
Duration: 46min
Luke 20:9
Gospel—P.L. Johnson
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I want to read in First Timothy chapter 2.
One Timothy Chapter 2. We'll read the entire chapter in order to have the context before us.
I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving us thanks be made for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth?
For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
Who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time?
Whereunto I am ordained a preacher and an apostle, I speak the truth in Christ in line on a teacher of the Gentiles, and faith and Verity.
I will therefore that men pray everywhere.
Lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.
In like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broided hair or gold or pearls or constantly array, but which becometh women professing godliness with good works.
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjections.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor do you serve authority over the man, but to be in silence.
For Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Notwithstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
We have an unusual expression found in this first epistle of Timothy.
A title given to God that when I say unusual, it's not bound to frequently in the word of God, but it's not unusual in the sense that it gives a false or we might say a little known impression of God. It really is an expression that gives his character and attitude toward man. In verse three we read of God our Savior.
Like to bring before us this evening something in connection with this thought of God, our Savior. We might say the Savior God.
The Savior of God. You know, there are those who feel in their hearts and there might be those in this room this evening who think of God more and the aspect of a helper.
One might say, well, doesn't God want to help man? Yes. But he's not presented as the help of God. He's the Savior God, and there's a difference.
We know that it is a common saying for man to say that God helps those who help themselves.
And so they think of themselves working along with God to attain their salvation, or at least attain the betterment of man that we find in Scripture that God is not presented as a helper. It isn't that he comes along as a crutch for God, for man to use in his betterment. God is a savior, God.
It's a very humbling thing, but wholesome for one to be acquainted with the way that the Bible, the Word of God, presents man. A picture of man is not a very pretty picture. We know that the object of man is to beautify things in this scene, to sort of cover up the ugliness of sin and what man really is.
That we find in the word of God that it's not a very nice picture that is presented.
Of man in all of his sin and degradation. The Bible is very faithful. You know, there are those who attack the Bible on the ground that there are things written in it that should not be spoken of in in company, so to speak. I remember a man saying one time he says that he was an infidel or he claimed to be. He was speaking against the word of God, was talking about the word of God.
And he brought an indictment against it. As to some of the things recorded, well.
You know, God is very faithful and God presents things just as they are. And I am sure that in the reading of the Word of God we find what man is and it's not, as it were, covered up, not tried to be glossed over in any way. We see that man is one who is sinful.
One who is unclean, one who desires his own will. And in fact, everything that we read in the law that God said that man should not do, they're the very things that he finds he wants to do. It's a real discovery to the soul of any individual when he comes to the conclusion.
And sees that the very things that God says he ought not to be are the very things.
That he likes is his nature goes after them, and the very things that God says one ought to be.
Are the three things that one does not desire to do or to be that's really the nature and character of man. Well, in contrast to that we have God spoken of in the first chapter of Timothy that I'd like to just refer to to a moment.
Where we have God spoken of in verse 11 according to the glorious gospel of the Gospel of the glory.
Of the blessed God.
The gospel of the glory of the blessed God we might speak a contrast this with man man we know is is a in a sense of miserable creature, a miserable creature, and he might have a little fleeting glimpse of happiness in some farmer fashion through this scene, but by and large, life is made-up of.
Much problems and sorrows and difficulties.
And if one could look over this world tonight.
And not wouldn't have to go very far. I don't think you would have to go beyond the confines of Los Angeles vicinity to find that there is far more evil and unhappiness and sorrow and wickedness and misery than there than there is of joy and happiness.
Man is in a very miserable condition and coming right down to the individuals in this room here this evening.
If you are without the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, I know you are not happy down in your soul.
And everyone in this room who is a child of God can tell you the same thing. But we know that there is no real peace nor joy apart from the knowledge of the love of God as revealed through His beloved Son, and the knowledge that one is really loved of God and a child of God, an object of his love and care, knowing that regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the pathways.
One can be assured of the love of God and the care of God all the way through this scene. And he saves under the uttermost all of those who come unto God by Him, the Lord Jesus. He's the one who will see us all the way through into the very presence of God. What comfort, what peace, and what joy. But this is not in the heart of one who knows not the Lord Jesus, his Savior. And he's miserable.
But here we read about the blessed God.
One in whose presence there is nothing but fullness of joy.
One in whose presence there is nothing of all of that to causes sorrow and sadness that would detract for one moment from from absolute and perfect happiness and joy. That's where he dwells. And that's the, you might say, the condition and circumstances of his of his presence. Let this bless it God. And the most wonderful thing is that he has come out now as the Savior God.
To save you from all of your misery.
To save you from a life of sin and a death in sin.
And an eternity.
In punishment for those sins, the Savior God, the one who dwells in that blessed place of the glory above, the One who knows what real joy, knows what real happiness is, knows what real peace is, knows what real rest is. It's all found there in His presence. He comes out now into this scene as the Savior of God and invites one and all.
Everyone, all men, boys and girls, women and children, everyone invites them all to come.
And to enjoy the blessedness of His presence with Him forever. And of course, there is a way.
And there's only one way, and that's what we have in this passage that we read now. Notice here in the second chapter.
The first few verses that we read where we have the Savior God brought out.
We see that his desire is that all men.
Should be saved. This is the desire of the heart of God.
The key to this portion is in that fourth verse.
Who will have all men to be saved?
This is the disposition of the heart of God toward man.
Have you ever wondered why it is that man does not have real confidence in God? I have no doubt that what this was introduced into human nature by Satan in the garden when the question was raised as to the love of God. We know that Adam and Eve were placed in that garden and they had everything for their life. There wasn't one thing lacking that was for their good and blessing.
There wasn't anything to marry either. No toil.
No tears, no sweat, nothing. There was only that which would minister to their good and blessing.
And there was only the one test, of course, as to the knowledge, that tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they were told not to eat.
Well, Satan comes and raises a doubt in a question as to the love of God, and he insinuates.
That, after all, God was depriving them of something that was for their good.
That if God really loved them, why would he deprive them of that fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
Insinuating that God wasn't really for them and he wasn't a God of love and grace.
Well, now that thought has been sewn into the into human nature, the heart of man and rightful This very day one finds that no matter what country you go to, no matter what part of this country or foreign countries, unless one has turned to the Lord Jesus Christ has been converted.
And is a saved soul we find that same attitude of distrust.
Of God and fear of God not really knowing the disposition of the heart of God, thinking that God.
Is a demander.
Looking upon God as one who is seeking to deprive man of that which he really wants to do, which he thinks is for his good. Oh, here we have the disposition of the heart of God. If you want to know what God thought is, it's all men. It's this God's desire is that all men should be saved. God desires that everyone in this room here this evening be saved. He's not against anyone.
God is not against anyone. He desires that all men be saved. Well, someone might say, well, why aren't they all saved?
Oh, as far as God is concerned, He has opened the way, and the disposition of his heart is that.
All may come, and he would have all to be saved. But turn back to Matthew's Gospel.
Chapter 23 We see here why it is that all are not saved in fact.
In Matthew's Gospel we have these in Matthew 23 verse 37.
We have these two things combined.
The attitude of the heart of God is expressed here in the person of the Lord Jesus and also.
Sad to say, the attitude of the heart of man.
Old Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathers their chickens under her wings, and ye would not.
God will have all men to be saved, but why aren't they saved? If you're here tonight unsaved, if you're here tonight without Christ and you cannot say that you are going to share this blessedness with the blessed God, you do not have the assurance of your own soul salvation and in eternity with Christ and the God the Father in heaven.
It is not because God is unwilling that you should be saved, just as the Lord Jesus here said. How often I would have gathered.
All he would have gathered all of the children of Israel there. He would have gathered the mall. He would have loved to have had everyone of them as his own true disciples. But the difficulty was they would not. Man has a will and you have a will. And I'm going to say this to everyone in the room, young people. If you are not the Lord, if you cannot say you're saved, it's because of your own will.
It's because of your own will. It is not because of any unwillingness on God's part. It's because you just will not.
I can't say why. Oh, it's sad to think that there would be those in their hearts that just will not believe.
They will not come to Christ. Maybe so when the Lord Jesus was here, how often he would have gathered them?
But he says he would not. And the disposition of the heart of God tonight and one marvels at.
That the disposition of the heart of God tonight is still. That He's not willing that any should perish. He still would have all men to be saved. He would have you to be saved.
How many times perhaps the Word of God has spoken to the heart and conscience of an individual, only to have that individual in their heart say I don't want it, I'm not going to have it. And to think of the grace, the long-suffering mercy of God that he would allow that same individual to come back and hear the gospel again.
01 Marvel. And yet one has to confess that it was perhaps true of many of us.
That we heard the gospel before we really came around with our own wills. I don't say that that it was a self willed act, but when our wheels were broken down and we were willing to humble ourselves in the sight of God and take the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, you won't indeed let apart from salvation in Him.
Not only is it that we would be lost for eternity, but we would have nothing before us but a life of sin and misery in this world, and you can be sure of that.
Wonderful blessed thing it is to be saved when one is young.
Not only that one is saved for eternity, but to be saved for a life down here.
Saved from the pollutions of this world, from the moral corruption, from all that's in the human heart. And the word of God is very plain about that too, you know, And it speaks of my heart and your heart. There is no difference. Regardless of the home into which you were born and in which you were brought up, you have the same heart, the same human heart that is found in the, in the worst, most disrespectful Sinner.
In the city of Los Angeles, the same heart. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked far from within. Out of the heart of man proceed all of those evil things that the Lord spoke about. They proceed out of it. And one who is without the Savior, he is without restraint.
He is without anything other than that wicked, evil heart. And to think of the light.
That one would be LED off into with all of those things characterizing the life, a life of unbelief, a life of sin, of life of having to bear your own burden and your own sorrows and all of these things. I I feel that it is a wonderful thing to be saved while one has a perhaps a few years to live in this life.
Not only that, when he saved for eternity, but saved now to know the blessedness.
Of what it is to have the knowledge of forgiveness of sins, and to have the knowledge of God.
Well, he says how often I would have gathered, but you would not.
And the disposition of the heart of God is this very night that He is, that He would have all men to be saved. But there is a matter of the individual himself making that choice. God is allowing that choice. You know back in First Timothy 2 when it says here that He will have all men to be saved.
This is not an expression of his will in the sense that he's going to see to it that every man gets saved.
That's not true.
Actually, the translation here should be who wishes or who desires.
That all men be saved. This is not the expression of His will.
We know that that which he had willed will come to pass, but this is Speaking of the disposition of his heart toward everyone in this world.
That's why we're told here that we're to pray for all, pray for all men. There is no one beyond the reach of the Spirit of God working to bring salvation to that soul. I mean, as far as God is concerned, it's, it's open, everyone can come. It may be that one becomes so hard.
Through a constant rejection and repeated rejection of the gospel, and one may become so hardened by the deceitfulness of sin and so calloused that it is in a practical way almost impossible and all. What a sad condition that is. But the way is open from God's Son. And so we pray for all men. We pray for all men. We're told here now there's also an expression in connection with the alls in First Timothy 2.
He will have all men to be saved, and so we are to pray for all men, and it's because we read in verse six that Christ gave himself a ransom for all.
He gave himself a ransom for all.
What? You see, we couldn't pray for the salvation of all if a ransom had not been given for all.
The ransom has been given for all men.
And there is no one who will ever be able to say that there was number provision made for my salvation.
I couldn't be saved because there was number provision made for one like me. That isn't true. The provision that God makes for the salvation of those of us who believe is the same provision that has been made for all men. That is the ransom price has been given. The Lord Jesus Christ gave himself a ransom for all.
The claims of the throne of God have been met. He is the propitiation not only for our sins.
But He is the available propitiation for the whole world, a ransom for all. And when one by faith laid hold upon that, He can say that my sins are forgiven, my sins are washed away, all of my guilt has been removed, the price has been paid, and one can accept it for himself. But we see that a ransom has been given for all.
Oh, this puts it entirely the responsibility on the individual, does it not?
And so much so that when one stands, one who has rejected the gospel of the grace of God, this offer of mercy.
By the Savior of God, when one stands at that great white Throne judgment, there will be no.
To the effect that God did not make adequate provision for your salvation.
I'm reminded of an incident in the Gospel of Matthew when there was a ruler who made a marriage feast for his son.
And everything was provided at this feast, all of the food.
And not only that, but there were wedding garments provided so that all of the guests who were invited to come to this wedding piece.
Were provided with a suitable garment.
And you will recall that when this ruler went out to view the guests.
Saw there a man who had not on a wedding garment, and he went to speak to him. He knew, of course, that there had been provision made of a garment for everyone who came. And he went to speak to the man and he asked him why he was there without a wedding garment. And you recall the answer of the man. He didn't give an answer. He was speechless. And why was he speechless? Because he knew.
A garment had been provided, but he just refused it. He didn't take it.
He had no excuse to give and as if to say, well there was number garment provided for me.
That's a picture, I feel of those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. They will never be able to say, no one will ever be able to say that there was no provision made for his or her salvation. You know, it's a wonderful thought, isn't it? To think that with all of the persons that who are living in this world, that God has taken part of you.
And God has taken fault of me, and he's made a provision for my soul salvation.
He's made provision for me. Sometimes we are touched when we find that an individual has taken the thought for us.
As to meeting our physical needs, maybe we had need of something and we find that a friend or some individual took part of what we had need of and provision was made. And we say how thoughtful. Well to think that this blessed God has had you upon his heart and He's made provision for your salvation. He's made provision for your happiness. He's made provision for your peace, for your security, for your joy, for your future.
Your eternity, all in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He thought of you and he's taken into account what you needed, and he knew what you needed, as well as knowing what I needed. We needed a savior. And so he has sent the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ God manifest in the flesh. He has come forth as the Savior God, and he's given himself a ransom for all. Oh, I like to think of the breadth of this.
I like to think of how unrestricted this is for all.
It includes everyone, even the young children, the older ones. The great Sinner so-called are the little sinners are the self-righteous. Whatever ones circumstance or condition is why the ransom has been given for all.
And verse four he says, who will have all men to be saved?
And to come to the knowledge.
Of the truth.
Turn over to the.
2nd Fistula. Thessalonians.
2nd Thessalonians 2.
We have a very serious consideration here.
And I feel inclined to take this up, for it applies especially to those who have lived in these lands where the gospel has been preached.
And we read in the second chapter of a time that is coming after the true Saints, the believers, true believers, the Saints of God, are taken out of this world, and they will be revealed a man who is called here for that wicked 1 The Antichrist.
And he's going to come with all power and signs and lying wonders.
And verse 10.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish.
He's going to deceive a lot of people, those that perish and why are they going to be deceived? Because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved.
We had in Timothy that God will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
It has been revealed now the truth.
The truth not only of man's condition, but the truth of God's love and of God's grace.
In the gospel of his grace and God would have all men to come to the knowledge of this, but here we read of those who.
Did not have any love for the truth.
And in verse 12 That they all might be damned or judged.
Who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Well, we see why it is again that there are those who do not come to the knowledge of the truth. And why is it? It's because they did not have the love of the truth in their hearts. It's the will that is involved, the will that is involved.
And the result here is that they are left behind when the Saints of God are taken out of the world at the coming of the Lord Jesus for his own.
These are left behind for judgment. These are left behind to be deceived.
And eventually perish in the judgment that overtake this world, because they received not the love of the truth.
Now you'll notice here it doesn't say that they did not receive the knowledge of the truth.
This is Speaking of those who have heard the gospel and they know the way of salvation.
But they do not receive the love of it in their hearts. Their wills are not moved.
They still say I will not have no desire for it and the result is they are left behind well.
Even with this, it does not detract from the thought of the of the disposition of the heart of God.
That he is the Savior God.
I wondered, have you ever thought sometimes in your heart that have you ever thought, what is God like? Maybe some of the children have thought of that at some time or another. I suppose that has come into the minds of every child, just what his God like. Oh, I suppose that perhaps the leading thought in the hearts of many would be, well, he's, he's great, He's mighty.
Why he made the world.
It's sad that even some deny that elementary truth.
But they would acknowledge that he made the world. He's great and he's mighty and he's powerful.
But when we find him coming out and really revealing himself, he doesn't come forth in those characters at all. He comes forth.
And the character of the Savior, God, the one who has, who has you and me upon his heart, who is concerned with you, who is concerned with boys and girls, who is concerned with every soul in this world and their good and blessing.
Thou verse 5.
There is one God.
And one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. This is the one who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time. A testimony that in its own times is literally what it is for. A testimony in its own times. And this is the testimony of the present day in which we live. Isn't it a wonderful testimony?
You know, we're living in the most privileged time.
Of all of God's creatures who have lived on this earth.
And man has not been here as long as some of the unbelieving scientists want to tell us It isn't true, but he's been here quite a number of years.
But with all of the centuries before the work of Christ on the cross and the full revelation of the heart of God.
Though there were men blessed of God in their souls, men of faith, and there we're going to see them in the glory as a part of the heavenly company, not a part of the church.
But a part of the heavenly company, we're going to see them there. Yet they were not living in such a blessed times as we are in the present age, since God has been fully revealed in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, how wonderful the testimony. The testimony is now that not only is there one God.
But there's a mediator now. In the Old Testament, we had the testimony of the one God.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This is the testimony of the Old Testament Scriptures. There is one God.
The true living God and Israel as a nation was called out to bear witness and testimony to that fact.
Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one God. That was the testimony.
I committed to that, people. That was the testimony of the Old Testament. There is one God, but that's not the full testimony of God in Christianity.
The testimony of God in Christianity is that there is a mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, that this one God has come forth now as the savior God and as the mediator and becomes the way whereby man can be brought into God's holy and blessed presence. God fully revealed, God told forth in the mediator, so that now there is no.
Reason to inquire.
As to what God is like, God is fully revealed in this precious word. If you want to know what God, read the Word of God.
Read the word of God and study the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. He that has seen me, he could say has seen the Father. I and my Father are one. I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. There is no knowledge of God apart from the person of the Lord Jesus. Now that's true.
You will never know anything apart anything of God apart from Christ. He is the one who has declared Him.
He has told him forth.
Now the Jews in their day.
They tried to bypass the Lord Jesus to get to God.
They would reject him, but they claimed God is their father. But oh we find the Lord Jesus would not allow that. Why? He says you do not have God as your father, your of your father the devil.
They could not reject the Lord Jesus and have God as their Father. They could never come to God apart from Him. And you never know God apart from the Lord Jesus. God is represented, we might say, are told, for declared in the person of the mediator. And this mediator is indeed God himself, but it's God and man and one person, the Lord Jesus, the man Christ Jesus.
Well, now, this wasn't known in the Old Testament. This is the blessed testimony that God is giving now.
Aren't you glad that you're living in this day? Isn't it a wonderful thing that such a testimony can be declared to you this evening?
Well, do you believe it? You believe that not only is there one God, but that there is one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all. Do you believe that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and the One to whom you can come to the Father?
In Him do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who will bring you to the Father? Well, this is the testimony that is going out at the present time. One God belongs to the Old Testament. The one Mediator belongs to the new. Turn back to Job.
The Book of Job, Chapter 9.
And we see one there who was a righteous, upright man, but he didn't have the knowledge of this wonderful testimony that we have. He didn't have the testimony given to him that is being given to you.
There is a principle in the Word of God, and it is a human principle in one sense. That is, it's it's operative in the human sphere, just among men generally. That privilege always carries with it responsibility.
Now I know that being overturned today, there are many who want the privileges without the responsibility. But you can't do it. It won't work.
And this country is finding that out, that it just will not work. That's a that's a principle.
That cannot be violated.
Cannot have privilege without responsibility going with it.
And so those of us who are living in this day, even the children here tonight, have in one sense a greater privilege than Job had. Though Job was a man of God, Job was a man of faith, and he was a righteous man. But their children in this room that know something that Job did not know, they know about a mediator that he knew nothing about.
I might say too, in passing, that one of the saddest features of Christendom today.
Is that not only?
Has it given up the?
Truth of Christianity The distinctive truth of Christianity, but it is rapidly even giving up the truth that was known in the Old Testament of there being one God.
Even giving that a sinking lower than the testimony of Israel.
Oh, how sad. That's Laodicea. Well, now in Job 9.
Job is Speaking of.
His own wretchedness in contrast with God.
In God's power, so he says in verse 32, Speaking of God, he is not a man as I am.
Jobe recognized this, that God was not a man as I am. They were not only quality.
They were not in a common standing. He is not a man as I am, that I should answer him and we should come together in judgment. Now you know two individuals in this world, if they are.
At disagreement if they're conflicting claims.
Where they can come together and seek a reconciliation on sort of equal terms.
Because a man is a man, the boy is a boy and a girl is a girl and there can meet together on equal terms.
But don't be saying here, well, that isn't true of God. God is far greater than I am. I can't come together with with God and and as it were, give my argument or my complaints and come together with him in judgment. No, God is greater than that then verse 33. Neither is there any days.
Are as one is translated at umpire. Mediators relieve the thought. Neither is there any days man between us that might lay his hand upon us both. There is there is none who could represent both sides, man and God.
Of course not, because all of his fellow men were just like him.
Joe couldn't look to any of his fellow men and say, well, now there's a man that can be a go between between me and God. He is capable of entering into my side of the of the issue, and he's also capable of entering into God's side. No, there was no man on earth, there was none who could be in this in between place to represent both and as it were, bring them together. But he longed that there might be one because he saw this great gulf, as it were, between himself.
And God, well now the wonderful thing today in God's testimony to you this evening is this.
That this day's money or this mediator, that job long, far has come and it's the man Christ Jesus, a man who can represent man as it were, stand in man's place and yet he is God over all, blessed forever. He's that blessed God. He's the Savior God who has come down and he's come down in manhood and he's gone to Calvary's cross.
And there, on the cross of Calvary, he gave himself a ransom for all.
So that now there is this mediator between God and man. There is the go between. There is one who is it where represents both and brings them together. But here there's only one. We might say that we can thank God that he has provided a mediator.
Joe belonged that there might be one. Now we can say God has provided 1.
But only one. Only one.
There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
He has given one, but only one, and one cannot bypass this. Otherwise there is no mediator at all between one soul and God. Well, isn't that a wonderful testimony that we have given to us even in this room this evening? Something that Job knew nothing about?
Now revealed, it's the testimony that is going out. It's the testimony that we bear here as Saints in this scene to the world, that God's disposition toward the world is one of love and grace.
Who would have all men to be saved, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance?
And the testimony to 1:00 and all that, a ransom has been given for all.
Well, the Apostle Paul says he's been ordained a preacher and apostle.
To minister this testimony that is going out at the present time. And it's our privilege as the Saints of God, those of us who know the Lord, to bear testimony to the truth of this blessed God who is the Savior God, to bear testimony to Him that we are saved and have been brought to the knowledge of the truth.
The thought here is, you see that man is down here groveling in misery because of his own will.
All of the misery and all of the chaos.
Everything that is detrimental to man's joy, peace, and happiness is the result of the human will. That truth that may sound enormous, but that's true. It's because of the human will operating in opposition to the will of God that is brought in all of the chaos and everything. So God would have you to be saved.
He would have you to be saved from all of that in the knowledge of the truth.
The knowledge of salvation and that there might be those here in this scene.
Who are for himself bearing testimony to himself that there is one God and that there is one Mediator. That God has been fully revealed, and that God is sending out His message to all. Well, the remaining part of the chapter which I just mentioned, for it is in connection with the testimony that we have verses 9 or verses 8 through 15. One may have wondered sometimes, why are these verses brought in, in connection with what we have in the first 7?
It is, I believe, in this respect, that it is our privilege to bear testimony to this God. To save your God, we bear testimony to Him. Now as far as the men are concerned, the testimony is carried on in a public and vocal way. I will therefore that the men it should be prayed.
That is, the public and vocal part of testimony is taken on the part of men that women have their part too, as we see in the verses 9 through 15. They have their part. It may be more, you might say subdued, and it is in quietness, but it's still a part in this testimony and showing by the deportment and behavior that they too belong to the Savior God and bear testimony to Him. It's the privilege of every child of God to bear testimony.
Whether they it's done in a vocal way by the man or whether it's done in this quiet way on the part of those who are women and believers on the Lord Jesus Christ. It isn't necessarily going out into mission fields, though if God sends out, that's all right. That's what we know. His ways are various for all of his people. It isn't necessarily going out and doing some great works of that sort, but bearing testimony here in in daily life, day by day bearing test.
To the fact that God has been fully revealed and we show it in our walk and waves as well as what his voice on the part of the men. Well I would just like to say in closing again to each and everyone in the room.
That here we have in this wonderful testimony that is going out at the present time, the disposition of the heart of God toward you, and I'd like to fight for you to think of it that way.
That God has you upon his heart.
And he has provided.
He has provided a means for your salvation that you might be delivered.
From sin and from sin, and that you might be brought to Himself with a knowledge of the truth, and that you might dwell with Him eternally in all of the blessedness of that place where He is in His own holy and blessed presence. This, of course, depends entirely on the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and that ransom that He gave. Can you say that that ransom was for me?
It's not enough to say that it was for all as we sang in our hymn, Christ is the Savior of sinners.
But we need to bring it down personal. Christ is the Savior for me.