The Glory of God

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"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
Rom. 3:2323For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23)
The path of the glory through Scripture may be easily traced, and has much moral value for us connected with it.
Ex. 13 It commences its journey in the cloud at the deliverance of Israel from Egypt when the Passover blood, in the grace of the God of their fathers, had sheltered them.
Ex. 14 In the moment of the great crisis it stood separating between Israel and Egypt, or between judgment and salvation.
Ex. 16 It resented the murmuring of the camp.
Ex. 24 It connected itself with Mount Sinai
and was as devouring fire in the sight of the people.
Ex. 40 It leaves that Mount for the tabernacle, the witness of mercy rejoicing against judgment, resuming also in the cloud its gracious services toward the camp.
Lev. 9 The priest being consecrated and his services in the tabernacle being discharged, it shows itself to the people to their exceeding joy.
Num. 9 Resuming their journey in company with the tabernacle, the congregation enjoys the guidance of the cloud which now attends the tabernacle while the glory fills it.
Num. 16 In the hour of full apostasy it shows itself in judicial terror in the sight of the rebellious people.
Deut. 31 In the cause of Joshua, an elect and faithful vessel, it reappears in the cloud.
2 Chron. 5 On the temple being built, a new witness of grace, the glory and the cloud reappear to the joy of Israel as of old.
Ezek. 1-11: Again in another hour of full apostasy, the glory takes wings and wheels to itself, and, as it were, leaves the temple.
Acts 7: Stephen, an earth-rejected man, sees it in heaven in company with Jesus.
Rev. 21:99And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. (Revelation 21:9). In millennial days it descends from heaven in its new habitation, the holy Jerusalem, "the Lamb's wife," resting above in the air from whence it shades and illuminates the dwellings of Israel again (Isa. 4:55And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence. (Isaiah 4:5)) as it once did from the cloud in the wilderness, or enters the second temple, the temple of the millennium. (Ezek. 43; Hag. 2.)
Such is the path of the glory, the symbol of the divine presence. Its history as thus traced, tells us that if man be in company with grace, he can rejoice in it, but that it is devouring fire to all who stand under Mount Sinai. It tells us also that while it cheers and guides them on their way, it resents the evil and withdraws from the apostasy of God's professing people.
It is very instructive and comforting to note these things in the history of the glory, which was the symbol of the divine presence. And if that presence displayed itself in other forms, the same lessons are still taught us. The most eminent of the sons of men were unable to brook it in themselves, but in Christ all, high and low, unnamed and distinguished ones, could not only bear it, but rejoice in it.
J. G. Bellett