
Gospel—D. Whitaker
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In 2002.
That was since I was a little boy.
I enjoyed singing this song. We sang it last night.
Just as I am without one plea.
But that thy blood was shed for me. I'd like to sing it tonight again, because we all know it brings back a lot of memories to those of us that have known the Lord Jesus a long time.
It's a precious hymn.
And this may be the last time.
Is ever sung on earth?
Could someone start #12?
That's why I.
Watching I am, I am.
Years ago, the early part of the early days of this country, there was a man.
He was walking across the Midwest in the winter time.
And he came to a river. It was cold.
And the river had frozen over, and he came to that river and he thought to himself, here I am, I'm alone. And if I get out on that river, on that ice, he wanted to go cross country. There was no bridge. If I get out on that ice and I fall in, there'll be nobody to help me. So I need to get across there. I know what I'll do.
So he got down, he spread out like this, and he got down on the ice to spread the load. And he starts scraping his way across that ice, listening for cracks, worried, wondering. And he hears a noise and somebody whistling.
He turns around, he looks back up and he sees a man with a team of horses and a load of coal.
Sitting up there, holding on to the reins and he's going across that body of water. That ice was thick.
And So what did he do? He got up and he dusted himself off and got the snow and the ice and everything off of him. And with confidence, he walked right over to the other side. I love that story speaking. Thanks, Spurgeon, for that one.
Yes, and tonight there's a way.
That seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. But there is a way that God has laid out in his precious word.
And you can put your full weight, strength, confidence in it.
If you were to look down in the ice, as it were, it's solid all the way down to the bottom.
According to our little proverb here, you can put your complete trust in what we're going to say tonight. From the word of God. Don't put your trust in what I say.
Every word of God is pure. Every word of God is pure. Try well purified 7 times. Tried in the furnace of earth.
The Lord Jesus was down here and he spoke those words of life.
He spoke those words of love and compassion to mankind, and men came out.
With deadly intent to take him and his words out.
Those words were tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times. There's no dross tonight.
When a verse of scripture is read, you can do like that older sister.
She would put AT and AP right beside these verses and someone says what does that T period P period stand for?
She said that means tested and proven.
Now tonight you need the Lord Jesus.
You say, who is this group of people here tonight? Well, I think I saw it on a bumper sticker out in the parking lot. I think it was the back of a white van.
It said redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, that's who we are.
I think if I were to make a bumper sticker, it would it would say this, I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. Who do you belong to?
Oh, he's worthy. He's wonderful and the most of us In this room tonight, I see many, many faces that I know and have known for 50 years of them.
The Redeemed.
They're happy, they're at peace. I also, I noticed in the paper that was thrown our front door at the hotel there, it says Powerball winner plans to share the jackpot. His name is Whitaker, Andrew Whitaker. And there's not too many of us in the country. So I might think he's given, he's given this money away, he's going to some of it. He's conscience has already got him. He said he's going to give some to this and that and that he promises to give it away so.
But anyway, you know.
He's going to collect $111.6 million after taxes. That's quite a bit.
I wouldn't have. I wouldn't trade and you wouldn't either, brother.
For an hour and a half this morning.
In the presence of the Lord Jesus.
There it is. Wouldn't trade any of it, none of it what we had today.
We had the eternal One on our hearts.
We had God's beloved Son on our hearts.
And tonight it is my desire and the desire of the believers in this room here tonight that just one person be magnified. That's the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I love that name.
Well, I'm going to fill you in for one or two minutes here. Who are these people?
The redeemed from the Earth.
Children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Those that have bowed their knees in the presence of God, both of them.
Which reminds me of the story Paul Hadley had a Sunday school and he had the children put their hands or point to their knees and at the time hold their tongue and he says, you see those knees, those knees will bow to the Lord Jesus.
Someday they don't do it sooner. Well, somebody had this gospel tape from Brother Paul Hadley and they had it in their tape deck in their car.
And they went, they were playing it. And when they turned the engine off, the tape went off and they told the guy to change the oil. The guy, the technician climbs in the car. He turns on the ignition and the tape comes on and it says, do you see those two knees of yours point to them?
Those knees will bow.
In the presence of the Lord Jesus.
It's in a donut shop.
And sitting there, doughnut glass of milk right a couple tables away where some old timers.
And they could take that precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they could blend it in with their conversation fluently, in the wrong way.
That precious name?
That goes out like fragrance on the breeze.
Covers the earth, the precious name of Jesus.
They would use it in connection with the worst words you could find.
Oh yes, God still has an issue with this.
World Tonight.
Young people.
Old people, everybody. Have you been in the presence of God? Have you ever for 5 minutes?
Sat in the presence of God with no distractions, no sports going on, no this, no that. Just quietly in the presence of your home, perhaps the seat of your car.
And you've let God speak to your heart.
There's lots of things coming and going nowadays. There's a ongoing noise that presses in upon the folks here in the United States. There's hardly a quiet moment. But don't you think it's time to get quiet in the presence of God?
Well, besides you, is a friend or an acquaintance tonight?
You say, well, the person beside me is my friend. Let me ask you this does that friend sit beside you? Have a care for your soul?
Well, they never talk about it and we we have good times and Friday night and so on and so on. So they're friends. If that person doesn't have a care for your soul, that person is not your friend. That person is an acquaintance.
Is that right?
We're here from all walks of life, Christians.
Old, young, different parts of the country, different countries represented.
My desire is to introduce you to the Lord Jesus tonight.
In the beginning, God, Genesis chapter one, I'm not going to read there, but I'm just going to look at that with you. What a marvelous way for God to hope to begin his word in the beginning. God, you know this book here is not a book about dinosaurs. Some people when they get the book of Genesis open, they immediately start talking about.
50,000 years ago and so on. They want to talk dinosaurs, they want to get a spade, and in their doubt they want to go over and start digging around in Israel.
God says in the beginning I was there.
And God created the heaven and the earth.
You believe that now. If you don't believe that, there's no sense in going any further.
The Spirit of God will have to awaken you to see that we're dealing tonight in realities.
God is like reaching out his hand to you and saying, Sitter, I want you to be saved. I want you to know I made this world.
I want you to know I love you.
I want you to know I gave my son to die for you on the cross.
There's no collections will be taken tonight at all. As a matter of fact, folks, we have something to give now. There was a lady that lived in this town.
Oh, maybe 60 years ago. I think her name was Mary. Mary Lundeen if I'm not mistaken.
And lived in a nice home. Someone came to that house.
And they had, I don't know, they had a vacuum cleaner or maybe some kind of cookware or something in this hand. And here they had a gift. They had a nice little introductory gift, and they walked up to the door.
And this lady came to the door and she said, hi, how are you? Yes, how are you today? She's this sales lady said I have a gift for you I would like to give you. And she said, oh, thank you. She reached out and took the gift and she quickly slipped inside and shut the door.
That was a gift with strings attached.
Now I'm sure she went back out because she was just showing this young lady a lesson.
Teaching a lesson.
The gift that we have tonight is amazing because when the Lord Jesus healed somebody, he said you go home, go home.
Go home.
But do I have to follow you? I didn't say that. Go home.
No. Another time he healed 10 lepers. The Lord Jesus did. He said go show yourself to the priest. Oh, they all turn, and they and they and they let you go.
Oh, but there was one. There was one.
He turned and was a loud voice. He glorified God. I'm asking you tonight, have you ever bowed your knees before that blessed one?
It says in the Old Testament every knee should bow.
It says in Philippians every knee shall bow, and it tells us in various places of scripture every knee did bow past tense.
There is coming a time in this world right here when the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be exalted. It's going to be extolled and it's going to be very high. And those this morning that we're sitting here and company, we're singing praises to him and if he was here and he was said.
You have an opportunity to bow the knee. There would have been 5 or 600.
People that would have bowed the knee.
Well, he's in heaven, and it's by faith.
Yes, I enjoy that story. Man came into the shop and he told about his.
I believe he was a pilot and very intelligent fellow.
But God was speaking to him about his sins. He knew he was a Sinner. And you know what happens to sinners? The wages of sin is death. Now that's the minimum wage. Talk about wage. Minimum wage is death. A little sin, you die.
Think about some of us that have been on the road a while.
This man knew that he had never bowed his knees to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Spirit of God was working on him.
And he went into his bedroom. This has happened, the more it has happened to one of Bill Prosperance similar situation.
This proud man went into this bedroom with just God and himself, and he knew that the wages of sin was against him and the penal payday was coming someday. He didn't know when, but he was going to get right that day. But there was a problem.
He got down on a knee.
That's how far he got and he couldn't get down any further.
You know, that's a wonderful thing. I hear someone get up and they, they say, Liz, bow our head, then pray. And you see heads bowed, you see eyes closed. A man, he even sitting in his chair, he's willing to break himself down a little bit. But this man knew that if he didn't get down on both his knees, that's the way he figured it. He was not going to make it through those heavenly gates because his pride was standing in the way.
He pondered the matter. One fleet, one knee was on the floor and the other was not.
Just full of fear and emotion. He took that other knee and he jammed it down onto the floor and he got saved. That's what he that's what happened. He got saved that day.
What about you?
Oh, you don't have to do that. Just let yourself go in those blessed arms of the Lord Jesus Christ, for God so loved the world.
And he gave what a gift that he gave His only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
Will have everlasting life, for God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
You know, they said I was reading a children's book and it said it was about alligators and various species.
And it started out 50 million years ago.
Well, I kept thumbing through it because I thought that's pretty interesting. They got into the story little ways and they said if somebody tells you that an alligator lives 75 years, don't believe him because we don't know actually know how long an alligator lives.
That's amazing, isn't it? Well, you want to know when time begins. Turn to Genesis chapter one and verse 14. This is where time is first recorded. Now we must remember that God is God and time belongs to Him. We belong to time. Time has control over us in a certain sense, but God has control over time. Remember the time back? Was it in Joshua's day when he was fighting a battle?
And he needed more time. And so God had the Son stand still.
Was of Hezekiah's date. He wanted a sign from God that he was going to recover, I believe.
And the prophet said you want the dial of Ahaz to go down 10° or back 10°. Well, he said, it's anything. They go down 10°. It does it every day. Make it go back 10°.
The Lord Jesus walked up to a big tree.
And he spoke to that tree, and it was withered up from the roots.
God has control of time, and for us to be discussing time in the in the presence of God is just as ridiculous as it can be.
Here we have the beginning of recorded time and God said let there be lights, verse 14 and the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons for days and years. So children, if say if somebody says 50 million years ago, you can just turn them to this verse and you can let the Lord work on them.
Now it also tells us a very sober and serious thing when time shall be no more.
There's a necessity for you tonight, Sinner, to come under the shelter of the precious blood of Christ so freely given at Calvary.
Because there's coming a day when he will have rolled up this tapestry of life, as it were, where he has displayed in his wisdom and in his love and his kindness, all these beautiful characters and attributes that he needed a very black backdrop to display them on.
And he's going to show who is the blessed God.
Potentate, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, He's going to show that. He's going to show what grace is. He's going to show what mercy is. He's going to show what kindness is redemption, union with Christ.
Substitution, propitiation, atonement, he's going to show all these wonderful things in this period of time, and it's all going to be to the glory of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Where will you be when he takes He rolls up this vast tapestry of time where these millions of souls have had to be accountable to God.
Where will you be then A man will stand up and say, What about the ********** in Africa that never heard?
My father went to a little village one time in Africa.
And he had some porters with him and some natives, and they got into this village and they the smoke was coming out of the huts there like they'd been cooking and so on.
And there wasn't a soul around. Oh, they were all sitting up in trees. They'd never seen a white man before. There are people on the face of this earth, thousands of them, millions of them, that have never heard the precious name of Christ.
Are you worried about those people?
Well, it does say for men fears God and works righteousness. He's accepted with God. I have to leave that all with God.
But tonight, you've heard the gospel over and over again. We're at the end of the year 2002 and about to step into a new one, God willing. And you've heard the gospel many, many times. Why should you hear it again, young man? Why should you hear it again when there's millions that have never heard it once?
Think about that.
You're responsible young woman. There will come a time many a young person will take their last cold drink of Coca-Cola or Pepsi or whatever it is they drink. I saw someone rushing into the hotel the other night. There's lots of young people from elsewhere and they had their alcohol with them.
There was a rich man.
He cried. Was that the rich man that cried out for a drop of water?
Cool my tongue, for I'm tormented in this flame. God is righteous and God is holy along with it. He's love. And the book is John. First John. It says it.
God is light.
It twice it says God is love. Oh, God wants to display his kindness and his love to you tonight in your fallen, broken condition.
Well, I've kind of strayed away with my thoughts.
This world tonight is like a cemetery it would take.
Take a lifetime to walk around it. We've been in cemeteries.
Looked around.
This cemetery of this world could take a lifetime to walk around. You couldn't do it in a long lifetime. And this world is shaped like a great big tear. Someone said it is. It's a sad place.
And I was standing in a memorial.
And there were granite walls all around me, arches and steps and granite face. 55,000 names.
8:00 every night that bugle would play taps.
And there was silence, 55000 that's soldiers.
Think of the tears. Can you picture? Can you imagine That was Flanders field by the way, Belgium.
Can you imagine the river of tears that that represents the sorrow in this poor world we're living in?
The Lord Jesus, he looked over that city who was brought up the other night. Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee. How often will I have gathered thy children together, as a hen gathered through chickens under her wings? But she would not. Therefore your house is left unto you desolate.
The Lord Jesus, he came to a grave. Oh, they were weeping there. It was a sorrowful sight. And they said if you'd have been here, Lord, he wouldn't have died.
The Lord Jesus surveyed the scene. What did he do? Oh, he wept.
John 1135. It's one of the most amazing verses in the Bible. I think that's one of the most amazing verses. John 1135.
And I think the chapter that our brother read at the remembrance time this morning is the most amazing paragraph that was ever written down anywhere.
Jesus wept.
Oh, he could see a procession coming out of a city, a woman and her son. Oh, he stopped the whole thing.
That's the one that men despise and slight.
Old Samuel Rutherford said. I have borne scorn and hatred. I have borne wrong and shame. Earth's proud ones have reproached me for Christ's thrice blessed name. Where God his seal set fairest, they've stamped their foulest brand.
But judgment shines like noonday.
From Emmanuel's land.
Where do you stand tonight? The question that was asked What think ye of Christ?
What think ye of Christ? You can't get around that question tonight.
The Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. The chief was saved.
It is appointed unto men once to die, and after death. The judgment.
A newspaper article one time, written by some kind of a cleric. He was trying to offer some comfort to somebody.
And here's how I put it. Is appointed unto men once to die. And then he went on with the subject of death, and so on and so on. He didn't put the rest of the verse in there. It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.
Isn't there somebody that could take the responsibility of our sins and stand before this righteous and holy God that demands righteousness on our behalf and have that debt completely cancelled and wiped clean? Isn't there somebody that can do that on our behalf because we can't?
Well, there is the Lord Jesus.
That blessed one, when he went into death, not only did he pay for my sins, the full penalty, and there's a lot of them.
He went down into that citadel that.
Fortress of the Enemy.
Any strongman took on.
The enemy.
Stronger than he took on the strongman, but that whole Kingdom, he brought it into shambles.
And he annulled the power.
Of the devil, the enemy of your soul tonight.
Oh, blessed be his name.
Just going to take a moment here in the middle of this meeting, say this.
This morning was beautiful, wasn't it, brethren?
We sat there using thinking.
Realizing the greatness of this one.
Now as time goes on.
He becomes more and more precious.
We find constellations that are deep, don't we, brethren?
Old lady sister, elderly sister.
Lost her husband recently. I said, how about the consolations of God?
Oh, they're precious.
She said they're wonderful. The old lady was walking up the street one time. The track was handed to her wrinkled face. She looked like she might have been alone on the earth. She was having to make her way by herself. She just thought what a pathetic situation She was probably 85 years of age, and she was just hobbling up the street like this, step after step after step. And when that gospel tract was given to her, he said, this is a little gospel tract, ma'am, that tells the way of salvation. She stopped. She closed her eyes.
And then with a smile, she said.
He gives me songs in the night.
Do you have songs in the night?
Was there fear? Is there fear like Adam when he got away and he sinned, and Eve and he said to God, I was afraid, I was afraid, and I hid myself among the trees of the garden.
Oh no, there is one.
That can stand on your behalf tonight, stands on your behalf before a righteous and a holy God, and he'll take the full load and responsibility of your sins.
You can't do it.
And he'll present that precious blood that cleanseth us from all sin.
Now, if you want to offer something to help out God in this matter, you don't get anything. You get nothing because God is going to see to it that his Son is glorified and his Son is magnified and you're blessed. That's the that's the way you get in. There's no other way.
If you want to offer 10% of your works, or your works equal 10% of the debt, you get nothing.
You'll go to a lost eternity bankrupt. Is that right, Ernie?
Flexibly is the name. I love that. Now we're going to go into another little subject here. Who are these people? Oh, their hearts have been touched. They've been moved by the grace of God. And on that table was a loaf of bread. It was a big loaf. Did you see how big that was? Big loaf. And then there were several cups of wine. I would like to talk for just a little moment about that.
A man may come and say Dave.
Matter of fact, I told this story.
I made-up the story, then I told it to the man whose name I used.
Men might come and say Dave.
Where do you fellowship? So I want to start talking, he said.
How many people does your fellowship represent? I said. Well, I'll tell you what, I'll ask you a question. How many people does your fellowship represent?
Well, he said, we have quite a number, he said. There's 5000 chairs and they're, they're, they're full.
I said that's big, isn't it? Yeah, it's large. I said, can we go over there? Yeah, I'll hop in the car. So we go over to this place, we call it the Overlake Church.
And walk through the door. It's a little bit early. And I say, well, now how many? Well, let me, let me show you on the wall here we have the names of the folks. And there's actually, there's 6000. We have two services. Wow.
So they're alphabetical and I go over and I look, my name happens to be Whitaker. And so I look under W at HIN is not there. I see Tom, he's assistant Pastor Tom, my name isn't here. Well, he said, yeah, I know Dave, I've never seen you here before in my life.
Oh, so Tom, come with me.
So we got the hills about a mile away, a mile and a half, and maybe a few minutes before 11:00.
And we come in here, Tom, and we look inside the door there. There's a loaf on the table, Tom, I said. How many people are represented here?
Right. I don't know, boss. I'll tell you, Tom, every child of God upon the face of the whole earth.
Not one less 5000 is too small. There's church in Korea I think has a quarter of a million. Too small. Way too small.
That loaf on the table represents.
Be his name that represents the one body of Christ. Oh, what a subject that is.
That left so many questions. Just go by the way and drop off like autumn leaves. The person of Christ to be gathered there and to bow our hearts in his presence and sing that song.
Royal robes will soon invest thee royal splendors. Crown thy brow, Christ of God.
Confessed King Sovereign right now.
Fills my heart with joy. Getting back to that story, who has the smaller fellowship? 5000 is poultry.
Paltry, hardly, hardly noticeable. All children of God, things mixed up. Dear children of God, beloved children of God. Some of them, they come in and I visit with them because our business is close to them.
They have a better knowledge of the word of God than I do. They have a better prayer life than I do. They have a fruit, far more fruit, it seems, than I do.
What should I say?
Sovereignty. Sovereignty. Put me there. Sovereignty. Do you have a do you have a Christian companion sitting next to you? And if I would have went up to you, do you deserve it? No, no, no. Well, how come you got a Christian companion, brother? All because of sovereignty? Isn't that beautiful? Do you fight against it? The sovereignty of God is wonderful. Do you submit to the sovereignty of God?
Oh, there's things that are so beautiful in the word of God. We'll look at some more.
Psalm chapter 102.
Pardon me. Psalm 102.
And verse 19 Psalm 1/02/19 I'm sorry, I should speak up.
For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary from heaven to the Lord. Behold the earth to hear the groaning of the prisoner.
To lose those that are appointed to death.
My Oh my.
What grace that was that he would do a thing like that.
He looked down upon you in love. Another thing you say, well we talk about God selecting and choosing.
And here's the man that was chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. We'll talk about this for a moment.
Man may come along and say I wasn't chosen.
Well, the gospel goes out to that man, and God commands that man to repent.
And he finds the goodness of God drawing him to repentance. So you have God pulling, and you have God pushing on him.
You ask him, remember when grandma sang you that song on her knee, Jesus loves me. And you scooted off her knee and wanted to get outside. And he got a little bit older and someone handed you a gospel tract and you took it up. And you said, I don't want that. That ruins my fun. And later on, you might have heard a street preacher standing out there crying out the message.
And you beat your horn and took off.
And the Spirit of God stroll with you.
And what did you say? You said no, no, no, no, no.
Sovereignty or not, the responsibility of false right square on your shoulders.
You are responsible.
And you're lost, and you will pay the penalty for all eternity for your rejecting.
Christ as your Savior.
Think about that young man, young woman, older one.
Oh, the gospel is free tonight. It's full and it's for you, tailored for you, Sinner. You need it. And I found it. Rather, God found me.
Well, let's think about this a while.
At the cross he yielded up his life that just for the unjust to bring us to God.
He gave his life, he suffered, he bled and he died. He went into the grave, and the third day he rose again triumphant.
And they rolled that stone away from the front of that tomb there.
To show that he was a resurrected savior.
I think of it this way. We think of this strong archway. You've seen these stone bridges and they have coming up the side. You have these stones, and then there's a cornerstone at the top there. Think of all these wonderful truths of Christianity, so wonderful and so true substitution. Think about that.
Blessed truth.
But there's a capstone that fits right in the center. Let's just let that stone they rolled away from the grave, put that right in there. Clump right there. Resurrection.
Resurrection is a wonderful thing.
If you're a save soul, if your lost soul, it's a terrifying thing because God knows all about you. They're coming up with his DNA business. That's just astonishing.
Inside this little cell that you can't hardly even see, Many of them you can't see.
10 and 15 feet.
Of the map of your body.
And these men say they can identify 15% of it and they have the audacity to say 85% of it is junk DNA. Stupid.
Resurrection. We're talking about that.
If you looked out your window at your neighbor and you hated him, you just hated him.
If I could only get rid of that man. I hate him so bad. So you went over there.
And you shot him.
And he's dead.
And nobody saw it happen. And you went to the funeral and you saw a shirt up. That man was dead. The coroner put him in the ground.
And you're sitting there a couple days later and you're drinking coffee, and you lookout the window at your neighbor, and there he's out in his garden again, hoing his weeds.
Terrifying, isn't it? That would terrify a man.
Oh, resurrection.
Non believer. It's a terrifying thing.
But for those of us that believe it's precious.
It's comfort. It's sweet.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I'll go over a couple of things here.
Matthew, we find.
The Lord Jesus looked at as the King Mark he's looked at as a perfect.
Luke he's looked at as the Son of Man and John.
He's the Son of God. Let's see what the world thinks about him in that aspect.
This one, royal robes will soon invest him. Royal splendors crown his brow. What did they do? They took him to the place of a skull.
They crowned him with the crown of thorns.
They beat his head with a Reed.
Oh, there were those that anointed him.
It says in Psalms, I think it's 103 or four. He crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies.
That was a king. Now how about a perfect servant? Oh, you find those hands ministering daily? 3 1/2 years.
They took a rope and they found his hands.
His feet.
You will find in the book of Luke the son of man came down and he walked this world.
And they ran.
Nail through his nails, through his feet. Oh, he said. Look at my feet.
Look at my feet.
There were many in the book of Luke. Look it up sometime. The feet was found in the book of Luke. Over and over again you find the people at the feet of the Lord Jesus getting blessed.
Now we come down to the book of John.
We think of that there from his.
Head, his hands and his feet, Sorrow, love flowed, mingled down.
Beautiful down here now to the Son of God.
And as a last act of hatred, you know, man is so broken, he's such a Sinner, he's so twisted that he would.
He would step out with deadly intent against his own maker. Are you still an Adams family?
And he took a spear, and they pierced that blessed side, and forthwith came there out that shaving blood.
Thousands have fled to his spear pierced side.
All have been welcomed, none are denied.
Weary and laden, they all have been blessed.
Joyfully now in the Savior, they rest.
Precious, precious truth.
Where do you stand? There's no reason why this country.
Should last another 5 minutes.
Rejecting daily that name of the Lord, Jesus Christ has blasphemed every day, and his enemies take his name in vain. Are you a friend of those that take His name in vain?
Jan Darby says he that is a friend of the world constitutes himself enemy of God. You want to know how to determine whether you're an enemy of God or knight or not.
Check your path, check your friends. He that is a friend of the world constituted enemy of God.
Terrible responsible.
Let him crown you with loving kindness tonight and tender mercies.
Let him instead of we binding him.
Let him gird himself and serve you.
Whosoever will.
Oh, that's precious, whosoever will.
Again, we'll say it if you want to add anything to this salvation that he's got offered tonight.
If you want to add anything to it, you don't get any of it. It's not yours for the taking.
But if you come God's way and you tell him that you're lost, and you tell him that you're a Sinner, and you tell him that I deserve what I know I deserve.
I deserve a lost eternity because of my sins.
And you bow yourself down, get down in the presence of the Lord Jesus, and you pray the sinners prayer.
What is the sinner's prayer?
Customer of ours, black lady. She was talking about taking her mother to the hospital.
Dear old lady, she was worried. She knew she.
He was going to go in the front door of that hospital, a wheelchair this way, and she wasn't going to come out that way. There's a door Outback where they quietly slipped you out. She knew that's it.
And as she is being pushed in by her daughter, she turns and she says, my daughter, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid you know what that daughter said. Oh, this is good.
Mama, have you prayed the Sinner's prayer?
Well, she said. What is it?
Do you know the Sinner's Prayer? And have you prayed the Sinner's prayer? Old man, old lady, older lady, I speak respectfully.
Time has gone by and you've never prayed the sinners. For what is the sinner's prayer?
Tonight, do you know? It is so simple, it's so short, and it'll save your soul.
Be merciful to me, the Sinner. That's it.
And there is the Lord Jesus the Savior. And what do you have to do if you just bring that load of sins?
And you put it all down there in front of him and said this is me, Lord, this is me. I'm lost. What if your life was added up?
And everything you did in your lifetime.
Now let me ask you a question.
Who won the Rose Bowl in 1938?
I don't know who won the Rose Bowl in 1955. You don't know.
Who won it in 88? Well, probably nobody here knows that.
But that's what men fill their minds and their hearts with tonight. I enjoy sports, but oh, let it not turn my eyes away from Jesus.
Where will you spend eternity?
Think about it.
Where will you spend eternity? I know where I'm going to be. The Lord Jesus is going to descend from heaven with a shout.
That arc angelic voice, the dead are going to hear, the alive are going to be raised up. We're going to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Does that terrify you? It says to me, comfort one another with these words, bless it. Bless the Bible that we have here.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Whosoever is thirsty, let him come and drink. It says in here, this book is closing, the time is over.
You'll be going home, you'll be going back to your school, you'll be going back to your business. Don't go back lost. God is. I can't imagine how he could give. He gave Nineveh 40 days. He gave Sodom a few hours.
He gave Noah the people in that time, 120 years perhaps, and then there was another seven days. What if the Day of Grace is closed on this country some years ago and this is an extension?
Because God doesn't want us. You'd lost. Think about it.
Bow your knees tonight, children. Don't tell me. Tell your mom. They're the ones that have been dead. They've been praying for grandma. Grandpa's praying for you. Wants to see you get saved and saved tonight.
Oh, shall we pray.
And our loving Father.
What a marvelous story we have tonight.
Lord Jesus, Thou just go to a cross.
Shameful cross thou dost bear, and thine own body, our sins on the tree. What grace?
And Lord, we've been the recipients of this kindness.
By grace, we've been saved through faith.
Not of ourselves a gift of God always thank thee.
And this conference is over God. We feel a solemnity of it.
This world has reached its terminus because of sin, we believe.
And those of us that know the Lord Jesus are going to go home singing.
So, father, my weakness.
Our lack of love for souls. Thou dost love Lord Jesus, save by thy grace. A little boy, a little girl tonight.
May heaven rejoice, Lord Jesus.
May the heart of the Father rejoice.
A wandering one, brought back from the fields of sin.
Lord Jesus.
We call upon Thee this last and closing day of grace, Lord Jesus, Amen.