for you to give me so that I give you that gift?
None, right? A gift is free, isn't it? Isn't that wonderful that the Lord Jesus says I give, I give. He's not looking for money. Does that mean this gift is cheap or didn't cost anything?
What about an elephant?
It was very expensive, wasn't it?
The gift for Jesus to be able to offer to you.
To say boys, girls come.
I want to wash your sins clean. Why? You know what he had to do to pay for it? What was it?
He had to suffer on Calvary's cross. That's exactly right. He had to hang up there and be punished by God. God took every one of my sins and laid them on the Lord Jesus.
And said I'm going to punish Jesus.
Just as though he had done everyone of them sins, every lie, every cheating, every stealing, everything that I ever did, all the thoughts, every one of them went on to Jesus as he hung on the cross.
And God punished him instead of Maine. That's how God can come to me and say, here's my gift. Jesus paid for it instead of you.
Are you going to turn away and say no thanks?
Another time I'll think about it when I'm older.
Is that what you do with a gift?
Who here has ever had a gift sitting on the table at home and it's all nicely wrapped and comes time maybe after supper sometime and it's dad and mom say OK, it's time to open that present and it's got your name written right on. You know it's for you.
Who's ever said, ah, I want to go out and play?
No thanks.
Have you ever done that, Curtis, to a gift from your dad and mom or from anybody? We don't usually do that, do we? We can't wait to rip it open and get in there and find out what it is, right?
And yet here is the most expensive, the best gift of all that anybody could ever give us. It's not a big package wrapped up with pretty paper and bows and all that on it, but it's the gift of God. God himself from heaven is wants to give you a gift.
And is anybody here turning his back to it and saying no thanks?
Now I'm not interested.
You know what, there's nobody here that would be so bold, I don't think to just openly come up and say that. But in your heart, boys and girls, have you received Jesus as your Savior and said yes to him, Said yes. Lord Jesus, I am a Sinner. I need to be saved.
And I can't come any other way. It has to be through the Lord Jesus. What is the Lord Jesus saying? No man, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me, Jesus said. And that's the gift he wants to give you. Now before I close, I want to talk about two other words.
In this story.
Where the Lord Jesus said to the woman, if you knew the gift of God, if you knew the gift of God, you'd ask of me, I want to give it to you. You see, God's a giver and he was right there. Jesus is God, isn't he? And he was right there to give his gift to that woman and she got it. She received it. By the end of the story, she's a saved person. You don't look at that woman anymore and say.
There that that woman, she's a Sinner. No, she's saved. She's telling others come see this man and then the Lord Jesus earlier on in the story, but I want to use it right now, 2 words that the Lord Jesus says, he says to her, give me, give me. He said in our memory verse, I give and he wants to give to us boys and girls. But now I want to turn it around and say if you have taken the Lord Jesus and said I want that gift.
Yes, Lord Jesus, please be my savior. I need to be saved for my sins and now you say he's my savior. You know what he says to us? This is all of us big people and little kids too. He says give me a drink.
Tell me, did the Lord Jesus ever get any water out of that well?
I don't know that it tells us that that day he ever got a drink of water.
But you know, he got something far, far better. He got something that the thirst of his own heart was looking for. You know what that is? A Sinner that gets saved, a boy, a girl that says yes, Lord Jesus, I want you to be my Savior.
And tell me when you get that gift.
You know that nice box that's all wrapped up on the table and it's time to open it?
What are some of the first words that you sometimes say when you get a gift?
Thank you.
Sometimes we say, wow, just what I wanted right when we rip into the paper and get out whatever it is and we see what it is and we're just so excited. But somewhere along the way, it's a good idea. It's a good habit, isn't it? To be in and and as we get older, even nice before you ever get into the box, when the person gives it to you to say what? Thank you, thank you boys and girls. God has given us the best gift he ever could give.
Have you said thank you to him?
Yet this morning.
Have we in our hearts said thank you to God? He says, give me a drink.
He's looking for us to respond. You know, it says we had the verse quoted to us or read yesterday.
In Hebrews 13 it says by Him. Therefore let us offer.
The sacrifice of praise to God continually. That is the fruit of our lips. Giving what?
Who remembers that verse? Maybe I got to go to one of the older ones. Anybody. Do you remember giving giving thanks? Thank you. Giving thanks to his name. That verse has a lot of big words for little kids, but those two giving thanks are wonderful.
Are wonderful words for us to remember. Let's give thanks. That's how we can give a drink of water. Not not a glass of water, but something that refreshes, gives enjoyment.
To the Lord Jesus heart, when a boy, a girl, anyone of us says thank you to God. Thank you to the Lord Jesus because he died for us and gave us that wonderful gift of eternal life. Let's pray.
Our God and our Father, once more we want to give thanks.