THE Gospel has a glory all its own. Consider it carefully.
Christ freely proclaimed as God’s all-gracious provision for man’s deep necessity, is the Gospel faithfully set forth.
Christ thankfully trusted by repentant sinners, is the Gospel rightly received.
Christ openly confessed as one’s own personal Saviour, is the Gospel gratefully honored.
Christ borne witness to in the lives of His redeemed ones, is the Gospel suitably adorned.
Christ’s promised return to take all who truly love Him to His Father’s house above, is the Gospel’s rejoicing hope.
Christ surrounded by countless myriads of ransomed worshippers, shining in His likeness before the heavenly throne, will be the GOSPEL’S CROWNING TRIUMPH!
But what of those who are ashamed of the Gospel?
Instead of this, however, the heart breathings of the truly converted would be honestly expressed in the words of David: ―