Children—Kevin House
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Good morning everyone. Welcome to Sunday School.
Let's have some sing some songs together, maybe some of you children would have one you would like.
#3 is that a little ship was on the sea?
Or do you? Is that the one you want? Yeah, maybe. I think probably enough of us know what we could sing it.
A little ****.
It sailed the lonesome pleasantly and always home and bright.
Thyself thy sake in him.
When all my sword began to grind the wind.
By All Night Strong.
It's with the clouds. I cross the sky. It will slowly. It's all.
And all but one of them were so.
I'm thinking in a day.
Instead of what's all enough.
Everything happens. He was found some sleep.
And stir me preparation master say they pride their master.
Heard he rose rebelled the wind and when they still that way our word.
Into the swords and peace.
Mighty winds open is well, and all our hearts in peace.
They gravely wandered, so many had passed as well as they.
We can explore the spirits and be no winds and see all the way.
All well, we know it's once the Lord.
The Savior Grand, The Friend.
Who is scared of those who drunk and swear will never never.
All right. Thank you, Heidi. You have one, Kira.
#11 All right. Thank you.
Will your anchor hold in the storms of light, when the clouds unfold, their wings of shroud, when the storm tides left, and the cables?
Rain will be rained and Trevor Thornton Thor forever grave man.
And frustrates of him when the Breakers roar and the meaning of his name.
You're right.
Oh, in that one's daughter, when the water soak till you're laid as forever.
On the rising time, you can never fail.
While you're neighbor holds and have been the whole day.
Yes, Lydia, all right #44.
44 Into a gypsy boy.
Of salvation we carry, sadly.
Nobody ever has sold it to me.
Time and time again.
And unto me, until tidings of joy need I not perish. My hand will be home. Nobody.
Ever the story high school.
Tell it again. Tell it again. Salvation story. Creepy God.
Shall none can say on thy children of men nobody.
Ever has told me before.
And they wake up the last words of his friend.
God sent his son he so ever, said he.
Then I am sure that is a temporary.
Tell it again. Tell it again.
Salvation story reaping all right now.
No, none can say all the children of men.
No body, Amber has told me before.
Can you have one?
Number two, number two in this one come to Jesus gently calling or number two in the kids book, Which one?
All right, the little child of seven.
Is that the one you want all right?
For when the heart is clean.
Christ by the sun, I want to go.
In the soul green, sleeping with salvation. Brilliant love.
Which one would you like?
All right.
Do you know how the one you want?
Do you know how it goes? Is it Christ the Savior of sinners? Is that the one?
All right, Christ is the Savior of Savior. Christ is the Savior for me.
While I was changing since our past, now by His grace, I am free.
Say no. Nothing.
Save your own sinners like me.
Love, love that sun changing. Bless with all blessings so free.
How shall I tell of his praise?
This is such a savior for me.
Save your sinners, Savior of sinners like me.
******** his blood for my grandson who has just a savior for me.
Anybody else, any other children want to give one out before we?
Go on to the next part just to make sure nobody misses out that wants to give it a song.
All right. Sure. I think we know that one.
Running over.
Running over.
Since the Lord save me, I must stop you. My cup is fallen down.
All right. Thanks David and Kira for your help.
Anybody else want to give one out before we?
Do you have one you want to sing together?
Which one?
Could you say it again please?
I didn't hear which one you said. Do you mind saying it again?
Oh, you sing running over at home? Yeah. Do you want to sing another song?
Which one do you think she might like, Jeremy?
OK, I think that's 81 in this book.
Stop and let me tell you what the Lord has done for me.
My sins and save my soul. He breaks my heart and he made me hope.
Stop and let me tell you.
What the Lord has done for me.
And tell the story of the Christ of Galilee.
And tell the story of the Christ of Calvary.
He'll forgive their sins. He will save their souls.
For the Lord may come to the end.
Watch the mirror.
For the Lord may come to the end. He will come again in the clouds for me, and Take Me Home for return.
Lord, the Lord may come today.
All right.
So which one of you children on the front row can tell me where we read in the reading meeting yesterday?
Anybody know Lydia?
10 Very good.
Any of the rest of your kids know something that we read about in the reading meeting? What is John 10 talk about?
We spent almost three hours yesterday reading and talking about John 10.
Can anybody remember something from John 10 that we talked about? I have to remember everything. I was just thinking of something.
What is John 10 talk about?
So I would like to talk a little bit more about John 10.
This morning.
Anybody remember something from yesterday?
Thanks, Sam, the Good Shepherd. Thank you.
The Good Shepherd.
I am not a shepherd.
But can you tell me what animals I do have, Timmy?
But none at your house. But what about at my house? Do I have some animals at my house? What animals do I have?
Chickens. Yeah, chickens.
Now, what do you think? Are smarter chickens or sheep?
That's a tough one, Ezra. What do you think?
You think chickens are? I'm not so sure about that, but I don't really know what the answer is.
But in this chapter that we read.
It says in verse 27, My sheep hear my voice.
And I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life.
And they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
The first thing that it says here is my sheep, here my voice.
Can you hear my voice, David?
Can you hear what I'm saying? Yeah, you can hear me, right?
Yeah, All right. I want to try to do something here so your kids close your eyes. OK, So you can't see. All right, close your eyes. Yeah. OK. Now I'm going to pick somebody in the room to say something, and I want you to be able to see if you can tell who it is. Heidi, you got to close your eyes. OK. All right.
Praise the Lord. OK, you can open your eyes, kids. You know who said it?
What do you think?
Timmy's dad. That's right. Yeah, that's right. And you don't know him super well, but you could tell it was his voice, right?
And if somebody called on the phone, can you see them when they call?
No, but.
By listening before, you can often tell who it is. Even if they just say hello, even if they just say one word, you can often tell who it is. All right, now I want to think a little bit more about those chickens in the backyard. Sometimes we have a few chickens that like to jump over the fence and they like to get out.
But the problem is when it's night time, they don't seem to know how to jump back over the fence to get back into the safe place to stay at night in the chicken house.
And so they hide under a Bush. But you know what Mr. Coyote likes Deep chickens. And if he's.
Sniffing around you think under a Bush is a good place to hide for the night.
Well, it might work, but it also might not. But in the chicken house is the safe place to be. If the chickens in the chicken house and the door is shut, they're safe. Well, often when we come home for meeting, we have to go back around behind the house and we have to call. Come here, girls. You know what? Those chickens, they know my voice.
They know because they've heard since they were little chicks calling them to come, all right? And they know that I am the one who gives them food, and I give them water and I give them shelter. And they know my voice, right? They have experienced what happens when I call them to come. And so they come from wherever they're hiding and they get to go into the safety of the chicken house and then they're safe for the night. Nothing can get them.
All right.
Now all of us are alive in this world. Are we hiding under a Bush to be safe? Well, no, but the Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and He wants you to be safe with him, okay? And he calls you to come to him, to be with him, all right? Just like I call those chickens, all right to come, all right. Now those chickens could say, you know what, I know better than that man I like.
Under my Bush. I'm not going to listen to him. I'm going to stay right here.
What happens when Mr. Coyote comes along that night? He's hungry.
He gets a nice chicken dinner because that chicken wasn't safe under the Bush.
Right. And for you children, the only safe place to be is with the Lord Jesus. All right, and he is calling you.
To trust in him.
All right, And why do you need to trust in him?
Well, we have since, right? We have sins that make us dirty when God sees us, all right? And that means we don't have eternal life and we are going to perish. You know, those chickens would get eaten by a coyote and then that's the end of them. But for a person who dies without the Lord Jesus, they perish. That means they go to hell.
They go away from God, away from light and love.
Everything good forever? That's a lot more serious than getting eaten by a coyote.
All right, so it's far more important while we're talking about this morning that you come to the Lord Jesus when he calls you to come to Him, then that those chickens come to the chicken house or a sheep comes to the shepherd, right?
It's very important to trust in the Lord Jesus.
All right. And I know that a lot of you children have trusted in him.
But I also expect that perhaps there's one or two that have not yet.
Trust the door, Jesus.
And I really like that you would trust him. You know those little chickens. Trust me.
Right. They trust me.
And you can trust Jesus a lot more because I sometimes could get frustrated with those chickens when they don't listen.
Maybe I'm not perfect towards them, but that's not how our Good Shepherd is towards us. He is always good.
So he gives eternal life. They shall never perish.
Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
All right, let's see here.
This is in my hand, right? Could you pull it out of my hand?
All right, he could pull out of my hand even though I moved it the first time. He could pluck it out of my hand right now. I don't have the book any now, and I was sure does right now. Do you think I could get it away from Ezra?
Do you think so?
Yeah, I'm quite confident that I could, but we're not going to wreck the book.
Okay, so I could pluck it from his hand by using force because I know that I happen to know that I'm stronger than Ezra. All right, now what if I decided to hold it and say?
Ezra, you try and get out of my hand now do you think he could get it if I really wanted to stop him?
But what about tonight when I go to sleep? What if he snuck up in the night? Could he get it out of my hand? Probably.
Right. Because I'm pretty limited in being able to hold on to something. So you could pluck it out of my hand, or maybe there's somebody stronger than me, they could come and pull it out of my hand. All right, So this book isn't really that safe with me, is it?
It's really not that safe, but when we come to the Lord Jesus.
And we trust in him.
All right, says no man or no one can pluck them out of my hand. No one.
That doesn't mean any person or any Angel or demon.
In Romans it says, nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, nothing in the future, nothing in the past.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
So if you have come to the Lord Jesus.
All right. And you have trusted in him. You know what that means? That means one of your one of his sheep.
I am a sheep that belongs to the Lord Jesus. And you know what? Nobody can take me away from him, no one.
You had a Christian friend in high school, and he had a lot of confidence. One day he got up on the in the cafeteria on one of the lunch tables, and he preached the gospel to everyone from one of the tables in the cafeteria. He had a lot of courage, but you know what? He thought that he could get lost out of the Lord's hand.
That was very sad.
And I tried to tell him no.
No one can pluck me out of his hand. That's what the Lord Jesus says. It's impossible. All right, so.
Do I always do things that are right? What do you think? Do I always do what's right? No. Sometimes I do things that are wrong. Do you sometimes do things that are wrong? Yeah. Are you still the Lord's sheep?
Yeah, can someone pluck you out of your hand because you did something wrong?
No, he said. No one can block me out of his hand.
Now if we do something wrong, kind of like a good dad, he's going to have to deal with us, right? To correct us, so we go the right way because he loves us.
But we're never going to get out of his hand, All right? Now, does that mean I always feel like I'm in his hand?
Well, sometimes my conscience tells me I did something really bad and I feel uncomfortable, but does that change that I'm in his hand?
No, all right, so we have to believe what God has said by faith, right? We listen to what He said and we believe it, all right? So when we feel like we're not sure, what do we do?
You know what I do? I repeat sometimes out loud, a verse of the scripture, just like this one.
Neither shall any pluck them out of my hand.
Do I believe it? Yes, I do.
I believe it.
Am I worried anymore?
No, because I believe it.
All right. And so Satan will come to you many times in your life with doubts, kind of like an arrow he sings in at you.
To make you be like well.
If I really believed, would I have done that?
So what do we do? We go to what God has said. Do I believe it? Yes, I do.
Am I safe? Yes, I am.
All right, that's very important. And you children can be at peace in your lives. You don't have to be afraid. You can be in perfect confidence in the Lord.
Well, I think we know these scriptures pretty well.
But I'd like to just go over them briefly here again, verse 11, I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep and then down in verse 17.
Therefore doth my father loved me because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. I'd like to just read a couple verses that I've enjoyed in regard in connection with this one in John 19.
Verse 30 says when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost and then another one quickly in Mark chapter 15 that we just had a family reading.
And when the centurion which stood over against him saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, truly, this man was the Son of God.
Lord Jesus said he was going to lay down his life.
For the sheet.
Do you think that I would be willing to die for my chickens?
What do you think, Timmy? No, you're right. It was mere the chickens. The chickens would have to go.
Why would I die for my chickens?
They're just chickens.
Right. What do they matter?
I care about them, I like them, I try to keep them safe, but I'm not willing to die for my chickens.
So why would the Good Shepherd be willing to die for his sheep? Why wouldn't he just get new sheep?
Why would he be willing to lay down his own life?
For the sheep, then he would be dead.
Why would he do that?
What do you think? Why would he be willing to lay down his life for the sheep?
Go ahead.
Yeah, so that we could be saved.
That's good. Do you think that he loved those sheep?
Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life.
For his friends.
That's the love that the Lord Jesus has showed towards you.
That's the love that he has given to me. He laid down his own life.
For the sheep.
If you're one of his sheep, does that not rejoice your heart to think that the shepherd was willing to give his life for you?
That he loves you enough to do that.
That's wonderful.
That's the shepherd that we have.
That has called us.
To follow him.
In verse 9 says I am the door by me.
Any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.
Do you think that sheep like to eat Heidi?
You think so? Yeah, I think so too.
I don't think any of us like to be hungry.
So what would pasture help with? What do you think, Addie? What do you think? What do you think pasture would would be for sheep?
And then what would the what would they do in the pasture?
Yeah, they would eat.
And then they would get filled up and they would be hungry anymore, right?
All right.
As people.
Do we have a desire to be filled?
I certainly do.
Well, here it says that the Lord's sheep are going to go in and out and they're going to find pasture.
So that means that we're going to be filled.
The Lord Jesus is going to fill us. We're going to have enough to be satisfied in Him.
Does that mean I always am satisfied? You know, sometimes they're sheep.
And they're inside of their pasture.
You know there's an expression that says the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Never heard that expression.
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
That's what our flesh says. Our flesh says the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. God is holding back. The Good Shepherd is holding back something from you that if you could just get you would be satisfied.
All right, you would be satisfied if you had.
That other thing, whatever it is.
All right, so who can tell me in the Garden of Eden?
Who came?
Saying that God was holding something back.
Satan did, yeah, And he kind of rested the truth. He twisted it said.
I'm going to just change it just a little bit.
But what happened when they tried to be satisfied?
By disobeying God, What happened?
They weren't satisfied, they weren't satisfied and now the rest of us, every person that has lived has been unsatisfied for the rest of time, naturally, because.
Eve and Adam listen to Satan. So Satan is going to come to you all of your life and he's going to offer you things, say, Oh my green grass is better. If you listen to me, you will be filled up.
Is it true?
It's always a lie. He never tells you the fine print.
But there's pleasure in sin for a season.
That his green grass will not satisfy you. But with the Lord there is pasture. There's that to satisfy and to fill the longing heart to give us to have joy in our lives.
That's primarily what I wanted to speak about.
It's the Lord's care towards us.
As his sheep. And you know what?
There's a work that we're called to.
And that's to care for one another as well.
To be shepherds too.
To care for the flock.
It's something that.
We often forget about.
Lydia, do you want to say your memory verse for this week?
Look, not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
All right. Is that how we naturally are?
Do we naturally want to think about other people or we want to think about ourselves?
We naturally want to think about ourselves. How do I feel about this? How does this affect me?
All right, but the Lord Jesus, who is the Good Shepherd?
He's the one given as the example in those next verses after that one, as the one, as the one who emptied himself, who laid down his life, who cared for the sheep.
And each one of us.
If we can enter into.
How much the Lord Jesus loved the sheep.
We can respond.
To him, we too will care for his sheep. I think that's just when you're an adult that you would care for the Lord's sheep.
No, it's not.
Right, his sheep are often little and I see some of you as siblings taking care of a younger sibling or maybe helping out a cousin.
Right, the Lord has care for these little ones.
And if you can.
Recognize His care towards those little ones. You too can do the work of being a shepherd.
Of caring for the others.
Not so that you look good.
Or that you'll get a reward, but because the Lord Jesus.
Loves those little sheep, those little lamps to feed them.
To watch out for them.
To make sure that in the assembly there's still waters.
Those little ones wouldn't be turned away.