
Duration: 42min
John 5:19
Listen from:
Gospel—G. Thomson
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Shall we turn together through the 5th chapter of the Gospel of John?
John Gospel sanctified and we'll read from verse 19.
Then answered Jesus, and said unto them.
Verily, verily, I pray unto you, the sun can be nothing of himself. But what you see, if the Father do for what things forever he doeth, these also doeth the sun likewise.
For the Father loveth the Son, and so with him all things that himself doeth, and he will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel. For as the Father waveth up the dead and quickeneth them, Even so the sun quicken us whom he will. For the Father judgeth no man.
But hath committed all judgment unto the sun, that all men should honor the sons.
Even as they honor the Father, he that honors not the Son, honors not the Father which hath sent Him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent Me.
Last everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation or judgment, but is passed from death. Underlined. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the owl is coming, and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live.
For as the Father hath life in himself.
So happy given to the Son to have life in himself, and he hath given him authority.
To execute judgment also, because he is the son of man. Marvel Naruto. For the hour is coming in which all that are in the grave shall hear his voice, and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have gone evil.
Unto the resurrection of them nations, or judgment.
Verse 39.
For inland you think you have eternal life, and they are very which testify of me, and that you will not come to me that you might have life.
Now shall we turn to the What is chapter of the Book of Revelation?
On verse 11.
And I saw a great.
White throne and him that sat on it, from whose faith the earth and the heaven sled away, and it was found no place for them.
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life, And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their work.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up to dead which were in them, and they were judged, every man.
According to their work.
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second mess.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of Life was passed into the latest fire.
Solemn versus these beloved friends that we have just read together.
Words that have been recorded in God's book.
Words that cannot be altered.
None had tried to alter them, but they found they have stood through the means and they will stand for having a mariscal pathway. But my word shall not pass away.
And I trust as we read these verses together that our hearts were solemnized, because one cannot help but feel the gravity.
Of a meeting like this, considering the lateness of the hour in this world's history, I'm considering the fact that there may be some in our audience tonight who have been brought up in a Christian home, who have come up through the Sunday school, and who have a knowledge of God's way of salvation.
In their hand, but still.
Have not yet made Christ their own personal failure. Is it possible that there could be such a one in this audience tonight? A boy or a girl, A man or a woman?
Or what issues are paid tonight? Eternal issues?
For beloved friends, as you listen to the Word of God.
Live in your presence.
You are placed in a position.
While you must make 87, you must decide for Christ as your own personal failure, or you must reject them. There's no other choice. There's no other position that you can take. But how wonderful that the Day of grace is still with us.
How wonderful that God is still lingering.
And long-suffering blades over this present evil world. How wonderful that God is still deceiving sinners be reconciled to Himself through the death of His Son.
Now in these verses which is read in the 5th chapter, the Gospel of John.
The Lord Jesus is presented under new titles.
As you will have observed as we read it together, he's presented as the Son of God who quickeneth or giveth life to whom he will, and then he presented as the Son of man, the one who has been given authority to execute judgment.
Now, to put it on the simplest terms, the Lord Jesus is presented to us here tonight.
On the one hand, as a failure he was able to give life, and on the other hand as a judge before whom you must stand if you refuse him as your favorite.
Then we have two hours spoken of in this chapter.
We have one hour.
In verse.
25 The owl is coming, and now is that all is still with us, and that hour, shall we call, is the hour of salvation, and then we have another hour, which is spoken of in verse 28.
For the hour is coming.
That owl is still eating that hour when the graves will be opened and when the dead shall come forth.
Then we have two days presented to us in the Word of God in Second Corinthians chapter 6, the apostle Paul right into the Saints of torrents. Behold now.
Is the expected time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
And then in the 17th chapter of that, he reminds us that God has a point of the day in the which he will judge this world in righteousness, by that man whom yet our gain, wherein he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him.
From the dead nowadays, and an hour is a unit of time that is at the beginning, and it has an ending.
This day has a beginning. This day will have an ending. And all beloved friends, that day of salvation began when the Lord Jesus was in this world.
Four, says the apostle and Hebrews Capitals, how shall we escape?
If he neglects to a great salvation, which at first began to be spoken by the Lord, at first began to be spoken by the Lord, Yes, the Lord Jesus is the man that came from heaven as we had in our chapter this afternoon. He's the one that came from God and went back to God.
He came into this world.
Our beloved friends and he brought with him.
That wonderful, wonderful message of salvation.
But the day of salvation is drawing near to the close. The shadows are lengthening. The days are darkening.
Tunes we shall hear the shouts of that same blessed man who walked the pies of this world. Bring salvation to all who would have it. Whom will heal that doubt that will close this day of salvation, and then for all who are filling their sins.
It will be forever too late. All of my friends, one cannot impress you sufficiently tonight with the fact that it's getting late in this world history, this world in which we live is under the judgment of God. It's no longer on salvation. The trial of man ended at the cross.
God tried man in every conceivable way.
Last of all, he spent his son, his own beloved son, and they said, this is here, come, let us kill him, that the inheritance might be ours. They cried. Away with him, away with him, will not have this man to reign over us.
Yes. The trial of mine ended at the cross. The world in which he lives is under the judgment of God, and whom that judgment is going to fall soon, that judgment is going to be executed, and that judgment will be executed.
By the thy man that came into this world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Now one would like to ask the question before going any further into our chapter. Is there one?
In our audience tonight, who knows not the Lord Jesus as Savior, all our hearts are concerned about you tonight. We realize that you're standing in jeopardy. We realize that for you tomorrow sun may never rise. And we realize on the authority of God's word.
That if you could die in your sins, the doors of heaven shall be forever flows against you.
For the Lord Jesus said, if you die in your sins, whether I go, you cannot come. Oh, what a solemn word that is, beloved friends, if you die in your.
We lead enrollment stop to 12 by 1 man then added into the world.
And death by him. So death is passed upon all men.
In that all have in and again God's word declares the soul. That's enough, it's all God. And again the wages of sin is that, and still again it is appointed as a man once above, and after this the judgment.
All that form versus these are beloved friends.
You and I have no claim to life. We have sensitive every plane to life or we have sinned. We were born into this world with a fallen sinful nature. And besides that you're guilty of sinning against us. Holy God, we have no claim to life, but yet the Son of God.
Has come into this world.
That you and I might live through him for in this was manifested the love of God toward us in that he said he's only gotten son into the world that we might live through him. Yes, we were dead in press passage and him is that much but our first teachers are here tonight.
Verily, verily I can't you. The hour is coming on now is.
When the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear thou live dead. Dead in first classes and things. That's the state of every unsaved soul here tonight in the sight of God. You are dead, seriously dead. Not as part of life, Godward. And what does a dead man need?
He needs life.
And the Lord Jesus came into this world as the Kitchener of dead souls. He came that you might live, but not only will it be guilty hearing His love, not that we love God, but that He loved us and spent his Son to see the propreciation for our sins.
Yes, beloved friends, all that we needed as guilty sinners in this world.
Oh, but when you need our dead souls, God has provided for us in the gist of His only begotten Son.
Oh, you'll notice that little word that appears in our chapter's life.
He that honoured not the son on earth, not the father which sent him. And again.
He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sets me.
He was sent into this world. Sent by whom? Sent by God the Father sent that you and I might live, You and I who deserve to die, you and I who deserve the wages of sin. God in His infinite love has provided failure for US1 Who is able and willing to pay to the uttermost?
All who will come, all one thinks of the poor lepers.
Who came to the Lord Jesus, and he says, If thou wilt, thou can make me feel, if thou wilt all. He didn't question for one moment the Lord's ability to plant him. He didn't crash into one moment the power that was there for him. But what did he question? He said, as it were.
Lord, are you willing? Are you willing to cleanse me?
Oh, dear friend, see you question tonight the willingness of the blessed Savior to quicken your dead soul. Do you question His willingness to give you life tonight, eternal life in the place of eternal death, that you deserve all. There's no question about His power. There's no question about His ability.
He expressed his willingness.
All of these words settle it for you tonight.
Beloved friends, as he spoke to those Jews, he could say you search the pictures, for in them you think you have eternal life.
And they are they which testify of me. That is, they wanted this eternal life. The very fact that they were first in the Scriptures to find it proved that they wanted it. But here was the one, the only one.
In whom this life to be had standings in their very pleasant. And he had to say, He will not come unto me all with what feelings he must have uttered those words, as he beheld those poor sinful men.
He will not come unto me that you might have life. He was willing.
But they were not willing. Is that your case tonight? Dear friends, the Lord Jesus is willing to save you tonight. He's willing to give you life. Are you willing to let Him save you? Are you willing to reach out the hand that they and accept the pride that He offers to you?
Eternal life. Foresee what our birthdays Verily, verily I fail to you. He that heareth my words, and believeth on him except Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life.
What wonderful words these are, and when we think that they came from the lips of the eternal Son of God, the one who came in this world is that you and I might have life. Let's pawn to these words. Let's weigh them tonight. Let's go over them slowly, truly. Well, that's the meaning of those words. Verily, verily.
Truly, truly, I pray unto you just as if you had come near to us tonight, just as if He was standing in our very midst and addressing each one personally, individually, or you must have to do with Him as individuals. And what are we saying to you tonight?
You that hear us my word?
That's the first thing, He that heareth my word. Now, if I were going to some remote corner of the globe tonight, I might find myself confronted with an audience who had never heard this word. But I'm sure that this is not the case tonight. I'm sure that everyone here has heard the word at the front of God.
As the apostle Paul is writing to Timothy could say.
And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Sisters, which are able to make it wise onto salvation. That's true of most of you here tonight. You young people, you've been brought up in Christian homes, that from a child you have known the Holy Scriptures.
Which are able to make you wise on the salvation but.
Have you really made them your very own? For the Lord Jesus says in the very next chapter, except to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Oh, you're dead without life, without a part of life unless.
You have appropriated to yourself thou values of your toning death of Christ. For the Lord Jesus through the eternal Spirit offered himself without boxing on. He has glorified God in regard to the whole question of sins. He has 30 gold precious blood on the altar of cow before.
And now God in righteousness can come out to each one of us.
And he's gonna authorize salvation.
Full, I'm free, without money and without price. All that these words sink down into your heart tonight, dear friends, except you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you, no life in you, No life. What a song I'm saying it would be to pass out of time.
Ending eternity with no life to stand. Eternity and the blackness of darkness forever. Oh, when the rays of the sunshine of God's love can never penetrate. No life, no life, no life. Is that the case of any year tonight? 01 would earn a sample return to him tonight.
Who is able to quicken your dead souls?
And bring load of vastness into God's marvelous, marvelous light. He that heareth my words, and believeth on him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, everlasting life.
The following kind of life that the Lord gave us all. What did you like to have life like that for the life is in him, in him as with source, and he did it.
All who put their trust in him. A life that has gone down the door. A life that has risen triumphantly out of the grave. A life that has gone back into the glory beyond the reach of thins and death and judgment. That, beloved friend, is the life that is offered to you tonight. Life everlasting.
Does that appeal to your heart? He longed to say. Oh, I wish.
That that life of mine. I wish that I knew I had it. Oh, I'm sure there are some here tonight in that very position. I can look back to the times in my life when as a boy, I used to go to the meeting with my parents and as I sat there and listened to the gospel, pulled out in all its fullness.
I used to say to myself, oh, if I only knew that I was saved.
If I only knew that I had life a long to have the matter settled and settled eternity. Thank God that they came when my lips were opened. You can start with thy mouth, leave with our Lord. And to believe in my heart that God had raised him from the dead. And from that moment on I could say I am saved, I have eternal life.
And you can be the same thing tonight, beloved friends.
Or have you ever confessed?
Either have Lord, did you ever have that desire in your heart to confession? Will you not take this opportunity that presents itself to you tonight? Will you not confess the Lord Jesus as your own personal sages and beholden in the past that you've been threatened by divine power, that you've been stayed by divine grace?
Would you not like to go home tonight rejoicing in that knowledge? Oh, you may, you may.
Get twice lies with me half everlasting life. Is it possible I've everlasting life? Yes, that's what God's word says and we have every right to believe that God says hath everlasting life.
If there had been a period there, that would have been grand. But all God doesn't stop there because he means that these parts of ours might still be a little bit troubled about that judgment that is yet to come. And so he sets us up perfectly at perfectly in regard to the whole matter. And he goes on to say.
But and shall not come into judgment.
But it passed from death unto life. All this is too wonderful.
How grand shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life. And yet this is what the Son of God offers to you tonight.
Beloved friends, if you will Simply put your trust in him.
In the first chapter we have the case of a man, Nicodemus by name, a Pharisee, a ruler that he who came to Jesus by night.
He had observed, no doubt, some of the miracles that the Lord Jesus had performed, perhaps that he had heard of others.
Change Jesus by night and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that our teacher come from God, for no man can't do these miracles. Praise God, be with him. Ah, he realized, heal the man that had power that was beyond any human power that had evidence or that it was possible to feed.
And he drew the right conclusion. He was a man that had come down from God.
But what does the Lord say to him?
Ah, he fell to him, Nicodemus, except the man be born again. He cannot see the Kingdom of God, or how the Lord could read his heart, just as he can read your heart tonight.
And he says, at the worst, Nicodemus, I know that you're considered a good man. I know that you're respected by your ceremony. But Nicodemus, that will never fit you for my presence. If you're going to be in heaven, you must have a life and a nature seated to heaven. You must be born again.
Again, we must be born again.
We must have a new life. All beloved friends, has that lesson ever been learned by you? There's no patching up of that old natural life that you have received for that which is flashy flesh and that which is spirit of spirit. No, you must be born again.
If you're going to be in the glory, you must have a life suited to God's presence. How about it? How have you been born again?
If not, you're still in your sin, you're still dead in her body in sin. You're still groping in the darkness, the darkness of nature. Well, then it goes on. In our chapter, we've been speaking about our when the Lord Jesus was here as a man.
Imparting life to their souls. And then he tells us.
Of another hour it is soon to come. Verse 28. Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming. In the witch all within the grave thou hear his voice.
No, death doesn't end all.
How many persons having gotten themselves into such a terrible mess in this life that they have thought the easy way out and they have committed suicide thinking that that would close their history? Little did they realize that there's coming a day when they must stand before God, this coming a day when they must respond.
To that voice of power.
We're going to the front of God, and they shall come forth. Notice what it says.
In the West, all within the grave shall come forth, not one exception, all that in the grave, but not all at the same time. No, there is a difference, not all at the same time, for everyone who has died in faith, when the Lord Jesus descends from heaven with his house, with the voice of the Archangel and the trump of God.
Now he with that voice.
It would be a selective voice. It will only be heard by those who have died and faith, and they shall come forth out of the grave. Their bodies shall be changed, and they shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Those child will ever be with the Lord. What a wonderful process that is. What a wonderful triumph that will be.
When those graves heal up their praise.
But all our beloved friends, that does not end all. For our multitudes left behind that call will be a selective voice. It will cause a great separation.
One remembers a number of years ago.
During the last World War, he went down to the railway station to meet a friend. He was coming into town.
And once saw a fight that has left a lasting impression on one's mind. For there was a young man in uniform. He had gotten his call, evidently, to go to camp. And from there on across the seas to the battlefield, and he was saying goodbye.
And his mother embraced him on his place, a goodbye cast upon his feet, and the young man boarded the train. And he knows sooner than on the train when the whistle blew and it rolled out of the station. And I will remember the expression on that mother's face as she turned.
And buried her hands in her face, in her hands.
And he wept and wailed aloud.
As that fun of her departed out of the station, all one thought there was a hope that that young man might return again. But all beloved friends, if you die in your sins, there's no hope for you. You will be eternally lost. Eternally lost. You will lift up your eyes in hell, only the fallen words.
These are true words.
For God's Word is truth.
Yes, the owl is coming, when all in the graves thou hear the voice.
All the shall hear his voice, and shall come forth.
Well then, we learn from the 20th chapter of Revelation that between these two resurrections.
We're tired of here. There will be at least 1000 years, but at that time, after the 1000 years.
Has finished. Then what? That same voice will once again be heard, and it will call by its power.
Every dead soul out of the grave.
Yes, the sea was healed up, its dead. What for?
It stands before the great white throne, great piece of vastness, white piece of maturity. And who is the one who will sit upon that pole? None other than he who is the Son of Man.
For our Son of Man all judgment has been committed into his arm. For a follow moment this will be see how it's put in our verses. I saw great white Thrones, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away, and there was no place.
For them no sustained by divine power.
They will stand before that judgment roll and the book will be opened and they will be judged. Every man according to his work. My friend, are you going to find yourself in this company? It's possible, It's possible.
If you continue to neglect your great salvation, it's possible.
That you will find yourselves among this company of whom we're reading tonight. I saw the bed, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the book according to their work.
And the sea gave up the bed which were in it.
I'm just on hell delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were judged every man according.
According to their work.
I'm deaf and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second, yeah.
And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was passed into the Lake of Fire.
All could one read more solemn words than he beloved them.
Can you sit in your feet?
Now you listen to words like these, or these words are the words of God. Can you listen to them and take them lightly? Can you listen to them and smile at the one next to you? Can you listen to them and talk to the one next to you? Oh my friend, how can it be when eternal issues are fake? How can it be when it's a matter of life or death?
How can it be when it's a matter of eternity in the pedophiles or eternity in the presence of the Lord?
How can it be that you can take these issues so lightly? All one would plead with you tonight if you're stealing your sins, if you have not yet heard the voice of the Son of God. Oh, that your ears might be opened. So here tonight.
And if you might receive this message in your heart and that you might be able to say, thank God I have eternal life tonight.
Will you do that? Will you accept the Lord Jesus tonight, right when you sit in your feet? Oh, there must be what? I'm sure He is still in his sin. Will you not settle the matter now? For remember, the day of grace is practically gone.
And God is still offering to you once more, perhaps for the last time.
This method of violation, and then the things we have in almost the very last words of our Bible, that wonderful invitation.
Whosoever will let him take the water of life freely, let him that is a first come. Let him that is a first come. What is it to be thirsty? Oh, it's a half a long unsatisfied.
Desire, is there such one? Did you come into this room tonight with a first and unsatisfied desire? Did you come into this room tonight seeking salvation, seeking eternal life? Oh, God is awesome to you. One more invitation and it says.
Let him through first come, and whosoever will let him face the water of life, really observe the terms on which this water of life is offered. Let him take it. Take it and how take it. Really, really. Oh, don't you see? That brings it right down within your lease.
Have there been some flights attached yet? Perhaps I might not have been able to meet that fight. But God is asking no prize tonight. He's offering to you, this author, Really. Really. He says take it, take it, really.
I don't take the water of life is oh, my son does that OfferUp here tonight.
Come and receive from his hands that one little offer, everlasting life.