
James 5:8
Gospel—A.C. Hayhoe
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Like you to turn with me, please, to the Epistle of James.
The 5th chapter of the Epistle of James and the last part of the eighth verse.
James chapter 5, verse 8.
The coming of the Lord draw mine.
The coming of the Lord draw 9.
I know that the very sound of those perfect words brings real delight as that wonderful prospect of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ is once more presented to your heart and mind.
It's true, beloved, gloriously, wonderfully, through that the coming of the Lord is now very near at hand.
And there are those of us in this company tonight, and I know I'm looking into the face of many such who have for a long time awaited that glorious moment when we shall at last see the face of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We lead our heaven. First Peter, chapter one.
Christ Jesus, whom, having not been, he loved.
In whom, though now you see him not yet believing, He rejoiced with joy unspeakable and full of glory. I wonder if you know what it is to be separated from someone.
Very, very dear to your heart. And the moment draws nearer and nearer when you expect to see again the face of someone.
They fear to you. Perhaps you can recall the memory of such an experience.
And the thrill at last of singing again. One who is very, very dear to you.
I must say, if I stand here and read these words, let the sweetness and the wonder of them touch my heart, at least in some little measure of flesh, to know that he who came to this world the first time and who promised to come again is about to fulfill that promise.
I'm going to see his face. He is going to welcome me at home into his own loving presence.
His own eternal home with an individual love with a personal welcome. And that's your person too. That's what you and I, who know the Lord dreams us as our Savior, have as a prospect before our heart.
First sentence in chapter one and verse 15 tells us Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. That was prophesied long ago. Throughout the pages of the Old Testament. The first coming of the Lord Jesus was prophesied with astonishing accuracy and detail.
Where he would be born.
When He would be born, how He would be born, the manner of his life and of its miracles, His rejection, His crucifixion, His resurrection, all this was foretold with amazing accuracy throughout the pages of the Old Testament. Did it come to pass? Indeed it did. He came into this world.
He came into this world to stay sinners. Oh, how I thrilled to the sound of those plentiful words.
Oh, just let me pause to present some afresh to you with all our wonders. Meaning Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Not very flattering words, I know, but mighty good news that the one who realizes his or her need of such a phases.
His or her needs of such a mighty salvation. I say those words are not flattering. I know they're not.
Christ Jesus came to the world, not to redirect, not to help, not to set an example, but to say, and that word implies.
Law. Am I right to say that everyone here is then I to save for law? Indeed, my friend, it is a proof, the solemn truth of this precious book the word of God opened before me.
You and I at this moment, under the eye of God and in the records of God.
Are classified as either law.
Or faith? I ask not your upbringing, I ask not your church membership. I ask not how faithful you may have been in your attendance at Sunday school or any such thing. But I ask you this, my friend.
Have you been redeemed with the process blood of Christ? Have those things of guilt which life God has seen?
Which the pain of God has recorded, which the memory of God will someday recall before you have those things been blotted out by the precious blood of him who came into this world to.
Save sinners.
Again, another word that's not very flattering.
And yet I know that everyone here who knows the wonder what it means to be redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.
Would gladly own that that statement thinner.
Is that would justly applies itself to your condition and to mine before that day when we were cleansed and redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Well, I quote that verse again. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. That coming was prophesied. That prophecy was fulfilled and while the Lord Jesus was.
Man, he made this statement.
I will come again.
A child would understand the meaning of those simple words.
I will come again. Did he mean exactly what he said? Did he utter words that would deceive us into thinking that he would return, whereas he had no such intention? All, my friend, those words are plain, and those words, in one form or another, often repeated growth of pages of this practice book.
The Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who once came into this world, has promised that He is coming back again. And when I read these words in the 5th chapter of James, though they were written long ago, I know with glad certainty in my soul, I know from the testimony of the Word of God that.
The normally his return is very near at hand.
And I'm glad of it, aren't you?
Oh, friend, I say again, I'm glad of it for when I think of the moment of the return of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, when I think of the exchange that that will bring to me.
Although by God's matchless grace, I look back to years of abundant happiness, for which I thank God, I look around at circumstances for which I also must humbly thank God. And yet, my friend.
When I look up and realize that before tomorrow morning sunrise.
I may hear the voice of my returning Savior. I can think of no greater joy. I can think of no more glorious prospect.
And my soul responds in some little masses. Even so, come Lord Peter.
But even as the soul of a believer is filled with their light at the prospect of seeing.
The precious Savior who loved us and died for our redemption. Yet every time this precious and wonderful promise comes before us, we find ourselves thinking of a closed door. We find ourselves rejoicing in the certainty that we shall be inside that closed door in the presence of the Lord Caesar.
That all, my friend. As I think of that closed door, I think of you.
I think of you and I'm going to ask you now in a simple language about him which is so often sung by the little 11 door and only 100 sides are true.
Inside and outside.
On which side are you here in the moment of time, here while the Spirit of God is still free to plead with your soul?
Here were the invitations of the word of God is still yours to fear and to bow to that question could not be more solemn. On which side are you? But my friend, remember the days of Noah.
Remember those long years of faithful testimony of that man?
Those years were so extended that I called back. Those who heard that message became more and more filled with indifference.
As the years rolled by, but there came a day, there came an hour, there came a moment when the hand of God closed the door of that park and those on the outside.
Were closed outside forever were closed outside for judgment and when I say again that the hand of God that for so long time now.
Have held open the door long-suffering, matchless grace and mercy.
Is at any moment.
At any moment going to close that door, and there will be a company within redeemed by the practice blood of Christ, who have His kindred and tongue and people and nation, and there will be a company without that in agony of soul will mark and say, Lord, Lord, open to us.
There have been events in the history of the world that have taken this world by shock, surprise.
And sometimes you'll fix the other events taking place that would create a real panic in this poor world, but nothing has ever taken place and nothing could possibly fit past that which will suddenly.
Cross this world in the panic when the Lord Jesus comes and calls his only being home to be with himself. What does this first mean? The coming of the Lord draws my What does this mean?
Word of God tells us in First Corinthians 15.
In a moment.
In the twinkling of an eye, that's pretty rapid.
Began. You and I have blinked our eyes a good many times and gave no thought to it. Whatever. Now for a moment you're a bit conscious of it, but pretty soon you'll forget all about it again. The twinkling of your your eye, they tell us, is about 135th of a second average. That's not very long, but my friend, in one twinkling of.
An eye according to the language of the Word of God.
The Lord Jesus will come forth and call home to be forever with Him those redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.
You find yourself thinking of some other place, some other company of people. I asked you to dismiss all such thoughts and consider this company gathered together in this auditorium this evening, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
The Lord Caesar is going to return. The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a self.
With a voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God and the dating Christ will rise first, then wind, which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. So shall we ever be with the Lord? What will make that eternal and sudden and final separation?
Perhaps we could answer in one statement from the 12Th chapter of Exodus.
When I see the blood.
When I see the blood, that which distinguishes the saved from the lost, the redeemed from the guilty, the condemned from the pardon in this company, is that one thing?
When I see the blood, I will Passover you. Do you realize, beloved friend, that in order that the Lord Jesus might have the joy of your company up there in the glory, in order that He might have the liberty to invite you there, it cost him His lifeblood. He left those courts of glory and came down here into this world.
Not simply to set an example of a sinless life, but in order that while hanging there upon the cross of Calvary, he might receive the burden.
And the judgment of all those stains of guilt that would have passed me down to an eternal hell forever.
My dust and proper dessert.
He bought it all. He exhausted the judgment of God that was mine. He bowed his head in glorious triumph and cried. It is finished. From his wounded side and death there flowed that precious blood concerning which God's Word delights to declare the blood of Jesus Christ.
His Son cleanses us from all sins.
I say, friend, this and this alone is that which makes the difference in the sight of God.
If we know, welcome to those courses. Eternal glory and to find yourself on the oath.
Side of that closed door.
Some years ago I was sailing into the Harbor Inn.
Port of Spain, Trinidad. We'd had a very frightful voyage and none of us were feeling very fearful.
A tap in front of Maine, I noticed, seemed a little more nervous than the rest, and I soon discovered why. The immigration officer sat at his desk, a very grim fellow, and it was announced over the PA system that all passengers were to have their passports ready.
Well I had mine in my hand and I noticed the tap in front was fidgeting.
And when it came his turn, he put a letter down on the desk of the immigration officers. The immigration officer didn't even look up. He said your passport, Sir. And this chap said, Sir, if you read that letter, it will explain everything. I said your passport.
And the young man said again, Sir, if you would just read that letter, it will explain everything. And he looked up with real anger. Do you or do you not have a passport? It knows that I don't have a passport.
An immigration master just picked up the ship's telephone and called for the harbor police.
Was slaughtered. Pitiful. I saw him come out, take that fellow off to jail. What offense had he committed? None. He may have been a very fine fellow, but he lacked.
The one thing needful the land in that place. He had no passport. I feel quite sure that some arrangements were made for him later on. I don't know what they were, but I thought as I saw this took place and as I stepped up next and handed my passport, I had it stamped and was free to go however I wish. I thought of that time.
My beloved friend, when men.
Will stand at the date of eternity.
And will find that God solemnly requires that which he has told us of in His precious words, redemption through the precious blood of Christ. When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and every home in all the land of Egypt that was sheltered by that.
Shed and sprinkled blood was safe.
From the judgment that swept through the land at midnight.
Or turn the pages of history, if you wish, to the city of Jericho, and there you see one house marked out from all others by a scarlet line hanging from the window. Not a House of very high honor in that city, but there was a pledge concerning that house, a pledge involving the wonderful word whosoever.
For this pledge had been given that whosoever was found in the shelter of that home marked out by the scarlet cord, would be safe from the judgment that was about to fall on the city of Jericho. There were some who believed.
And took shelter in that house. But there were multitudes who refused to believe and paid no heed.
To the offer of shelters, and every last one of them perish.
When the judgment of God fell upon the city of Jericho.
Our friend, it is a glorious privilege to preach the gospel, but it's an exceedingly solemn responsibility. I would love to stand here and proclaim the wonder of the love of Christ and the glorious prospect of his near return.
But I must warn you, my friend, with all that is within me, of what it would mean to be left outside at that solemn moment.
We were just recently visiting on the island of Saint Vincent.
I believe some of you may have heard of.
An eruption that took place on that island in the year 1902, the very same time as the eruption that took place on the island of Martinique, where 20,000 people suddenly lost their lives. A large city nestling at the foot of that mountain. 20,000 inhabitants and only one man was saved. A prisoner in a prison cell was brought out alive.
And on the island of Saint Vincent's, this volcano, known as Two Free, had given signs of rumblings and disorders.
And a dear Christian man whom I knew and loved very well.
Brought this to the attention of the authorities and they made him responsible to warn those in the villages at the foot of that volcano.
Of a danger that seemed to be so imminent.
Well, they they couldn't help but admit that what he said was true. They could see smoke and steam escaping from this thing, but somehow or other it just kept on, day after day. And each day that they waited, they felt just a little bit more comfortable. But all of a sudden the top blew off.
And that boiling water and red hot lava came rolling down the mountainside.
And thousands of them were trapped. There is a river there called Arabica River.
And they came running from their homes to the Radical River and found it filled with lava and boiling water and barely stood and were consumed, thousands of them.
You know, while we were there just a matter of about two weeks ago.
The same thing showed signs of happening over again.
That mountain began to become active.
The water in the crater rose higher and higher, got hotter and hotter. The smell of sulfur was becoming very evident one day when we were in the village nestled at the foot of that mountain where, by the way, there is an assembly of those gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Dixon Village.
Men whom I knew quite well came through the village with a thermos bottle and everyone was greatly interested in the contents of this thermos bottle. They came right to where we were and poured it out and it was scalding, steaming, sulphurous water that they had at the risk of their lives.
Fished out of the top of that crater, I tell you, friends, as we passed the hours in that village and as we went from home to home.
Trying to remind those whom we spoke to of the wondrous love of God and of the awfulness of judgment near at hand. You could feel, you could sense the reality of that which they knew that they were facing.
I thought as we stood there and preached the gospel and could see this great volcano dust off in the distance. I thought of those verses in the Book of Revelation. When after the Lord has come and called His redeemed home and those were left behind, realize the peril that they are in and the judgments of God that begin to be poured out upon them. The Scripture says that they will.
All upon the rock and the mountains, to fall upon them, to cover them, to hide them from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. Are these ignorant people that act in this way? No, my friend, they're the very people that you and I meet every day.
Through today are so filled with bravado and mockery.
When you speak of the Lord Jesus Christ, when you speak of the wonder of salvation through his precious blood.
When you speak of the day of Judgment that is yet coming, and they answer you with mockery, they answer you with bravado.
The word of God declares that they will call upon.
The rock and the mountains to fall upon them, to hide them from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the land, all her contrast to our listening to the sound of His voice. The redeemed of the Lord are looking for that sight of His glorious, loving faith when he comes to call home.
But that very moment of spells eternal joy and happiness and bliss.
For the redeemed of the Lord will spell my friend eternal.
Hopeless judgment and remorse for everyone who knows not Christ as failures.
Now, if the Lord Jesus were to come before this meeting is ended, if the Lord Jesus were to come.
Now. And why should I not speak this way?
What would happen in that role, my friend, where you are sitting?
I wonder if I could look up anyone of these roads and say with absolute certainty that everyone in this row, everyone in that row, would most certainly be called home at the sound of the saviors voice. What about the role where you're sitting?
What about those in the city of Toledo?
You know what will take place.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, in a silence which this world will take no notice of, the redeemed of the Lord in a moment will be called home into His glorious presence. The Word of God plainly and clearly presents it to us as the proper, present, joyful hope of the believers.
And many here, I say, are looking forward to it with eager, joyous delight.
Thought I say, what about this very company, if the Lord were to come?
And you, my friend, a son or daughter of praying Christian parents.
Left sitting right where you are now.
What would you do? You would know in a moment what had taken place. I'm sure you heard of the coming of the Lord. I wonder. I wonder if you've done what I used to do when I was a young fellow. I remember it with sadness and with astonishment at my own rebellion of heart.
I remember lying awake in the hours of the night.
Draining my ears to catch some sound from the next room where my father and mother slept.
Why did I do this? Because I knew the coming of the Lord would separate us forever. I knew that at the coming of the Lord, my father and my mother would go to meet him, not because they were kind and loving, but because they were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ and rejoice in it.
Thy had the wondrous opportunity again and again presented to me.
Presented truly by praying parents. Presented to me by faithful Sunday School teachers.
And I stand here this night as a trophy of the grace of God. But my memory recalls those nights when I listened and listened, and when I couldn't hear a sound. I'd call and ask what time is it? I wonder if they knew why I asked what time it was. The light would go on. I would be told the time.
But all I wanted was a sound of their voice.
Oh, my friend, I warn you solemnly. I warn you faithfully.
I warn you and love to your soul, that those who will be left to make known to this poor bewildered world what has taken place.
Will be the sons and daughters of Christian parents.
You will know what took place. Perhaps the bewildered neighbors will say what happened. We understand ever so many people are missing and are nowhere to be found. What has taken place? I say again, the sons and daughters of Christian parents will have a terrible, awful, tragic responsibility.
Of telling those bewildered neighbors I know what's taking place.
The Lord has come and called home to Himself.
Those whom we mocked, those whom we ridiculed, those who spoke.
In such old fashioned language of what it means to be redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.
And then if those neighbors were to turn to you and say now what shall we do now?
Friend, what answer would you have?
What answer would you have? Absolutely nothing, friend, but the hopelessness of waiting.
For the outpour, judgment of God, the coming of the Lord draws 9 Could anything be more solemn, my friend, than to hear?
That the text is this in a Christian land?
Where the gospel has gone out faithfully again and again and again, and yet to think that it can be presented still.
And so little response.
We were just visiting on a very, very little island.
An island called Myro in the Caribbean.
An island which brother Alan Hammerabi visited about 15 years ago.
A darker place I don't believe I have ever seen in my life.
Perhaps it wouldn't be appropriate for me to give all the details of the darkness that were found on that island, but we remained there until every home on the island had been visited and the story of God's matchless love had been told in every home.
There was one on that island who hated all this.
One on that island who from time to time, as the gospel would be brought, would make the rounds of every home.
And burn every bit of Christian literature that had been left there and flogged every child that had been found reading the messages of love.
As you know, this time by the matchless grace of God as we arrived on that dark island.
The first person we encountered was this.
Domineering individuals who had flogged those children and had burned this literature time and again.
And she said, what are you here for?
What do you intend to do?
Now there were many who were praying because we had intended.
Prayerfully to revisit that island if it were possible.
And by the matchless grace of God, I believe the light.
Of the wondrous gospel, of the grace of God and the wonder of the matchless love of our stager. Reached into that heart so dark, so hard, and one would almost say, so hopeless.
He stood there and with a beaming countenance proclaimed how much Christ meant to her, and how much he had suffered on the cross to put away, And she laid her hand here to put away my sin. He took a look at the tracks of Sunday school papers, the wall tech, and urged us to visit every home on the island.
To deliver this good news to absolutely every home.
All beloved friend, as we went at last with perfect liberty.
From home to home to every home on that dark island.
And sat down with them and told them.
Back with you have heard so often.
That which you, dear children and young people, have heard from your father and mother, you heard from your Sunday school teachers, you heard in weakness and with stammering tongues from gospel preachers from time to time. I wish.
You could have been there in those homes to see.
The simple eagerness with which they listened to the wondrous story of God's love.
As verse after verse from God's precious word was read to see the delight of their heart as the text would be hung on the walls of their humble little home. And now, friend, to come from such situations and stand up here in a so-called Christian land, and to try to tell the wonder of God's love.
To speak of a near return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And then when it fall over it will wonder.
If anybody's heart was touched.
It's a strange, sad feeling.
A strange, sad feeling. Is there anyone here, my beloved friend? Is there anyone here who. Knowing that you have not yet been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, knowing that you are not yet sheltered by that blood that was shed for you, is there anyone here who would accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? Anyone who would look at.
And say, with the coming of the Lord so near in hand, I know that I would be left on the outside. And I do not want to put my head on my pillow tonight until this matter is settled, until I know that I have been redeemed with the precious blood of Christ. Could we turn to the Book of Revelation?
The 21St chapter and the eighth verse, but.
The fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers and ************ and sorcerers and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.
Which is the second best?
Isn't that a frightening verse to read?
And yet knows how it begins.
The fearful and unbelieving. And then follows a list that would make you shudder.
But the beginning of that list.
The beginning of the list.
That recounts those who will be found in the awful, awful tragedy and eternal hell.
Fearful and unbelieving those who are afraid.
Of being laughed at.
Those who, knowing the truth of the Gospel, knowing their lost and guilty conditions, knowing the offer of pardon by virtue of the precious blood of Christ, knowing the peril that is ahead, and knowing the imminence of the Lords return.
Are yet.
Cowardly, afraid of being laughed at.
Now, once in a while you'll meet those who are honest enough to tell you this. Instead of manufacturing some other excuse, they'll tell you plainly. I'm afraid to face the music. I know that if I went back to school and told them I had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior, I would be mocked. I would be ridiculed. I know that if I went to the workshop, to the office and made such a confession.
I would be ridiculed. Here is what God's Word has to say.
He, my friend, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, stretched out his hands in love for you and me, and was nailed to the cross. And there, with mockery all around him, he bowed his head and received the strokes of divine judgment, in order that He might turn to you as by grace He has turned to me.
To offer us a free and a full pardon.
Are you afraid to accept him as your favor? Are you afraid to receive the pardon that he delights to offer?
What a strange thing, afraid to accept the pardons.
That he delights to offer the fearful and the unbelieving. Yes, there are thoughts.
There are those, I hope not here present in this meeting, who hearing the Word of God does absolutely.
Refused to believe it. Refused to believe it all. We thank God for those who buy matchless grace in the depths of their needs, have received the truth of God's Word, have received the part and that He delights to offer.
I wonder. I think it's only ripe for half the.
We should mention.
Something of that which was mentioned here three years ago, three years ago I believe, mention was made.
A young girl named Perlina Duran.
Who, at the time of these meetings, was sentenced to be executed and had ten days to live? I think it's only right and would be of interest to you to know a little more about her.
At that time we visited with her.
While a scaffold that was to take her life was just a few paces away from where we were sitting.
We open the word of God to the fifth chapter of Romans, and we read the eighth verse.
And he reached over and laid her finger on that verse in this Bible.
And we read these words together.
God commend us.
His love towards us.
In that file we were yet sinners. Christ died for us.
We knelt down.
And I believe by the matchless grace of God, that poor guilty heart was open to receive as a gift the pardon of God, delight to offer the person of the Lord Jesus Christ as her saviors, and the value of that most precious blood to rejoice in.
And to look forward to the day when up there in his presence.
He would join in the songs of praise because of the value of that precious blood.
Not many days ago we went back to the same cell and there was Perlina still there.
I wish you could have seen thou radiant on her face.
When we brought out this precious book again and began to speak of the Lord Jesus Christ with real joy, with real delight, we spoke together.
Of our precious Savior.
And after we had read and spoken of our precious Savior, after we had had prayer together, we said Perlina.
Is there any hymn that we might enjoy singing together? And she said, oh, I love that hymn.
There is never a Sinner so far from God, but Jesus.
Can bring him home, I said. Well, we don't know that one. Well, I'll sing it for you.
I wouldn't for a moment try to sing it here, but it was pretty hard to keep the tears back as we sat and listened to that dear girl for whom I know some of you have been praying. And that's why I'm telling you this as she sat there and with her face radiant with joy sang those precious words. That's just the beginning of the hymn. There's never a Sinner.
So far from God.
But Jesus can bring him home. There was one that was far from God.
There was one who at 21 years of age that her hands stained with the blood of her own sister.
And yet, by the massless grace of God, another brand plucked from the burning, I believe that we're going to see that dear girl rejoicing at the feet of the Lord Jesus of Yonder in the glory. I believe we're going to see that hard hearted character from the island of Myro that destroyed so many.
Tracks so many Sunday school people papers and love those who read them. I believe we're going to see these dear folks.
Rejoicing in the presence of the Lord Jesus in those courts of glory.
And you, my friend, with all the privileges that have been yours, with all of many opportunities that have been presented to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to receive him as your Savior, to accept that part and that cost in the sharing of His own life blood. And for some reason that perhaps has satisfied your own heart, you have thus far said no to.
Said no to whom? Said no to the Lord Jesus Christ.
May I ask you in all the simplicity with which I sometimes try to ask the dear children as they listen to the gospel?
Yeah, yeah, the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
Were to come into this room tonight.
Had the joy and privilege of sitting down there where I was not long ago.
And he stood here and raised up those hands so that you could see those male marks.
And you looked into the face of the Lord Jesus Christ. And then, my beloved friend, he came to you.
Write to you. He didn't ask your name, he addressed you by name.
He held out those pierced hands and said, I love you.
I died for you.
And I would like to offer you the forgiveness of all your sins.
The gift of eternal life and the certainty of a home with me in heaven forever.
Would you accept this? And he waited my friend for your reply.
He stood right by you, and you knew that he was speaking to you, for he called you by name and he waited for your reply. What would you do?
Would you look up into the face of Jesus Christ and say no? Would you friend? Would you look up into his face and say yes, Lord Peter, now here tonight I accept.
Thee is my Savior and the pardon.
The cleansing from all those stains of sin. What will your answer be, my friend? The coming of the Lord draws mine. That moment is now so near at hand, for which the Lord's people have been waiting with eager delight. Again and again I hear them say, Even so, come Lord Jesus.
And my heart responds in the same language, and I hope by the grace of God I may continue to breathe this.
There's a prayerful, longing desire of my heart.
Could you pray that tonight?
Get down on your knees tonight, my friend, and say Even so, come Lord Jesus, it's quite a test, is it not?
Would you really wish to do that?
Would everyone of us here tonight be free?
To get down on our knees, you on your knees and buy on mine and say Even so come Lord Jesus.
Friend, if you have not yet been sheltered by the precious blood of Christ.
Would you just take heed to that which is precious? Word declares. For I intend to close them just simply by quoting a few gospel verses which I trust the Lord may use to the blessing of your soul.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like Crimson.
Shall be, as woe be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man the Lord Jesus is preached unto you the forgiveness of sin. And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Verily, verily, I send to you he that heareth my word.
And believe upon him that sent me.
Hath everlasting life.
And shall not come into condemnation.
But is passed from death unto light.
Thou self confessed with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved for God, so love the world.
He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him.
Should not vary, but have everlasting life and 1:00.
Final verse.
How shall we escape?
If we need what?
So great salvation.