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Gospel—C. Whitaker
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Pioneer, though vile they need not fear with joy they now may hear. Yet there is rule #15.
Yeah, there is true.
Yeah, there is room.
There's still room. Have you bailed yourself of it? If not, will your anchor hold #11?
Where do you have your anchor cast? You have it in Christ? Or are you going on in your own independent way? Will your anchor hold?
In the storms of life.
When the clouds unfold, their wings of strike, when the strong tides lift and the cable strain, will your anchor drift or firm remain. We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure, while the billows roll, fasten to the rock, which cannot move, grounded, firm, and deep in the Savior's love.
Hold in a storm of light.
And it was straight.
Straight fear.
Down the tree is the near.
Why Live Blood?
Will grow anger.
Chill your eggs and spread.
So the 19th chapter of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy 19.
Reading the 1St 6 verses.
Concerning these six cities of refuge.
When the Lord thy God hath cut off the nations, whose landlord thy God giveth thee.
And thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their cities and in their houses. Thou shalt separate three cities for thee in the midst of thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it.
Thou shalt prepare thee away and divide the coast of thy land.
Which the Lord thy God giveth thee to inherit into three parts, that every Slayer may flee thither.
And this is the case of the Slayer, which shall flee feather, that he may live, whosoever killeth his neighbor ignorantly, whom he hath whom he hated not in time past, As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree and the head.
Slippeth from the hill, and lighteth upon his neighbor that he died, he shall flee unto one of those cities, and live.
Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the Slayer while his heart is hot, and overtake him because the way is long, and slay him, whereas he was not worthy of death in as much as he hid him.
Not in time past and then a short portion.
In Joshua chapter 20.
We get the names of these six cities in Joshua 20 versus 6-7 and eight.
Joshua 20 verse 6 And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days. Then shall the Slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, and to the city, from whence he fled. And they appointed Kadish in Galilee.
In Mount Napoli and Shechem in Mount Ephraim and Curjith Arbor, which is Hebron in the mountain of Judah, and on the other side Jordan By Jericho. Eastward they assigned Beezer in the wilderness upon the plain out of the tribe of Reuben and Raymond in Gilead. Out of the tribe of Gad, Angolan invasion out of the travel Manasseh.
These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them, That whosoever killeth any person at unawares might flee thither and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, until he stood before the congregation then over in.
Isaiah 28. This portion has been referred to.
In our readings, I believe.
Isaiah 28.
We have what man thinks is a safe refuge beginning at verse 14 of Isaiah 2018.
These are the concoctions of man's reason.
Wherefore here the word of the Lord, ye scornful men that rule this people, which is in Jerusalem, Because ye have said, we have made a covenant with death and with hell are we at agreement. When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come nigh unto us, for we have made lies our refuge.
And under falsehood have we hid ourselves.
Therefore, thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone.
A sure foundation he that believeth shall not make haste. Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet, and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies.
And the waters shall overflow the hiding place, and your covenant with death shall be disallowed, and your agreement with hell shall not stand. When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
And a precious word.
For consolation in Hebrews.
Chapter 6 Hebrews, Chapter 6 and verse 18.
Hebrews 618 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay hold upon the hope set before us.
Who have fled for a refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil, whether the forerunner is for us entered. Even Jesus made an high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
One other verse in Psalm 142.
Psalm 142.
And verse 4.
Here we have.
The prayer of David when he was in The Cave.
Fleeing from Saul, I believe. Psalm 142, verse four. I looked on my right hand and beheld, but there was no man that would know me.
Refuge failed me.
Refuge failed me. No man cared for my soul.
I cried unto thee, O Lord, I said, Thou art my refuge, thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.
Going back then to Deuteronomy.
About a year ago. A little more now.
There was quite a scare in Des Moines regarding fallout shelters from the radiation.
Belt that is supposed to be right over Des Moines because.
Omaha is the Strategic Air Command Base.
Which would be target #1.
And there were many people concerned about it.
They were talking about fallout shelters, talking about how to build your own, or how to buy one or how to have one built. But.
This is something far more important than that.
Many tears have been shed over the scare that had passed through there.
But this is something to cause much concern. Having no refuge from the coming judgment, having no refuge from God's awful execution of his indictment that has been over this wicked, sinful scene ever since Calvary.
Tonight we have a refuge to present, and that refuge is the Lord Jesus Christ. And we know that every poor soul needs a savior, every soul needs a refuge. And we find that here, all through God's precious word, as we have concerning this portion here in Deuteronomy chapter 19, there was a necessity for a refuge from the manslaughter.
And Satan is out tonight to slay men. He's the man Slayer, and he's out to slay you, send her friend, and do you down and take you into a lost eternity forever to be in that place of torment and torture with him. And the false prophet and the beast that we read about in Revelation 20 or tonight all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and the wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And we know well enough from what we have in God's precious word that the soul of Sinner it shall die. And that takes you in Whosoever sinneth shall die. Your sinners all have sinned and come short or are destitute of the grace of God having missed God's mark, Christ having missed God's goal. And you're going on in the dark, and you're going into a place that's eternally dark.
Where there is no light and no love, because God is light and God is love. And when you enter that place of doom and darkness, there be no love. There be hatred weeping and waiting and gnashing of teeth, and darkness so dense as has never been known to man before, nor since. Because God is light and God won't be there, and it's going to be your doom and distant darkness from God if you don't have the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior, as your place of eternal refuge.
And safety and security. And that's why we have gospel meetings, that these precious things might be made plain. Because God is not willing. Any should perish. God is not willing at any should be lost, should be doomed and damned. No God is waiting in patience and in grace and faithfulness and long-suffering, tender mercies, just wanting you to receive His Son as your Savior and to become one of His children through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
Having your hearts cleansed by the precious blood of Christ, made fit for God's eternal presence. And that can start tonight. And if you don't have Christ as your Savior, you may go out that door tonight and be struck dead before you get home, and be in a be in a place of distance from God that will never be spanned, never for all eternity, but the distance is spanned tonight and can be your.
Benefit to take the Lord Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life.
From this scene, he can take you all the way to glory if you put your faith in him and have him as your savior. And so it tells us here that souls are under the curse. Take a look at it. You think that you don't need a refuge? You think that you're going to keep the law? I'm just talking with one this evening in the kitchen. Well, we we don't just believe that way. Well, let's take a look at Galatians 3. I believe it is.
And verse 10.
A very pointed verse.
As to this question, and it puts it out so plain here that there's no need to be mistaken.
It isn't keeping of days. It isn't keeping the law because you've broken it and you can't keep it. And so here's your your.
Definite positive word from God's word as to the result.
Galatians 310 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse.
Are under the curse, for it is written. Cursive is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them, but that no man is justified by the Law. In the sight of God it is evident. It is evident.
For the justice shall live by faith and the law.
Is not a faith, but the man, the man that doeth them.
Shall live in them. So if you're trying to keep the law, you're under a curse and.
You're doomed. And oh, what a darkness is ahead of you, dear Senator Fred, whether it be young or old.
Rich or poor, it doesn't matter. God loves you and He wants you to receive His Son as your savior. That might come off money, this curse that you might have eternal life, You might have joy and peace. Like I've been singing it, there's room and will your anchor hold in the in the time of strike when those winds of God judgment blow and we think of the little little upset that they had in Anchorage, AK Oh, that's just nothing in contrast to what will take place.
Oh, God is powerful. And God will shake and turn things inside out as a Vester. And he will do it so suddenly that there will be no possibility for escape, no exit, no Exodus whatever. For you owe tonight. There is hope, There's help, and we offer it. It's the Lord Jesus Christ, God's beloved Son. And so here the Slayer was coming out, says his heart was hot. Well, Satan's heart is hot.
He's really out to devour. He's out to destroy and his heart is hot in pursuit of you. And that's why you're still going on in your sins. You don't want to give them up, do you? Don't want to give up? Because Satan has a hold on you and he's telling you just go on just a little longer in your sin and get the best this world has to offer. And then when it comes a little later in your life, then you can consider God.
And you can consider God's salvation. But don't get in a hurry. Don't be enthusiastic about it. Don't be a fanatic. Just wait. Just wait and hesitate. Neglect and bind by you. Reject, That's what will take place. Reject. Just neglect is that which adds up to rejection. But remember this. How shall you escape if you neglect so great a salvation? Oh, it's great because of what God has invested in his beloved Son.
All that he has done on Calvary's props.
God's best has been invested, and that's why it's great. Oh, how are you going to escape if you neglect so great a salvation, God's great salvation? Oh, tonight we praise him for that great salvation. But if you won't have it, take a look at what we have in Second Thessalonians in that first chapter, the most powerful verse that I know of in God's word as to the outcome of those who refuse God's gospel.
It's I'm so glad that it isn't.
My word, But it is God's word, and God's word is true, and God's Word will will come to pass. And oh, what a solemn thing to be caught in a dilemma such as we find here in in first, second Thessalonians chapter one, the latter part of verse 7, the middle of the verse when the Lord Jesus, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven.
With his mighty angels.
Plural angels. One Angel in Hezekiah's days slew 185,000 troops in one night. Here he is coming with his mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction.
From the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power think of and that means you unsafe Sinner, friend, here tonight, if you won't have the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel.
That means you if you continue to disobey the gospel.
You are in life. You are in death row for punishment eternal, to be delivered by a just and a righteous and a holy God against you and your sin for all eternity. Because you won't have God substitute, you won't have the Lord Jesus. And so you must bear the consequences yourself in your own body for all eternity and in your spirit.
Oh, what agony, What Torture. What torment? Weeping and wailing the Lord Jesus says about 10 * / a gnashing of teeth.
And that's to be Not just for a fortnight or or for 25 years or 100 years, but that's going to be for all eternity. For all eternity. Think of it.
My heart said us to just even endeavor to contemplate one iota of it. To think of what we have seen of someone suffering and pain, and to think that that's going to be accentuated and never terminated.
And that's your question. You want that? Do you want your loved ones to have that? Are you? Are we going on callously and carelessly concerning our loved ones outside of Christ? Think of it. They're they're going one step near one day is near eternal hell today than they were when this day started this morning. One danger.
And we haven't laid ourselves in our pathway, We haven't put a gospel tract in their pathway, we haven't spoken a word of warning. And they're going over the precipice into a loss eternity. And some of them are our own sons and daughters.
Oh, tonight they wear beware because.
Because of the wrath of God, Because of the wrath of God. Beware lest he take thee away with his stroke. And then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. His stroke will come down just as surely as he said it in Joe 36 and 80. And there is wrath because they've been reading about it in Thessalonians. And it will come down because they're just being suspended by a very fragile thread. And God will clip the thread one of these days. And done. It'll come.
And it'll be more than anything ever took place in Anchorage, AK, or any other place in the wide, wide world. And it'll be so terrific that men's hearts were failing for fear, and they will call upon the rocks that cover them and the Dennis to protect them. And there will be no escape, no escape.
Oh, for a solemn time. That's why we say there is need to night for refuge. Oh, flee to the refuge, flee to the Lamb of God. Flee to God's Christ, and be found safe in him. Rock of Ages cleft for sin, let us hide ourselves safe within.
Because there's no other place. There's no other place of safety and security. None whatever. Well, Satan is powerful, and we desire to be delivered from him and his power. And we see here in this 28th chapter of Isaiah that man has made a concoction of lies for refuge. Oh yes, man does that. He's hiding behind his lies every day. And he reckons a pilot isn't big enough. And so he adds some more to it that make it higher so he can get behind it better.
And oh God said I'm going to come cut that all down.
And I'm going to cut you down too with your pile of lies. Your refuge. Man has tried that. Man has tried to hide behind the tree, you know in the garden of Eden. Ah yes. And today man is hiding behind hypocrites. And I've often thought, if you're going to hide behind that hypocrite, you're going to have to be just as crooked as that hypocrite, just as crooked as a Corkscrew. And and you can't hide unless you're crooked like he is. And so man has tried to hide behind an apron of fig leaves and man is trying his various.
Maneuvering and concoction.
And Christendom trying to hide and what a message made-up and it tells us, you know, let us look at it in Hebrews 4. I believe it is. It's a very important portion as to being naked before God, because it tells us there.
In Hebrews 4 and verses 12 and 13 for the word of God is quick, it's living.
And operative, living and operative, quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight, but all things are naked and opened under the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Think of that. Think of that. You're going to have to stand there before the great white throne, you poor, unsaved Sinner friend, tonight, naked and open. God sees everything. God knows everything. And there you are. You have anything on.
To hide you haven't anything at all.
You're thinking perhaps tonight that your good works yourself, righteousness will hide, hide you plenty from God's present. Oh no, far from it. They're going to be naked and open before him with whom you have to do. And you'll stand there speechless, and you'll hear him say, depart from me, your workers of iniquity. I never knew yet.
Oh, but a solemn indictment. And it's just that way. And the execution of it is so soon to come to pass, and so sudden. And what will you do when he shall punish thee? What will you do? Where will you go? Where will you hide?
Just a few, just a couple of weeks ago, I had the funeral of Mrs. Kelsey in northern Minnesota. She was one of the very few that passed through that awful hately fire when 412 souls were burned to death.
She was 80. She was.
7 to 8 years old time of her death. She was in a deep hand, dug well.
With wet burlap sacks overhead when that awful fire passed through trains on fire, school buildings on fire, farms on fire. Thousands upon thousands of acres on fire and no place to flee.
412 souls burned up in just a matter of a short time.
Oh, that's just one little fire. One little fire. Think of what we have in Second Peter 3. When God is going to melt the whole sea, and all the works are in, everything reserved for fire should be burned up. And then what wilt thou do when he shall punish thee? Or if you don't have a place in Christ, if you don't have a standing in Him, you don't have any standing at all.
Nunhadiq. Remember that.
Well, God's word is faithful. All things are naked and opened under the eyes of Him with whom ye have to do, and you're going to have to do with Him, and you're going to have to do with Him individually. We can't do it for you. We would if we could. We've been praying for in the prayer meeting. We plead to God that you might have your soul tenderized, that the Holy Spirit of God might have His way in your heart, that you might surrender to Christ. You might receive Him as your Savior, for as many as receive Him to them gave you power.
Right authority to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name. Not on my name, but on his name. That name, that name. Or take a look at in Proverbs 18 and 10. All that name tells us there about it. A wonderful tower. Proverbs 18 and 10 says that.
The name of the Lord. Oh, the name of the Lord, none of the name given among men under heaven, whereby man can be saved. The name of the Lord is a great tower is a strong tower, a mighty tower the righteous runeth into it, and.
Is safe. Oh, tonight. Have you run into that tower yet? Have you? Oh, look at that lovely verse. The name.
Of the Lord Jesus Christ. The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. A strong tower. The righteous runneth into it and is safe. I remember about 13 years ago, Brother Willis speaking about the high towers that have in the rice paddies in China to protect the dear Chinese from the bandits coming up the line.
You said.
They would ring a bell. They could see from the tower ring a bell or blowhorn or something. And all these people from different parts of the rice Pate would run to this high tower, this strong tower go in and bolt the doors against the bandits. Oh, tonight isn't wonderful to have a refuge.
Oh, a refuge? Sure. And steadfastly read there in Hebrews 6. Within the veil, our Lord Jesus Christ, our loving Savior, all His precious blood can cleanse your heart from sin and make you fit for God's eternal presence and make you secure and safe forevermore. Isn't that lovely? He's able, and he wants to do it tonight, and he wants to do it now. He doesn't want you to wait. He doesn't want you to just hesitate one more moment. He wants you to take His Son as your savior right now. Because now.
Is God's time. God's time is now, so we have here.
These precious things to encourage our hearts. There is need for this refuge, and God has provided. Isn't it wonderful? God has foreseen the need, and he has provided this wonderful refuge. And so with the manslaughter who had slain his neighbor without any premeditation, no hatred in his heart toward him. Oh, he needed a place of refuge.
He might be safe from this pursuer that's hot on his trail to take his life. Well, we thank God tonight for such a place of refuge. But before we turn to another portion, let us take a look at Revelation 6.
And we see there.
The awful anxiety of man's heart in that closing.
Time of anguish as we have it there in Revelation 6.
And beginning at verse 12.
And I beheld when he had opened the 6th seal. And lo, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair. And the moon became as blood. And the stars of heaven fell onto the earth, even as a fig tree castle for untimely figs when it's shaken up a mighty wind. And the heavenly parrot is a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men, and every bondsman and every freeman hid themselves in the den.
And in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, And from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great Davis wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? I have here my hand a little sketch.
Some of you perhaps have passed over.
Known as the Frank Slide up in Canada, we've gone over the top of this city several times and it tells us about this awful disaster. Well, this slide took place in April 29th, 4:10 in the morning, 1903. A gigantic wedge of limestone, 1300 feet high, 4000 feet wide, 500 feet thick, crashed down from Turtle Mountain and destroyed the town of Frank.
70 millions 70 million tons of rock swept over 2 miles of valley, taking 60 lives and burying numerous homes, the mine and railway along with 3200 acres of fertile land to a depth of 100 feet in 100 seconds.
And that's just one little thing that took place back there. We've gone over the top of that place and they tell us that there are people down there that never even tried to dig them out. There they are.
Well, in this day, reading about in Revelation 6, they just invite something like that. They're just invite those Turtle mountains to fall on and.
Nothing will take place. They'll have to face God's judgment, no place of refuge. Only one little baby was rescued out of this whole dilemma, and they named her Miss Frank.
Or it makes you shudder to think of what took place that morning where they were still in bed. But oh, there's something worse going to take place dear unsafe. So if it don't take Christ as you're saved What a terrible time is ahead of you And we find here in this 142nd song David said I looked. He said I looked on my right hand and the hell but.
There was number man that knew me. And no man cared for my soul. We do care for your soul tonight here, Senator friend. We do. We love you. And God cares for your soul more than we do all He does because he's proven it by sending his son to be your savior, He says, I look and I beheld, but there was no man that knew me. Refuge failed me, Refuge failed me. And no man cared for my soul all tonight you can't say that no man cared for your soul because this gospel meeting has been convened.
For your convenience, for your purpose, for your help, for your soul spiritual welfare. We do care for your soul. And if refuge fails you, it won't be God's fault, it'll be your own. Because you have, you have failed to avail yourself of the refuge that God has provided in the Lord Jesus Christ dying of Calvary, His side pierced from hence blood and water flowed.
That you might be cleansed from sin and made fit for God's eternal presence. Oh, isn't it Love, God's provision. But all the sights are strangely sad. God be seeking but man refusing to be made forever glad. That's the sight of sad tonight. That souls go on in their sin and won't have the Savior. That's the sight of SAT. Well, we have here God's wonder provision. We heard about it last night in John 316.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever that takes you in, whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. Isn't it lovely? And the Lord Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him to set me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life. Isn't that lovely? Death unto life. And you can have that transaction made tonight in your heart, if you will just have the Lord Jesus as your savior. And so we know that God is waiting, and we don't know if he's going to wait until morning or not.
We can't say he's going to wait until midnight. We couldn't guarantee that the Lord Jesus wouldn't come before 2 minutes from now or even one minute from now. He might come before we take another breath. He may come any second. Are you ready? Are you ready? Have you had to do with the Lord Jesus Christ concerning your sins? Or you're just hoping so, thinking so, guessing so maybe it'll be all right. I don't know.
Hope so or don't. Don't want like that. Don't gamble like that. Be sure. Be sure. Be sure right now. Be dead sure that you know the Lord. It is yours and you have a clear tide of the glory. And that all is well with your soul. Be sure well. God has made a provision rich in mercy. Yes indeed. God commanded His love toward us. That's why we were that sinners. Christ died for us. I know, 44 years ago.
The Lord Jesus had come. I'd have been doomed forever. But I'm so thankful that he waited for me and the little farm in southern Minnesota that he waited for me. And then he rotted my soul and they played with me, His Holy Spirit taking the word I'd heard for the first time in the gospel. And many of them. I don't know what you have to be thankful for, that you can hear the gospel in your young years. I didn't. But all have good to know the Lord Jesus as my savior.
Can recommend him to you. He saves and he keeps and he satisfies.
He's never failed me. I've failed him many times. But he never fails. And he will never fail. He cannot fail. And so tonight, take him as your safety, your loving savior. And so we find here, let us turn over to Romans chapter three. We get the scope of this refuge. Oh, it's a wonderful scope. And we thank God tonight that this scope is still in operation.
Romans 3 and we have there in verses 22 and three, this lovely portion.
Romans 322 Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all, look at that unto all whosoever will make come, and upon all them that believe, oh wonderful propitiation unto all, and substitution upon all them that believe, want to be one of those tonight that believes upon all them that believe. For there's no difference. There's no difference.
For all sin and come short, destitute of God's Christ, destitute of God's mark. All have sinned. So you need to come in God's way and do it now because we would urge upon you. It's a very important matter where where something is urgent, it demands haste, it demands concern and demands action. Right now put issue into action, don't just guess about it.
Our blessed Lord is the One, and He's the one who is waiting tonight to be your Savior. Her little verse I used to enjoy.
In regards to those dear souls in Africa, I think of that verse in Romans 8. I believe it is and verse 10. And you know this.
Spoke of God's refuge is so, so near, it couldn't be in an era.
I opened the drawer last night in a motel and I said, oh, isn't it wonderful? Here's a Bible. Here's a Bible in this drawer. Well, I believe you can find a Bible in every hotel or motel drawer these days and in many, many schools. Most of them perhaps not read, but there it is. But however, how wonderful to have God's word so near. It says here in Romans 10 and eight. But what saith it? What saith it, this refuge? The word is nigh thee.
Even in thy mouth and in thy heart, that is a Word of Faith which we preach. Could anything be planned? It's near. This city of refuge is near tonight. The Lord Jesus Christ is near. He wants, He wants to be your Savior right now, tonight. Isn't it lovely?
These six cities 1/6 on this side of the river and 6:00 on that side of the river. They were so close that.
And so convenient that this man who had slain us all by accident, could flee to it. If it wasn't this one could be that one or that one over young. It was on this side of the river. Here are three more cities, and there's no excuse. He can get into one of the six for sure. And tonight the Lord Jesus is near, and the way is marked, because he said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
All so near and so clearly marked.
You don't have to mistake the path. Here's the way. Or without the way, there's no going. He is the truth. Without the truth there's no knowing. And he is the life. Without the life there's no growing. Oh, tonight, boys and girls, that you might grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ if you know him, if you don't know him, or that you might come to him and get acquainted with. Receive him as your sake. To know him better is to love him more. And he wants you tonight to just.
And breathe and allow him to embrace you, that you might know that you're his and that he's yours and all is well. They have a clear title to real estate in heaven, a whole purchased and paid for by the precious blood of Christ. Ah, it's something to think about. And so here. What's that? The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart. That is the word, I think, which we preach. Oh, what? What a contrast to a refuge of lies.
To what man can conduct and try to get by with or is corruption.
Well, we thank God for these precious truths, the nearness of our Lord Jesus. And it's so secure, it's so safe. The Lord Jesus said, You know, in John 10:00 and 9:00 I am the door by me, If any man enter in, he shall be SAVED, say, and shall go in and out and find pasture.
Oh, how good to have a place like that to come to and the Lord Jesus.
Said it. Can't you believe him? Can't you take it at his word? He said it. He said I am at the door. The door knocked 2 doors. No, only one. I am that door. I am the door. Buy me. If any man, any boy, any girl, any woman enter in, he shall be saved. Oh, what a lovely word to herald out. Jesus saves shall be saved and shall be in and out and find pasture. Isn't that lovely? And that's for you in the Savior. God sucked tonight.
And so we can rejoice in what a wonderful place, our refuge, and what a wonderful love is his and everything cared for. We can say those of us who know Him as we have in Ephesians One and Three. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ have blessed us with all spiritual blessings, all spiritual in the heavens.
In Christ. Isn't that lovely? My God shall supply all your needs according to riches and glory. By Christ Jesus. Oh, he hasn't failed us in one. I would never, never. And there's not one here tonight that you can say the Lord Jesus ever. Faith. Oh, I'm only sorry. One thing and that is that I didn't come to announce soon. And I'm so sorry that anyone here tonight hasn't known it up to now. I feel sorry for all receiving. close him with God's awful mercy and know what it means to be born again. Know what it means right now.
Well, we rejoice as we turn over here to Joshua Chapter 20.
We have these six cities in closing. We just look at them briefly and they're wonderful cities.
We have here something here for us as believers tonight we have here The first one is called Kiddish Kedish. Well, that means holy.
For such an high priest became us, who is holy, undefined, harmless, spot, and so on. And we praise God for him tonight. Oh, how good to have one such as he is to know.
That God sees me in Christ.
Blameless in spite of all my blunders.
Just as near and just as dear to the Father heart of God as he is.
And that's only because a soul receives the Lord Jesus as his Savior. You can't claim that if you're outside of Christ or no, but if you're in him, you're just as near to God as the Lord Jesus is to the Father heart of God, and just as dear and just as safe for all eternity. I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Believe it, Sinner friend, and rejoice in it, and don't let the devil rob you of it.
And so.
That lovely word, that first city, Kadish. And he's the one, our loving Savior who did no sin. Then we have Shechem. Ah, that's a nice name, Shechem. It means shoulder or support.
Oh yes, I love to think of that connection with Isaiah 9 and Six. The government shall be upon his shoulder, but when it takes one of his poor sheep home, you're going to take him home both his shoulders, double security in a Savior's hand and in the Father's hand and on both His shoulders.
What could be better? Shechem, that lovely city, and that also means a place of wrestling. I believe that we have there. It says there, and they appointed Katie Shin Galilee in Mount Natalie. That's the place of elevation, the holy and the true one, and it speaks of their Napoli wrestling and check on his shoulder. It's a place where there's been a lot of wrestling, a wrestling.
The Lord has wrestled. We we hear, we read about wrestling in God's precious word. And the victory has been won over tonight. Enter into that. Don't be turbulent and disturbed and distressed any longer. Just receive the Lord Jesus and rest in his finished work. He said Finish. Take him at His word. God says it. Believe it. That settles it. Take him at His word. That lovely word. Shechem. Yes, on both His shoulders. And so we can rejoice tonight that we can just relax.
As we have it in the African language, just relax in everlasting life, we sing it and that hymn.
On the Lamb of God our souls are resting.
Where are you resting that? Are you resting on your good works? Are you resting on your laurels? What are they? Oh, rest on him. Rest on his finish work. Rest on his precious blood shed for you on Calvary's cross. Well, we have another lovely name here, it tells us. Hebron.
And that speaks a fellowship up there and that latter part of that verse 7 fellowship or a place of communion.
Oh, how good to have passed from death unto life and have fellowship Hebrew with him tonight. What's your fellowship going to be like? You don't have any fellowship. If you're lost, you're undone. You don't have anything to look forward to. We were speaking about it this afternoon, some of us brothers together speaking about, oh, how terrible it must be to be in a lost eternity and be alone. Alone in darkness, forever alone.
Lots of people there, but you'll be alone. You go into a hospital and you see people just.
Tearing their hair and tearing the bed clothes until they get to them with the hypo and I was with one brother said they'd give me 100 hyper to be about 109 hypers in about a week or 10 days time, he said. I just tear the pillow keys. I just tear the the the bed sheet, she said. Until I get to me, the hypo. Do you think a person in that agony cares anything about company? Oh no. No, they don't care about company and in hell or be torment and torture. No, no desire for company there, no desire for companionship there. Oh, think of it tonight.
And that's where you're headed. Well, there's a place of rest for you in Christ if you have as yourself, Hebrew fellowship, communion. Oh, we thank God for that tonight. And so that's what we have here. And it says in Judah, in the mountain of Judah, a lot of part of verse 7. A place of Praise. Judah speaks of praise. Oh, I've often said it. You know, an unsaved soul doesn't have anything to sing about. No, you don't. But we who are the Lords, Oh, we can.
Just sing and praise Him and we will all through the ages of eternity.
No, out to it. And so tonight let us just remember that Hebron fellowship, and we praise him for that. Behold, what manner of love the Father bestowed upon us. Us, worms of the dust, wriggling worms of the dust, us as it once were in our sins, half bestowed upon us, That we should be called the children of God, the sons of God now. Wonderful, yes.
What a what a contrast, wriggling worm of the dust.
Took place a position in God's sack and like him and with him for all eternity. Where are you going to be? What are you going to be like? Oh, poor loss. So you're going to be in a place with the damned doom breath. Oh, what a country. What a terrible thing. Why don't you, Why don't you give up tonight? Why don't you surrender? Why don't you receive Christ as your savior? Raise the white flag and say I'm all done. I'm all done. I take Christ. Now's mercy. I want to go to be with him.
I don't want to go to that place of the doom and the damned distant doctors forever. Well, think of it then. We have this lovely thought. Here in First Corinthians 19. God is faithful by whom you were called, unto the fellowship, unto the fellowship of his Son. Jesus Christ our Lord call from back unto the fellowship of his Son for all eternity. That's Hebron. That's fellowship. That's the name of one of those cities. And that's the place that we can rejoice in tonight. We're going to be in that place.
Change in the glint of an eye with him and like him forevermore. What a lovely, lovely scene. And then we have here, Beezer down here in verse 8.
Says on the other side, Jordan. That's the place of death. Jericho is a place of.
Bees are in the wilderness upon the plain out of the tribe of Reuben. Reuben the first born Beezer, a stronghold of fortress. Oh, that's what I read about there in Proverbs 18 and 10. The name of the Lord, the name of Jehovah, the strong tower. The righteous runs into it and is safe tonight. Where are you going to run? Oh that you might run to that place of refuge and be safe. And so we have ram up there a little farther down in that verse 8 and ram up.
In Gilead.
Ah, Gilead speaks of witness, and Raymond speaks of exhortation. Or tonight, think of it. He is exalted on high. He is exalted at the father's right hand. And then that last lovely golden joy. Oh, joy.
Oh, he wants your joy to be full. Dear St. of God, over here tonight. And you want to have a heart half full of joy. What's the matter? He wants our hearts to be full, to read about it in John. He wants our hearts to be full. And running over, running over. And so Gollum speaks of joy, wonderful joy. And we praise him tonight. Let us take a look a couple of those verses before we close. John 16 and 24.
Joy, the joy of the Lord.
Shall be your strength. And so there in the 16th chapter, there are several on that lovely theme of joy. But our time is up.
John 16 and 24 headed to heavy ***. Nothing in my name ask, and you shall receive that your joy may be full. He wants our joy to be full. And we read there in Isaiah. I think it is 2010 the joy of the Lord. Oh, it's his joy in you now the joy of the Lord shall be your strength.
Oh, how wonderful the joy of the Lord. So we rejoice tonight that we have these six cities brought before us here. And we heard this afternoon or this morning, in the morning meeting exalted God's right hand. That's where he is. Ramoth and Gilead, God's son, God's right hand. And soon we'll be there. We want you there too, dear Senator, Friend.