
Exodus 5
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Gospel—P. Gladding
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Like you to turn with me tonight, please, to the Epistle to the Ephesians.
Chapter one, Ephesians Chapter one, verse seven, in whom we have redemption through his blood.
The forgiveness of sin according to the riches.
Of his grace.
I love the sound of that verse.
I love to read it. I love to lay my hand upon it and say thank God it's true of me and I'm not alone in there. I know that there are many in this company tonight who rest your eyes with joy upon the good news contained in its first and that precious little word. We include you and me by the grace of God.
In whom?
We have redemption through His blood.
The forgiveness of sin according to the riches.
Of his grace, beloved friend, is this true? Is this true of you, as by the grace of God it is true of me? Are you numbered among those who know what it is to prove it? Redemption through the precious blood of Christ, to know the assurance of sin forgiven through the cleansing power of.
Blood to know it on the authority of God's own word, and to be able to look up and say, according to the riches of his grace, I am redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. It's my joy to delight in that redemption, in that glorious forgiveness, in the grace of God.
That has been manifested toward me, the poor.
Lost guilty sinners.
Now I want to read the other side of the story, one solemn little verse in the book of Daniel.
The 5th chapter of the Book of Daniel.
Verse 27.
Daniel 5, verse 27.
Thou art weighed in the balances.
And are found wanting.
I must be faithful about this.
The word of God lies open in your hand and mine, and God paints two sides.
To the picture that we must present tonight, the one by God's matchless grace.
Is that in which we share with joy in who we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sin according to the riches of his grace. And the other side and you are on either one side or the other. The other side is the finger of God that points down into this company tonight.
And says to someone here thou.
Aren't weighed in the balances and are found.
One thing, these are not my words. This is not my estimation.
It's gone. Fallen pronouncement about you.
Unless you are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. I wish to read one verse more to connect the two which we've just read. And that one further verse is in Luke Gospel.
Chapter 16.
Luke chapter 16 verse.
Between us.
You there is a great.
Does the reading of these 3 verses sound offensive to you?
On the one hand, God's Word declares in whom we have redemption through his blood.
The forgiveness of sin according to the riches of His grace.
On the other hand, God's Word declared with equal certainty and solemnity.
Thou art laid in the balances, and art found wanting.
And between the two, there's solemn statements between us and you.
There is a great gulf.
It is a solemn responsibility, beloved friend, to point out to you this solemn fact that there is in this meeting tonight a great gulf.
I cannot see that ghost, but I lookout over this company and I see.
Husband and wife side by side. Is it possible that such a gulf could exist between husband and wife? You know, it's sadly possible. You know, it's sadly true. Is it so in this company tonight that side by side among us, there is one who can say with profound joy in whom I have redemption through his blood.
The forgiveness of sin according to the riches of his grace, and right beside that redeemed child of God, their fifth one, to whom God's finger points in solemn words of warning. And the verdict is, Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Perhaps Father and Son side by side, the one redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, the other weighed in God's balances and found wanting.
I tremble as I paint the picture, for it was true of Maine. I don't want to stand on one side of this gulf and mock those who are on the other. I want to tell you, my friend, that I was on the guilty side of that gulf for too long a time. I sat right between a praying father and mother, with a mighty gulf between.
I was weighed in God's balances and found wanting.
My father on the one side, my mother on the other, redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, praying for their son.
Oh, I wonder if I'm looking out on such a picture tonight.
I wonder other neighbors here tonight, sitting side by side, a loving friend who cared for your soul brought you here to this meeting.
And that friend, you know it right well, has rested his or her soul for eternity upon the cleansing value of the precious blood of Christ, and you sitting beside them.
Must hear the solemn word of God. Thou art weighed in the balances.
And found wanting.
Between US and you there is a great gulf. It could not be greater.
Whose balances are these that we have read about?
The Word of God declares a false weight and a false balance are an abomination.
To the Lord, and there are many false weights and false balances in the world today.
Men measure themselves by the standard of conduct that exists.
In their community and they feel quite satisfied with their own conditions.
They weighed themselves in the balances of public opinion and come to the conclusion that all is well because in the community where you live, no one points the finger of gossip toward you.
In fact, they might well speak of you as a fine and respectable citizen.
Generous Honor. Upright Church Going.
Beloved friend, whose balances are these? They are the balances of God, and God has declared of every child of Adams race.
Wow, his finger points at me. Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. The weight and the measures of man's devising are an abomination to the Lord. God's word declares all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That's God's standard that God measures. Have you come?
You know you have.
I know I have.
God's weight has declared that I have come short.
What about these balances spoken of here in the 5th chapter of Daniel? Thou art waged in the balances and found wanting. What shall we put in those balances? Did you know, my beloved friend, that God has observed, and God has heard and God has recorded?
Every act, every word, every thought entertained.
During your lifetime and mine, God has kept that record and into those balances. Goals, Not the record your neighbors have observed, not your own opinions that God.
Record of your life with every stain that has blotted those pages, or I hang my head at the very spot of it. This was God's record of me, and in faithfulness God pointed down.
To this guilty sin stained heart of mine and reminded me from the pages of this book, All things are naked and open under the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
I might cover much up from the eyes or the ears of my parents.
But not from the eye of God. May I say it again.
All things are naked and open under the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. There is a day coming when you and I are going to stand in the presence of Him who knows all about us. The records are going to be open.
And every stain in your life will be laid naked and bare before his eyes.
And your beloved friend will stand silenced and guilty and condemned before him.
Who utters these warnings in His precious words? This is why we present the gospel to you tonight, because it need not be sold. The faithful God will point so solemnly at those guilty hearts. Has loved you and loved me with such an infinite love that He has bridged that mighty gulf. He has seen to it that the great debt has been paid.
And now, thank God, there are among us many who rejoice to know that, having seen that ghost bridge by the mighty work of Christ upon the cross.
We can share together in the joy of saying in whom we have redemption.
Through his blood the forgiveness of sin.
What about the other side of those scales? On the one side, all that guilt has been accumulated.
What about the other side?
Or I know the natural thought of many is that on the other side we may hopefully place.
Those good things which we trust, God has also observed in our lives.
What shall we say about such a concept?
God's Word, not mine. God's Word solemnly declares there is none good.
No, not one. God's Word declares. All our righteousnesses are as.
Filthy rags.
God's Word declares these things. God's Word says not.
By works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy.
He saved.
Frame, I beg of you to paint heed to what God points out in a fifth chapter of Daniel.
Thou, thou art waves in the balances, and found wanting.
It's a wonderful thing to discover this during the moment of time.
During the day of God's matchless grace, it's a frightening discovery.
It's a discovery that made me tremble. It's a discovery I tried to forget about. Thank God he would not let me forget about it night after night. It troubled me to know that the accumulation of my guilt was rising higher and higher.
And astonished to stand here and say this, when I knew all the while that the God of love had spent his Son to redeem my guilty souls.
When I meet those whose hearts have been opened to receive the wondrous story of God's love, and I remember how often I spurned it, I marvel.
We were prevalent just very recently.
To stand by the bedside of a dear young man who had just escaped from Communist China. He had risked his life to swim out from that land.
And for the first time in his life.
He had heard before our arrival, he had heard.
The name of Diva. He had never heard it before.
We met him on a leper island.
There he sat in bed, a leper.
It just undergone surgery for a deformed hand. It was swathed in bandages and throbbing with pain. But I wish you could have seen the face of that dear young leper about 20 years of age.
He had just recently heard for the first time the name.
Of Jesus.
And I can see his face yet as he raised those pitiful hands.
And with joy hold off of what it meant to him to have his guilt slotted out by the precious blood of Christ.
In the midst of the pain and in the midst of a heartache of that disease.
His soul filled with joy to know that his guilt was gone. He was on the wrong side of that gulf for about 20 years, but by the grace of God when he heard the glorious news of salvation through the precious blood of Christ.
He bowed and accepted the failures. And thy knoweth I stand here.
But he's still on that same bed with that same affliction.
But I know that if you were to look upon him and mention one word.
Jesus, you would see that face light up with joy. Oh friend, I'm here to present to you the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, my Savior, for I see you tonight.
On the wrong side of that great gulf.
Respectable it may be so. Religious, it may be so.
A beloved friend, the hands of religion in this world are stained with the blood of Jesus Christ. You know that's badly true. I'm not here to preach religion. I'm not here to present a creed. I'm here to tell you on the authority of God's precious word, that those who once stood on the wrong side, the guilty side, the condemned side of that great gulf.
Many have now been made to know with joy and with certainty.
That they are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.
That we turn then again to Ephesians chapter one, in whom we have redemption through His blood. Oh, I want to pause and go over this slowly, that the precious and glorious simplicity of a gospel of the grace of God may not be lost in words of my own.
In whom we have redemption through.
His blood is it possible to possess at a certain fact?
That which is here spoken of as redemption. I know that it is so commonly held.
That these things cannot be known with certainty until we reach the other side, and then, and not until then, will that great balance be brought forward, our good deeds put on one side and our sins upon the other, and then it will be determined which destiny we are worthy to experience. This is not what the Word of God declares. The Word of God declares with fallen.
That here and now, as you sit in this meeting room, you are either redeemed, hardened, cleansed by the precious blood of Christ.
Or you are guilty. You are condemned already. This is the language of God's Word. You are on your way, as we were solemnly and repeatedly reminded last night.
You're on your way.
To eternal hell.
At the word, that's not very often used.
Eternal hell. Is it true? Is it a reality? Friend, I believe you know.
That the most loving heart that ever beats here upon earth was none other than the heart of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. The most loving words that ever were uttered upon this earth were uttered by the lips of a Savior of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ. And yet no other lit spoke more faithful of the awful reality of eternal hell.
In the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I would be an unfaithful servant if I left any other impression before you this site than this solemn, solemn reality.
You're bound for hell, for you are redeemed by the blood of Christ and on your road to glory.
There is a great gulf. God's Word declares it. It's not.
A flattering thing to speak about. There is no middle ground between the two. No place where a respectable religious citizen might fit in without knowing the reality of redemption and yet shunning the awful horror of knowing that you are guilty. There is no middle ground. The only thing between the two is that.
Great go you are on either one side or the other.
How, friend, I was once all that guilty. Sigh. Those stains of sin were there under the eye of God.
As my record grew greater and greater, I thank God that my conscience was touched with a fence of my guilt. I realized the eye of God upon me day and night. And the day came when, by God's matchless grace.
Alone in my room.
And not many days from this state, it was the first day of January.
A new year to me in more ways than one.
I bowed my knees, and I owned silently before God.
That I was indeed guilty? That I was lost. Could I remember every stain of guilt? Of course, ma.
But God had the entire record and in my lost and guilty conditions.
When I lifted up my hard hook to him whom I knew loved guilty sinners and claimed that cleansing power of the freshest blood of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and opened my Bible to John chapter 5 and verse 24. And these were the words that greeted my eyes. Verily, verily, I say unto you.
He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me.
Ha everlasting life.
And shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto light.
Is it alright to trust such words as these? Oh, if they were the words of any human creed, I might well doubt them.
But I knew that this was the word of God. I knew that these were the words of my precious Savior. And that night I rose from my knees with the joy of knowing that the stains of guilt were gone. That instead of being on the guilty side of that great gulf, instead of hearing those thundering words, weighed in the balances and found wanting.
I knew that I at last could say with a thankful heart.
In whom I have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.
According to the riches of his grace.
May I go just one step farther because I know there are here tonight.
Boys and girls whose parents love the Lord feed us. They have prayed earnestly for you. I have no beside parents who have prayed with the tears running down their teeth for their sons and daughters. Oh dear boys and girls, tell me, have you ever knelt as by God's grace I have.
To own that you were lost, to own that you were guilty, and to receive from the hand of God that which He offers so lovingly.
Of all those stains of guilt, the blotting away forever of that record by the precious blood of his own dear Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, have you done so?
I wait a moment while you answer this silently, friend in your own heart.
Have you done so?
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
Is it difficult to understand?
I visited one time in the hospital in Smith Falls.
There were four patients in this particular room.
But I had been asked to go to see a certain one, and I read to her. I remember well from John's gospel. She listens very eagerly. And when I was finished, he said, oh, that's beautiful, That's so lovely. Thank you so much for coming and reading those beautiful verses to me. That is so lovely.
But I didn't know whether she had really accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior.
It was my last visit in a matter of hours. She was in eternity. But she said again and again, thank you so much for coming. It was so lovely of you to rebuild verses to me.
What should I say? There was number other visitor in the room.
The other three were watching us and this is what I said.
There are those here who know her, and I better omit her name, I said to her, Lady, let me imagine, though. I have entered this room with four bottles of medicine, one for each of the four who are sick in this room. I come to you and set the medicine down and proclaim this fact. If you will take this medicine in one hour you will be.
In sound health and ready to leave the hospital and you sit, lie back in your bed and say thank you so much for coming.
I am so glad you came, you have been so kind to be and I do appreciate it.
I move on to the next bed and that Lady was watching me pretty carefully and I said I'm going to imagine that this lady.
Rudely reject my interference and tells me to mind my own business.
So I move over to the third lady and by this time she was watching and the third lady says, Sir, I'm really quite interested in what you have to offer, but I would like time to think it over. Could you come back next week and repeat this offer to me?
There is one more.
But I turned to the fourth lady, who was wondering what her picture might be, and I said, and I'm going to suppose that the fourth lady promptly removed the cover and take the remedy. Which one of the four will receive any benefit from that which was offered? Only one. One was very polite and very grateful, and left the medicine right by her bedside.
One rudely told me to mind my own business.
One said she would like to think it over. Will I please come back next week? And one of the four took the remedy. Or, beloved friend, there's no time to think it over. I beg of you, I plead with you as God's Word is true, to remember that it speaks the truth when it points to you, beloved friend, and reminds you once more, perhaps for the last time.
But if you do not know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you are on the guilty side of that great ghost.
Then God solemnly pronounces these words, and I repeat them again and again.
And hope they will ring in your ears, till they are no longer true of you thou.
Aren't we in the balances?
Found wanting and there is a remedy. Oh, I turn back to this again with joy.
In whom we have redemption.
Through his blood.
This is what it costs God to redeem the One who stands before you tonight.
This is what it costs God that you and thy might even open this book and read the wondrous author of his grace. I stay with my hand upon his birth. It cost God the life blood of his own Son that you might even read this verse tonight. Remember as you read it, friends, remember as you look at these words that you'll never.
Never forget them, never his true friend. There are at this moment, as we are gathered here together for this gospel meeting, thousands of souls already in a lost eternity.
As far as you are sitting. And they listened to the gospel of the grace of God. They heard such warnings as this, and they knew true that they were true.
They knew that they could not rise up and say, God has not written down one stain against me.
You know, friend, that you record as mine was, has been stained with guilt. You know too, if you never knew it before, that God Word declares with glorious invitation in whom we have redemption through His blood.
Oh, I know, I have been accused of great presumption to speak with certainty as to these matters.
And have been spoken to thus by those whom I hoped would have known better.
Leaders of religion, oh friend, I turn not to such things for my confidence.
I turn to the authority of God's own word, and I dare not look up from the pages of this book and say I wish I could believe it. I dare not look up from God's testimony and say I hope it's true. Is it humility to speak the It's not, friends. It's an insult to the God who paid such a price that you and I might read such a verse as this.
What did he pay? Could he just reach over and rescue me from all my guilt?
And transplant me to the other side of that great gulf. No, God Himself could not do such a thing. God in infinite love, according to John 316, so loved the world that He gained His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have.
Everlasting life. God looked down at me.
Lost them guilty. God looked at his beloved Son. O may I say it in all reverence?
And God loved me so much that he spent his son.
To bear my guilt. Picture with me that scene upon the cross.
There, on either side of the cross, not far distant the one from the other, where two thieves remember that.
Two things, not one better than the other, not one deserving of heaven and the other deserving of hell. Both alike guilty before God and man.
And the hour of their death was near at hand.
And one of the two turned and said we are indeed guilty.
We receive a due reward of our deeds and turning to the blessed Savior who hung upon the middle cross, he said, Lord.
Remember Me?
Lord, Remember Me when thou cometh into thy Kingdom.
Did he receive an answer? Oh thank God for that answer.
Verily the met a grand word, all the certainty of God behind it. Barely I send to thee today. Shall thou be with me in paradise?
That he trumped the word like that. You know he could and he did.
Not long after, the Roman soldier came up that hillside.
And found that very thief struggling in the last agonies of his.
Of his suffering.
And with a stroke of his spear, he broke the leg of that.
Writhing man, his head went down upon his bosom in death, and he was gone.
Where did he go, friend? Where did he go? According to the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, he went straight home to paradise to spend eternity with his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. What about the stains of guilt? What about them? Both hands which had been outstretched in deeds of violence and wickedness, were nailed to the cross, and he could do not one thing.
Those feet which had trodden the path of the transgressor were nailed to the cross. He could go nowhere.
His heart was free, His tongue was free. With his heart, he believes accepted the Lord Jesus Christ when his tongue turned and confessed him and the guilt that would have sent that man to an eternal hell.
Was taken from him and laid instead upon the Holy One, who hung upon the middle cross.
God must punish sin. God will punish sin, and the strokes of God's judgment against the sins of that malefactor fell instead upon the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who hung up on the middle cross. My Savior, my Redeemer, my substitute. Oh friend, I present him to you this night.
When he appealed to his people, Israel enslaved in the land of Ethiopia. That I will redeem you.
With a stretch out arm.
With a stretched out arm, he redeemed 2 million people from the land of Egypt.
But it took both arms outstretched to redeem the one who stands here tonight.
The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, stretched through His arms there from a cross, while the birds of my guilt was laid upon Him, and the strokes of God's judgment that ought to have fallen upon me fell instead upon Him who took my place upon Him who alone could bridge that great gulf, for the gulf existed still.
On the other side of that cross was a malefactor's no better and no worse than the one who hung on this side, He mocked.
He rejected. He refused to own his guilt. He refused to turn and accept the Savior.
And the same soldier came and broke his leg.
But one last gasp. He was gone into eternity.
Friend, he went to hell.
He went into the blackness of darkness and he's there tonight. That was a long time ago.
He's there yet, my friend. The great gulf that separated them during those last moments was fixed forever. One with Christ in glory and one in outer darkness. Oh, friend, as I look out over this company, as I see sitting side by side those who have come to hear the gospel, I say again, could be that that gulf exists between you and the one who sits beside.
Perhaps you know so well that that one beside you is a child of God claimed by the precious blood of Christ, and you know just as truly that this is not the case with you. Come back again to a seasons one and seven in whom we have redemption through His blood. That precious blood was exalted tonight.
Let man mark it as they will.
It will be the theme of our song throughout the course of Glory for all Eternity.
And tonight I look to that cross, and I see a soldier Pierce the side of my blessed Savior.
And from that wounded fight and death there flowed that precious blood.
That has cleansed me. Thank God from every stain of guilt I have redemption through his blood. The forgiveness of sins, they're gone.
That page upon which that record was guilt is now quieter than snow.
God's word declares, and I love to think of it.
Worth it is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Be a wonderful thing to know, but all that record of guilt which you might wish to forget, God declares can be covered.
But more than that, God's Word goes on to declare.
Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away.
Taketh away the sin of the world.
Its grand to have that transgression covered, but the word of God declares taketh away the sin of the world. Again we turn a little farther, and we find, Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man the Lord Jesus Christ is preached unto you, the forgiveness of sin.
Grander still covered, gas taken away. Thank God. Forgiven. True, forgiven.
Peter comes forward and tells us Christ Jesus through his own self for our sins.
In his own body, on the cross.
Tom comes forward and tells us the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sins. The word of God further declares Isaiah 43. I even I am he that loteth out by transgressions for my own sake, and will not remember thy sins.
Anymore, they're blotted out.
They're gone, they're forgiven, they're cleansed, they're taken away. Every charge that could be laid against the one who trusts in Christ is gone, in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sin according to the riches of his grace. Can we turn back now to Luke's gospel and read again that verse?
Which we read at the beginning in the 16th chapter of Luke.
Luke chapter 16, verse 26.
And beside all this.
Between US and you, there is a great gulf.
Six, I didn't read that word at the beginning of this meeting may 'cause I'm addressing those who are still.
In the land of the living, I am addressing those who still are the objects of God's long-suffering mercy. And I must say it to you in truth, the great gulf is there, not yet sick.
But it might be this very night. May I remind you, beloved friend, as we are gathered here together, that the hour is rapidly approaching when that great gulf will be finally and forever.
6:00 So that they which would pass from thence to you cannot.
Oh, there are those who would tell us that after much suffering and many prayers.
There is a possibility of escaping the suffering that face a lost soul after death.
God's Word declares otherwise. Where do I go? He cannot come, says the Lord sees us of those who reject him. And here we find a thick gulf separating for all eternity, forever and forever. What the good from the bad?
The redeemed. The redeemed from those who spurned the offer of God's matchless grace.
Oh, what a guilty world this is in which I stand this night. I stand amazed that I should see the end of 1970 and be privileged in such a date to present the gospel of the grace of God.
From the day the Lord Jesus Christ was cast out and crucified, the long-suffering of God is astonishing to witness.
Forgive the reference.
Beloved friend I I say my soul is.
From the dark caverns of the catacombs, from the blood stained sand of the Coliseum, and from the rack and the dungeon of Europe in the dark ages, they ringed out of testimony of man's rejection of the love of God and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the cleansing virtue of the precious blood of Christ. And God looked down on all that.
And still lingers. 1970. I can hardly comprehend it.
I'm still here. I am a trophy of that long-suffering grace. I'm glad he waited for me.
He's waiting yet to make.
But I cannot promise you tomorrow that girl which now separates the redeemed from the lost may be fixed before this night is ended.
6 old friends fixed forever. And to think, to think that now, as I stand here, there are those whom I have known, beside whom I personally have sat in such meetings as these, who are gone out into eternity.
Without crying, they heard it. They heard it, and they heard it again. The offer of forgiveness at the cost of the blood of Christ was presented to them with faithfulness and with love. They rose up from their chair again and again, guilty and lost.
And rejecting or neglecting that wondrous offer of God, love. And now they're gone.
Remember one young man? I'll tell you only his first name, Wesley.
At the close of a gospel meeting, I was there and saw it happen.
Wesley walked up to the preacher that night and said I've made my decision.
All the speaker was glad to hear that, he said. I have decided that if God will give me 7 years of pleasure, I'll go to hell for it.
Can you imagine the horror of the preacher as he heard that decision?
I have decided that if God will give me 7 years of pleasure.
I am willing to go to hell for it.
The preacher fled with him that night. Wesley, take it back. You don't mean it. Yes, I do. Wesley, take it back. Stay tonight and accept Christ as your Savior. I mean it. You heard my bargain.
I want Wesley of those seven years began to roll by. Part of it was spent in terrible suffering in the hospitals. Part of it was spent behind prison bars.
And before the seven years were ended, Wesley met with a sudden, tragic, awful, flaming death.
Wesley's in eternity. God loved that boy. God played with that boy. Christ died that he might have his sin forgiven, and Wesley made that awful bargain. I know there's no one here tonight who would utter such words as these, that all beloved friends who are very indifferent as you rise up from your feet.
Without accepting Christ as your Savior, you do so at the peril of your soul's eternal destiny.
There are now souls in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there are now souls in the darkness of a lost eternal. The gulf for them is sick. Not yet for you, beloved friend, May I repeat those two verses, and may I ask you as I do.
The answer solemnly in your own soul, On which side of that gulf am I at this very moment?
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace. Is it true of you?
It can be this very moment.
You need not wait till the meeting is over and do or say something spectacular now, right now, where you sit, beloved friends, you may receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. You may accept from Him that pardon, that redemption which cost him the sharing of His own life blood. If this is not your testimony, if you cannot stay with me, as I said, by the grace.
God, in whom I have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.
I charge you before God to remember that you stand on the other side of that.
Great God and the finger of God points down this moment toward you and says, thou.
Thou art weighed in the balances, not the balances of your neighbors, but the balances of God, and are found wanting. Oh, May God grant that not one may leave this room tonight until this matter is settled.
Handmade May I request of those of us who know the Lord Jesus.
Christ of our Savior.
When this meeting is over.
We may not forget that eternal issues are at stake. There may be someone beside you, someone behind you who is a stranger to God's love and with whom the Spirit of God is working. Now, friend, you wouldn't want to spoil that by some thoughtless attitude when the meeting is over.
May God grant us for the glory of His own name.
There may be souls turned from darkness to light, from guilt to pardon, tonight.