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Gospel—A. Barry
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33rd chapter of Job.
We'll read from the 12Th verse.
Behold in this.
Thou art not just.
I will answer thee that God is greater than man.
Why does thou strive against him? For He give us not account of any of his matters.
For God speaketh once, yeah twice.
Yet man perceiveth if not.
In a dream and a vision of the night when deep sleep alleth upon men.
In slumberings upon the bed, then he openeth the ears of men.
And cela their instructions.
That he may withdraw man from his purpose, or work, and hide fried from miles, He giveth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the Ford. He has chastened also with pain upon his bed.
The multitude of his bones with strong taste.
Well, that is life and 4th bread, and his soul dainty meat. His flesh is consumed the way that he cannot be seen, and his bones that were not seen stick out.
Ye have cold wrought near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers, if there be a messenger with him, an interpreter.
One among 1000 to show and command his uprightness.
When is he gracious unto him, and deliver him from going down to the pit?
I have found a ransom.
His place shall be fresher than a child. He shall return to the days of his youth.
He shall pray unto God, and he will be favorable.
Onto him and he shall see his face.
With joy or he will render unto man.
His righteousness or uprightness?
He looketh up one man, and if any faith I have spin.
And perverted that which was right, and it profited me not, He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.
Blow all these things work at God all times with man to bring back his soul from the pit.
To be enlightened with the light of the living.
Where James Young Simpson.
Famous from the medical profession because.
Among his other discoveries, he first introduced chloroform.
Until the profession.
But when he was on his deathbed, someone investing him.
Inquired what he considered What was his greatest discovery?
Well, he'd made these remarkable discoveries.
And the medical profession, because before the discovery of fluoroform they had, they had no means then to relieve the patients in operations and so on.
Except for strong drinks. Oh, he did a great deal in his discoveries for humanity.
But his answer when this inquiry was made?
It's very interesting, and this was his reply, he said. My greatest discovery was made on Christmas morning 1860, when I discovered that I was a Sinner and that Christ was my savior.
Beloved friends, have everyone here made that discovery.
I'll just ask your own heart the question.
Have I discovered that I'm a Sinner?
That I'm lost.
That I'm on my way to a lost eternity. Have you made that discovery yet?
If not, it's high time that you made that discovery, because it's true.
And God's Word plainly tells you.
That all has sinned and come short of the glory of God.
What does that mean?
Well, the glory of God is heaven. That's where God's glory is found. That's where God's glory is displayed.
And as a Sinner, because you've sinned.
You come short of that glory, and there's no exception.
Or it plainly tells us that all that leaves out not one single individual.
The whole world over, whether he be a hot and pop or whether he be.
A Prince or whether he be a professor, it makes no difference.
In fact, the word says there is no difference that precedes that verse.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
I've read a few verses in this 33rd chapter of Job.
That deals with the subject.
Of how God in his spacious grace, is seeking to bring a soul to the discovery that that famous man finally made that he was a Sinner.
God is a very patient God, beloved friend. He is a long-suffering God, and when you think of how he will permit his creature, man.
To blasphemy his name day after day and month after month and year after year.
It really astonishes one to think of how God bears with all that info.
That man.
Heaps up against you. And yet, in the midst of all man's enmity and his hatred of God, God is patiently, graciously working and seeking to bring command. The realization of his lost conditions we have.
Instructive account here in this portion of how God is at work.
And you know, God has brought in everyone who is faith here to bring about this very thing that we speak of. That is the discovery of your lost conditions, and that you need a favor in order that you might accept that failure that God has provided for the need of your guilty soul.
And so if there is one here in this company that is not yet.
A believer is not yet saved.
I know their time passes on this, that God has been working in your soul.
For a long, long time.
Maybe a little girl or little boy. You know, God begins to work with souls when they're very young. I know this was so in my own experience. I know as a little child that I had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But as a little child, I can think back upon the exercises of soul that I went through. Well, where did those exercises come from?
When all they came right directly from the heart of God.
And there is a verse in the second chapter of Romans that tells us.
That the goodness of God leadeth thee to repent, all beloved friends may the goodness of God.
His goodness in sparing you up to this moment.
Be used to bring you to feel how very important it is.
To accept the message that God is sending out to you, offering you salvation.
Through the work and through the person of his beloved Son.
I was talking to a man.
In Saint John the Brunswick the other day.
And he was telling me that he worked up on the.
On the post office in Branford at.
And he was working away up on top there when they were erecting these great stones at post offices built with, and he was knocked off of the of that building, top of that building, and fell 66 feet on his head. He said he had just scraped out a hole shortly before that and his head went right in that hole.
And through wondrous mercy, not only his life was saved.
But his precious soul was saved too, because at the time of our fall he was in his fins. He wasn't prepared.
Our friend wasn't that wonderful goodness of God to break the fall of that man from that height that he fell, fell right on his head. What else would you expect but his life to be snuffed out instantly?
He said he doesn't even know when he failed. I asked him, I said, did you have any time to think about your soul? He said no. He says the only thing I remember, he said he well. I knew nothing, he says, until I found myself.
Lying in the hospital.
Yet God spared his life and all beloved friends. How many times has God spared?
Your precious life too on here you were to eternity, as we all know.
There's not one here that hasn't been face to face with eternity many, many times. And yet God has, in his wondrous goodness and mercy, spared you to give you another opportunity.
To get this wonderful blessed salvation that is so freely offered through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Before we get here, God speaketh once, Yeah, twice.
And man perceiveth not.
God keeps on speaking, doesn't it?
So he has spoken.
As we have seen different times.
In your life. And yet how strange it is. Just like we were hearing last night. When that, or when that darkness settled over the land, our people rushed to a place where they might hear something that would prepare their souls for eternity. I remember well that Lord's Day. It was very solemn. Remember we came out of our meeting room.
And the other everything was.
Raped in dark.
Life were on.
Well, God uses all these things, you know, as we read here all these things because God with man all time.
Well, it's a wonderful thing, friends. If you while you're young, you say, if one here is unsaved, to just accept the Lord Jesus simply and quietly as your savior, I mean.
Just just despite this matter right here and now, or sometimes, you know, God has to put one through.
A lot of sorrow before they submit and make their decision.
Remember an old man that I often visited in the General Hospital in Chatham when I first went there to live, and by the name of Gibson and.
Here he was a wheelchair faced.
And he told me that the Lord spoke to him many times as God spoke to him once.
You ate twice and he perceived it not, And he said he fell down through a trap door on his farm.
Injured his back. Never walked again.
I read to him one day. He was a patient sufferer. I said. Brother Gibson, I believe someday you're going to thank the Lord for your your trials and suffering. His face lit up with a brightest smile. He says. I thank God for it now, he says. It took this, he says, to bring me to the Lord. He was thanking the Lord that he was in that condition because it took that to save him.
It is necessary for God to break our bodies up to save our souls.
If you would exceed of the Lord, as he told me, there was many times the Lord has spoken to him, it wouldn't have been necessary for God to have allowed that.
But it took that to bring him to put his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
You notice it says here.
Why does thou strive against him?
Oh, how we resist.
The striving of the Spirit of God.
We've all felt those strivings.
You know, when the shepherd went after that lost sheep that wandered away so far from the shepherd? You know the shepherds never ceased his search for that sheep until he found it. And then when he found it, he laid it on his shoulders, rejoicing. He carried it every step of the way home. And then we read that he called together his friends and his neighbors. And he said unto them.
Rejoice with me, for I found my sheep, which was lost.
And then the Lord gives this comment. He says, Verily, I say to you.
There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over.
Every center that repented.
Now, when you have felt those exercises in your soul, I'll tell you just exactly what those exercises were. Perhaps you woke up in the night, thought about your soul.
And you realize that you were not right with God.
You're troubled about.
These matters. That wasn't just an accident. That was a voice of the Good Shepherd calling you.
Speaking to you, oh, we get here in a dream, in a vision of the night when deep sleep fall upon the fun man and flumbrings upon their bed. No, sometimes God even faith people in in their sleep or wake them up or bring them to repentance in their sleep. I heard of an old man in the state of Iowa.
And he was a perfectly indifferent Sinner.
Didn't give all those matters.
Any concern whatever.
And he had a dream one night, and he thought he saw the Lord Jesus standing in his room.
And he tried to reach you, and he just seemed to recede and recede and recede.
And then he woke up, and he found himself standing in the middle of the floor and in a deep.
Well, that man was saved through that dream.
All think of the grace of God that old Christ rejected that wouldn't listen to the Lord in his In his wakeful moments, God gave him a dream that woke him up and brought him to himself.
I remember reading the story years ago and the title of the story was The Man That Vanished.
Have you read it? And this story was about a man that was so occupied with his farm and his cows that he couldn't think about anything else. And the lady visited him and tried to talk to him about the Lord. And every time she spoke to him while he looked out and say, well, that cow's worth so much or look at that pastor, she couldn't get him away from temporal things.
And he said one time she went to see him after much discouragement.
And she found the manless faith in talking about the Lord.
And she was so surprised. Whatever had come over him, whatever had brought this change, why was he now interested in the things of the Lord? And then he told her all about the story. He said, in that one night in his dream, he thought everything vanished. He looked out, and the window and the cows were gone, and he said the farm was gone, his house was gone, He said the strange thing was that he himself was gone. And then he was brought to realize that God didn't care for him, nor anything he had.
All that God was concerned about was not his cows, not his farm, but his Whiting God was speaking was his precious soul.
So there was another soul brought in through a dream. But you know, friends, that there are never two souls saved in the identically the same way I remember down in Kentucky we had a brother named Jeff Schofield.
And he wanted to be converted like the apostle Paul.
And he's very used to lying in bed at night and think that someday he was going to see a light from heaven and it was going to completely change him, reverse him, absolutely. It was an ungodly old man or man. He wasn't old when we first knew him, but he had such a reputation of a number of fathers, saying one time that he was the worst man in the country.
Well, he he waited. And he.
His ideas never were realized. He never got converted like the Apostle Paul. That wasn't God's way to wake him up at all.
At one time he just came to the place where he discovered, I don't remember whether because it was some meeting or something just in the ordinary run of love bears of life, that he was brought to this fame discovery that he was a Sinner and that he needed a savior. I'll never forget when he came over and told my father. He says I heard what you said about me, and he said that he was very angry about it.
To be called the worst man in the country.
But all he says, I want to tell you those truths. Oh, he says, the wonderful grace of God that would save such a man as me. You feel friends. When he got to the discovery of his lost conditions, he was very willing to be called the worst man in the country, just like the Apostle Paul, when he says this is a faithful thing and worthy of all acceptations, that Christ Jesus came into the world of saved sinners.
Of whom I achieved.
Then opener when he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction that he may withdraw a man from his purpose, it's really his work and hide pride from man over the two things you know, friends that keep millions of souls away from Christ if their works and pride isn't it just like name and Ethereum?
He says that I thought the Prophet would come out.
And strike his hand over the place and recover the leper.
So if the Prophet had told him, like the servant said, if the Prophet had badly due some great thing he said, Woodstown ought to have done it.
Sure, it would have done it, but how much left? He says, when he's fast to the.
Wash and be clean.
The solemn thing, isn't it trends that so many dear souls are passing into a lost eternity because they'd rather trust in their good works than in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nor if we could add one thing to our salvation, we'd spoil it.
Because it's all of grace. By grace are you faith through faith, and that not of yourselves, It is the gift of God, not of works left. Any man should both.
So when we get to heaven, we'll have nothing to boast of whatever.
Not one thing to boast of, but the song that they sing in heaven is this. Thou art worthy, for thou hast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tribe and people and nations. See, there's one who's going to get all the glory.
For that salvation that we're to enjoy in heaven or eternity.
So God is seeking and He is seeking here if there is any unsaved to withdraw you from your works.
And from your pride, what a terrible thing pride is, friends.
You know, pride is what brought sin into this poor world of ours. It was when.
Satan, who was the first fallen creature, It tells us in the 28th chapter of Ezekiel that he was lifted up with pride.
Or if he wanted to usurp the place of God, and so he instilled that into the heart of our first parents, when he said he shall be a God knowing good and evil.
And for that pride of the man.
Have been possessed by sinners ever since. God is seeking to bring you to the place where you're emptied of all that pride of heart that would make you to desire to get salvation in a way that would be some credit to yourself to give you something.
That you might boast about.
So all we get here keep us back his soul from the pit.
And his life from perishing by the sword. Then you get the description of one who is passing through pain upon his bed.
Multitudes of with strong pain, so that he poureth bread in his soul dainty meat.
This place consume a way. Well, it just again shows us.
Although God may bring a poor Sinner.
In His work of grace in order to bring Him to submit to His blessed Word. Then it says.
In the 23rd verse, if there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among 1000, to show unto man his uprightness or his duty, that simply means.
In judging himself.
I used to have the wrong thought about that man uprightness.
We think why it's man.
Displaying or a good man he is. But what is uprightness, friends? Well, uprightness is just being honest, owning your real condition.
And you know, we are all poor sinners and is not uprightness to try to conceal and to.
Cover up the facts. No uprightness, friends, is just to come right out and without any hesitation, without any reserve, to just own what God tells us in His word is true. Now wasn't it uprightness in that dying faith when He says we indeed justly, we receive a due reward of our deeds? Wasn't it true?
It surely was true, Friend. And that was his upright when he admitted there on the cross by the Savior that he was getting just exactly what he deserved. That was his uprightness.
And whenever his soul is brought to that that uprightness where instead of trying to cover up and to and to deceive himself and others into thinking.
That is better than God says he is.
Well, that's just.
Keeping him away.
And preventing.
His soul being saved.
There was once a deserter from the British Army.
And he had.
Escaped justice.
And he was employed in a factory where he was working.
And one day, one of the employees went up to him.
And he told him he wanted so much money. He said, well, I'm not giving you that. He says. I know all about you. You're a miserable deserter from the army. And he says, if you don't give the money that I'm asking for, he says I'll just hand you over to these parties. So this poor fellow had to reach in his pocket, give the man what he demanded.
Well, it wasn't long before he made another demand on it.
And with employee just kept, the poor fella drained almost of poverty.
There he lived under the threat of being handed over to the authorities and every time this man came around, why he had to reach in his pocket. It was either that or go to jail, meet his family. One time he saw.
Advert A wonderful a wonderful piece of news.
The Queen.
Was celebrating.
Her. Her Jubilee, or 50 years, Queen Victoria was celebrating her 50th.
Anniversary of her reign and in order to do something special at this.
This year she offered a pardon to any deserter from the army.
Well, of course that was wonderful news for this poor, troubled man. But the conditions were that those who got this pardon would have to fully confess and admit their guilt. Well, this fellow took time to write a very nice letter, and he explained that the ship got away sooner than he expected, and he made a knife. He wrote up a very nice story about his.
For how being a deserter who found it in, he got a prompt reply back, that is, his letter was not accepted. That was not the terms on which the Queen was giving her part.
Well, the poor man was so full of his pride that he kept putting off the the letter sending the kind of a letter that the Queen demanded.
Until the time had almost run out. He only gave so much time and then the offer was over. He saw the time was slipping away very fast and the soon he would have no further chance to get a party. But one night he just sat down and wrote a very short note. He says I'm a deserter, just told the whole thing, just made a full confession of it. And he didn't even read it. He just folded up putting an envelope and mailed it.
Got a prompter reply back and a pardon in the letter he went back to his work in this old tormentor came and he says faith. But he says, you know, I haven't had any money lately. But he says I need some I'll come across with Oh no, he says you're getting nothing. He says it'd be just too bad for you. He says I'll soon hand you over to the authorities. So he just reached in his pocket practice and pulled out the part showed it to.
Why there's man, he says. You're free.
Oh, a tormentor could do nothing.
To harm him anymore, he had a pardon. But how did he get the pardon, friends?
He didn't get the pardon by his uprightness, did he, By claiming he was a very honest deserter, that he wasn't such a bad man as some of the other deserters. Oh, he didn't get it at all in that way. The only way he got that pardon was when he made a full confession. All that he was nothing but a guilty deserter, and he got the pardon.
And his enemy could do nothing to harm him. He couldn't rob him anymore. And friends, Isn't that just the way Satan is treating his his victims, keeping them in misery because they are not in the enjoyment of that wonderful pardon?
And God has so freely offered to everyone who will accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a savior.
Well, we read here, if there be a messenger, an interpreter, one among 1000, and so on, and the 24th verse, then is he gracious unto him, and saith deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom.
Or you see as soon as there's a full confession and God comes in and says deliver him from going down to the 5th.
Oh, isn't that a solemn word, friends, the pit?
Have you, who are here tonight, deliverance from that pit of hell. That's what it means. Means hell.
Have you ever heard the Lord Jesus have it where they deliver?
One from going down to the pit.
How can God deliver your you from going down into that tip of hell? It tells us here? For God says I have found the rent. Marvelous, isn't it, friends, that the gospel is the same wherever you turn?
We're taking a subject from the Old Testament. We're bringing the gospel out, I trust, from the book of Job.
And yet it's the same gospel, is it? Who is that ransom?
Off you'll turn with me to.
First Timothy.
You'll find out.
What that ransom is.
First Timothy, I think it's the first chapter.
No, it's the second chapter, the fifth verse of.
First Timothy second chapter.
The fifth verse. For there is one God and one mediator between God and man.
The man Christ Jesus.
Who gave himself?
A ransom for all to be testified in due time.
Our job couldn't write. Why Paul?
Because right in this epistle to Timothy, because the Christ of God, the mediator between God and man, had not yet come into this scene and been born.
As a savior at Bethlehem's mansion. But yet Job could say unrightly say.
By the Spirit, God's word that I have found around.
You see, God ever has that blessed Savior before him.
That's why he could bear with the sins of the Old Testament believers.
I'll just hold this place for a minute and I'll show you another verse in the in the third chapter of Romans.
3rd chapter of Romans.
25th verse Speaking of Christ Jesus, the end of the 24th verse.
It says whom God has set forth a propitiation through faith in his blood.
To declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past. What does that mean? Through the remission of sins that are fast? Well, those were the sins of the Old Testament Saints. Remember dear old brother Engweiler Bloomington, IL, illustrating that one time in this way? That is just as though God took all the sins of the Old Testament Saints and He said He just put them on a shelf like that.
Then when the Lord Jesus was hanging on the cross, he took all those things and laid them on his beloved Son.
That's the way their sins were put away.
The same savior who hung and died.
And agonized on the cross for your sins was the one who suffered.
Under the awful judgment of God for Abraham sins and all the sins of the patriarchs of all God settle their sin. Question right there, friends at Calvary, but let's read on another verse.
Should I declare I say at this time?
His righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus. That's the way you get faith today, friends, is by believing in Jesus.
Judah Abraham, who Jesus was, he couldn't have told you he never heard that name.
You and I have heard it, friends, because that name was given.
To the blessed Savior when he was born into this world. In fact, the Angel told Joseph before.
The Christ was born. He was already named. He says, Thou shalt call his name Jesus, or he shall save his people from their sins. What a marvelous thing it is, then, beloved friends, to believe in Jesus.
That precious, that wonderful, that blessed Savior of sinners.
To believe in Him personally. To trust in him as your own precious savior.
I'll go back to that verse again.
And first Timothy two there we get the ransom.
It says who gave himself?
A ransom for all. What is a ransom threat? Well, it's buying back something that's lost.
And we were lost, come under the power of Satan. And now Christ gave himself. When God looked for a ransom, where could he find it? Where was there that which would buy buy back a Sinner under the power of Satan himself? Friends, there was only one rant, and when God gave up.
His beloved son to that shameful death of Calvary.
He was providing the ransom, the payment for your precious souls.
So, he says, deliver him from going down to the pit I have.
Found all ramps and God would have everyone here consider.
The ransom that God has found for you.
On a precious ransom it is. Think how much it costs God to provide that ransom.
When he gave up his only begotten son.
For him taken out and nailed to the cross.
Listen to the insults and mockery of those people and yet withdrew any help.
From the one whom his heart delighted in.
And then laid all our sins in thy hour of his deepest distress.
And then withdrew, and let him bear that judgment until he could utter these words.
It is finished. That's the ransom God has provided beloved friends.
Or your precious soul, and we are just being in what we have had.
Before us in the preceding verses how God is working to bring the thinner to the place.
Where he will accept that ransom that God in his wondrous grace has provided.
You know, friends, if we were just left with that wonderful ransom, that salvation that God has provided at such a cost, there isn't one of us would ever accept it. It would be just like those in the 14th of Luke. You know, when the servant went out with the invitation to come, for all things are not ready. Everyone began to make excuses. Not one accepted the invitation.
And then he had to send out his servants and actually tell them to compel them to come in that my house may be filled.
And perhaps we see how God compels A Sinner to come in when we go on to the 15th chapter of Luke, where we get the the account of the poor prodigal who went to the far country with all the wealth that was coming to him and squandered it all in a wild, ungodly life, then finally ended up in feeding the swine.
In the far country. And you know he didn't come back friends even when his money was spent.
Or he'd rather feed swine than go back to that home that he had deserted.
But he didn't even get.
The hospital swine, indeed, he said he desired it, but he doesn't even get receive that from that.
One that citizen of the far country, That's how little interest he had in the misery of that poor man.
What a solemn picture it is of a Sinner.
Under the hard task masters Satan.
But when did the prodigal come back? Odd was when he was starving. That's when he came back. That's when he came to himself and said, I will rise and go to my father. And so we learn in in this chapter and also many passages in the Word of God how he works with souls to bring them back to that place where there is that repentance that brings them into the.
Blessings of the gospel of the grace of God.
Then we get an account of the result of accepting that ransom.
That just simply means, friends, accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Have you done that?
Have you accepted the Lord Jesus?
Very simple friends, but very real things.
Have you done it? You haven't. You can settle the whole matter tonight. You say it isn't receiving a doctrine. It isn't getting into a religious experience. No, it's just simply having to do.
With a person and the most blessed, wonderful person that your soul has ever known or ever can know, you can have right here, as you sit on that seat here tonight, you can have.
Our conversation with a blessed Savior of sinners.
Write down in your heart, you can tell him all about your.
Your desires and your feelings and your concerns.
And your exercises, you can just tell him all about it. And then you can just simply and and quietly tell him without anyone perhaps knowing what's going on in your heart. You can just tell him this simple, this simple thing you can say, Lord Jesus, I do accept thee as my faith, and if you do it right in that heart of yours.
The most wonderful, amazing thing has taken place that ever has or ever can take place in this poorer world of ours. You'll have passed from death unto light. You will have become a child of God. You'll be faith for all eternity. Anything more wonderful than that, friends, and all these and even.
These inventors.
And these scientists do anything like that, friend? No, indeed they cannot. They're just fooling with a little bit of matter down here. But when you have that transaction between your soul and the savior of sinners, it's a divine and its eternal work that is produced in that soul of yours. And if you've never before in your whole life history had that.
That matter settled between your soul and the blessed Savior who is waiting to save.
Let me entreat you with all my heart and soul right now, right here.
Settle the matter and justice, accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
As your own personal favor. And when you do, here's what will take place.
It says deliver him from going down to the pit. Oh, there's no danger then to see that instead of you're going down to the pit. To see that the blessed Savior went down into that awful pit of judgment and he bore all that, that pit hell for you.
You're delivered from that. And then it says, his place shall be fresher than a child. He shall return unto the days of his youth.
Tell you when you get saved, you get a new life. You're born again. You're born of God.
And then you begin for the first time to really live.
I remember an old man we knew down in Kentucky years ago, old Bill Carter. He'd been an ungodly old Sinner.
He was kind of a ringleader in the a lot of gambling and ungodliness that went on quite a well to do man too. But one night he came up in a gospel meeting and held out his hand like this old man with a long beard.
And it was quite touching. You know, he hadn't been to a gospel meeting until he started to those 10th meetings for 20 years. One of his neighbors persuaded him to go one night.
He came up and held out his hand and he said I came, I heard I take Jesus Christ as my savior. A year after that he was in a meeting and all we had in Arlington, KY at that time and he said this.
He says I'm one years old, he said. I've only known what it is to live one year.
And then he told us this. He said in the old days he said I used to he was getting ready to drive his horse and buggy home. That was horse and buggy days. He said I used to take a drink of whiskey. And then he said I don't know just how I got home, but he said I got there some way and that was when he told him.
I did only known what it was to live one year. Well after old Bill Carter got saved. The report went around in the country that Bill Carr had traded his whiskey young for a Bible. And there was a lot of truth in it because this is what he did. He took his horse and buggy and he went all over the country with his Bible. He couldn't explain things. Of course he was the newborn soul, but he's going to his neighbors homes and he'd say I've come to read the Bible.
He'd sit down and read a chapter to him and go on to the next house, read a chapter of them. That's the way he went around the country.
With his blessed Bible and one day he went into a store and some of his old cronies were in there and.
They they were all prepared for it. They had some naughty questions to ask him and they started out. They said, Bill, what does this mean? We'll have a look at him. He says you got a Bible says if you haven't, he says you're going to get one that'll answer all your questions.
Then he turned around on his heel and walked out and left them. Well that showed wisdom, didn't it? You know he couldn't answer there profound questions, so he just told him where to get their answers. I left him there. In their confusion, all his place had become as a little children. Isn't it lovely to see a new light begins? And then after that new life has begun. Then beloved friends.
Oh, your dear young people, how important it is for you, as well As for older ones, to then feed on the bread of light we were seeing when Brother Brown was talking, You know, of the dignity of the one who raised that little maid there that lay in death, and yet that blessed one would think of the food that she needed to sustain the life that he had just at that time restored. So he says, give her something to eat.
And all beloved friends, the Lord wants your soul fed, and what rich provision he has indeed for for your soul. And it's all in this blessed book that we have before your souls. And I want to encourage everyone here to not neglect the reading of the word of God. Start out, start the day with the word of God.
And their clothes. The day with the word of God. Remember a dear farmer down in Kentucky, John Katz, Tom Callum. And he was a hard working farmer. But I noticed one thing. He never went to bed without a chapter in the word of God. He told me. He said that's the way my father brought me up. And his father was one of the first the Lord gathered out in that country there in Illinois to his name.
A godly old man.
That left a wonderful testimony behind.
Oh yes, He fed on the word of God and beloved friends, We can't go on. We can't be any testimony to the Lord. We'll just be weakling. We'll be whirling if we neglect the reading of the word of God.
Oh, May God use his word. And if anyone here has not yet decided for Christ.
Don't let this opportunity go by. You know we are thinking yet there is room. There is room. God, the house is filling fast. And as we were singing, some guests will be the last.
You might be the last one here, if you're not yet. You're not yet, confessed the Lord.
Our wonderful friends.
To decide this matter and then if it should be the last opportunity. If this should, the door should close then to find yourself safe inside.
Where all the Saints will enjoy the communion of heaven, he entered, while the door stood open wide for you to enter.
We'll see #5 all. Happy day that fixed my choice.
On thee, my favor, and my God, well may the glowing heart rejoice until it raptures all abroad #5.
Oh, happy days.
Don't have.
One day.
I really friendly when they were born.