The Gospel Bird

IT is said that on the coast of Africa, and especially in Liberia, there is a little bird whose sweet notes seem distinctly to say, “Go—preach the Gospel! Go!” To many who for the first time hear it, it so clearly utters these words that they can scarcely be persuaded that it is not a human voice. An English officer, as he first heard it, supposed it was a paroquet trained to utter the expression. And so plain is the utterance that the little songster has long since received the name of “The Gospel Bird.” A lady to whom the facts were related was so struck with them that she wrote the following lines: —
What voice is that, so softly clear,
Now heard afar, now hovering near,
Amid the murmurs of the breeze
That sigh among the plantain-trees?
A voice that utters words I know—
“Go—preach the Gospel! Go!”
Is it a spirit sent from God
To point His messenger a road
Through jungles dense or deserts wild,
To reach His far-off heathen child?
Whence comes the urgent pleading low
“Go—preach the Gospel! Go!
“Nay, not a spirit; from a bird
Those words of high import are heard;
Thus in this strange, benighted land
I seem to hear God’s high command:
For Christ’s sake, who has loved us so,
“Go—preach the Gospel! Go!”
Thou blessed bird! Oh, not in vain
Is heard that constant, eager strain;
The message of a love divine
Shall speed through all this land of thine,
Until the powers of darkness fly
Like night before day’s glowing eye.
Ah, yes, no power has e’er withstood
The quiet force of love and good;
Slowly, but surely, on they speed,
As springs towards heaven the tiny seed,
And stretches wide its shade to bless
The wanderers in the wilderness.
Sing on, sweet bird, thy heaven-taught lay,
Until shall dawn that glorious day
When, through the Gospel truth made free,
Thy land hath no more need of thee,
Thou prophet-voice, who urgent so,
“Go—preach the Gospel! Go!”