Lord Jesus, all to me,
Thy praise, I sing;
In heaven there’s none like Thee,
Thy praise I bring.
Thou all my heart hath won,
Thou blest and glorious One—
The Father’s Beloved Son!
Jesus, my Lord.
Great was Thy love to me,
Jesus, my Lord!
Precious Thy thoughts of me,
O! Thou adored!
Fairest of all the fair,
None can with Thee compare—
Decked with all graces rare,
Jesus, my Lord.
What griefs and cares were Thine,
Thou Man of woe!
For all the sins were mine
That laid Thee low.
Dark, dark the night to Thee,
Thou Man of Purity!
Dying to ransom me—
Lord, Lord adored.
Lonely, Thy path on earth
Jesus, my Lord!
Thou Man of heavenly birth
Perfect in all Thy ways,
Display of richest grace,
Showing to man, God’s face,
Thou, worthy Lord.
Full of compassion sweet,
Lord Jesus, mine
I worship at Thy feet—
Glad I am Thine.
Love without bound or tide,
Flowed from Thy riven side—
Love, for the loveless, died,
Jesus, my Lord.