The Glorious Gospel

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 51
How glorious is the Gospel
Of Jesus Christ our Lord,
That He the mighty Saviour died,
And we believe His Word:
It is all about our Saviour,
The blessed Man who came,
From God the Father He was sent,
Emmanuel His name.
All heaven owned His love and power,
The eternal God was He,
Grace made Him poor, to reach lost man
That we, too, rich might be.
Twas for ungodly enemies
The loving Saviour bled,
For strengthless sinners who were vile
His cleansing blood was shed.
His work is gloriously complete,
On Calvary’s cross He cried,
“It is finished,” (the perfect work,)
And bowed His head and died.
Now every one who’ll take His Word,
Need never have a doubt,
But with a perfect certainty,
Rest on that dying shout.